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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12179055 No.12179055 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for a job
>get a phone interview
>get an in-person interview
>get a follow-up interview
>still get rejected

why is it so hard to get a job now

>> No.12179066

It took me 2 months to get a job. Don't give up.

>> No.12179080

Probably some shitty field lel I get hired on the spot because they know a guy like me is very valuable

>> No.12179081

2 MONTHS? you think thats long? kys u prick

>> No.12179103

I think the market (not crypto) is in a boom right now just before recession.

>> No.12179127

This, the last recession wasn't that long ago, and they can feel it this time.

It took me months to get a job and I finally got one, 2 mo the behind of rent but slowly making enough to pay it all back. Just hang in there OP

>> No.12179136

>he believes unemployment is only 4%

>> No.12179260

are you stupid? banks like other big institutions in europe still have hiring stop from the last crisis. they only recrute the minium amount with 5 step interview processes and shit like that.
It will only get better when boomers die and migrants return.

It buffles me how cucked my generations is in this timeline.

>> No.12179276

the boomers have somehow successfully propagated the "dont be entitled" meme to millennials now. fucks sake

>> No.12179283

>why is it so hard to get a job now
thats god trying to save you money, you'll never make any working for someone else

>> No.12179323

>migrants return

>> No.12179383

in what kind of field are you all applying?

after military service i sent my cv to one company and they invited me to the first Interview to do a simple test about electronics and the second i had to build a simple circuit to measure current send the data to a pc and save it

>> No.12179392
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>tfw in-person interview tomorrow

>> No.12179408

they will never go back to their shitholes

>> No.12179473

HR need something to do before the actual decision maker joins the process at last interview and rejects you

>> No.12179481


i never said they would, i think probably they wont.
in fact they fuck their home countries over too as rich people from over the world buy up all the land and properties in place like eastern europe and milk the shit out of it.

all the sharing economy shit you see like uber, airbnb and so on is only a result of a poor millenial generation that cant afford otherwise.

>> No.12179503

You should have told them about your transition.

>> No.12179517
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entry level is fucked
depends a lot on where you live though, in california its shit. no jobs, very few companies despite a ton of people

>probably because california is routinely ranked as the worst state to start a business in

>> No.12179548


>> No.12179653

its not only eastern europe
my aunt works in the land registry office
in austria and she told me that many rich ppl (especially southeast asian) with excess mony buy up property and drive housing prices up for everyone

imo every city with more than 1mil pop is affected by this

>> No.12179760

It’s taken me years you shitbag.

>> No.12179773

>apply for shittiest possible jobs
>don't get replies
Jfmsu fampai.

>> No.12179824
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Thanks fren.
>tfw struggling to choose my clothes

>> No.12179910

>apply for government job
>Get fucked and fucked

>> No.12180042

>accidentally hit "interested" on a job prompt last night
>look, area is long commute (feasible but like 3-4 hours a day)
>called me first thing this morning and want me in for an interview
>don't even want the job but agreed to the interview
They sounded really desperate and I'm kind of scared. The woman on the phone dropped a ton of spaghetti. The website is like babby first html and the HR woman apparently can't into email. It's a lawfirm. Should I take the job and dominate the office as the go-to tech guy on top of my regular duties, or skip town and ghost all phonecalls?
In general I get tons of interest but all the jobs are shitty and likely low paid and far away. I have rent to pay god damn it, 16 an hour is not going to cut it.

>trying to get new skills so I can start making bigger money
>trying to figure out how to prove to employers I have those skills (once I learn them)
>jobs all want 3 years professional experience in them before they'll even glance in your direction
friggety fuck. Now I need to find a stepping stone job that lets me dabble in that shit alongside my regular shit so I can write it on a resume just so I can get a fucking job in it.

>> No.12180065

I refuse to jump through hoops for these HR faggots just so they can fill an interview quota and have an excuse to import another H1b.
If there is any more than one interview, I just block their phone number and email address. Never get back to them. Fuck them.

>> No.12180096

in answer to your question, if you havent hit 6 months of being unemployed, keep searching, if youve hit 6 months take the first best thing you get and think about the rest later. im talking from experience, dont shoot yourself in the foot and land in years of unemployment.

>> No.12180135

why not just relocate instead of travelling 4 hours every day?

>> No.12180209

>Apply for RN job
>5min phone interview
>Get offered the job right on the spot
>looking for a per diem side gig
>walk into surgical center randomly on my way home from shopping to see if they have any positions.
>get hired on the spot
Feels good to be in an in demand profession.

>> No.12180267

Well dickhead there's this thing called a fucking lease.
Unfortunately I had a ton of unexpected expenses in the $5,000 range lately so my savings are too depleted to do that. I have 2 months of living expenses as it stands. Sucks but that's that, I can't afford to be too picky, but I can still be a little bit picky.
I guess I'll go to the interview just for morbid curiosity and see what they have to offer. If it's good enough money I might take it regardless of the commute... I have a feeling they'll drop some lowball on me because lawyers are all kikes and cheapskates. I have another interview tomorrow anyway.

>> No.12180301

The job market is flooded with over qualified retards. You're fighting over a position with at least 100 other people and at least half of them are more qualified than you. The best thing to do these days is to start your own business and try to find a way to get the people that get these jobs to give you their money.

>> No.12180330

Nice, have fun cleaning up diarrhea.

>> No.12180343

Because your job is guarded by a plethora of leeches. Robots will completely displace your profession in the next decade.
We will all be rich then so I suppose it doesn't matter.

>> No.12180346

I will, have fun being "fun"employed

>> No.12180507

I have a job, dummy.

>> No.12180549

just zoom out bro