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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 541 KB, 800x450, Header GXY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1219648 No.1219648 [Reply] [Original]

The official moonstock of /biz/.

GXY Pros:
> Mt. Cat mine running and being upgraded w/ capability of additional ore being generated
> No other WA company has running mine
> $36M agreement to contract for initial production
> $18M of contract to be paid pre-delivery by 3/31
> Mine being run by GMM who is paying GXY to do so (and getting 1/2 profits)
> Really good people running company now vs. prior assclowns
> GXY disclosures match what recent presentation showed
> GXY has strong network of Chinese buyers
> Has over $200M (AUS) unused tax credits from sale of Chinese disaster mine
> Paradice Investors recently purchased significant stock (and did business inspection)
> Future market for lithium is expected to grow significantly
> Some Czech guy is allegedly making a website

GXY Cons:
> Agreement to contract is with Chinese and is not a formal contract
> No press-release that $18M was received on 3/31
> Quality of ore from Mt. Cat that is being processed is currently up for debate
> Pending lawsuit in HK with Chinese buyer of disaster mine ($2-3M)
> Sal De Vida and St. James Bay are years away from production
> Shitposters plaster threads with speculative graphs

GXY Non-Events/Neutrals:
> Mitsubishi has exclusive for product, but GXY can sell to others until Mitsubishi wants ore
> Acorn Capital sold many shares - funds to this all the time and recent Paradice investment negates
> Stock does have volatility due to speculators galore

How do I buy GXY

> IF BURGER: GALXF (Traded on OTC Market)

Can I Trade w/ Robinhood

> Nope.

Is this a Pump & Dump?!?!!

Nope. See above.

>What is your price target

Assuming lithlium prices continue their unprecedented rise much higher than currently trading.

>> No.1219698

Thanks for the proper GXY thread. Other is shit. Up 7% today. ER was good news

>> No.1219711

Houston, we have liftoff.

>> No.1219714

When and where can i find the ER.
im hoping to get in on GXY tomorrow for the long run

>> No.1219742


>> No.1219773

No problem. ER is good, missing some facts I would like, (did they get $18M yet), but does show the mine is running and they are working on processing. They did confirm written agreements on purchasers which was a subtle, but distinct, difference from prior releases.

>> No.1219793

Yup. Contract price locked and first batch out in a few months

>> No.1219833

If gxy is .37 why is galxf still at .29

>> No.1219865

>18m to be paid

They didn't get it yet

>> No.1219873

GXY is in AUD, GALXF is in USD

>> No.1219905

It's most likely being brokered

>> No.1219943

I cant even trade OTC stocks with my brokerage anyways

>> No.1219977

Get a better broker

>> No.1219994

I'll have to get a secondary one for just OTCs but I have to find one with decent fees, I only wanna pay a single flat fee per trade like $9.99 etc

>> No.1220022


>> No.1220086

Can etrade trade GALXF?

>> No.1220096

Any legitimate broker can. I used to use eTrade but switched to scottrade because of lower trading fees.

>> No.1220293

Is she goin back up now? Or are we in bull trap phase?

>> No.1220423
File: 1.60 MB, 5200x3444, 35886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Janitor reporting in, 1500 additional shares purchased. Ready to go down with the ship!


>> No.1220424

We're in bull trap phase, lithium is flooding the market and Galaxy is going bankrupt. Sell now before it goes down to nothing in a year's time.

>> No.1220467

>Galaxy is going bankrupt

Have you even read anything about the company you stupid faggot?

Tse decreased the debt from 200 million to 20 million. Eat shit with your disinfo.

>> No.1220471

MY MAN!.. hold me.. im scared..

>> No.1220564

Yeak its fucked sell now Im out several tens of k

>> No.1220570

Fuck!!!!!!!! Lithium price crashed

>> No.1220619

Woah calm down, it's a meme you dip

>> No.1220624
File: 134 KB, 1360x989, GXY CRAP itulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day traders pumping it- Chartist say dump it

>> No.1220627

naah the Day traders are manipulating it up for another pump'n'dump meanwhile the chart worshipers a trying to fulfill their own prophecy

>> No.1220629


Memes that are complete lie should be a ban level offense on /biz/.

>> No.1220642

>mfw I'm down 850 dollars ..
>mfw I have no face since I blew it off with my shotgun

>> No.1220644

The Chartist worshipers say its got to bounce off the bottom .30-.20 the daytraders shills NOW want it to go up to .40 so who is gonna win?

>> No.1220648

put in a buy order for 1cent above you buy price. Or even half a cent above . too many ,manipulators in this stock

>> No.1220650

I see OP called it with the shitty/speculative graphs.

>> No.1220653

Yeah, I am dissapoint.

>> No.1220661

I just want to profit a little.. I'm flying to michigan on sunday and would like to fly first class

Maybe i'll put in a buy when it opens tomorrow morning

>> No.1220665

so why'd you post the bullshit graph?

>> No.1220667

Because I don't think it makes any difference.

>> No.1220670

>>1220665 read this
>>1220644 it is really how many followers of either of these groups that determines a share price

>> No.1220680

Also OP is strangely absent! since it popped at .49

>> No.1220690
File: 83 KB, 809x989, gxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats a good price to bail out for you all lets pick one .38 .39 .40 what I doubt we'll see more than that unles we all bid a sell order in at the highest price .495 ?

>> No.1220703

SELL gxy AT THIS PRICE .405 .410 .420

>> No.1220704

god fucking damnit IM SO FUCKING BAD AT THIS

I sold when it was at it's lowest on this recent dip because i thought it was going to keep fucking falling and NOW ITS RAISING I JUST HAD TO WAIT TWO MORE FUCKING DAYS AND I'D BE FINE FUCK

>> No.1220708

did you break even?

>> No.1220711

Stop basing your decisions on emotions. Most rallies that are not created from good news/ events are temporary pumps, by the time you hear about them and buy you're trying to ride the coattails and the dump is incoming. If you believe the company has fundamentals, wait for the dump and buy in

>> No.1220713

no. I'm down 800 dollars

>> No.1220716


>> No.1220720

Put a sell order in for just a bit more than you bought a leave it if you want out.

>> No.1220722

Chalk it up to a learning experience. Thankfully 800 isn't much.

You know what the biggest failures of traders are? It's that they're loss averse, and this causes them to buy too late and sell too soon.

>> No.1220725

GXY climbing.. I already sold man. I need to rebuy if I want in.

Yeah.. I made plenty of mistakes during this process, but it's been fun overall and a great learning experience. I will continue to watch this company. Being 800 in the green would have been nice though.

>> No.1220733

Naah >>1220644 this if the stock goes down today the CHARTIST worshippers will buy in 'cos the chart says so. if the daytraders pumpin it win and it stays where it is or more wait longer till the chartist wins .

>> No.1220744

if the chartist win then it will dump to a new a low/..vYou think this is the bull trap the huh?

>> No.1220761

They say it will go up. Apparently the chartist want it to bounce OFF t that low. But pumpin by day traders Fights that. that If you know what I mean?

>> No.1220764

Don't take my advice word for word., Im probably in the same spot as you.

>> No.1220765

Hmm not really.. it seems that you're saying that both chartists and day traders want it to go up so how are they fighting one another?

>> No.1220768
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If this is your first time trading, start small fellow /biz/ bro. Learn to hold for longer periods. Also don't worry about missing this or that train, opportunities will always come by.

>> No.1220774

Yes but chartist want it to go down according to their faith in charts before they will be happy it goes up. Its like OCD.

>> No.1220776
File: 11 KB, 520x350, ElliottWave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it does go up, they might probably view it as wave 3 of the elliot wave pattern which is really great.

>> No.1220780

Chartist won't buy in until the SP matches the charts regardless of all else. Thats just my take on it. no offence to chartists.

>> No.1220784


Thank you both.. I might buy back in tomorrow then hope for a good weekend. Starting new job on monday so I hope I start with some extra dough..

>> No.1220787

>think i might buy back in at a higher price than what I originally sold at


>> No.1220801

I learnt that as soon as it goes(in penny stocks) up just sell don't worry about missing out especially with the amount of manipulation its hard to just look at the fundamentals etc

>> No.1220825

If it continues down this path I only need 1 - 2 days in the positive then i'll be back to my original ammount plus some.


Okay.. Thank you. That's great advice that I wish I had followed because there was a point when I was up 1000 dollars

>> No.1220835

Just a story.
I bought dbs stocks (SGX:BN4) at 13.89 in March. It then dropped to 13.02 ( my s/l was triggered at 13.30). At this point, most people would have sweared off that stock. But when it went up to 14.24 a few days later, I bought again, and the stock went on to a high of 16 dollars.
(I did have a reason though, because that fundamentally, the stock's NPV was undervalued at under 1, and for banks which have high liquidity, that is like getting a dollar for every 80-90 cents you put in.)
Anyway if anyone do want to buy back, do so in small amounts
t. Shareholder of GXY with 5k shares

>> No.1220848

me too thats the learning curve .
>>1220835 ive read that the manipulators (hedge funds etc) purposely trigger stop losses in order to do just that.

>> No.1220857


I mean.. GXY used to be valued at over 2 dollars so I don't see why it wouldn't shoot up to that eventually

Have any ideas as to why it wouldn't?

>> No.1220872

do you pay tax on gains you make only when you withdraw the money from your account?
>buy gxy at .10 and sell at .40
>take money from selling and buy some other companies shares
would you pay tax in this scenario?

>> No.1220873

People who have an interest in pushing it down to buy in regardless of fundamentals. Options traders hedge funds etc

>> No.1220876

Its is subject to capital gains tax in Oz. keep all records of buy and sell your trading platform shuld have this. I am still to lean more about this.

>> No.1220879

Commsec apparently has a thing that you download and put into etax.
Haven't found it yet.

>> No.1220882

If you add the amounts spent then minus from the sell amounts (if there is a profit) this is the taxable portion

>> No.1220889

Oops I meant SGX:D05, BN4 is Keppel Corp

>> No.1220890

So every trade that profits is taxable regardless of how big or small it is.
So if I turn 100 bucks into 1000 from a pump/dump, I cant invest that entire 1000 into something else?

>> No.1220901

You can, the money that you get from selling stuff isnt automatically taxed.
You declare what you made/lost at tax time.

>> No.1220906

No, you can put all of it into another trade but come tax time it will show up as a profit. You don't pay the tax as you go only at the end of the financial year is my understanding.

>> No.1220912

Likewise if you take that 1000 bucks put it into a stock that loses then sell it that is a loss offsetting the first gain. it all comes out when you tally it all up at the end of June.

>> No.1220919

Canadian btw
Right now I cant trade OTCs with my current brokerage so thats why I was wondering if I opened a cash trading account for OTCs

Currently I just have a TFSA trading account and I dont have to pay tax on any gains that I make with my trades

>> No.1220934

i feel like i'm just getting played by the big money guys.. this is probably normal though for small fries..

>> No.1220935

I wish people would stop saying dumb shit like this. Let me explain why it will never hit $2 a share.

GXY hit $2 per share in September 2009. At that time, they had 76 million shares on issue, giving them a market cap of $152M.

Since then, nearly 7 years have passed, the management and structure of the company have completely changed, and GXY has been issuing lots and lots of shares. So already, you really can't compare then and now.

But, today GXY has 1.3 BILLION shares outstanding, and is currently trading at about $.385 per share.

This gives GXY a market capitalization of $450M.

Today, GXY is three times more valuable than it was in 2009.

If GXY shares were to hit $2 again (assuming no change in equity structure), this would imply a market cap of ~$2.2 billion. This would rank GXY as the 20th largest mining company on the ASX, and be comparable to companies like Northern Star Resources and Oz minerals.

Stop saying it's going to go up to $2. It's really, really not going to.

>> No.1220936

and here comes the 800K shares to sell at .40


>> No.1220942


Thank you for your wisdom. I'm just such a fucking noob that a lot of this is beyond me. Thanks man

>> No.1220950
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Dont really know if will have an effect

>> No.1220952

And now you have the Day traders trying to manipulate the SP The Chartists trying to make it fit to the charts and the technical junkies talking it down becasue the figures don't add up put all those together no wonder its stagnating.

>> No.1220959

>he SP

sorry m8 what does SP stand for?

>> No.1220969

you're welcome pal.

now stop investing in shit you don't understand just because 4chan told you to.

>> No.1220972


>> No.1220991

Meh.. it was a good learning experience. If I was more experienced in this whole matter I could have profitted! oh well.. hindsight..

anyhow cheers


>> No.1221056


>> No.1221057
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>> No.1221068
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>> No.1221096


>> No.1221112

"China and Russia Team Up to Launch the World’s Largest Lithium Ion Battery Plant" http://inhabitat.com/china-and-russia-team-up-to-launch-the-worlds-largest-lithium-ion-battery-plant/

>> No.1221122

Already hit.40 today and 10:30am

>> No.1221131

yes that needs to happen again to break the stalemate.
also Little chance of interest rate cut in Australia. "Avast majority of economists still expect rates to be held steady at a record low of 2.0 percent" http://hotcopper.com.au/resources/australia-nz-dlrs-firm-vs-usd-but-slip-vs-speedy-yen.6909/#.VyLauDEmG9I

>> No.1221138

Gold bugs clinging to gold in the event of a rate cut

>> No.1221165

those interest rates cant last forever, Canada housing market is going to collapse soon too I feel.

>> No.1221359

back in game, the galactic casino is now open

>> No.1221362

> Some Czech guy is allegedly making a website
> yes im 2 % away from daylait.com guys

>> No.1221398

So by your estimation then what is the absolute peak that it can hit?

>> No.1221414

Been in /biz for about a.month now.... Wtf is daylait, a trading site? Seriously, a place where the serious investors can talk? Wtf is it

>> No.1221421

Absolute peak? No one knows that.

But on GXY's website there's a bunch of research reports. The most recent one from April 18 gives a price target of $.50, which would give GXY a market cap of about $600m.

Read the report yourself, and you'll see that it's very conservative with its estimates (and rightly so). They are conservative with estimates because a multitude of things could go wrong at any given time.

It's possible that everything goes better than forecast, and in 2017 GXY announces a $40M profit (at $.5 per share, this would give a P/E of ~10) and an accompanying share buyback. A few years of excellent year on year growth and aggressive share buybacks, and you just might see a $2 share price.

It's also possible that all these new entrants into the market could drive down the price of lithium, or the high price of lithium results in the development of alternative technologies, or it could be as simple as GXY being screwed over by their customers, and even with a running mine things just aren't that great or profitable at all, and the share price just stagnates forever.

>> No.1221489

no not trading, I will summarize everything about gxy/biz, look up for news, curate all the info + there will be articles/discussion about possibly other related stocks

>> No.1221500
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the info you need is right here lad!

>> No.1221502

Not if you buy GXY shill hard then everyone Buys GXY shills hard etc instead of buying then complaining about some shit!~! thats just fucked!

>> No.1221513
File: 83 KB, 709x579, GXY moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GXY is a BUY
>The charts have spoken

>> No.1221578

Slew of reports just posted on asx including annual report. Get reading and find that $18M!!!

>> No.1221591

No 18M. Recycled shit and voting shit.

>> No.1221627

I don't think anyone is too worried .385 today.

>> No.1221766

Money is coming back boys! Waiting for that gradual increase for the big ones.

>> No.1221773

Some healthy profit taking. Company isn't a paper trade. They're a real mine with actually product to sell

>> No.1221782

Broke the .30 on USA side. Now we need to break .40 on AUS

>> No.1222011

>Waiting for that gradual increase for the big ones.

What do you mean by this?

The sell offs at the 40 AUS?

>> No.1222026

Holding for the long run when they actually start selling shit from the mine.

>> No.1222074

Whole market is burning and GALXF is my only green stock today

>> No.1222190


Just wait until they confirm shipment in July/August following receipt of the first part of the contracted funds.

>> No.1222313

think there will be a steady rise until then or a relative stagnation around where we are now?

>> No.1222336

A up/down slow climb most likely now that the "hype" phase is over with.

As GXY's production ramps up, so will the share price.

>> No.1222424

Why are Australian websites so tacky looking?

>> No.1222529

Is today a public holiday in Australia? It's Friday, I thought markets were open.

>> No.1222531

Hard to say. Any rise without information is going to based on aspects that don't involve the company itself. (1) Speculation; (2) Professionals buying/dumping according to plans not associated with the company; or (3) Lithium market conditions. (China having an economic crisis would also be dubious.)

>> No.1222546

Today is Saturday
Monday is a public holiday though

>> No.1222631

QLD fag detected

>> No.1222632

ASX is open on monday btw

>> No.1222660


Time zone difference bruh

>> No.1223056
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Interest rates: what will RBA do on tuesday?

>> No.1223061
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Also BUDGET release on monday. wait for the whining to begin 'muh welfare' muh handouts'

>> No.1223110

You dumping soon?

>> No.1223248
File: 1.34 MB, 2805x1059, GXYTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my own amateur technical analysis of GXY. Hopefully it can help anons with managing their positions, entries and stop losses.

1. Stock enters an uptrend in a price consolidation phase on Feb 8. Support and resistance are clearly defined.
2. Stock breaks out from resistance in a price expansion phase early April. Note the hammer and bullish engulfing candlesticks which support the breakout at the resistance level.
3. Price expansion is further confirmed by a bull flag pattern, and then a marubozu.
4. Now this is interesting. Indecision start to appear in the form of a shooting star and a doji on April 18-19
5. Price hits the 0.5 resistance level and comes tumbling down.

What's next?
I would say that trend lines 1 and 2 would be the support for the stock.
Scenario 1. Stock starts to consolidate on support line 2. (Supported by the ADX indicator)
Scenario 2. Bearish signals near resistance line 2 -> Price falls to the Fibonacci support of 0.31 or 0.26
Scenario 3. Stock breaks out of the 0.5 price - > Rocket lands on the moon

*Note that this is for the short term trend.
**Ren-chon a cute

>> No.1223850


>> No.1223968

>the Fibonacci support
What do you mean by this?

>> No.1224196
File: 730 KB, 1360x1049, GXYTA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fibonacci ratio is a ratio that expresses growth (or decay) in nature and is used in TA to interpret market behavior.
"Fibonacci Retracements are ratios used to identify potential reversal levels. These ratios are found in the Fibonacci sequence. The most popular Fibonacci Retracements are 61.8% and 38.2%. Note that 38.2% is often rounded to 38% and 61.8 is rounded to 62%. After an advance, chartists apply Fibonacci ratios to define retracement levels and forecast the extent of a correction or pullback. Fibonacci Retracements can also be applied after a decline to forecast the length of a counter trend bounce. These retracements can be combined with other indicators and price patterns to create an overall strategy. "

If you want to know more, please google, or read one of the hundred books written on the subject.

Anyway what I meant is that for now, FRL1 (in my image) is acting as the support for the price. Support as in a level which pushes up the price back up.
However if the price were to drop, it would be ("caught" at FRL2, or FRL3).

>> No.1224392

what are we actually measuring here?

>> No.1224395

it means he's a fucking dipshit. chart reading means nothing unless you are trading thousands of tickers a day trying to make money off a 52% 48% anomaly. it doesn't work on a chart by chart basis. you have to include hundreds/thousands of tickers to make money with this strat.

he won't tell you that though.

>> No.1224397

More to the point what does tell the chartists to do monday?

>> No.1224414

what does tell that talk. are you ESL or drunk?

>> No.1224443

We are measuring support and resistance.

It seems like most of /biz/ treat technical analysis as some sort of magic mumbo jumbo which is why there is such a bad rep for TA. Hopefully I can provide my own logical take on the subject.

Understand that I am using technical analysis here to predict crowd behavior.
First of all, the market's major participants (institutions, banks, day traders) use 2 main systems to decide their positions on a stock - fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Goldman Sachs, JPMC, all the major banks etc have teams of technical analysts. Day traders and investors will also use various TA indicators as part of their trading "system".

Now one of the most popular TA indicators is the Fibonacci grid, whereby traders watch for price to pullback to a retracement level before the price bounces off. What happens when the price falls to the popular support level, is that the major participants will start to buy the shares, hence stopping the price from falling. Thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Consequently, they would place stop losses under said level. If the stop loss prices were hit, then this creates a sell off effect which brings the price to the next level. Creating yet another self-fulfilling prophecy.

Notice I didn't tell anyone to buy the share. All I am giving is a hopefully good level to enter long or short. And to put your stop losses accordingly if you are already in a position.

Also I think I have devoted an excessive amount of time trying to explain stuff here.

>> No.1224449

>>1224414 Your a chartist ,what are you doing monday still buying Galaxy.
'self fulfilling prohecy'>>1224443
is the key word

>> No.1224453

I never said any of that. I only said TA is useless on a chart by chart basis. When you use TA on a scale of hundreds/thousands you can gain an advantage of a few percent which is more than enough to make an much money as you want. When it comes to individual charts its nothing more than a coinflip. Prove me wrong. Plenty of books have been written proving TA works but not a single book has been written saying you can predict where a single stock is going to go based on TA. Go ahead and prove me wrong.

>> No.1224625
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Electric vehicles http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1103675_electric-car-battery-costs-germans-vs-tesla-more-cheating-probes-the-week-in-reverse

>> No.1224636
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>> No.1224640

So BUY low... Sell HIGH...then its a BUY for tomorrow yeehaaaa

>> No.1224692

Long term, GXY is always a buy

>> No.1225227

Markets open in 3 hours lads

>> No.1225485

Buy low sweet chariot!

>> No.1225496

Any AUS BROS with live prices?

>> No.1225518

.385c Markets open in 5mins lad

>> No.1225519
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Better yet, any Aussies in Perth able to fake being a janitor or pizza delivery guy that can get into their offices and plant bugs or see if there is $18M laying around?

>> No.1225542
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Opening didn't do much.
Cleared the volume, no change in price

>> No.1225557
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MFW LIT ETF is making a killing off this


>366k Market value
>oct 2015

fast foward today

>market value

>> No.1225577
File: 27 KB, 534x371, 1f42eb45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those concerned about PUMP'n'DUMPS look to XTV as a reference.

>> No.1225582

What was the purpose of the trading halt?

>> No.1225588

So now its a long hold until june/august right, I dont see this going up soon

>> No.1225589

Ha! -1,30% the lithium price is falling....

>> No.1225591

sandbagging probably. If you read http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/0426/investing-pink-sheets-fraud-stock-scam-madoff-spot-pump-dump.html then compare XTV with some lithium stocks see if you can spot a difference.

>> No.1225595

where are you reading that?

>> No.1225601


>> No.1225606

I mean where did you see actual lithium prices going down

>> No.1225611

>>1225606 http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=LIT+Interactive#%7B%22range%22:%225d%22,%22allowChartStacking%22:true%7D price dropped below 23 again recently.

>> No.1225620

>tfw I bought at peak
Now I am stuck

>> No.1225622

Ok thanks.

>> No.1225626

Me too. The global big picture items are taking over I think, i.e gold, oil, interest rates, fear of recessions etc

>> No.1225635

Just note XTV if you want to feel better about your pick

>> No.1225638

0,4 is a major resistance anyway.

>> No.1225639


LIT is not the lithium price. It is a fund of stocks generally in the lithium industry, including FMC, Tesla, Samsung, Galaxy, et al.

There is not a regulated futures market for lithium. You may be able to use LIT as a very general idea for the overall health of the market, but to say that it is the price of lithium is incorrect.

>> No.1225646

Well at least we have good Financials and the PR being done is lining up with concrete evidence. Best sell before June just in case they don't deliver.

>> No.1225648

Yes. just on that topic whats a good site to see resources, comodities industrial metals futures etc. I found rare earth prices but the dates of last trades were last year! do they only set them a few times a year or what?

>> No.1225663

I was also going to buy the peak,,
but then I decided to buy FING-B (STO) instead.
it's now 480 ''whatever the swedish currency is'' and the new target is 600

>> No.1225668


>using cuckbucks to invest
inb4 cucked

>> No.1225679

Ther just movement on the Macro economy from the LARGE INVESTORS, Bank of Japan threw em a curveball last week, by not continuing stimulus when they said they would it fucked up a few banksters hahaha

>> No.1225681

They make you pay for updated prices because recyclers use them to price in the current weights

>> No.1225693

To the best of my knowledge, it's mostly private deals, and the price can vary widely for large/small orders (possibly up to 40%).

If you listen to the investor presentation, Tse refers to "the last major auction". However, I have not seen any actual records for auctions on any searches.

There are a few sites claiming spot prices, but I doubt it is anything official.
For instance http://www.asianmetal.com/LithiumPrice/Lithium.html (I have never heard of this and would take any information with a grain of salt).

For regulated metals, I use Yahoo finance.

>> No.1225839
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>buying meme stocks from the land down under

>> No.1225852

1 dollar by end of the year

>> No.1225945

This company seems pretty healthy. They even have a cool logo. Throw in a hat and I might buy some.

>> No.1225975
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>> No.1225988

I think it MIGHT be possible.

>> No.1226010
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We fear and capitulation now.

>> No.1226157
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Oh yes this chart again!!

>> No.1226159

The best course is to dump it and start again!

>> No.1226364
File: 332 KB, 1404x1252, gxy2dot0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated the chart for you familia.

>> No.1226558

Patiently waiting for news and recovery. Long term gains await.

>> No.1226594


>> No.1227363

Your reasoning for this assumption??

>> No.1227453

Look at the price m8

>> No.1227481

etrade down... well thats just fekin' GREAT!!!

>> No.1227485

Etrade back up ...!!

>> No.1227541


>> No.1227714

Sheeit. Its rising

>> No.1227889

How's the MEME going, lads?

>> No.1228204
File: 22 KB, 384x480, Makeupartist Kym1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a wild ride!

Getting ready for the BIG FEAR DROP before the next BIG CLIMB when they make delivery.

>> No.1228241

hold the mighty Sttoooormwiiinndd

>> No.1229048

why is it crashing for no reason?

im an idiot for buying at .41 and now its .28

>> No.1229057

Whole market shit the bed

>> No.1229059

Sell in May and Go away

>> No.1229065

Reason being?

>> No.1229125

People buy in late Jan when stocks were cheap, allow them to grow during the late winter/early spring months and cash out.

>> No.1229363

I have not seen any mention here. There is a new research report out on Galaxy's website http://galaxylithium.businesscatalyst.com/Investor/reports/Strachan-GXY29April2016.pdf..

Their target is .64 (above the Canaccord .50).

>> No.1229393

There we go lads, things are still looking up. Just have to wait for all these short holders to get out.

I got in at 0.25, missed the peak, so now I'm in it for the long haul climb back to "normalcy / next hype".

>> No.1229610

Today we go above .40

>> No.1229707


>> No.1229731

everyone was worried about the 18million prepayment. hahahaha suckers

>> No.1229812
File: 54 KB, 802x730, 22233445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this as well.
Everyone was trying to sell at .40 and now pushing it to .405 lol
If it was a propper dump then it would have fallen way lower instead of it rallying all the time

>> No.1229860

happy I bought in at 0.365
I'm in it for the long haul though fellas, see you when we 0.50

>> No.1230065

yup, in the mean time I'll stare at other shares.. How bad do you all think WTI is going to spike tomorrow with the Alberta Oil Sands up in flames?

>> No.1230155
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galaxy at .385 today
only a few lithium stocks broke even today

>> No.1230305
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A quiet day in US on this so far.

Read the report, which doesn't appear to be really disclosed too well for investors - thanks for finding that.

Report insinuates $18M received in first part and then last page disclaimer reveals they spoke with management.

Later in the report it becomes ambiguous as to the $18M and it actually indicates the shipping date is now into the September quarter - which is later than GXY's prior goal of July/August.

Remainder of report has some interesting facts but is, for the most part, horseshit speculation with poor references to supporting facts/evidence.

Overall, this report means very little.

Going to be a waiting game for next few weeks unless GXY does a smart press release on funds/ore shipping.

>> No.1230320

How does a share find it's way onto the meme magic list?

>> No.1230493

No problem. I didn't notice the delivery date shift. That was a good catch.

Even if it is a boutique firm, more analysts covering is always a good thing, and I do like that they showed their work on Cattlin at the end of the report. Their methodology, in my opinion, is the best way to get an an accurate valuation of the company.

Yes, there are a lot of assumptions, but there always are in projections. This is especially true in Galaxy's case due to where they are in the phase of production.

From my point of view, I think they're fairly conservative. I expect they will update after the revised feasibility study for Sal de Vida due later in May/June.

>> No.1230576


SDV is going to be interesting. DESU, I was rather excited in the report where they insinuated corporate interest in GXY may increase. I won't argue with a nice buyout! :)

Buyout isn't unrealistic either. All the others, (except major producers), are pre-production junior companies. Big producer gets a nice purchase with GXY since it is already producing and has an apparent established network of buyers.

>> No.1230593

Exactly. I'm playing this primarily as a buyout option. GXY has a threat of being a 4th major player in the market. I'm expecting that one of the big 3 will find it easier to buy than deal with more competition.

My bet would be FMC primarily due to the location of SDV.

>> No.1230610




>> No.1230684

The saddest part about your post is it made me recognize that I now have to print out and read all of FMC's and other major's annuals, etc., to see what may be there.

I can already feel my eyes bleeding . . .

>> No.1230698

I would save your time going into too much work (I already have).

FMC is quite large. Lithium directly contributes about 7.5% of their revenues, although I assume potash is counted in their agricultural division. Agricultural chemicals are their primary revenue source. So all in, I would put lithium as 9-10%. I might be good to read their quarterly press releases, but that's about it.

I'm basing FMC as the most likely buyout candidate based mostly on geography. SDV is on their salar, so I would see them as having the best synergy for utilities, transport, etc.