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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 263x379, SimCity_4_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12189681 No.12189681 [Reply] [Original]

>SimCity 4 (the best)
>Cities Skyline
>Capitalism 3
>Rollercoaster tycoon
>Civilization series ?
>Open transport tycoon

Also ITT: which is better cities skyline or simcity 4?

>> No.12189690

Capitalism ho!

>> No.12189698
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are you me?

>> No.12189714

I will add that , simcity 4 is still a timeless classic and only needs a proper facelift with deeper simulation. IMO if collosal order dont fuck up the next cities game and decide to put everything into the management/economic simulation, it would be the greatest city simulator ever.

>> No.12189730
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I literally spent half of my life among some of those titles.

Right in the feels anon.

>> No.12189734

True /biz/raelis are cut from the same cloth desu

>> No.12189740

Rate out of 10? I have on my PC but havent played it yet.

>> No.12189770

tropico6 comes out soon.
looks ok.
If you like sim/management games, the tropico games are light and fun. I really enjoy them.
simtower is pretty /biz/ as well

>> No.12189789

My pleasure. Tell me anon, after having spent your formative years building virtual words, watching them grow and shrink, sharpening your mind to the multi faceted aspects of city management, did you come to appreciate the complexity of your own environment as you wondered through it and did the lessons learned in the game shape your perspectives on it immensely as it did for me?

>> No.12189795

Ive probably listened to a thousand hours of that salsa music

>> No.12189805

Capitalism 2 is the ultimate /biz/ game, but its so fucking old now. i wish trevor chan or someone would make a capitalism 3 already.

>> No.12189849

still playing SC4 with the NAM addon and a folder full of bats.
that game is GOAT tier.
the newer simcity games don't come close

>> No.12189924

>Crusader Kings 2
>Victoria 2
>Hearts of Iron 2/4
>Theme Hospital
>Peggle Extreme
>Anno 1404
>Europa Universalis IV

>> No.12189943

>Tropico 2: Pirates’ Cove
>Civ 5
>The Guild 2

>> No.12190082

SimCity 3000 was god tier. While still enjoyable, SC4 was like the beginning of the end

>> No.12190092

RuneScape, just because of the grand exchange, any MMO with trading.

>> No.12190104
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Is it just me that really enjoyed the fact that you could invest in the stock market in GTAV while roaming around doing your typical shit? Obviously you couldn't buy anything except a few cars and weapons with the money you earned, but imagine if the game was more in-depth when it came to investing and being able to buy houses, decoration to the houses/condos, companies, land, etc etc.
If the rumors about GTA 6 being way larger than the GTAV map and more diverse a.k.a more major cities than only one are true.. then I hope something like pic related will be it, I truly hope they go deeper with it. Being able to buy houses near the beach in Miami while controlling parts of the market, buying condos/small houses all over the world and running a drug operation in the desert (for example) would be fucking next level.

>> No.12190130

This, Cities Skylines is basically a traffic flow simulator, everything else like zoning, taxes and the whole economic aspect was way too easy imo.

>> No.12190155

you could buy mansions/flats in gta vice city.

>> No.12190158

Truly timeless, i got my 14 year old bro hooked on it. When will we see the marriage of simcity 4 tier simulation and cities skyline tier graphic. That game , if done right would be the true GOAT.

>> No.12190172

paradox is trash, and you're a low functioning, low-iq normie, living in the delusion that you're a highly functioning autist.

>> No.12190207
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Oldschool runescape

>> No.12190215
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i haven't played Sim City 4 but got super bored with Cities: Skylines. i would need some kind of story campaign to be able to enjoy it

a little odd because i enjoyed Banished and it doesn't have a story campaign but i guess simply building a modern city that is like my own reality just doesn't do it for me

<-- is evil genius for biz? i heard there's a sequel in the making

>> No.12190222

Missed out on that one anon, what were the market dynamics like?

>> No.12190236

I thought this was mall tycoon for a second there, adding mall tycoon to the list. Never played this though.

>> No.12190275
File: 69 KB, 551x412, GTA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTA 6 being way larger than the GTAV map and more diverse a.k.a more major cities
it better be, GTA 5 was released five years ago and knowing how much they have milked from multiplayer the budget for the next title should be astronomical. they better not fuck up the series and gimp the offline single player experience just to milk more money. multiplayer has never interested me in gta.

>> No.12190280

Free market with an unlimited supply of resources being generated via combat and skilling.

>> No.12190282

Your clearly not fit for the /biz/ world if you dont enjoy hours of reworking entire sections of city just for traffic optimization, setting tax policy and fiddling with budget sliders, zoning then rezoning, underfunding shit , taking out massive loans, disperately trying to prevent mass out migration,finally getting the money to build a subway system only to find nobody using it even when the fares are free etc etc

>> No.12190305

Offworld Trading Company. Its like capitalism: the game. You basically start up a corporation making goods and try to outcompete your rival corps with the end goal of buying them out as a subsidiary. Its really good too, supply and demand, market forces, and its all still fun. Its a great game.

>> No.12190307
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I thought I would enjoy Cities Skylines but I really didn't. Surprising. Some missions that give a pat on the back and some kind of story dialogue would solve that. "Good thing you cleared up the traffic, old man Johnson feel much better now knowing he can get to the hospital in time."

Prison Architect was pretty fun for a while.

>> No.12190366

Did that game teach you a thing or two about trading and bargaining?

>> No.12190378

Play simcity 4

>> No.12190550
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>SimCity 2k & 3k
>Civilization V
>Frostpunk (simple but great city builder)

I wish there was a good real estate mafia game. Where you could try and take over a city and you could either do it benevolently or by breaking lots of legs.
I'm surprised no-one has said EVE Online, that's basically "economic spreadsheets - the game".

>> No.12190579
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Cities Skyline and all 3D copies of SimCity are soul-less.

Nothing beats the isometric projection and hand-drawn buildings of SC4 and SC3000. Those games have charm and the humour is subtle. I miss Maxis.

>> No.12190597

Fucks me off how they dumbed down a lot of these games for zoomers to play

>> No.12190676
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, ss_052d698926073e8d407a864f0e63a486af24ec0d.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTL make me lost a lot of time

>> No.12190679

I will studiously avoid the EVE online rabbit hole thank you very much

>> No.12190685

Problem with that game is its fun only in early game. As soon as you start scaling up you run into micromanagement overload because the AI executives that are supposed to help you don't work.

>> No.12191002

old school runescape resembled free market dynamics like no other game

if you became rich in rs, you can become rich irl.

>> No.12191117
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Totally agree. Those games were made by small teams, which made the guts of the games way better than most new AAA games. Graphics honestly aren't that important, they can be replaced with hand drawn sprites if the content in the game is good enough.

>> No.12191847

The original Victoria beats all else.. Victoria Revolutions. Nothing comes close to what you are able to do in that game.
Im assuming youre talking about new paradox, old paradox is unbelievable

>> No.12191856
File: 391 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industry Giant 2

Addicting af

>> No.12191865
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>> No.12191927
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>> No.12193062

Civilization 3 has this weird mechanic where the difficulty scales up or down exponentially depending on how good you are with the game, but not in the way you would expect.

Regardless of the difficulty level, if you're bad at the game, the AI will become very aggressive with its demands and would war often with you. If you're good at the game, the AI will become meek and weak, like it has already given up.

>> No.12193081

wait, theres a capitalism 3?

>> No.12193096

oh nvm, there isn't - OP is just a larping faggot who tries to impress anonymous people on a lebanese asperger self-help-forum by pretending to like things he has never actually put time into

>> No.12193162

Factorio is worth checking out. It's honestly my favourite capitalism simulator.

>> No.12193188

SC4 is the classic now? I remember it as a big disappointment. The cities were so small and the advisors were all boring Sims models with zero personality. SC3K was the great one, though it was super easy

>> No.12193239

I used to love trading in the auction house in WoW, you could literally dominate the market on smaller servers back in the days