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12205429 No.12205429 [Reply] [Original]

In the old days one could just pick up a sword and go on exciting adventures to collect Shillings

Now you have to work at walmart or Quizznos for 50 years stacking shelves. How did we let this happen

>> No.12205462

In the old days you would get a sliver in your hand and have to get the whole shit amputated.

I'm glad we live in the time we live in now.

>> No.12205494

In the old days, you also had the plague, polio, leprosy and a 35 year life expectancy.

>> No.12205524

You can still go adventuring and live a life as a nomad. You just dont have the desire to live that way. Just like you wouldn't want to do it back in the day, because it would be hard.

>> No.12205527

>35 year life expectancy
That’s a meme fampai. The average is skewed due to infant mortality. If you made it out of your teenage years you had a pretty good shot at making it past 60.

>> No.12205535

During the Roman empire, average life expectancy was over 100 years.
In the current days, we have AIDS and EM radiation diseases like cancer

>> No.12205539

not true fucking mong. when you get cuts do you need to go to the hospital and get antibiotics?
the worst thing about today is everyone is a fucking faggot

>> No.12205556
File: 201 KB, 861x929, boomerinhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worst thing about today is everyone is a fucking faggot

>> No.12206428


This. Even the Bible mentions living to 80 or 90 as the typical age.

>> No.12206451

>over 100 in Rome

Sauce? Might well be true, curious to see it and why. Quick search didn't show anything.

>> No.12206480

bruh just look at the known lifespans of different figures from throughout the empire on wikipedia or smthing. > 100 years is certainly an exaggeration but a lot of dudes who made it through early childhood were comfortably living to 70-80

>> No.12206485

Prehistoric people had better dental health than us.


>> No.12206635

>muh 20 years life expectancy
is that the most retarded meme in existence ? My grandpa literally never took any pills never had surgeries or antibiotics and lived to 80s. I've never been sick in my life where I had to take a pill or I die also, no one in my family has.

Once you made it past the infancy you could live over 70 easily, unles. Living past 40s is overrated anyway, I'd rather live a short life full of adventures than be a 90 year old boomer working at walmart

>> No.12206898

>pick up a sword and go adventuring
Ask me how I know you spend most of your free time playing video games

>> No.12206911

This lol

>> No.12206929

>the absolute state of gaymers
in the old days your great great great grandfather plowed the fields caked in dirt and gave half his shillings to his lord

>> No.12206930

that's actually how a lot of countries were founded, such as Iceland and Greenland for example. some dude got sick of shit around town so he hopped on a boat with a few other people and went and settled somewhere cool and made a new community. OP is right in saying you can't do that anymore.

you two are idiots

>> No.12206940

Everyone assumes they will be the protagonist of some epic adventure story instead of some worthless peon that gets slain in the opening scene

>> No.12206946

>t. Vidya game addict cope

>> No.12208070

Citing the bible for anything

>> No.12208099

lol no... life expectancy in ancient rome was under 30 years easily... niggas at the age of 16 were joining legions and getting rekt in the frontlines for the glory of the empire... not to mention plagues, famine, barbarians and all that shit

>> No.12208227

It isn't hard to live a long life. Stop buying shitty ass processed foods, sodas, sugary shit etc. Just eat protein, fish, eggs, etc and fruit. If you can find organic versions of these things for cheap, then that's a plus. Why is discipline such a hard concept to grasp for Amerifats?

>> No.12208258

In the old days you would have died of cholera aged 4

>> No.12208304

Truthbomb bitchmade /biz/ bitches can't handle

>> No.12208362


You forgot not being a fatass and fasting once in awhile. There's been a lot of research done lately on fasting and apparently it's healthier than we realized. In fact eating 3 meals a day might actually be worse for you in the long run, and it's a more recent development. People only used to eat when they were truly hungry. Now we eat because it's a specific time of day even when we shouldn't.

>> No.12208393

100 years is not over exaggeration, all those people that have a wiki died from assination or is he likes because they were promonent figures back then , the jew doesnt tell u this because imagine the back lash when people find out they r dying n getting cancer from all the pesticide non organic foof they r eating

>> No.12208404

pretty sure if you took out a sword and just went out with the intention of gaining money, it would could as "adventure" aswell

>> No.12208430




>> No.12209527

No because you and everyone else is already pumped full of resistances and vaccines to the point where you can barely even get an infection from other people, both because they don't really have any and also because you have an artificially built resistance to almost all major infections you do encounter.
My grandma grew up in rural europe and had to be taken 200 km away to a hospital because she cut her finger dicing onions as a kid. One of her cousins also died from a common cold.

>> No.12209561

I see anon has been reading Foucault again.

>> No.12209584
File: 44 KB, 550x422, 26C16987-A96F-4F11-9706-60E078AFEB99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he cant pick up a sword and do all those things right now
You can only do it for a few hours tho

>> No.12209604

>35 year life expectancy.

>he believe in talmudvision lies
Never gonna make it

>> No.12209612

Your grandma going to the hospital for a finger cut doesn't mean everyone died from small cuts before modern medicine existed. People still die from common diseases today because there's no vaccine for it.

>> No.12209617

common cold*

>> No.12209648

You can still get aids

>> No.12209681
File: 590 KB, 684x1735, 1477929994-20161031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally OP

This is such a dumb romanticized version of the middle ages I can't even

>> No.12209687

Population vs resources

>> No.12209775

Fuck you, my great great great grandfather killed redcoats.

>> No.12209781

The Bible mentions people living for 900+ years lmfao