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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 1540x1408, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12204878 No.12204878 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody buys anything there anymore.

>> No.12204904

just bought something on there the other day

>> No.12204914

i sell 2.5 million a year on there, growing annually. so i disagree.

>> No.12204916

Prices tend to be better for niche items like used vidya than Amazon.

>> No.12204921

Only place I can find a lot of the old motorcycle parts I'm looking for

>> No.12204929

Many times i was about to order stuff from amazon but then found a better deal from an ebay seller t b h

>> No.12204932

What do you sell?

>> No.12204936

computer parts.

>> No.12204938

I just bought an Amzon on ebay your turd

>> No.12204944

Thanks to all the dropshipping niggers.

Seriously I was looking for this particular type of headphones and saw a listing of them going for $350-400 on eBay while on the official site and even fucking Amazon they were selling them for what they were actually worth at $250 w/ free shipping

>> No.12204980

I wouldn't even believe you if this was 2006. Dropshipping is dead due to how over saturated it's become and most dropshippers are now selling their shit on flea markets.

Also the major giveaway that I know you're larping is you would have to be branching out with your own products on your own site if you were gonna make that much

t. Former dropshipfag from 2009-2015

>> No.12204999

is it an obvious larp, the computer part comment settled it

>> No.12205023

i dont drop ship. we design many parts, like cases and what not. i warehouse it all in a 14k sqft building.

if you dont believe me, that is fine. cheers.

>> No.12205041

I actually bought lens there last week.

>> No.12205044

how much u make a month? how many sites/products?

i started a ali reselling site, it pays the monthly seo i put on it for now

>> No.12205057

Why would you use eBay to buy chainlink?

>> No.12205082

I buy shit on ebay all the fucking time retard

>> No.12205131
File: 96 KB, 719x715, zoomer girl nico3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whatever reason it seems like there are less people on ebay trying to jew others. I got an IBM Model M for $100 on there and it was in almost mint condition.

>> No.12205153

Shitload of old people use it for antiques and whatnot. It's good for that.

>> No.12205169

Mercari and Let Go are better

>> No.12205193

>we design many parts, like cases and what not. i warehouse it all in a 14k sqft building.

So you're a glorified cell phone case kiosk that makes 7 figures annually. gotcha. thanks for the clarification.

>> No.12205215

>buying from ebay
>calling other people retarded

>> No.12205217

keep on assuming you know what i sell.

i dont make 7 figures annually, i gross that. dolt.

>> No.12205218

Yeah, those grapes are sour as fuck bro, I wouldn’t want them either.

>> No.12205227

People have made more selling dumber shit than that.

>> No.12205238

Wow so jelly of a fellow anon for making it big instead of being happy for him. Not everybody that uses chans is a useless basement dweller

>> No.12205242


>> No.12205245
File: 139 KB, 1200x1517, bezos03498534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up jeff

>> No.12205256

I buy tons of stuff on there. They hand out 10% ebay bucks and 15% off coupons like candy, and I don't have to pay sales tax.

>> No.12205269

idk why its so hard for him to believe someone that hangs out in the business and finance section of a website happens to own a business that can bring in 7k a day on the internet. its not a big deal at all.

but hes a failed drop shipper, like all the others. i can see why hes so buttstomped.

>> No.12205273

but it makes them feel better if they think everyone on here doesn't have a life.

>> No.12205574

>worth $250

Negro, you are not smart if you pay that for fucking headphones. I bet you listen to mp3s with them, too.

>> No.12205812

I buy there a lot. If you're trying to sell cheap Chinese junk it's way too over saturated to compete. Amazon is the place to do that now and that's also getting to bad as well.

>> No.12205890

I believe you
in retail grossing a mil is "easy" (hard work)
profiting a mil is hard (real hard)

>> No.12205948


Ebay is clunky af - you really think they have pajeets spamming here? Topkek, good one brainlet.

>> No.12205949

lmao look how mad you are bitch

>> No.12205966


This. I want to get back into dropshipping, figuring out a product is really tough

>> No.12206104
File: 347 KB, 431x716, 121413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely Seething

Why are you so pissed by someone making it? I worked for a guy recently (built his website) who had done just as anon said, made the jump from dropshipping to a combination of his own products & refurbished second hand parts. It's the natural progression, some stop at dropshipping because it's easy (I never went further than that), others keep going and build a "real" business. That's a really unhealthy attitude you have fren, I know business is "competitive" but actually having resentment of anyone that's ahead in the game is going to hold you back. Better to ask him how he got there, tips and tricks etc. That's literally what the board is for, outside of pajeets shilling shitcoins.

>> No.12206334

chink shit. it is like normie alibaba. Nobody sells 2nd hand anymore cause you get raped. People would rather take their chances on CL getting physically raped than get financially raped.

>> No.12206344


can you tell me where your parts are manufactured? or how I can get into getting my own parts manufactured? any companies you recommend?

>> No.12206501

>80 billion dollars yearly GMV
>noone buys anything
you're a brainlet.

>> No.12206545

Ebay is THE marketplace for sportscards

>> No.12206571

I buy only when I get a 10-20% off coupon and if the seller didnt raise the price during coupon time.

>> No.12206671

ebay fucked up with minimum reserve

you go to bid on an item and "sorry you have not yet met the reserve", it's like a guessing game to find the right bid. dumb as fuck

>> No.12206726

Dafuq douche, ebay is based af for buyers, desu senpai. Kinda expensive for sellers though and easy to get fucked by the unscrupulous. Ebay supports small business instead of the Amazon beast.

>> No.12206750

sure. i started by making them myself, got a lead from a friend of a friend for getting supplies from a place in china. they were on alibaba, but alibaba was an unknown thing at the time. i rolled the dice and sent them about a grand, and the stuff showed up. shortly after after that they offered to produce the whole thing turn key for less than i could source the raw materials in america for. i realized then i only need to make 1 of something rather than hundreds, just send the 1 to them, and then i could focus on making something else. its snowballed to the point now i have almost 1000 items and try to keep stock the best i can of them, and work with multiple suppliers in china now for all kinds of parts. i wire out about a million a year collectively and warehouse it all here. there is no drop shipping involved. if i dont have it on the shelf, i cant sell it, so keeping inventory properly is one of the MANY hats i wear.

if youre going to find a company on alibaba, be very careful. its a total gamble. when one is solid, you build the relationship from there and consider yourself lucky. but its very easy to get burned.

of the 1000 or so parts, the tower cases are a handful. i sell a myraid of stuff on there, so definitely not a kiosk phone case business on ebay lol.

>> No.12206771

>i started by making them myself
how do you make a computer case yourself? prototyping with US prototyping firms? making it in your garage?

any companies you recommend specifically?

>> No.12206837

do you have any trips or tricks on how to become such a reasonable fella

>> No.12206851

hobby turned into a job.

i don't. there's an infinite amount of sellers on there, you'll have to roll your own dice and carve your own path with that.

>> No.12206875

wow thanks for the vague useless advice!

>> No.12206895

This thread is filled with painfully obvious shills

>> No.12206903

what do you expect, he's shilling.

>> No.12206924


>> No.12206941

what do you mean? you want me to spoon feed you my suppliers that i risked thousands of dollars to figure out? i dont owe you anything.

shilling what specifically?
sure are alot of butthurt people in here.

>> No.12206947


>> No.12206950
File: 4 KB, 318x159, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12206960

you cant even tell how you made your computer cases before finding your supplier

you dont just manufacture a computer case in your garage faggot

>> No.12206962

Not true, my Dad (boomer/professional NEET), has collected thousands of dollars of fine art there. You have to know what you're doing.

>> No.12206969


>> No.12207011

yeah, no ones ever made something before. you should go ask diy. this board isnt for you.

>> No.12207277

Lots of people shop on ebay. They do a lot of huge sales too.

>> No.12207390

I bought two used laptops and three posters off it this month.

>> No.12207401

You sound like this Polish retard that comes into my job bragging that he makes $10k a day trading options. Meanwhile he lives illegally in subsidized housing.

>> No.12207412

I love how JP has become a joke. He deserved it, I guess, he pushed things too far and acted like an expert about things he was just guessing about.

>> No.12207421

How much of that is profit?

>> No.12207441

I buy antiquarian books there.

>> No.12207455
File: 2.86 MB, 320x240, gas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing at all you said makes him a retard?!Sounds like uber-based mega-Chad Pole. Prolly fuckin lotsa wimmens too.

>> No.12207513

>not buying your obscure pre-20th century literature reprinted from India

Sir, what are you doing sir, you could be saving yourself very many rupees. I like it way better... they obviously don't have all the charm of very old books, but they don't smell horrible either, they're newly printed, mostly POD

>> No.12207697

ok? i own a home in full with a nice dd owned in full and a sports car in the garage owned in full. also play in the stock market and have a good buffer in my bank. so.

30%. split half with my business partner, 15. trump takes a third. so, all said and done 10 cents of every dollar that comes in goes in my pocket.

over half of that my business partner and i leave into the business so we can grow it.

>> No.12207712

post camaro

>> No.12207727

why wont you tell supplier? can you explain in detail how you made your first computer cases before you linked up with the chinks?

>> No.12207752

im not broke.

theres 100000000 suppliers on alibaba. you want me to tell you the few i have, that i have working not fast as i want, so you can buy from them and become my competitor? are you really that dense?

as for the cases i whittled them out of my poop.

didnt i say i have 1000 part numbers and the cases are a handful? like 10 or so? youre more hung up on the cases than the retard 20 posts up.

>> No.12207888

Based. Ignore the losers itt. Great work building a real biz, especially with eBay of all places. Top fucking kek at the losers itt btw, hard to believe these people exist.

>> No.12208401

i have a booming sports card business. it just depends on what you sell anon

>> No.12208671

i buy my GPUs there. i get them for about half the retail price its awesome