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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 618x318, 1545435529236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12196293 No.12196293 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being that basedboy cuck buying and holding BAT thinking it's going to increase in value soon. It already got listed on Coinbase and Binance, it's over. It might get a pump and dump once in a while but good luck catching that without having insider info or holding it down 70 percent before a 50 percent pump.

Brave is a useless piece of shit browser with constant bugs, it's literally chromium with basedboy features that doesn't even work. I'm pretty sure I'm still being tracked. BAT has no usecase, you would have to be a real basedboy cuck to donate BAT to your "favourite creator."

Brendan Eich is already a outed homophobe, the reddit crowd will never get behind him like it's 2019 and they hate crypto.

The only people that care about BAT are fringe panjeet on /biz/ and deluded reddit basedboys thinking muh javascript token is going to make me rich.

>> No.12196301

Palmer is an antisemite? tsk tsk...

>> No.12196305

Based. I'll need to get some BAT to support him
Fags get the rope

>> No.12196314


ya I'm out. this is really bad.

>> No.12196318

>Eich is a homophobe

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.12196326

kek, r*ddit fags like you need to go back
Literally this

>> No.12196335

>making business decisions based on one of the most unpopular opinions on the planet
Gee, I sure wonder how bizlets are still poor

>> No.12196391

>on the planet

hundreds of countries and an entire fucking continent would like to speak with you

>> No.12196395

I'm only talking about the parts that have access to electricity and are easily distinguishable from animals

>> No.12196396

irs is very strict on charitable giving.


>> No.12196448

A 100% homosexual country will die out
A 100% heterosexual country won't
Homosexuality is literal degeneracy that'll only lead to a downfall
Anybody that doesn't realize this can live in ignorance with their room-temperature IQs

>> No.12196471

Most of which was built by people that held the simply universal philosophy that two men shouldn't be together sexually, and they sure as hell shouldn't be getting married. Homosexuality is naturally disgusting for a reason, it contributes nothing to society and spreads horrible disease.

>> No.12196484

explain why it's so common in animals then you abrahamic cocksucker

>> No.12196487

I dumped BAT on the Coinbase listing.... Why would anybody hold this garbage?

>> No.12196507

Arguably, the uk is a country of homosexuals who have sex with women only to breed. Their people made conquest, literal and by influence, to the vast majority of the world by now.

>> No.12196531

You know what else is common in animals? Rape and devouring their own offspring after giving birth. Your logic is straight out of the brains of your retarded parents whom indoctrinated you

>> No.12196546

you sure are a sad, pathetic loser. STDs may be spread irrespective of whether the sex is gay or not. also via intravenous drug use.

>> No.12196561

Make no mistake, AIDS is a gay disease.

>> No.12196569

you didn't explain how it is naturally disguisting despite being common in nature

>> No.12196576

>on the planet
Better stop watching gay porn anon it's rotting your brain. It's not even popular in our own country we just so happened to be ruled by unelected judges and no one in Congress has the balls to stand up to them.

>> No.12196581
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All this bat fud is making me curious

>> No.12196586

LMFAO, thanks for this. Only 11 days? Oh goodness. That's just too good. Fucking BAT users are retarded.

>> No.12196596

>this retarded

Hey shlomo

>> No.12196610

>eating your young isn't disgusting because it happens in animals

Why don't you just revert to the "they are human beans" slogans instead dumbass

>> No.12196612
File: 24 KB, 550x543, op is retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are you legitimately retarded? Just because "an animal does it in nature" doesn't automatically mean a human should do it as well. Otherwise this means we should be allowed to rape and kill each other with no repercussions

>> No.12196626

if you look closely I never claimed anything like that, but I guess reading isn't the strong side of biz. It's more about talking about shit you don't know anything about :^)

>> No.12196638
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>heh, these losers know nothing about fucking men in the ass

>> No.12196661

It's not gay if you're doing the fucking haven't you heard? We are basing things off of dogs now, makes things so much simpler.

>> No.12196682
File: 177 KB, 1080x1103, Screenshot_20181221-171808~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter bout to dunk on Brave

>> No.12196715

If the payments get refunded, these two are going to be begging for their BAT back in a few years.

>> No.12196738

> common
It really isn't, you brainwashed imbecile.
Outside of specific groups such as certain species of bats, bonobos, and a handful of others, homosexual behavior definitely isn't common because species have to reproduce to survive. I'm not sure if someone like you understands this - but gay sex doesn't produce anything in species with standard male-female pair reproductive systems, so when you see it in nature it's the exception rather than the rule.
People like you seriously just need to shut the fuck up when it comes to things like this. An article about glorifying a pair of gay lions you saw on huffpo once will never = actual science as much as you'd like it to - and no matter how much you 'progressive' parasites bark and piss yourselves over it, our biological tendencies are overwhelmingly male / female. It just isn't a natural tendency for our species. When I see a gay couple - yeah sure they can go do their thing and no one has any business stopping them, but the second they start projecting their bullshit onto a primarily heteronormative society they should be laughed out the door, and then curbstomped if they have the nerve to try and do anything about it.

>> No.12196753

what if its a girl (trans) doing the fucking? would it be gay in that situation?

>> No.12196755

There's a reason women are only attracted to 20% of males. It would be better for everyone if the 80% were good gay drones that don't mind being cucked.

>> No.12196756

basically rape

>> No.12196760

Press d to dab on this shitcoins grave

>> No.12196767

The more ambitious a project is, the more people will doubt it, FUD it, and try to rationalize why it will never succeed. Brave will add an opt-out clause and improve the UI so retarded individuals will understand the basic concept of unverified publishers and their escrow accounts. Meanwhile these reddit and twitter faggots will never see the bigger picture

>> No.12196789

> It would be better for everyone if the 80% were good gay drones that don't mind being cucked.
Very well said, my little lampshade. The 80% goys shouldn't look into improving themselves at all. They should stay out of gyms and just stay at home drinking corn syrup and playing videogames.

>> No.12196812

They can improve themselves, in ways that is conductive to building a better society - not reproduction. They shouldn't assume that women will find them attractive sexually, because they won't. They will always pine for Chad.
Deal with it and take the blackpill like the rest.

>> No.12196826

Nobody cares about your tiny insignificant bags

>> No.12196846

> deal with it and take the blackpill like the rest
Are you really this much of an invertebrate? Go lift for the first time in your life, observe basic hygiene and put some decent clothes on. They get some things right but you need to stop drinking the entire pitcher of pol koolaid.

>> No.12196853

I like how OP and this twitter person act like being CEO of Mozilla is Brendan’s only accomplishment. He invented JavaScript....
All you whiny haters, sell your bags. You are not worthy to criticize somebody so accomplished.

>> No.12196891

Why is her head 85% forehead?

>> No.12197067

Just replace the word "trans" with fake

>> No.12197127


>“This year, the acceptance pendulum abruptly stopped and swung in the opposite direction,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis wrote in the 2018 report, noting the sharp contrast between this year’s results and the last three years of watching Americans report being “more comfortable with LGBTQ people and more supportive of LGBTQ issues.”


>> No.12197370

Is this reverse shilling? Saying he’s anti gay would cause everyone on biz to buy up BAT

>> No.12197408


what a retarded fucking cunt. BAT is literally bitcoin 2.0 in terms of parabolic upward price action. just fucking wait.

>> No.12197428


The tweet storm will be kek worthy. Ironic that bat just had a big green dildo, smart money knows what up.

>> No.12197480

lol so what? any random fag can write a language at the right place at the right time. mcafee invented an anti-virus program that has dominated the market for well over 20 years, that doesn't preclude john mcafee from also being a colossal fuckup who coasts on his name recognition. java needs to die, the sooner the better. your point is essential an appeal to authority. most of crypto including bat is vaporware. only funfags come close to batfags in terms of how delusional they are for the practicality of the product. "every casino is going to want to use FUN" lmao. advertisers have no incentive to sink their holdings into an erc20 token when USD is faster, more flexible and accepted everywhere.

>> No.12197516

stilll using javascript on 2018.....was a mysoginist fag hater racist boy...he is human dud....i repeat....STILL USING JAVA SCRIP HOMO OR NOT STILL USING JAVA....try to use this fucking site without that....this vegan bullshit is giving me the feel of puking...

>> No.12197534


>> No.12197542

I'm gay for Brendan

>> No.12197553


> java needs to die

Well there it is boys, clearly we're dealing with an expert here.

> what is bytecode?

>> No.12197634

i knew he faced some backlash about donating some small amount of money to some anti gay marriage fundraiser, but i didn't know he was only mozilla CEO for 11 days.

sounds like some rabbid SJWs got mad that he got a job that a lot of people wanted and they used that as a tactic to fuck him over then? what total fags. thats way more childish than quietly giving money to things that you believe in. not like eich was walking through the streets saying "DAY OF THE ROPE FOR THE FAGS NOW," who knows why he gave that money? could be something reasonable if you hear his side of the story. really hate the onions culture of taking people down for the dumbest shit.

its going to come back and bite the homos at mozilla in the ass like a small puerto rican guy on roller blades one way or another.

>> No.12197932

Based anon

>> No.12197989

I'm gay. But unironically democrats need to get the fucking rope. Big dick B sent his own personal money towards conservative groups who dislike gay marriage. He never brought his political baggage to work. He just did him.

As an adult I accept it. I personally think gays are affront to the church and can sympathize. But cuckolded fucks couldn't accept another man's private political donations and ran him out.

I hope big dick B pulls it off. I know one he integrates with HNS, this Palmer faggot will be buying knee pads and sucking cock for BAT

>> No.12198051


And just so you know he's publicly addressed this within the last couple of months and understands why things transpired the way they did. He went on to say that it won't be a problem in the future. Then known degenerate Peter Thiel funded him and all was forgiven.

>> No.12198086

Jackson Palmer is a leftist sõyboy faggot. He's also irrelevant.

>> No.12198104

Fucking based

>> No.12198115

Shut the fuck up about hns though. Don't mention it here until we fill our bags.

>> No.12198570


Wait, THATS why he was shitcanned? SJW witch hunt over being too far Right? He's /ourguy/? OK, thanks OP, just bought 100k.

This. Google "Duck Rape" some time. It's lulzy. Why "animals do it" is any kind of argument I'll never know.

>> No.12198597


HNS? It that an alternative name resolution system? Good for alt-tech if so, can go domain camping like the good ol days. Thanks anon, interesting info.

>> No.12198969

Take that info and keep it to yourself.

>> No.12199006 [DELETED] 

>java needs to die, the sooner the better.
Hilarious how brainlets can't grasp the difference between JavaScript and Java being two completely different programming languages. JavaScript is pretty fucking amazing btw. Not that it was when Eich created it, but w/e.

>> No.12199023

>java needs to die, the sooner the better.
Hilarious how brainlets can't grasp that JavaScript and Java are two completely different programming languages. I literally never had a problem with this even before I programmed anything. And JavaScript is pretty fucking amazing. Not that it was when Eich created it, but w/e.

>> No.12199473
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Favourite method of activism


Nu male basedboy wagecuck betamale

>> No.12199491
File: 42 KB, 500x500, helloooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brendan Eich is already a outed homophobe
>The only people that care about BAT are fringe panjeet on /biz/

You are a hypocrite with low self-awareness. If you are going to virtue signal like your virtue signalling champion hero Jackson 'Pile of Dogeshit' Palmer, then you should avoid swapping one type of prejudice for another, or you will look like an idiot.

>> No.12199509
File: 107 KB, 700x734, pure soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outed homophobe
>therefore software he makes is bad
Wew, lad
You are a moron, how does it feel being so smoothbrained?

>> No.12199521

Jackson Palmer is a literal piece of shit, and just days ago was raging at CZ for using "girls" to refer to the women in power over at Binance.

Someone needs to slap the dick out his mouth, smash his fucking laptop already.

I was just thinking the same thing. Jesus christ that woman has the biggest fucking forehead i've ever seen. Possibly a receding hairline? She's getting BTFO'd by nature.

>any random fag
You look the type. You got a real fag air about you. Do it faggot, write a language that gets adopted by the majority of the world in your life time. We're waiting cocksucker.

>> No.12199568


>> No.12199787

That forehead screams, “I’ll do and say anything for attention”.

>> No.12199855

Wtf I hate Dogecoin now

>> No.12200026


Stop watching hollywood garbage, msm and television. Nobody likes the gays, but it's illegal to say so.