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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12166997 No.12166997 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12167010

It won't.

>> No.12167014


>> No.12167021

being rich wont get me a gf but having money will allow me to pursue hobbies that I enjoy which gives me more confidence which will presumably make me more outgoing with women. my goal is to have 3 gfs not just one

>> No.12167041

No I can find bitches and I'm 33 and live with my mom. I'm also skinny fat and kinda ugly. Pro tip: be funny and stop caring so much.

>> No.12167086
File: 108 KB, 759x572, IMG_20181219_120809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a little chubby u just gotta be urself bro

>> No.12167112

why 3 instead of 4 or 2? would you prefer it if they were also each other's gfs at the same time or friends, or would you want to keep things separate?

>> No.12167133

yea but this fucker is like 6'4 and has self confidence waaaaaaay above anon

>> No.12167140


Someone post that image of the boomer who hits up chicks in a bar with some lame brain catchphrase.

>> No.12167147

Jesus, please stop putting women on a pedestal. Don't you think there are other important things in life a man can achieve? Don't be a pussy, do something important for the society

>> No.12167317
File: 60 KB, 464x484, 1544307541274-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, you ladies are looking good tonight
And then just walk away

>> No.12167347

hm. I am more or less pore. Not really, but maybe to the standards of people who have a good paying job. But I do high standard art – in this sense I don't even really work. I have a few girlfriends. They are all very pretty. They even get nervous when I am distancing myself for whatever reasons that aren't even connected to them. Money isn't your problem.

>> No.12167349

it would unironically work

>> No.12167371

It won't. And you'll just end up with a gold digger. If you can't get a girlfriend now money isn't going to help you be happy.

>> No.12167769

Having a gf will make you poor again

>> No.12167778

I am hoping I can get the type that I want. I can get a french teacher as a gf but if I want a doctor/lawyer gf I need to be rich. An engineer salary won't cut it at all. Given that a good lawyer makes about 150k a year, I just need to get 50k from passive income. If I get 1mm+ and the housing market crashes, I can probably swoop a couple houses or apartment blocks that I'll rent.

>> No.12168019
File: 118 KB, 2048x1600, jesus christ baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I just got absolutely ripped and blew my mind. You ever pluck a guitar string in a very quiet room and actually listen to how long the sound lingers and ebbs. Geeeez. I also just bought the lesser key of solomon. GEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

>> No.12168032

3 is ideal, just enough variety to keep my dick happy and 4 becomes too much work to maintain. it would be cool if they were each others gfs

>> No.12168188

yea bois lets waste our youth in order to get some old smally lose cunt

living life buying high selling low so to speak

>> No.12168208
File: 2.68 MB, 852x480, 1,2,3 feel the beat ns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12168251

So you're saying that by spending my 20's as a drug-taking NEET and having occasional gfs and one-night stands I was actually living life to the fullest???

>> No.12168269

did you reach enlightenment my dude?

>> No.12168288

No, but I got lost in my hat once. Now I'm a single dad wagecuck.

>> No.12168322
File: 63 KB, 720x712, 1540355572669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I once as well folded the elements....I don't want to wagecuck for the rest of my life ITS ONLY JUST BEGUN AHHHHHHHH

>> No.12168432

could boost his self confidence to the point where he more easily socializes and has the interactions that increase his chance of meeting someone who would be his gf even if she doesn't know about his shekels.

>> No.12168543

Getting rich won't help me get a gf but maybe enough to rent one

>> No.12168578

Yep you got it, this is what I was counting on. Not literally flaunting my wealth and hoping it nets me a chick, just having the freedom and confidence to do whatever the fuk I want which should increase my chances of coming across a woman

>> No.12168607

Im unironically here hoping that by running an Oracle Node I wont be filled with self loathing while comparing myself to my Doctor gf.

>> No.12168614

for real?

still better than being an accountant in your 20ies and still being a virgin accountant in your 30ies

>> No.12168674

>>>12166997 (OP)
Screw gf's i want the money

>> No.12168755
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Nah, hoping being rich means I can be free to choose a good one.

>> No.12168891

The only difference I think it would make is giving you more options than the girls at home. I'm fine having more of a business arrangement with a gold diggery sort of woman from abroad as long as she can hold up her end of the bargain, the aggressively unpleasant tattooed water buffalo back home are beyond saving.

>> No.12168933

No, because even me probably on the Autism Spectrum have enough self-retrospect, that the fact of exchanging funny e monies to potentional a lot more USD, alone will not unfuck me.

You guys need to stop delude yourself that will change you in any way. You still will be the same basement dwelling NEETS, with no social skills and no structered day playing vidya and fapping to porn.

You wont get a gf not having your shit in order and not beeing a well grounded human with a actual likeable personality. Because this board thinks they have everything figured out instead of "normies" and that they are so fucking superior to them, because beeing fucked up in every single way seem to be a edgy thing to be proud of here.

Ah and thanks for the
posts in advance.

>> No.12168955

Yeah for real. I paid for my laziness and am now trapped in a shitty job. I love my son though.

>> No.12169034

It unironically would not you deluded faggot

>> No.12169079

I'm immensely lonely and have never had a gf and I do hope I can get a gf however I kind of want a gf before I'm rich so that I can be sure she actually likes me for me and not for money. Also never discuss/disclose finances much with a girl. You have to hide your power level. It can be dangerous to talk a lot about financials to girls or anyone always keep that in mind.

>> No.12169100
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>> No.12170380

You just need to find someone, who you can be with over a years time without killing each other:
PS: Money won't protect you from crazy bitches

>> No.12171192
