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12179934 No.12179934 [Reply] [Original]

Who here keeps a doomsday money card on them at all times?

t. goldbug w/ 25k of real wealth secured

>> No.12179958

I keep a little pouch filled with gold coins, as well as a decoy pouch around my neck at all times, but it's not specific to me, all of my people are required to do so.

>> No.12179975


>> No.12179983

You can break that up by hand?

>> No.12180002

why does it have a fixed price on it, what if the gold price changes??

>> No.12180012

Are you a jew OP?

>> No.12180039

>measuring value in fiat

>> No.12180063


>> No.12180068

truly based. I thought about storing decoys away in my house in an obscure location, just incase they ever try to outlaw ownership and confiscate the gold I buy from (((online dealers))). I already have "receipts" of me selling off some of my collection, though.

>> No.12180077
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>tfw you bought at 1200

Not a gold bug, just looking at an obvious fed induced everything-bubble. Gold is a perfect wealth insulator in the current market.

>> No.12180080

Thats not price, its purity

>> No.12180119

Only because fiat is the currently the most prominent measurement of value, and will be until it collapses; if it ever does.
Where do you see a fixed price? I mentioned today's price in USD which is currently at $1263. Tomorrow, it can be 2,000 USD, but the weight will always remain the same. Which is why Gold is sound money.

>> No.12180132

I fucking love valcambi

>> No.12180150

I'm 20 years old, I just started investing last year, so compared to other asset classes, I'd consider myself to be a goldbug because my 19 troy ounces accounts for the majority of my net worth.

>> No.12180197

in a doomsday scenario gold becomes worthless. no individual would trust some random piece of "gold" from a stranger, and testing for actual purity or fakes is impossible for an average person. every trade in gold would need to go through a middleman who can actually test it.

the only true value in a doomsday scenario are utility items, whether food, arms, fuel, technology, batteries. gold is so far down on the list it's value will have dropped to less than a tenth of its current value.

>> No.12180218

Valcambi shill trying to sell his fake gold again

>> No.12180328

>doesn't realize that doomsday is just a metaphor for fiat economic, societal collapse
>entire argument is fallacious for being based on an actual apocalyptic premise

Even if your SHTF scenario was to happen, what do you think people would use as a currency to buy more of those items you mentioned, instead of mere barter and trade? Do you honestly believe that humans won't turn back to a money method that was used for thousands of years prior to fiat?

>> No.12181352

if you think that's going to be worth anything when shit hits the fan you're going to be disappointed.
Selling useful shit for gold is the last thing any thinking person is going to do.
>Do you honestly believe that humans won't turn back to a money method that was used for thousands of years prior to fiat?
It was only used because governments forced people to use it.
First recorded use of gold of money happened 1400 years ago - when king of Lydia minted gold coins and demanded taxes in them.

>> No.12181393
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>> No.12181443
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I keep my kilo silver and buffalo in a deposit box, smaller stuff at home.

>> No.12181446

What are you programming there OP?

I can't read enough to know.

var sum = something...
For (var i = something...
sum= something...

>> No.12181507
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buy shiny rocks sir very honest rupee inflation's proof very shiney

>> No.12181597

>keeps a doomsday card
>it's a gold kitkat bar
>dies when you can't eat it
the irony

>> No.12181627

>please, don't kill me
>i will give you gold
op loses his gold
good one retard

>> No.12181666

Maximum Ignorance: The Shitpost

Seriously, dude, not even a good place to start here, I just think you're too fucking stupid to even respond to. Much learning to go for you.

>> No.12181680

the fuck are you even trying to say with this

>> No.12181812

Oh, my. I see who is going to be dragging their 50 lb. sacks of rice and pork bellies everywhere. Caution, friend, while you're trying to haul your side of beef into town to trade for some gasoline for your generator - be sure it's well salted for preservation and that you keep it out of the sun and rain, and try not to let anyone who may be starving know you have an entire side of beef with you if you can maybe throw a cloak over it or something. Oh, and when you go to trade the live chickens, be sure to keep them cool and hope they don't get diarrhea or parasites and die all at once, or your store of wealth is at an end.

Or...just rely on fractional gold and silver for barter and store of value, like humanity has for thousands of years in dozens of completely different economies, and you'll be okay.

>> No.12181816

Holy fuck LMAO.
>Greetings, fellow wasteland traveller! I would like to trade you this tiny square of basically useless metal for 5 cars, or 4 years of food supplies. Thanks.

>> No.12181824

Yes, like a chocolate bar.

>> No.12181867


You're trying to look smart but you're overthinking this.

If SHTF people will want important shit like food. By the time people will give a shit about using currency items to trade again, we'll long be dead.


>> No.12181878
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>> No.12181899

Under rated.

>> No.12182212

Does this fit in the average wallet with the case and everything?

>> No.12182266

Invest in doomsday chocolate. You heard it here first

>> No.12182342


Pick one

That entire card might get you a can of fucking beans in a crisis situation (or shot). Should have spent that $25k on USEFUL things that you could barter for other useful things if something ever were to happen.

>> No.12182406

nice for loop bro

>> No.12182417
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>> No.12182425

>Oh, my. I see who is going to be dragging their 50 lb. sacks of rice and pork bellies everywhere
No I'm going to have antibiotics, small solar panels chargers, battery packs, ammunition, bleach (water disinfection)
ie. shit that people actually need

>> No.12182485

thanks basedprogramming anon

>> No.12182496

ill have that as well. The shiny rock is just money.

>> No.12182517

if we're in an apocalypse and i see some person with a gold bar or some shit im just gonna shoot him and steal it

>> No.12182527

>20 years old
>Over $25k in gold

What's it like being white?

>> No.12182544

it's not, it's just a shiny rock.
Every money that isn't useful in itself was created as a way to tax people.
find rare thing -> confiscate rare thing -> (optional) mint coins/etc -> tell people you demand payments in rare thing -> pay your soldiers in rare thing -> people sell their things to soldiers because they need rare things for taxes.
That's it. That's the history of gold, silver, shells, paper banknotes etc. as money. Nobody ever would accept these of their own free will.

>> No.12182596

most people will be armed as well to protect their wealth. so basically, you’d risk your life for just 1 oz of money? That’s an unsavory way bite the dust

>> No.12182608


>> No.12182656

very true. Which is why the 1933 gold confiscation was also a tactic to ensure strength to fiat bank notes. For taxation & power’s sake.

>> No.12182721

why do you own gold if you agree?
nobody taxes anything in gold anymore, and even if they start, it's going to be in specially minted coins, not just gold.
It isn't going to be worth shit during the collapse. Literally the only people that want gold are goldbugs, the problem they are going to have is that the only people that would potentially accept it already have it and would want to sell it too.
this anon >>12182342 was right, maybe you manage to exchange that card for one can of beans

>> No.12182905

This is one of the reasons I stayed in the reserves after my enlistment instead of completely getting out. If shit hits the fan, I just get recalled and help out.

>> No.12183494

You're a bit behind the curve. When I was 20 I already had around 50 troy ounces.

>> No.12183561

>the only true value in a doomsday scenario are utility items,
Yep. Shotguns and 22cal rifles along with ammo for hunting. You can lease your weapons to people to hunt, and take a percentage of their meat as your fee. With $5k down now, you could stockpile enough pump action shotguns and bolt action 22LR rifles to live cozy as fuck in the apocalypse.

>> No.12183641
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>> No.12183672
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You're a bit behind the curve. When I was 5 I already had around 500 troy ounces.

>> No.12183759

>No, you see, back when we had a society it was agreed that this is valuable.
I can see you're a forward thinker.

>> No.12183832

Look up and read “Stories of a Bosnian Survivalist” - the items with real value will be lighters, ammo, and unironically toilet paper

>> No.12183898
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>Mfw I've got a 4 rifles and ammo already.
>Mfw shtf, I'd take OP's jewgolds.

>> No.12184029
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Old school. Ever hear of pieces of eight?

>> No.12184044

Why do you goys always imply the doomsday scenario would include the entire planet earth? There are doomsdays going on all the time, and you are right people do want important shit like food, but that is only because they couldn't do what they really wanted which is just fucking leave to somewhere that still has McDonalds. The helicopter company does not want your shit old maggot infested bandicoot meat, they do not want your worthless local paper money, they will not pick you up if they saw you are carrying 20 shotguns, but they would accept valuable gold bullion.

You faggots can enjoy staying poor in your hollywood doomsday until you merely die by diseases or bandits or KMS yourself or just turn into retarded. I will spend one doomsday money card for the army helicopter to evacuate me then I will make some profit writing the books larping about my struggle in there, the disgusting meats I had to eat just to survive, my 200 shotguns and the eventual daring escape and success.

>> No.12184053

My parents made me a billionaire before they made me.

>> No.12184074

all of which you can buy with gold

>> No.12184100

Kek I love it anon

>> No.12184220

No gold yet, do have silver though. My stocks are down 8%, should have put the money into PMs so I’d at least have shiny coins to play with

>> No.12184242

overpriced, generic 100g bars are easily breakable too

>> No.12184297

You're still alluding a scenario in which a government and it's wealth has completely abandoned its nation. This is situation is scientifically improbable and impractical, because you basically believe the government and its authority will up and leave if (((things get out of hand))). Where would they go if this is all taking place? What is their motive? I think you all watch too many movies and are taking my post a bit out of context. Doomsday is a sadistic metaphor for crisis. Only tin foil hats believe in SHTF.

Also, bartering is a method that hasn't been used since before medieval times, it would take a SHTF government collapse scenario for people to engage in such...

>> No.12184303

I have about 30k in gold and silver hidden away somewhere safe. Just in case...

>> No.12184386

>Only tin foil hats believe in SHTF.
I am by no means a prepper, but don't you think there is at least a slim chance that we will see nuclear war, or a yellowstone-blows level of natural disaster in our lifetime?

>> No.12184445

i mean if i can ambush them without any risk to me and get their gold and other supplies, obviously yes

>> No.12184550

>don't you think there is at least a slim chance that we will see nuclear war, or a yellowstone-blows level of natural disaster in our lifetime?
I do see that happening but it will most likely be a temporary crisis -- just like every other catastrophe that passed. What I can't fathom is why people believe an entire government will collapse or disappear in that situation. Unless it was to be subdued by a foreign military or if it was to implode from within, I don't see SHTF happening. It would make no sense for a government to abandon its people or break apart from a catastrophic event.
>inb4 jewish conspiracy theories

>> No.12184579

The future of currency is the blockchain. We're not going to revert to a currency based on an archaic metal unless the power grid is wiped out forever or humans devolve into dumb monkeys(not going to happen).

>> No.12184580

What magical fairy land do you live in where your altruistic government would stay to help you rather than protect them and their own if SHTF

The government doesn't abandon its people, it is the people, and they get just as fucked of Yellowstone blows its load ,as an example

>> No.12184591

One coronal mass ejection and your future of money disappears

>> No.12184612

I guess until we just rebuild computers and shit. Maybe a few years? So yeah, stock up enough gold to last you a few years I guess?

>> No.12184669

Hope all those engineers who are going to fix all the computers and shit survive the chimpout that follows all power and electronics being nixed

>> No.12184689

If you want to base all your financial decisions on solar fluctuations, be my guest.

>> No.12184742

That's the plan, to hedge against disaster

>> No.12184761 [DELETED] 
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>leaving your money in the hands of banks
>not storing your money in your mattress

>> No.12184763
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>posting an inage that has location data encrypted in it

>> No.12184767


You're late to the party if you don't have at least $10k saved by 25. You're fucked m8

>> No.12184778

Also OP is a faggot there is not 20 months

>> No.12184782
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Finally a reason to mug people again!

>> No.12185118

you can't crack it, faggot

>> No.12185707
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Everyone knows internet phunny money is the real store of the value.
There's a Vishnu on the blockstream.
Do the needful sirs