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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12202630 No.12202630 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so subhuman when reading the Twitter feeds of silicon valley types. They're all starting ten companies and are millionaires in their 20s. And the ones in their 40s and 50s say that their teenage kids all became bitcoin millionaires.

It is peak American go-getting mixed with peak American nerd smarts. These people deserve to take over the world

>> No.12202635

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.12202666

You idiot, those retarded kids inherited millions they are literally retarded and most will be broke by the time they're 60.
Start fighting or keep feeling sorry for your self wagie

>> No.12202679

just be yourself

>> No.12202680



Stop this wishful thinking just world bs. Some people live easier, more productive, higher IQ lives

>> No.12202690

You forget that their funding came from government back subsidies aka the banks and the central bank. Hence your tax dollars made them millionaires and billionaires.
>justed without knowing it

>> No.12202712

They inherited the ability to grow up in a environment of silicon valley entrepreneurs. this is much more important than any money they could've inherited.
Vitalik is a son of a nerd father. So is Dan Larimer.

>> No.12202732

This, autistic parents are the key to success.

>> No.12202737

desu there's many in my family and friends so I can give you a more realistic views.

They all make good money. Enough to buy the latest Mercedes brand new in a non-amg motor with still AMG package. So in average 60.000-90.000€

Now they have a great distance between their current incomes and the million. But I wouldn't be surprised to see them millionaire at age 30.

I never saw someone starting at 16 and becoming millionaire at 20. It's possible and I hope for them that they will enjoy their career for long because it wouldnt be my case...

>> No.12202762

Rich autistic parents who were forced by their environment to act in a civil manner. Not that common.
Just having autismo parents will wreck you more often than not.

>> No.12202781

Don't even bother. I doubt anyone in this thread knows what it means to be in the red.

>> No.12202818



The reality is usually the kids of the rich become rich aswell. The kids of the poor will usually stay poor.

>> No.12202830

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.12202837
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>> No.12203035

idk why you're receiving flak, defeatist attitudes like >>12202680 make me sicker than i already am