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File: 35 KB, 620x413, babyboomers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12163368 No.12163368 [Reply] [Original]

> pay 120 dollar a month for different physical newspapers

Give me some examples of your retareded boomer parents too

>> No.12163376

My boomer parents didn’t buy the niggercash ico!

>> No.12163483

Noone has boomer parents here?

>> No.12163486

>wasting 20 years on a retarded son

>> No.12163496

>my house is my retirement
>college is an investment
>idk how to load a dishwasher
>live in a cold climate

>> No.12163498

Zoomers pay $60 for ps4/xbox multiplayer. You're no better, at least boomers fucking get something instead of with multiplayer passes or fortnite skins

>> No.12163503
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> t. butthurt zoomer who depends on the boomer

>> No.12163545

mother made millions on the housing market

had shitfaced cpa who stole all her money and never reported taxes

IRS shows up and demands back taxes.


>> No.12163816

One of her boomer friends probably told her
>don’t do taxes yourself
>a cpa will SAVE you money
I always kek when people say to hire a cpa or tax professional. If they fuck up it’s you who goes to jail/gets fucked, even though you didn’t do the taxes. Total meme.

>> No.12163855


i kept asking for receipts and reports of all the paperwork and all she said was

He can handle it its his job

she kept forking money over thinking she was paying her taxes and fees.

>> No.12163865
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>you need to pay a cpa for that
>you need to pay a lawyer for that
>they are there to help you

>> No.12163870

I paid £30 for 14 months...
Nont even close boomer

>> No.12163883


your fucking telling me then the stupid lawyer fees

they keep on telling her that they can save everything she has and no need to pay taxes cause the cpa should of done it

ripped off by about 5 different lawyers that did nothing but take her money

fucking hell boomers were lucky with money but stupid as shit with what to do with it

>> No.12163892
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Buy $120,000 RV that gets 3 miles to the gallon

>> No.12163905


lol get it used for 25k

>> No.12163965
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 15195648041737210655house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents bought literally 4-5 different houses over the course of their lives

>1st house manufactured home
I understood why they sold this one
>2nd house in decent neighborhood, 2 stories
Small town
>3rd house in suburbia neighborhood, 2 stories, not bad at all - 300-350k
The suburbia feel was nauseating but they could have lived debt free if they paid this one off
>4th house literally 600-700k, nice as fuck, brick, 2 stories, in neighborhood with mansions
They sold this one for some dumbass reason, still could have paid it off
>5th house McMansion, literally 800k
The best is yet to come
>70k loan on an Escalade
>30k on designer furniture
>credit card debt
>7k a year property tax
>can't afford to help me and sister with college
>they get divorced
>any cash goes to lawyers, literally 200k+
>Mom now almost 60
>Mom buys another house 190k
>pays $1300/month
>another 25 years to go


>> No.12164063

>german boomer parents
>spend all their money on cruises
>have two daily newspapers
>they told my sister that if she leaves her job for having kids, she will not inherit anything
>basically telling my sister she is not allowed to have children
>got all their money on the bank, no stocks, no gold
>still got a shitload of money because living expenses were ultracheap in the 70s, 80s and 90s and they inherited a lot
>they are only two people but got three new cars
>meanwhile I dont have a car and dont even have a bike because I need to save money to move out of this hellhole
>my mother works at a refugee center for free

the worst generation of all time

>> No.12164157

Should have bought niggercash you dumb faggot

>> No.12164195
File: 161 KB, 900x1200, literally-gnC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents bought literally 4-5 different houses
>4th house literally 600-700k
nice as fuck
>literally 800k
cash goes to lawyers, literally 200k+

Buddy, I mean this in this nicest way possible. You've got a nice background and had a good financial lesson. I know this is a Mongoloid image shared masturbatory group, but you sound like a neanderthal.
>As fuck
The fuck

You can do better.

>> No.12164199

You still paid something for nothing

>> No.12164433

Says the faggot who cant even green text

>> No.12164809


duly noted

>> No.12164885

No dude not only do I get access to multi player, I get FREE games...definitely 100% free!
I don't have ANY monthly debts..none!

>> No.12164997

>they told my sister that if she leaves her job for having kids, she will not inherit anything

Is this legal in Germany? Don't you have a portion that is guaranteed by law that you'll inherit even with a testament?

>> No.12165101

No you get money by default but of course the testament can override this

>> No.12165148

Your parents are cunts, so are mine, but yours too.

>> No.12165198
File: 16 KB, 225x225, EA607A6F-DB0D-451F-9CBC-B1EE08DC9017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad divorced twice got JUST’d by mom
>second wife is a gold digger who disrespects him left and right
>just went on a trip to New York without him
>apparently her “boss” (works at a doctors office) paid for the entire staff to go and see broadway musicals and gave them each 700 dollars to go shopping
>ask dad if she sent him any pictures of how cool the city was
>he says no he thinks she’s just so in awe of the big city she hasn’t had time to take any.......
>also bought a 1.4 million dollar log cabin in Utah with my grandpa in 05/06 thinking it would be a good rental property and go up in value
>sold it for 700-800k 4-5 years later
You have no clue how hard I have to bite my tongue not to just grab and shake him and scream “wake up you idiot!”, feelsbadman my dad is genuinely a good person but he puts a shitty stepmom in front of his children at times because he’s afraid to be alone and divorced twice.

>> No.12165270
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>> No.12165292

>live in a cold climate
That’s smart though. It’s the best way to avoid non-whites.

>> No.12165326

I dropped my dad after him and my mom divorced. He started ditching me to go out to dinner with his 26 year old gold digger "girlfriend". He ended up getting married to her, like 2 years after his divorce of being married for some 20+ years. Last I heard from my brother is his gold digger gf is planning on taking him to the cleaners.

>> No.12165359

It's true. Very cold weather helps to kill off idiots. When you don't have conditions that will kill off idiots who'd get drunk or high and pass out and freeze to death you get Florida.

>> No.12165482

My whole family is getting sick of that bitch and my dad caving to her every whim. She recently influenced my dad to put our grandpa (he’s almost 90 and getting dementia, can barely remember things and repeats the same questions 4 times in a row) in an apartment because she didn’t like him living with them. Now my dad visits him almost daily to take his dog out because gramps is fucking afraid to leave his apartment because he’s worried he won’t remember how to get back inside. I can’t abandoned my dad though he was there for me at the lowest point in my life where I was suicidal and drug addicted, I’m now the most successful of his kids. I’m gonna make it and make sure his life is alright for saving mine.

>> No.12165585

giving birth to me

>> No.12165601


In Finland there is no way to disinherit someone if they are a blood relative. You'll get at least predefined percentage of the inheritance no matter the testament.

>> No.12165746

>>they told my sister that if she leaves her job for having kids, she will not inherit anything

Calling bullshit on your parents. They're just masturbating to the control they have. If they write her out, and you get it all, would you not split it? There's no way I'd let my wife let her working ovaries rot ~just in case~ crazy Mom and Dad decide to give her the money. I just don't think they want to give her money period.

Boomers and their Control porn they try to hide as "lessons about hard work".


My dad is heading down this path. Granted, the past 10 years of his marriage were ruined and destroyed the first part of his golden years (thanks dementia!). I plan on intervening if his current "relationship" gets much more serious but it's bullshit. The Greatest Generation didn't have this mid-life, Teenager Round 2 phase that their kids had to pick up for. Really sucks that at least half of my Millennial friends are trapped trying to stop their parents from doing stupid shit.

>> No.12165763

Dishwashers themselves are a retarded boomer invention. Doing them in the sink is cheaper, takes 10 minutes and gives you cleaner dishes

>> No.12165788

>Boomers and their Control porn they try to hide as "lessons about hard work".
this is so succinctly accurate. you've put into words what I've tried to explain for ages

>> No.12165821

My father has spent hundred of hours helping out at habitat for humanity, literally see him about 3 times a year even though he lives about 10 miles away and literally moved to FL after I did. Him and my mother divorced when I was two, never really saw him as my father, just some dude who I see a couple times a year.
He has done more to help complete strangers in the past year than he has ever done to help me in my life.

>> No.12165834

native or immigrated?
I noticed even the immigrated ones in germany seem to have adopted the money in bank zero investments let's watch it rot lifestyle.

>get fucked by law while watching worse shitholes make dosh legally
>defend it with "it's the law anon"
fucking germans

>> No.12165839


$400 a month for internet and cable despite watching only Netflix most of the time

>> No.12165858

Boomers have this bizarre fascination of helping everyone but their own kin. Everyone else is unfortunate except their own. If you're part of their group, you're entitled and lazy. If you're out of their group, you're a victim who needs their help.

>> No.12165870
File: 37 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have boomer family members that have their own business and they still pay for an answering service for people that call after hours like it's the 70's.

>> No.12165967

NY and other northern states are packed full of nigs.

Maybe if you’re just one person. I value my time desu so I use a dishwasher and load it properly.

>> No.12165997

>dad takes investing """advice""" from pundits on BNN, point out retards like that Cramer guy only have a 3% annual return if you take their advice
>pays $1000/year+ for some shitty investing newsletter that just shills gold
>doesn't realize you need a 1000% gain to break even after a 90% loss, continues to spend retirement money in micro cap oil, gas, and mining stocks
>told him to invest in dividend shit because cash flow is more important in old age, says he likes to "spin the wheel and see where it goes"

Fucking degenerate gambler

>> No.12166098

Also, he thinks stock price is relevant at all, and that buying a google share at $1000 is "overpriced" and some shit tier micro cap oil company at $0.13/share is a "good deal", he literally will not buy a stock if he thinks it's some arbitrary expensive amount

>> No.12166286
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1442245057659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be really short, shortest kid in class by a huge margin
>grandma wants to put me on growth hormones
>mom reads something that they can give you cancer and opposes
>grandma can't do shit
>during this time my mom divorces my dad so he was busy fighting just to see my siblings and me
>end up being really short

You have no idea how I felt about this once my grandma told me. I confronted my mom about it and it is true. I feel like I got cheated out a good life.
You cannot imagine how much being really short cripples your social life.

>> No.12166311

I bet you have spots on your dishes. SPOTS!

>> No.12166393

Taking steroids Isnt better retard

>> No.12166414

How do people who think like this have any money to invest anyway??? Boomers were a mistake. They grew up in an economy where without any thought or survival instinct you could make it big

>> No.12166456

>get a new car every three or four years for decades
>spend every bit of money that is made, never save
>"son, no one told me that I was supposed to save money when growing up. You know better, so it's different."
>their parents saved up money and gave them inheritance, gifted them the house they live in
>"it's different" = "you're fucked because you're not retarded and we are."

>> No.12166461

Well to play devil's advocate here, given his retarded mindset this one thing does make sense. If you're going buy-and-hold price is really irrelevant given a long enough window, but he seems like a wannabee day trader, so by that logic price does have some weight. However, he's right by accident and for all the wrong reasons.

How's your portfolio doing? If you show him metrics (return, Sharpe, dividends, etc.) do you think that will change his mind at all?

>> No.12166495

They gave a 60 year old person a 25 year mortgage, or am I missing something?

>> No.12166513

Be happy you don’t have cancer

>> No.12166530

>pay and watch television all day
>support genocide of our people

>> No.12166539

30, it's been several years

>> No.12166798

This is quite normal. I know a 70 year old Vietnam veteran who is so poor that he has to work odds and ends jobs and still has a mortgage on his house worth 90k.
How big of a fuck up do you have to be that you can't save 90k after growing up in America's booming economy

>> No.12167611
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, wojaklightingfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>think about boomers
>get mad

>> No.12167648

Guess again. No boomer dishwasher water spots. Feels good man. Properly maintained dishwasher = life on ez mode.

>> No.12167798

genuine concern for your health is not an example of boomer retardation

>> No.12167828

>mom gets $50k check from her mother's IRA as first part of her inheritance
>wont invest it for parent's upcoming retirement
>wont put money away for us kids just in case
>wont buy a new car
>wont spend money on much needed household repairs or finish out their basement my sister has been living in for the last 7 years

she has $50k just sitting in the bank and wants to spend it all on having a contractor add an entire extra building on the side of their garage to be used as a dog kennel and add on to the 4 dog runs she already has. i have no idea when any of this is going to happen since she has clinical depression and seasonal affective depression that keep her from barely getting anything done around the house; she hasnt even hired the dry-wallers needed to finished out the current dog kennel area. the whole thing just feels like a big waste of time and she needs to focus on getting her current life in order before taking on another project that will cost a fortune and gain nothing new from it besides a little more room to keep her shit in.

>> No.12168042

>get inheritance
>spend it on dogs

>> No.12168159

the only defense i really have for her is back in 2010 when her dad died she got a $100,000 check from his life insurance payout, but this was at the bottom of the recession and my parents put all of that money into their small business to keep it running when times were tough. it was a big chunk of money even for my boomer parents but she didnt get to enjoy a penny of it and now she is being extremely protective of this money and using it entirely on herself.

also that was only from one of my grandparent's IRAs, the rest of their estate is locked until 2023 to let my mom and her siblings cool down and decide what to do with the remaining assets (around $3 million from my estimates). i think my mom will be a little more charitable with the rest of her share but who knows...

>> No.12168457

>being short is unhealthy
>better fill him full of growth hormones like god intended
What’s it like being so obtuse that you don’t realize your grandma instilled your height inferiority complex in you and that without her influence you’d be leading a better life, no HGH required? Top kek.

>> No.12168861

kek sorry bro

>> No.12168920

youre living on the moon?

>> No.12169820

I'm sorry anons. Truly
>>feels good to have good parents

>> No.12169942

My parents do all the stupid, extravagant, wasteful boomer shit (churning through houses at insane pre-recession interest rates, way too many vehicles, wasting thousands a month on things like disconnected landlines and newspapers that go right in the bin, inheritance guaranteed to go charity) but they paid for my college and supported me back when I needed it so unlike you guys I don't want to murder them

>> No.12170223

>inheritance guaranteed to go charity

this has always triggered me deeply; take care of your family and their needs first, if you want money to go to the charity of your choice request they do it for you in your name.