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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12172823 No.12172823 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone worried about BTC/ETH scaling properties
>don't realize RLC scales any shitcoin of choice
>don't understand RSK bitcoin smart contracts
>don't realize how important a computational marketplace is (airbnb of computing)
>don't know about the mining dApps coming that will change the landscape of mining forever
>don't understand how iExec will usher in the next technological advancements in AI and dApps
>tfw smartest team in crypto
>tfw china is excited about the tech
>tfw Intel, IBM, and Chinese cloud partnerships
>tfw iExec is unironically the next ETH/BTC level gains
>tfw only 80M circulating coins
>tfw only 14M marketcap
>tfw buying iExec at $0.17 is going to make me a deca-millionaire by 2021

>> No.12173203
File: 319 KB, 1800x1800, iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That worker drop sure went well

>> No.12173221

Bag holder here, it wasn’t the best but a hundred times better than the last one

>> No.12173232

Considering that 1 RLC will equal 100-500$ within 3 years i think any free RLC is worth it.

Also, worker drops for cloud coins are generally lackluster due to the lack of infrastructure/demand currently. This is literally the floor of a new technology that is going to change the game in years to come.

>> No.12173339

It was? holding heavy bags here as well. I assumed it was a clusterfuck going by the telegram comments

>> No.12173379
File: 478 KB, 2000x1372, 154445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you guys buying this crash/dip if you're bagholding?
It'll lower your cost average and next bullrun you'll make a ton of money. Don't worry so much about worker drops. They're cool to see how the tech works and stuff but beyond that it's not that important in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12173436

Coinbase better add this as a fiat pair. I'm 90% in this coin. Waiting 2 years to be a millionaire is a long time though

>> No.12173449

They added golem which makes zero sense considering golem is a shitcoin in comparison to iexec IMO. iExec even beat golem to blender rendering.

Nonetheless, a usd pair would be great. I'm sure it'll come within 12 months. This team is methodically doing things the right way. It's still in stealth phase.

>> No.12173464


I bought all the way down

>> No.12173473

TG people claims coinbase invested in golem

>> No.12173497

You'll be alright come next bullrun then. Keep buying! RLC is literally digital oil.

Yeah I wouldn't doubt it considering the price action I've seen on golem. Eventually coinbase won't matter though so who really gives a fuck lol

>> No.12173544

They need to figure out the token economics and eventually a better UX because I have to assume that the centralized offerings are easier to use, like almost push button vs command scripts

>> No.12173585

For sure. I'm pretty sure that stuff is coming. They already said they're going to release some sort of research on their tokenomics soon.

UX stuff is generally just something that comes with time. It's pretty easy to do, they just need to simplify it more.

>> No.12173618

Bought 2k rlcs at 4900 will i be okay op? price prediction?

>> No.12173643

great price
I think iExec is a top 10 coin in the future. Could be anywhere from 1-5 years but I think it's less than 5.

It will reach 400$ at some point.

>> No.12174363

bought the bottom

>> No.12174740

13k hodler here. Want to increase my stack to 40k so shut up for a month so I can take a credit and buy this mofo.

>> No.12174788

That's how I feel when these threads come up. I'm trying to build a 50k stack to hit millionaire status when this coin hits $20. $1.75B is nothing if this coin can deliver.

>> No.12174875

300k holder here. Hopefully this time next year I’m retired

>> No.12174895

It's shit but bagholders will never understand why. There is little reason to hold the thing and as the network becomes more usable the currency itself actually decreases in value. RLC itself is pegged to the demand of the network, the faster the service the less it is actually worth.

Where's that brainlet dreaming of being smart image? It perfectly describes iExec RLC.

>> No.12174934

Explain. Because it makes no sense.

The more it's used the more there needs to be staked, less RLC in circulation, more $ people is willing to pay for a single one.

>> No.12174939

Why would anybody use another ponzi to support the scaling of their own ponzi?

>> No.12175085

RLC is used to pay for cloud computing resources. It's like gas on ETH in the sense that if there's no usage, RLC is dirt cheap. As the network grows the price of the computing power could be incredibly low. There needs to be an actual demand for RLC the currency in the same way people constantly buy gas for ETH transactions, otherwise it drops in price. RLC is only a medium of exchange for the computing power.

The fact large businesses could use it is not an indication of the moon potential, you could have 1000s of businesses using it but even more people doing work to receive RLC as payment the more popular it becomes. In that case supply is vastly outstripping demand. There is no real guarantee of RLC moon whether or not it succeeds as project and it is therefore a gamble of an investment rather than a surefire bet.

>> No.12175320

You aren't taking into account the staking, the more "secure" a task needs to be, the more people will stake to get the tasks from competitors. When you have hundreds/thousands of dapps, all competing for getting workers to execute their tasks (increasing price)

>> No.12175336

This is quite possibly the most retarded FUD I have ever read about iExec.

>> No.12175376

>When you have hundreds/thousands of dapps, all competing for getting workers to execute their tasks (increasing price)
Call me when it happens. As of now literally nobody uses this shit and the applications are less than many suspect due to the fact it is slower than traditional cloud solutions on it's own. The main gig seems to be to do off-chain computations. I also see overlap with LINK since the whole gig is just a currency to connect to off-chain cloud services. It is mainly intended for AI computations and the like. I do not see any demand for this shit in the next year. I don't think it should be compared to other cloud computing services, we are talking about buying the currency of the network, you must speculate on how much the currency of the network will be in demand.

>> No.12175387
File: 297 KB, 1024x832, 1536861423371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I found it, for you.

>> No.12175421

redpill me on iexec
why should I hold it over golem?
golem team said sgx is faulty and not decentralized

>> No.12175455

IExec BTFOed Golem on their slack for this claim

>> No.12175486

No, I've given up on this coin.
Dumped so much worse than anything else, has to compete with Amazon AWS and other giants, worker drop was meh, tokenomics are shit, etc.

Losing hope here, and I only have 5k RLC so even if it reaches 20 $ I ain't gonna make it.

>> No.12175555

>if iExec takes even 1% of the 500b cloud computing industry (google, AWS, etc) it will be a 200x+ from this point out. Now imagine if it starts to heavily compete with the centralized cloud and takes more than 1%. This will happen by 2021 as cheap prices will drive competition and Amazon nor Google will be able to compete due to overhead costs, costs of labor, costs of hardware upkeep, etc.

>Gilles Fedak, (CEO and cofounder of iExec): a permanent INRIA research scientist at ENS-Lyon, France (Homepage: http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~gfedak/).). After receiving my Ph.D degree from University Paris Sud in 2003, I followed a postdoctoral fellowship at University California San Diego. I produced pioneering software and algorithms in the field of Grid and Cloud Computing that allow people to easily harness large parallel systems consisting of thousands of machines distributed on the Internet (XtremWeb, MPICH-V, BitDew, SpeQulos, Xtrem-MapReduce, Active Data, …). I co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers and won two Best Paper awards. In 2012, I co-edited with C. Cérin the Desktop Grid Computing Book, (CRC publication). In 2015, I received the Chinese Academy of Sciences PIFI Award.