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File: 609 KB, 846x665, CareerTiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1216685 No.1216685 [Reply] [Original]

What type of physician are you going to be? Or what career did you settle for because you weren't smart enough to get into medical school?

>> No.1216690

I want to go into oncology. I'm just fascinated with cancer for some reason.

Which do you guys think is better? Radiation oncology or chemo oncology?

>> No.1216698

Aren't "God Tier" and "Unbelievable Tier" the same thing?

>> No.1216702

What med schools did you get into OP?

>> No.1216708


I shadowed a radiation oncologist, and it was amazing. I'd pick that. It's an amazing lifestyle. You need to know anatomy pretty much better than any other type of physician, and it's tough as shit to get into. But the lifestyle is incredible. You spend most of your day spinning CT scans around on a computer and tracing around tumors, which will then get bombarded with radiation. It's cool as shit. You can also work from home in some situations since it's all on the computer. They easily make $400,000+ annually. You will need an epic USMLE Step 1 score though.

>> No.1216712
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>> No.1216714

>quarter million dollars of school debt
>decade of intense study
>competition with chinks and Pakis
>60+ hour work weeks
>life and death is literally in your hands
>highest suicide rate of any profession

>h-heh i m-made it guys

>> No.1216715


I attend a well-respected medical school in California.I got into like 5 schools when I applied though. Got interviews from many more. About half of the schools that I applied to gave me an interview offer. The best ranked one that I got into was University of Washington, but I passed it up for my California school because it was much cheaper.

>> No.1216717

I'm going to the best hospital's bitch anyone ever hired.

>> No.1216718

>Work from home.

How does it stop radiology from being outsourced. I know that the whole field of pathology is fucked.

>> No.1216721

By any chance, you're black?

>> No.1216725


>quarter million dollars of school debt

Thanks to financial aid, my debt is only gonna be around $160K, which is a drop in the bucket considering the fact that I will be making around $350,000+ annually.

>decade of intense study

I love it.

>competition with chinks and Pakis

So what? Whites are just as smart. Take adderall.

>60+ hour work weeks

Laughinggirls.jpeg...If you think 60 hours per week is a lot, I have bad news for you,buddy. For, every high paying, you will have to put in at least 60 hour work weeks at some point in your career. You think investment bankers just start off making the big bucks at 40 hours per week?? LMAO. It's not unheard of people to work 100 hour weeks on Wall St. Same shit in Big Law. You need to prove your worth early on before you make $$$$$.

>life and death is literally in your hands

We are God.

>highest suicide rate of any profession

Life is what you make it.

>> No.1216769

The career I'm studying doesn't appear in the pic (International Affairs)
I'm also planning on getting a master's degree in economics.

>> No.1216776


>Claims to be med student
>states he'll just take adderall all day

rofl @ shitcan troll

>> No.1216779

t. increasingly nervous first year bio student

>> No.1216786

Lol this
>implying op isnt community college graphic design major

>> No.1216866

I did math/physics. Huge regret. I should have done CS

>> No.1216880

I'm interested in the same career, but I've always wondered what the fuck one would do with it. People with degrees in finance become financial analysts, people with degrees in nursing become nurses, but what the hell does a person with a degree in international affairs and economics become?

There's no direct path to a job and that kinda scares me. I don't want to end up like an Art major, desu.

>> No.1217043

Gene therapist.

>> No.1217141


>Information systems
>not even on the list


>> No.1217144

>what the hell does a person with a degree in international affairs and economics become?

I imagine those would be very useful for business analysis.

>> No.1217252

Oldfag here.

Get a four year degree in any science, while obtaining that make sure you do the pre requisites for pharmacy, dental, or optometry school.

I got into pharmacy school and graduated in 2008.

I am currently making ~150k/year, albeit a high stress/high reward job. If you want less stress you can get paid less.

Nevertheless, new grads are currently making low 100k right outta school.

Loans can be high, but not as high as med students (4 years of graduate school only, on top of undergrad)

>> No.1217305

>working for someone in a capitalist society
>unbelievable tier
stay poor, faggot

>> No.1217398


You always work 'for' the customer, faggot.

>> No.1217473
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>Or what career did you settle for because you weren't smart enough to get into medical school?
I don't get this statement.
Literally every single rich person I've met has never had a med school diploma. This isn't even the upper-middle class level, we're talking several expensive cars and mini-yachts. The funniest thing is most of them got what you guys would call a meme degree

>Psych major; High position in fortune 500
>Chem major; CEO of very successful company
>1 year IT crash course; High position in fortune 500
>CS major; Self-employed with fucking insane wage

This is just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.1217475

Here's the thing that most people on 4chan seem to forget, degrees don't mean jack shit if you aren't actually trying to be successful. It just so happens that people with good degrees want to be successful and people with bad degrees aren't trying.

You can very well get a great job with a "bad" degree if you're actually trying. My friend graduated with a marketing degree but now heads HR for Oracle.

>> No.1217476

Im 24 yrs old and majored in a meh tier subject. But ive always been interested in the body and medicine. Is there any way to go to med school at my age and education level?

>> No.1218551


Do a post-baccalaureate program to get all of your pre-reqs done, study for and kill the MCAT, get both clinical and nonclinical volunteering, shadow some doctors, maybe do some research. That's what it takes to get in nowadays.

>> No.1218565

Currently in physics

Probably gonna be a teacher because it seems chill and pension

Maybe I should try to be rich instead

>> No.1218595

Here's the thing that most people on 4chan seem to forget, degrees don't mean jack shit if you aren't actually trying to be successful. It just so happens that people with good degrees want to be successful and people with bad degrees aren't trying.

You can very well get a great job with a "bad" degree if you're actually trying. My friend graduated with a uncoping degree but now heads bitcoin for Nintendo.

>> No.1218793

I am going to take Foundations in Art and Design, a one year course as a basis. I will then move on to Video Game Design and Programing or Video Game Design and Animation. At least thats the plan, of course it will most likely change. I plan on doing a lot of stuff on my own to broaden my interests and expertise.

>> No.1218795


>> No.1218815
File: 167 KB, 365x351, 0-MFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>barely pass highschool
>get placed into info.tech
>its free
>have no debt
>still live with parants tho
>started working in the summer to save money
>want to have enough money to leave my arab shithole and go to EU/Canada
>mfw i only went 3 days to college in 3 years and only the exams
>mfw i get A+ to class i never went too
>mfw i know i have no real education
>mfw im fucked once i travel to a first world country

how do i fix this problam /biz/ ?

>> No.1218818

>What type of physician are you going to be?
I thought about psychiatry, but nah.
>Or what career did you settle for because you weren't smart enough to get into medical school?
Still in undergrad senpai, for psychology (hence the psychiatry), but I think I'll stick with the counseling/C-B side of things. I still have to go to graduate school, but I'm fine with it.

>> No.1218825

>considering the fact that I will be making around $350,000+ annually.
This is hilarious that you actually believe you will make anywhere near that before at least a decade in the medical profession, especially if you're just a GP

>> No.1218827
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>What type of physician are you going to be?

>Or what career did you settle for because you weren't smart enough to get into medical school?
Biochemistry undergraduate atm wasn't smart enough for undergraduate med, will try graduate

>> No.1218828

You sorta remind me of my old phys teacher in a really obscure way. Dude is a total genius - he got accepted to MIT and Yale and other nerdy but cool programs, like that space teacher program from a while ago. It's a good thing he didn't was just barely out of the running cos the rocket blew up or something lol.

He's an amazing physics teacher w/ a doctorate but makes his serious money by being a financial investor instead. He could be a millionaire by now desu. Anyway, I know this is really weird just pitching in my two cents here lol, but you could always do both.

>> No.1218829

>especially if you're just a GP

I'm gunning for radiology or anesthesiology.

>> No.1218847

Good choices then. And don't think that everyone wants to be a doctor and that they're too stupid if they pick something lesser.

I knew plenty of very bright people in non-medical fields back in college who simply didn't like the idea of being a doctor. They would have rather been chemical engineers or whatnot.

>> No.1218848
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>> No.1218949

I wonder if you remake this thread all the time just to bait again.

As stated many times by actual doctors in the previous threads (not some delusional undergrad who watches too much tv like OP), medicine isn't worth it if you're in it for money.
You can earn just as much or more in other professions without sacrifing the best part of your life studying, getting into debt, and doing 72-hour night shifts.

>> No.1219595

med school is for fucking cucks.

t. someone who dropped out of med school after 1 semester.

>> No.1219612

>living to work at a shit job with shit hours saving shit people who don't give a shit about themselves or you and will sue you when shit happens that's not your fault


>> No.1219622

pretty much. >>1219595

have fun slaving away in undergrad to get into med school, slaving away in med school basic sciences, slaving away for STEP/COMLEX exams, slaving away on rotations -- LITERALLY PAYING TUITION TO WORK 60-80 HOURS A WEEK, slaving away through 3-7+ years of residency making $50k/yr for 60-100 hour weeks, and then slaving away for the rest of your life working an average of 50-60 hours a week (unless you go into a laid-back specialty, which is either going to be super competitive like derm, or lower-paying like psych or family med.)

>> No.1219676

Nothing about being a physician appeals to me.

>> No.1219693

Just out of curiosity what made any of you choose the path?

I don't care about the money and the decade of shitty pay and debt makes it seem like a bad trade.

I don't really care about helping people, in fact my work is basically the other end of the spectrum and no doubt does more harm than good

I dont find medical science interesting in the slightest

I'm repulsed by blood, shit, grotesque deformations, etc

Really the only thing even related I find interesting is phrama

>> No.1219718
File: 135 KB, 425x516, 1461377293221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1219725

>What type of physician are you going to be?
Was GP

>Or what career did you settle for because you weren't smart enough to get into medical school?

Medical Lab Tech, for this exact reason. I'm too casual.

>> No.1219728

I studied medicine because I was just living on autopilot. I never questioned myself; it just seemed like the cool thing to do because many people want it and few can get it.

Of course I had never read a single book about finance (like most doctors, I knew nothing about the subject) or I would have noticed instantly what a bad deal I was getting myself into. But you often don't think about those things when you're an undergrad.

About finding pharma interesting.. I finally got a PhD (so ended up adding five more years to my already long study years) so that I could work on pharma research rather than stay on a soul-draining hospital.

>> No.1219733

Studying to be a Psychiatric NP. Same scope of practice but no bullshit. 40k debt from school, six figure salary, competing against soccer moms and blowing them the fuck out, no residency, go immediately into work, jobs are plentiful and I can work literally anywhere I want.

>tfw statistically there's no difference in outcome for patients between MDs and NPs
>Patients of nurse practitioners are more satisfied with their experience
>Hospitals prefer NPs because they can do the same shit for less costs
>Docs are increasingly cucked by PAs and NPs as they get forced out of primary care and into boring administration positions, filing paperwork for a living

Your insecurity is already obvious seeing as you felt the need to head on over to biz to wave your dick around. I'll not make as much money as you but I'll also be started in my career doing what I love, actually helping patients, by my late twenties. Plus, I'll make more than enough to do pretty much anything I like while also building considerable wealth since I'll be started in my job early and there will be tons of room to move up.

>160k isn't considerable debt
You'll be paying it for decades champ. Interest alone will be at least 11k a year.

>> No.1219758

>you'll be paying it off for decades

No, I simply wont. I won't have any debt by the time I'm an attending physician at age 33. My wife is a physical therapist, making $80K annually. We live a modest life while I'm still a student, and basically she is wiping away all of my debt. I will actually break even during residency, and every penny of my $350,000 annual salary will go right into my pocket (after taxes, that is). You butt-devastated?

>> No.1219774 [DELETED] 

I still feel that almost any job related to healthcare is "inferior" because you have to put too much of an effort with actual physical work to get any reward. Definitely disagree with this "god tier", "unveliebable tier" crap

>> No.1219784

I still feel that almost any job related to healthcare is "inferior" because you have to put too much of an effort with actual physical work to get any reward. Definitely disagree with this "god tier", "unbelievable tier" crap

>> No.1219805

>You butt devastated?

No, not particularly.

>> No.1219813

Where does survey statistics rank? It's technically a type of applied math but it's also sociology so where does it go?

>> No.1219817

Anyone find it disturbing such a self-righteous pompous faggot will be making medical descisions? You're the reason people hate premed kids at uni, the "I do well on tests so I must be awesome" kids.
I'm applying to med school this year except I'm not some delusional autist, I can take tests AND get along with humans, and I don't throw it people's faces. A truly intelligent person realizes they don't need to throw it around. Kys

>> No.1219824


What's so stressful about manning a pharmacy? I'm just curious because my mom always wanted me to be a pharmacy tech but I never bothered with medical prereqs even in highschool.

>> No.1219829

>bragging about free-riding off of your SO
Pretty shameless.

>it's inferior because I'd actually have to get off my Dorito-eating ass more than twice a day
Lazy slime.

>> No.1219851

>lazy after 13 years of work and study
It's not about being lazy but efficient. In healthcare there's only so much you can do at the same time. There's no "leave the business running by itself" at any time.

>> No.1219859

I'm studying at a European medical school which is accredited by the LCME. They offer USMLE on campus. 6 year program, less than 20k per year. Coming back to the US in a few years for residency. Also EUROSLUTS

>> No.1219876

What's self-righteous and pompous about pointing out facts. If you're this butt-annihilated by people spitting facts in your face, you'll never be able to handle medical residency. Go become a nurse, brAH

>> No.1219892

All about facts. Love me some science. Here's not facts:
>Asserting being a physician is objectively better than other jobs
Did you build your own house and library and discover all of the basic science you reviewed to be a doctor? We need docs but modern medicine wouldn't exist without the rest of the "menial" jobs
>Implying you're such a badass by writing cocky as shit things
Would you still want to be a physician if it didn't pay? How about if it wasn't supposed to earn you a ton of respect? If no go into biz, if you're so smart you could make more by doing WAY less

>> No.1219927

This chart is crap. A BS in chemistry is useless and statistics should probably be god tier

>> No.1219930

>art in meh
>poli Sci in shit tier

I graduated with a political science last year and have a job in finance making 60k

>> No.1220014

Yeah art should be shit tier

>> No.1220083

So you think 13 years of work and study entitles you to be a lazy-ass afterwards and coast off of the "success" (when you haven't really done anything for anyone else yet) for the rest of your life with a 200-300k salary?

The "effortful" work is what you had been working up to.


>> No.1220113

>Nevertheless, new grads are currently making low 100k right outta school.
this simply is not true. hasn't been true for a good 5 years. I personally know 8 people in 3 different states who've graduated pharmacy at different points in the last 4 years and the average out of school is about 60k

>> No.1220132

before taxes

>> No.1220143 [DELETED] 

Pharma has been btfo by the McDonald's-tier practices of CVS and Walgreen's too. They literally are eating up all the pharmacists and paying most of them on wage under $25/hr. Unless you find work in a hospital (highly competitive) pharma is shit tier

>> No.1220412

shit! wow pharmacy glut is real.

>> No.1220414

>computer science lower than engineering.

w e w

>> No.1220452

Why is geophysics in both God and Good tier?

>> No.1220486

where does IT go one that list

>> No.1220501


It's listed in 'good tier' although from experience the industry can range from god tier (CIO, enterprise architects) to average tier (tech support wageslave) to Pajeet gonna take your job tier (programming and development)

>> No.1220503

with the pajeets in shit tier

>> No.1220518


What do you do?

>> No.1220542

>What's so stressful about manning a pharmacy?
Pharm techs barely get paid more than shift supervisors and the job seems more stressful. I constantly hear from the people who work in the back about how rude customers are (if you work at a pharmacy there's a good chance you'll be in a low-income area with a bunch of addicts as your regulars) and that there's always drama with co-workers regarding hours. This also seems to happen in every pharmacy I've worked in, not just one of them so I think the pressure gets to everyone that's stuck back there.

I'm a shift supervisor and thought about going for a pharm tech job at our store because there's an opening but even the manager and another tech said that it's not worth the extra $1 an hour.

>> No.1220553

Where the fuck is nuclear phys
Whoever made this was looking at his local university's shitbucket of a list and pulled the rest out of his ass

>> No.1220575

He put the profession where you regularly have to stick your fingers up old mens asses as #1.

OP is a fag and his list is bait.

>> No.1220581

I'm in college undergrad right now, I'm either going to work on wall street in IB or consulting, OR join US army special forces and do private military contracting after that. Fuck being a doctor because I hate school and can only suffer it for so long

>> No.1220586
File: 39 KB, 435x650, isthatyoupap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hue hue hue

>> No.1220963

Software engineer. Not even close to a code monkey.

>> No.1221061

About to graduate with a CS degree. I have a job offer lined up that pays 100k. CS is a good meme

>> No.1221225

I'm an 18 year old and interested in medicine. I've started premed and such, what is a good way to get people to let you shadow them?

>> No.1221767

Being nice with them

>> No.1221771

OP here. I just e-mailed a bunch of local doctors. 4/4 said yes, surprisingly.

>> No.1221772

be born into family of doctors

>> No.1221902

Either C. Sci or Info Tech depending on how stupid I am.

>> No.1221922

but you literally have to work with other CS majors. Software is a pretty toxic industry, the managers are demanding and clueless, because their nerd workers never say no to a deadline, so there are delays and stress and all around idiocy. Sofware is the worst industry, even if you like to program, the environment will turn it to hell.

>> No.1221926
File: 1.65 MB, 800x7795, Deceptive-Salary-of-Doctors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm be sticking with my 200k a year software job after 3 years of college and no debt.

>> No.1221934

Anyone here study mech engineering? I'm second year and I'm starting to think I fell for a meme. Job prospects in my country are shit for engineers atm. In regards to the actually degree, there is not much work involved. I usually go weeks on end not doing anything and just study a week before exams and get solid marks.

>> No.1221939

You go to a shit school. I'm at a top MechE school and the people in the program are always studying. I'd say 60 hours a week to maintain a decent GPA.

>> No.1221942

Lol @ this dilution

>> No.1221997

Maybe the dumb people. They always complain the loudest about how hard everything is and how much work they have, when 80% of the class has no problems and breeze through the material.

>> No.1222000

What are you talking about mayne

>> No.1222015

I was smart enough to not go to medical school.
I make more money in the long run doing private research.

>> No.1222045

What type of research? How much do you make annually?

>> No.1222099
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I fixed it for you.