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12170863 No.12170863 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me a country to move to with my future gains.

>> No.12170895


>> No.12171488


>> No.12171507

>Future gains

>> No.12171543

Japan. Their men would rather date robots, their women are among the best looking in the world, and most importantly still act like women. "Used" real estate is cheap there.

>> No.12171567


>> No.12171589
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Japan if you made made gains and can just open a business or work online to stay busy. Safe, western enough medical care, natives mostly polite, everyone shorter than you, all the benefits of city life in Tokyo without a lot of the downsides of safety concerns or too many undesirables.

>> No.12171605

Barbados, enjoy low taxes

>> No.12171611


>> No.12172053
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All accurate execpt for the women: their personalities are selfish beyond belief, and they are ice cold and hard to communicate with. Even if you speak Japanese, they just won't come out from behind their "public face" to form any kind of a connection or give more than one word answers. Once you have dealt with Japanese women for a few months, you will date a robot too. The Japanese men are very smart, and the female artificial characters they create are far superior to 3D bio females.

>> No.12172130

Costa Rica

>> No.12172162

Brazil. Western Paraná or coastal Santa Catarina, rest is niggers.

>> No.12172495

Switzerland. Just make sure you have a shitton of money. Or maybe some ex-Soviet hellhole like Ukraine.

>> No.12172570

If you ever plan to have kids and want to move to 3rd world you're a shithead.

>> No.12172923

No property tax.

>> No.12172953

Some 3rd world country where your riches will be magnified and you can act like a real bigshot.

>> No.12173032
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>> No.12173037

North Korea

>> No.12173131
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Argentina, get a big cattle farm

>> No.12173197

Japanese women are basically western women in the sense that they will only date up up up. It's Chad or bust. Why do you think the birth rate is so low? Women are choosing not to be in relationships or mate unless it's Chad and that's in short supply.

>> No.12173259


>> No.12173294

the full bananas tax system can repel any economic enterprise you would partake.
And as a place to rest, why pick south? the beaches are ugly and cold af.

>> No.12173588

Redpill me on moving to Argentina.

>> No.12173652

Not for another five or six years.

>> No.12174045

New Zealand, nothing but good cunts here

>> No.12174587

No lah shit place

>> No.12174623

i only see ignorance here at biz, maybe thats the reason why so many oldfags and newfags will be always wagecuks.

OP, it depends if you are american or not.
unfortunately amerifags needs to pay taxes on their worldwide income even if they dnt live in the USA.
so i advice you to renounce to your american citizenship and get one of those for sale on the caribbean, then apply for a residency anywhere you want to live, but before that dnt forget to create an offshore corporation on the BVI to hide all your assets.
You can also get residency on one country but you dnt need to spend all your time there, for example, get residency in Panama or Dubai, those are tax free countries, you only need to spend a day a year to maintain your tax residence there, and you can spend your time traveling wherever you want.

>> No.12174641
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>> No.12174646

South Korea. Modern. Hot women. Conservative women very few whores. Also whores are cheap if thats what you want. Healthy food. Great place to marry. Near to rest of Asia. Japan a cheap flight away.

U need a job to be here though. Teaching English is really the only option.

>> No.12174651

Come to America, Sergey. We'll treat you right

>> No.12174716


>> No.12174733

Im pretty sure all men planetwide would rather date robots. Thats living the dream bro.

>> No.12174832
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what about radiation tho

>> No.12175182

You keep your bank accounts off shore, obviously.

>> No.12175208

Slovakia/Poland/Czechia it you’re white
Sweden in any other case

>> No.12175457

Japan is my best bet. It's so safe no one will ever rob you for your Buttcoins.

>> No.12176296
File: 306 KB, 521x373, 6a00d8351b44f853ef0148c843c09b970c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok sirs, there is a vishnu living in the blockchain and here is its address:

Based and brown poopilled

Notice sirs that the address starts with 'viSHNu'. This is a magical wallet. To keep the vishnu alive, please do the needful and transfer some bitcoins to that address.

>> No.12176307

They don't have to in practice, at least didn't use to. Maybe now it's enforced by the foreign countries.

>> No.12177225


This. Robowaifus are the future.

>> No.12177238


>> No.12177269


>> No.12177283
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The United States of America

>> No.12177320

Heard Malta is pretty sick. Government is extremely pro crypto. Bience has their headquarters there. Extremely low taxes

>> No.12178307

checked wtf

>> No.12179124

bro are you trolling or new? it's clearly a vanity address