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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12196418 No.12196418 [Reply] [Original]

How can a team and project with 30 partnerships and backed by UN and Switzerland lose to Chinese scams ?

>> No.12196600

The team is not related to Switzerland. versetti is a russian who got exiled for shady behavior and only took asylum in switzerland with his parents money. Look at the team. Vlad, Drago, and more all from russia / poland. Their HQ is not even in switzerland. DYOR biz don't buy this scam

>> No.12196621

Known scam

>> No.12196628

There is no way you will ever sell your bags above your entry price

>> No.12196655

Look at those fucking digits.

Based as fuck. The team is a bunch of slavs and Russians. Most known scammers who all hide behind Vlads name. Vlad is the only real nigga on the team, that’s why I think there is internal issues going on.

>> No.12196669

Bad θɛtJks,ɛsˈθɛtJks

>> No.12196672

I wanted to add, at least vechain has a fucking mainnet. Amb keeps delaying and delaying this shit. They hoping for a bit btc pump so they can unload their tokens. FYI the team “locked” wallet has already been transferring tokens out.

>> No.12196723

versetti is an italian, literally a 3rd world country that only knows how to scam people

>> No.12196732

He was exiled from Russia though. He has gypsy ties. Scammer

>> No.12196745

This FUD is ridiculous lol the wallet moving tokens is a dev wallet, they are running network tests brainlet.

>> No.12196746

bc it and countless other shitcoins like it will be made redundant by chainlink

>> No.12196818

You can do 1amb transfers to test the network. 500k usd was moved. Half a million usd.
>nothing to see here!!!

>> No.12196857

Yeah and you can transfer an assload to test how the network handles it, hence the notion of a "test" brainlet. "Oh it handles one AMB fine? Launch all of it" lmao

>> No.12196882

lmao the 1amb transfers are on the ethereum network and they were from generic transfer smart contract transactions. Not doing anything at all. fake tx volume

>> No.12197166


nothign for weeks, now BADABANG 8 threads

>> No.12197230

>trusting a guy who goes in front of European Parliament in a t shirt in serious need of a hair cut
Never gonna make it anons

>> No.12197420

Look at those fucking digits.

Based as fuck. The team is a bunch of slavs and Russians. Most known scammers who all hide behind Vlads name. Vlad is the only real nigga on the team, that’s why I think there is internal issues going on.

>> No.12197458

The Shill job is so obvious, look at how many posts ..for this shitcoin..

>> No.12197818

>Vlad is the only real nigga on the team
>that’s why I think there is internal issues going on.

at least try to make your fud comprehensible you dumb cunt

>> No.12197834

The same Linktards jump back and forth to shill AMB / LINK

>> No.12197846
File: 169 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20181128_014315_734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to an open forum to make a first impression dressed like a libertarian scam artist

>> No.12197857
File: 1.27 MB, 930x1200, received_2006855516066050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True linklets would never shill AMB.

>> No.12198063
File: 2.25 MB, 2687x3184, 1542172320448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There a single pajeet OBSESSED and SEETHING over Ambrosus, who has been compulsively fudding it for 8+ months.

Quick rundown:
>pretends to be a dumb pro-AMB supporter to make anything AMB related look scammy on /biz/
>used to spam 7+ "pro"-AMB threads on the catalog earlier this year (and seems to have started doing this again as of recent)
>favorite technique is to post the fake masternode infographic as an OP, see pic related
>repeats this literally every single day, even at the depths of the bear market

Search for "ambrosus" as the title on warosu, 90% of the threads are obviously his work.
All this effort for ultimately no effect (OMEGA KEK). Good job you pathetic faggot.

>> No.12198239

Shoo pajeet