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12172945 No.12172945 [Reply] [Original]

Which is worth more getting?

A dog or a girlfriend?

>> No.12173034

Then use dog to filter out women
If they don't accept the unconditional love you have for your dog/want you to prioratize them over dog/want you to move in with them without dog you know they are evil and get to kick them to the curb

>> No.12173051

>not having a dogfriend
Fucking pleb

>> No.12173422
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>Smells nice
>Can fuck them sometimes
>Highly conditional love
>Very demanding
>Will force you to impregnate them even if you don't want a kid
>Will cheat on you and somehow end up with your kid and all your money after the divorce

>Unconditional love
>Demands only food, play time and walkies
>Always loyal
>Can fuck them
Will die after a mere 8-15 years and you'll want to kill yourself when it happens

>> No.12173799
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My dog died in october and it has been one of the worst times of my life. I love my GF but I would happily trade her life for his.

>> No.12173828

dog and tinder hookups for sex

>> No.12173921
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>Will die after a mere 8-15 years and you'll want to kill yourself when it happens
My pups are already 5 years old ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.12173950

Enjoy that pup every minute you can, fren...Give it hugs, let him sleep in your bed, & play often! Pups are amazing.

>> No.12173958
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>> No.12173968

>the absolute state of white people

>> No.12173971
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Oh I will, they live great lives, this my boy bring home a piece of firewood today from the forest.

>> No.12173975

Dog can help suck your dick at any time.

>> No.12173976

Border collie owner master race checking in

>> No.12173978
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>> No.12173992

I need one of those

>> No.12174042

Get one if you want to know what a real fren is. Smart and literally autistic in a biz way. Noble as fuck. The perfect doggo.

>> No.12174110

I got both. Comfy af