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12167420 No.12167420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>See overturned car on road
>talk about it with person in car
>get home and go on YouTube
>#2 recommended video is craziest car crashes compilation video

Is Google listening to us through our phones

>> No.12167433

did you really think they aren't?

>> No.12167448

>Have not seen or heard from Fazoli's in ages
>Ask my friend if they're still in business
>Says he doesn't know, forgot they even existed
>Later he's browsing his normiebook news feed and sees an ad for Fazoli's
Bros I'm scared

>> No.12167466

Yes. This literally happens all the time. I'll search for something on my computer or have a conversation with my wife. Then I'm getting ads for it everywhere on every computer I use and my phones.

>> No.12167477

That's not even the tip of the iceberg m8

I read a post on my desktop machine in my shitposting browser with my fake gmail account. Then on my phone I received an ad on Tinder (Google or Facebook ads?) for the same exact topic. The topic was Invisalign braces that some anon was talking about.

So it's either some botnet communicating over my wifi, or the fake gmail account knows my real name? Or it's just going by my IP address? I'm not sure.

>> No.12167480

>sit on toilet
>randomly think about something
>type it into google
>it autocompletes really fast and the first thing is what I thought about


>> No.12167486

yes of course, just use text

>> No.12167500

>Talking on phone with my mum
>Go to store
>Water in a vending machine at the entrance
How did they know?

>> No.12167525
File: 213 KB, 760x428, Mark-Zuckerberg-Tape-Facebook-Instagram-1-796x398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They probably have access to your camera as well. I mean, even zuckerbot covers the camera on his electronics.

>> No.12167535

they do listen retard. me and my coworker have been noticing this a lot lately, one time we were talking about a semi truck manufacturer in town and then I started getting ads for their trucks. I've never searched or texted anything about their trucks on my phone, only spoke of it with him a few days before.

>> No.12167575

Why did he put clear tape over the camera? Perfectly cut clear tape too.

>> No.12167600

I was at a restaurant with some friends and I talked about the new God of War with one of them. A couple of moments later he opens the FB app on his phone and one of the first things he sees is an ad for God of War. Spooky.

>> No.12167604

Sometimes when I write a 4chan post that displeases the Google gods, the captcha shows road signs from right near my house, places i recognize and went into google maps to confirm. This has happened 3x now. The world is too big for this to be a coincidence.

>> No.12167668

Probably tied to your external IP address. bet if you renew your dhcp lease from your isp and delete all internet history and cookies it goes away. I had this happen to me with bow flex when I was researching it.

>> No.12167780

talk to a buddy about coke
go on kikebook and see ads of hoodies with cocaine bags strapped to them

>> No.12167809


>> No.12167830


but yeah they must listen somehow, have these kinds of incidents happen all the time

>> No.12168014

They do listen, there's videos on YouTube testing it out. Also
>not having adblock on your phone

>> No.12168044

Google can track you across IP's, OS installs, and any other cookie/privacy blocking app you use, and I can prove it.

>> No.12168070

isn't this just confirmation bias?

>> No.12168158

think about how all this info can be used with robot trading.
claiming this would have you in all kinds of loony bins half a decade ago.

>> No.12168160


Same IP address ya fucking brainlet

>> No.12168396

only if you use the same gmail accounts and same IP address

>> No.12168829
File: 24 KB, 512x272, 526038f65b6a8a1420bf01d9bc967d738c206f84v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already been proven that Google listens through your mic to target you with relevant ads.

>> No.12168851

how can 4chan use this to troll users or advertizers.

will advertisers still target you if you spout naxi propaganda?

>> No.12168909
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>> No.12168936
File: 230 KB, 1280x848, fridgeambient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your location data showed that you were near people who used their phones to talk about a car crash and an insurance. The videos were targeted based on that.

Nobody in the thread mentioned this before me which is great proof that 99% of people in the world should never be allowed to use the Internet since they don't understand what it entails.

>> No.12168974

100%. Walking around downtown Chicago w friends, humid as tits out. 30-60 minutes of everyone talking about how bad they’re sweating, how we don’t want to go anywhere, etc etc.

>Phone notification
>Postmates: “Don’t want to go out for food? Use code SWEATITOUT For free delivery”

>> No.12168987

no it's just confirmation bias mixed with the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.

>> No.12169003
File: 60 KB, 600x443, 1474162167962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to friends about how decentralized oracles are the future
>youtube recommends me alex jones videos

>> No.12169290

Just make sure to never anger the google woman. No one knows what she will do with her grudge one day.

>> No.12169412

mia warned us almost a decade ago
