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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12206942 No.12206942 [Reply] [Original]

>have become full blown racist towards pajeets and african niggers

>> No.12206963


Yep, same. OK, already didn't care about niggers, but really seeing how terrible pajeets are was an eye opener. Chinks too, the absolute duplicitous nature of them - I knew about the whole China Hustle thing, but damn, they're just so brazen about it.

>> No.12207003

Chinese are outright soulless. These inhuman creatures literally will run over someone and then reverse to finish the job and all their infrastructure is cheaply made which results in fatalities

>> No.12207570

indians are harworking, dedicated and ambitious
black people are much nicer than white people, most have been treated like shit their whole lives yet theyre still nice
how about you post something business related?

>> No.12207624
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No, no, China stronk

>t. nigger

>> No.12207633

How about u get off my board Rajesh, day of the loo when?

>> No.12207640

one im white enough to have cacti on my desk
two youre a waste of life

>> No.12207645


biz gave me yellow fever for azn girls and hate chinks and gooks

>> No.12207654

> Replying to your own comment.

How's XRP treating u buddy?

>> No.12207668
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2017 in crypto was a mind blowing redpill regarding the bug like behavior of chinks and the way that they blatantly rip off tech, ideas, whitepapers, etc. in order to pump their bags. I can't believe it's culturally acceptable for them to copy + paste a whitepaper and stamp their logo on it in order to make some money. In the U.S. we have been posturing as concerned about foreign interference and now I realize chinks have likely been spying on us and paying off Washington for decades.

>> No.12207673

Hey now, don't associate XRP with this retard

>> No.12207691
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>> No.12207705

But I was already racist because I have basic cognitive function and pattern recognition.

>> No.12207728

biz is really turning to shit recently
>muh who hates niggers
>muh who hates chinks

>> No.12207736
File: 231 KB, 690x956, Liehuo Ruge 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hates chinks
>Loves azn women
I don't even know where to start

>> No.12207784
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>fell for the chinks are attractive without makeup meme

>> No.12207788

>post chink who’s had eye surgery to look more white
Why not start there?

>> No.12207795

I actually started investing and taking money more serious.

>> No.12207801

Is this woman even asian? At most she's like 25 asian. Which is why she's at he 75th percentile of attractiveness.

>> No.12207844

I absolutely despise normal 9-5 work. I think about money purely in terms of how much time it would take in the wage cage to pay for anything I buy.

Want to buy $100 worth of dumb shit, well that would cost you a full day of your life working at minimum wage in most states.

I also internally think "NPC" whenever people say retarded financial or life things around me. If someone says they went out and spent $100 on drinks on Friday, and then complains about their job, I immediately think "NPC Wagecuck"

>> No.12207900
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She looks 100% asian to me. Asians are not an attractive race. Most of the attractive ones you see in kpop bands and on tv have had work done

>> No.12207913

Those eyes are 100 pct asian to you?

>> No.12207921


Yep. They're a good example of what even moderately "successful" communism does to people. I know plenty of ethnic Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia etc, and they aren't that bad on the whole (see the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong for example - they actually believe in stuff, amazing). But actual Mainland Chinks? Yep, I can't even view them as humans. They're just a "hominid", not actually human. In a way, worse than niggers - most niggers "care" in their own way about things, they're just Orcs basically that are too dumb and uncivilised most of the time to do anything intelligent (like chimps or whatever, only really an issue if you try to put them into a White society). Chinks are some sort of creepy insectoid thing though, like eating fetus soup, seriously? Jeez, /pol/ couldn't make up worse shit than stuff that's known to be true about them.

>> No.12207923

>Slanted, pitch black and soulless

>> No.12207939


Yep. They actively look up at anyone that rips them off, "Ah, such savvy businessman". They actively glorify the worst, most dishonest & retarded business practices imaginable. Even the greediest White CEO usually at least wants to be known for producing a quality product, with happy shareholders - they're like a bunch of rats just constantly tearing each other apart. Full on Illuminati-tier Lizard-Kikes must stand in awe of the insane levels of duplicity found in the typical Chink.

>> No.12207987

I’ve lived in China for 3 months and I agree. Of course there exceptions, but in general people from mainland China are despicable people.

4chan has made me dislike Islam even more (already hated it). I don’t really mind pajeets that much. Haven’t had any bad experiences with them irl. Most of them have been friendly to me.

>> No.12207999


Not all azns are Chinks, and there's a reason why even the most psycho cartoon-Nazi views them mostly as "honorary" - they're non-subhumans like Niggers or something, and in most cases are definitely superior to the more dysgenic "White Trash" types. You do know "Literal Hitler" used an Asian symbol of power for a reason right? You're actually being raysis now to think that they're all the same topkek. Hell, as I say even other ethnic Chinese from outside the mainland aren't in the same category. It's partly a "race" issue, since they're some kind of nightmarish Darwinian experiment in natural selection of the perfect factory worker for the Party - but really, it's a straight up Communism issue. They deliberately set out to crush all "bourgeois" values & people, this is the result. Old China had values not unlike anyone else (seriously, go read the Analects of Confucius), but the current inhabitants just aren't the same creatures at all.

>> No.12208122


Where do/did you live? I lived in Chengdu for 13 months. Do you mind if I ask your height, eye color and skin color? I'm 6'4", white with blue eyes, so I received favorable treatment there (especially in CD where there still aren't *too* many foreigners).

The Chinese govt is trying to bring back in older values. I do recall them saying that they want to export their culture and I remember thinking "There is nothing about Chinese culture post-1949 worth importing"; I think they realize that too. Also nice trips.

>> No.12208163

>t. American born chink
You’re still two steps below human

>> No.12208175
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>> No.12208181

lmao same

>> No.12208233
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Dunno I got JUSTED way more by bogan white trash projects than chinks.

White trash just take your money and run. At least chinks and gooks bother with marketing and exchange listings.

>> No.12208663

The project is called CanYa, what did u expect to happen, lmao.

CanYa Give Us Your Money pls sir.
Good job.

>> No.12208679

>constantly grabbing at my wife’s tits saying “gib milkies”
>constantly saying “pee pee poo poo”
Doesn’t help I had a baby recently but there’s really no excuse for this behavior.

>> No.12208799

as a non-white. it has just confirmed that all white people are racists and really shitty individuals ruled only by money and hate. Spiritually sick people.

>> No.12208976

>t. pedo

>> No.12209529
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But we're racists for good reasons.

>> No.12209542

Hahahaha, Musical instruments they came up with: Banging 2 sticks together & blowing through a stick.

Absolute state.

>> No.12209782

>Asian symbol of power
You are a retard the oldest swastika in the world is from the ukraine. It is an european symbol dont talk bullshit if you dont know anything. Read about the greek europeans influencing buddhism and rethink your view of "asian culture"

>> No.12209792

And another thing the more you dig into it the more you find in particular germanic whites account for most of the advancements made in human history it is not a meme. It is just questionable how many of us still have these strong genes and how many got lost in the wars

>> No.12209815
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I objectify women.

>> No.12210071

Just pajeets for me, chinks a little too maybe

>> No.12210125

Realized chinks are the worst scum in the planet.

Wagecucking is getting worse and worse and not even worth it because you can't even buy a fucking house.

>> No.12210126
