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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12204942 No.12204942 [Reply] [Original]

>62 btc

>> No.12204994

3-5 million, 6 or more if you're lucky

>> No.12205066

62$ or 6,2 million, I would say 70% chance for 62$.

>> No.12205440
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Honestly and unironically, I’m of the opinion that protocols like OxBTC are the future of mining and tokenage. I’m also of the opinion that BTC is likely to reach 2400 to 1000 and consolidate sideways for a while.

So if I had 62BTC at my disposal after this latest rally up, I’d sell 1/4 to 1/3 of it and hedge against the unlikely possibility that BTC will become the MySpace of crypto, worst case, or just a secure store of value at best.

With that said, I unironically am bullish on Etherium no longer being a currency as I now believe it will finally function how it was meant to, as the backbone of a network, leaving utilitarian tokens to take on the business of facilitating the following...
>1) an easily tradeable and mined currency that integrates the best of Bitcoin and Etherium while solving the worst problems of both; scalability, transaction times, high fees, energy consumption, ICO Wales, endless forking, etc
wut is 0xBTC
>2) a payment protocol like PayPal
wut is REQ
>3) a cloud computing protocol
wut is iExec/RLC
>4) a smart contract protocol
wut is LINK
>5) smart contract auditing protocol
wut is Quantstamp
>6) instant currency conversion protocol
wut is Kyber Network
>7) dark pool exchange
wut is REN

There are likely competitors that will emerge to the above mentioned projects that are specializing in their specific niche. But if anything, the above projects illustrate the type of environment that is likely to emerge from the ashes of this bear market.

So, if BTC does end up being a relic of the past, I’d be hedging accordingly, knowing that if I’m wrong and BTC surpasses its ATF i’ll still be comfy af.