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12168147 No.12168147 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss why HOT will overtake ETH

>> No.12168197

My bags grow heavier every day.

>> No.12168259

How? This shit has been going up in fiat ever since BTC started to rise

>> No.12168532
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>> No.12168566

buy more then faggot you obviously don't have that much money in the game

>> No.12168668

every day? How long you been in?
>buying with the BTC pair

ETH is totally finished when this shit starts flying boys

>> No.12169147

holochads have the best morale, compare this to any other crpyto community

>> No.12169231

where can I start accumulating some of this, love the tech

>> No.12169267
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because we already know we're going to make it.

>> No.12169438

Binance is good
Trade the ETH pair, with BTC the satoshi difference is so wide if it moves down by one, you'll not be happy. ETH pair is good for swings as well

>> No.12169982

Finally, the truth comes out.

>> No.12170037

It's crashing right now. 12 sats, bitch.

>> No.12170038

This, it's hard to feel bad. Also a lot of people are like me and up 6-8x ob it

>> No.12170194


>> No.12170285

Its been bouncing between 11-14 sats for a while aspie. Keep bumping the thread

>> No.12170582

will load my bags more at 450.

>> No.12170623
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What does a Holo do anyway? Host a website or something? Why do they need your money for that?

>> No.12170834

Ho Ho Holo. Every week I add more and more.

>> No.12170855

Bought some quant with my holostack to get back with holo.

>> No.12171253

Its does everything ETH wants to do

>> No.12171347

Thanks for all your research

>> No.12171570

No but really, this is it. All ETH accomplished was an easier platform to facilitate ICOs

>> No.12171584

these trannies and negroes will accomplish nothing

>> No.12171592
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Alright Gook.

>> No.12171623

just dumped 10M of this shitcoin ahh that felt so good. enjoy your never ending decent down the CMC 100. you will wind up broke and penniless just like the skyfags and iexecuniggas

>> No.12171966

Holochain will be 1 penny one day mark my fucking words

>> No.12171976

i meant to put 1 dollar sorry did some incorrect math

>> No.12171991

Dub confirm

>> No.12172045

lol one cent, we 10 cents end of 2019

>> No.12172055

oh ok

>> No.12172301

If you want to be spoonfed look at the youtube channel you dumb mong

>> No.12172914

>dumped to 12 sats while everything else is pumping

Why should I buy this shit when I have LINK?
Convince me now, I'll buy your bags.

>> No.12173805

look into it yourself. Golden opportunity

>> No.12174047
File: 429 KB, 600x343, holo team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked into, doesn't seem legit. SJW hippy team.
I'll stick with LINK, good luck with your investment though.

>> No.12174134
File: 611 KB, 938x960, Buy Holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all well aware of the team and their... unfortunate disposition. But the project is solid. The risk/reward on this thing yielding gains is too good to pass up, but thanks. Good luck to you

>> No.12174177

This board is full of ez-money boiz who have no fucking clue how any of this shit works. It's obvious because when Holo threads come around around 0-1 people will actually argue technical fud. The rest go hurr durr worthless blah blah i eat rocks. Meanwhile, people like me who did hours and hours of research and invested months back are sitting comfy. Notice how the chart has no big "pumps and dumps" yet? Notice how we have sat around rank 60 for 2+ months on CMC? No, you idiots don't actually notice shit. You shit post. I used to make intelligent threads about Holo, but literal brainlets can't be fucked to do 1 hour of research into what Holo is.

Go ahead, try and FUD Holo. I will wait.

>> No.12174256


>> No.12174735

i think it sucks

>> No.12174756

Hello fellow holomarine. Can you give me a timeline on 2019? I know that holo ports ship out in feb/Mar but do you know when the network goes live and people can start renting out computational power for holo fuel? And when do you think marketing will start?

>> No.12174761

Also checked

>> No.12174801

Holo hasn't had a github commit in months iirc

>> No.12175254
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I used to be one of the guys that bought this motherfucker at ICO, spent days of research and then starting educating brainlets on /biz/ while BTFO any FUD. Not unlike how this anon described >>12174177

At some point I decided to accumulate more and stopped posting. Meanwhile /biz/ become a wasteland so I don't even bother posting anymore, but if you're genuinely curious as to why most people think Holo will overtake ETH, I could give it a shot at answering.

1. the tech - this is some next level shit but it's too complex to cover this in a single post so my only answer is DYOR.

2. Tokenomics - this is a bigger deal than most people think. Mutual credit + asset backed + value stability is something that hasn't existed in crypto before. If they pull it off, in a few years time Holo could be a better store of value than BTC. We'll see.

3. Scalable and cheap. Imo this is the biggest factor of them all. You know how people say that the platform with most developers wins? That's just nerd talk. In the real world it doesn't work that way. In the real world we have a concept called "race to the bottom". Here's an example: say you build a killer dapp on Ethereum. It doesn't matter how that dapp is monetized and how scalable Ethereum is, you will still have a huge overhead in the form of gas fees. You will recoup this cost from the users of your app one way or another. Now lets say I'm some kike that sees the potential in your app. I'll just clone it on Holochain where I can have orders of magnitude lower overhead. Lower overhead for me, means lower costs for users. Users go where it's cheap. The point is that any successful dapp on any platform can be done for cheaper on Holochain and it will be ported there (either by the original team or a competitor) because that's how the market works.
the blackpill: any blockchain project that has global consensus will NEVER be as effcient as Holochain. This is what kills Ethereum and all the other dapp platforms.

>> No.12175283


TL/DR: Holochain's biggest innovation is the lack of global consensus which allows it to be infinitely scalable. Add the amazing tokenomics on top and the fact that it's backed by computational power and you get this juggernaut of the crypto world.

Disclaimer: Holo's dominance assumes there is or there will be a market for dapps. When it comes to currencies, BTC and Monero will be kings. We don't know yet if dapps are a fad that will die or they are the future. You might need to wait for 5 years to find out, but if you have to keep your money for 5 years, it might as well be Holo cause nothing else that is blockchain based will come close to it. Not now, not in the future.

>> No.12175346

How many do you have?

do we see 10 cents buy the 4th of july?

>> No.12175444
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>How many do you have?
~15 million but waiting for some pumps on some of my other shitcoins mostly to get rid of them. I'll sell them either for Holo or BTC. Haven't decided yet.

>do we see 10 cents buy the 4th of july?
don't think so
Mostly because once Holo goes live we'll go into the "working product" territory. This kinda fucks its speculative value a bit, especially since this is asset backed. At first we'll see little demand from developers since there won't be many apps requiring holofuel. Obviously this doesn't stop people from speculating, but it does give them a baseline to compare with.
>Guys we're trading this shit at 10 cents but there's fuck all computational power in the network and fuck all demand for it. If we crunch some numbers it seems that we're overvaluing this shit by a factor of 100.
>Fuck this, I'd better sell before others figure it out too.

Obviously I'm speculating here and it's impossible to predict what the market will do. What I'm saying is that being asset backed will probably make people more reluctant so speculate. On the other hand we have shit like EOS that is still at 2.5 billion so there's that.

>> No.12175490

Checked. Sure it's asset backed but the value of the asset is nebulous enough for speculation.