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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 750x460, office-christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12189894 No.12189894 [Reply] [Original]

Pre-Christmas Edition

Welp here we are, the Friday before Christmas. Hopefully you all get some good time off next week.

Maxing out my 401k with my last paycheck today.

Any plans for the holidays fellow wagies?

>> No.12190085

Fuck my office looks exactly like that. Stop triggering me anon

>> No.12190094

Family might lose their house and I have $8 in crypto. So no anon, not really.

>> No.12190356
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5 more minutes and I'm off.
Fuck wagecucking

>> No.12190688

Hang in there mate

>> No.12191556

Enjoy anon

>> No.12191593

see you next year!!!!

>> No.12191816

My seasonal wage cuck job just ended, but my boss is giving us extra paychecks for free just cus he liked us so much.

>> No.12191937

Have to work on the 24th

Feels JUST

>> No.12192828

Shitty company if white collar

Expected if blue collar

>> No.12193164

>be wagie
>work at what I thought would be comfy grocery store job
>manager tells me to stay up front to help customers at all times
>everything going smoothly
>he suddenly storms out of office
>"Anon, are you blind? Do you not see how dirty aisle 2 is? Are you just going to stare at it all day?"
>"I thought you wanted me to stay up front?"
>this makes him madder
>"Do you have no fucking common sense, anon? Go clean it up!"
>hurry off to clean it up
>keep it in my mind that there are exceptions to the always stay up front rule
>a couple days later
>see that an aisle in my line of sight has some spilled shit on it
>start cleaning it up
>manager comes out of office
>"What the fuck are you doing anon?"
>"Cleaning the aisle, I noticed it was dirty"
>"What part of stay up front do you not understand, anon? Is that not simple enough instruction for you? This is someone else's job, get back to yours!"
Fuck lads, what do I do? I finally left 2 years of NEETdom and I don't want to disappoint my parents.

>> No.12193176

Is this a good time to start putting money into a 401K?

-t.Starting my first real job this January

>> No.12193202


>timing the market

>> No.12193213

Knock the cunt out and get another job. Your dad at least will be very proud of you.

>> No.12193242
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>boss won't let me have Christmas off
>boss won't give christmas bonus
>boss won't pay me for overtime
>boss won't let me quit
>boss wont give PTO or sick time

>> No.12193265

Start fucking his wife.

>> No.12193275

I'm considering moving to the overnight shift so I'd only have to see the manager for an hour a day, but that means getting a promotion and I doubt this guy would even consider that if he hates me this much.

>> No.12193295

My firm is shut down until January 2nd. Cute Polish woman is leaving today and I'm sad.

>> No.12193314

Just knock the cunt out, bro. Keep a can of beans beside your register and clock him on the side of the head with it. It'll split the cunt right open. Then he can clean his own blood off aisle 3.

>> No.12193530

>boss won't let me quit

>> No.12193656

start asap yes

compound interest


>> No.12194040

Catch him alone in a secluded area and shank him. Hide his body in the janitor closet.

>> No.12194098

Not much you can do, your boss has arbitrary authority over your worklife. You can either become desensitized to his irrationality or start organizing your coworkers to gangrape him.

>> No.12194128


>> No.12194209


He is establishing his dominance over you, and you're falling for it.

Stick up for yourself, tell him you're happy to do as he says but if he is going to give you contradicting directions and then chew you up when you're inevitably can't do both things at the same time you'll report him for abuse.

Some things are not worth your self worth.

>> No.12194210

Walmart wagie here. What’s the one skill I can learn on my own time to land a better job? My cousin has an Excel textbook from college so I was thinking of starting there.

>> No.12194223

nice larp

>> No.12194228

If you wanna go that route, start with Excel, than go to SQLzoo and get certified. Than go on to SAS certificates. Then learn some python shit if you can. You'll be a "data scientist" and make fancy looking reports for people to look important

>> No.12194231

Good writing skills, "R"/SAS, fast typing.

>> No.12194257
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I realized that some people just want to have their egos stroked. That's what motivates them. Having this arbitrary meaningless power gets them off. They're tiny cock having cucks of the worst kind but you have to just wait and be patient. Act in this fake role for their benefit. His time of reckoning will come.

>> No.12194277

anyone else have to work the 26th - 28th? i hate my life

>> No.12194295


>> No.12194296

>bossman wont let me out of the hot box

>> No.12194303

It's been a good December for me. Got a $6k raise two weeks ago and everyone in our company got a half of a months salary as a Christmas bonus.

>> No.12194306

>tfw I have to work at Night 24. 25. 26. and the Night 31/01 well at least I get paid.

>> No.12194362

>>boss won't let me quit
what a god

>> No.12194388

i’m dead serious when i say i haven’t done a single piece of work today. i arrived at 7am. i browsed job postings and listened to podcasts, took an hour lunch, and now i am watching the clock. it’s actually absurd how big of a joke corporate america is.

>> No.12194390

>boss won't let me quit
If you want to quit then do it. Get some backbone.

>> No.12194408
File: 64 KB, 569x479, 1541759379875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/wage/ - Wagecuck General
How far we've fallen since 2017

>> No.12194494

I wage cucked for the first time last Friday and it hurt. It hurt alot. Felt like slavery. People are eating 20 dollar soups while I slave away for 20 an hour

>> No.12194549

We pushed our code to production yesterday and won't be doing any new releases until everybody comes back to the office after New Year's, so today was a very relaxing day with a party + free lunch. Most of us are leaving early

>> No.12194550

work for 12 dollars a hour with knobheads known as niggers

>> No.12194551
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>> No.12194647

Is this not common? I'm an engineer and I get Dec. 24/25 off and Jan. 1 off. Any other days you want off you'd have to use vacation time. If it's normal for people to get the whole 24th through New Years time off, I might have to start looking for a new job.

>> No.12194822

wagecuckin it

>> No.12195073
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Neetbux dont last forever brah

>> No.12195292

he wants your balls, go into his office and fuck his butthole

>> No.12195318
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too soon

>> No.12195437


>> No.12195691


>wont let me quit

as another anon said, he just gets off on fucking with you. he's on a power trip

>> No.12195765

>tfw supposed to be dismissed at 3:30 but boss is getting held up

>> No.12195766

At least you have a job.
At least all your savings aren't in stocks in the middle of a recession.
At least you aren't out of a job and looking for one in the middle of a recession.

>> No.12196122


>> No.12196148

you get mini dividers? lucky

>> No.12196162

>tfw we have a secret santa but to avoid harrassment and inappropriate jokes its not secret

fucking kill me

>> No.12196203

Since our society continually robs power and control from us in our personal lives, most middle-management end up going on a power trip because it is the only form of power that they have in their miserable existence. And since they're pitiful middle-management, they still have to do paperwork and other garbage tasks that they hate, so they're going to be especially spiteful.

>> No.12196515
