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12157833 No.12157833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sex tourist anon here. Does it count if I lose my virginity but dont cum? Had a girl last night cost me less than $100 she was so sweet, we showered made nude cuddles I really enjoyed just feeling her against me. When it wastime for boom boom I lost my arousal. Turned her over and caught a whiff of her pusssy and went soft immediately. I did not like I the smell but it was not fish or anything like that.

>> No.12157839


>> No.12157844

this, seek help OP.

>> No.12157851

I think go for a girl with a willy next time so you don't have pussy-smell erection problems in the future

>> No.12157852

I think go for a girl with a willy next time so you don't have pussy-smell erection problems in the future

>> No.12157855

no u are still a virgin weirdo

>> No.12157893
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you're all good homie, not a virgin anymore.

>> No.12157896

Good advice

>> No.12157912

Try a couple of more times. Anxiety in face of a novel situation took the best of you.

>> No.12157949

this, it doesn't count if you pay for it

>> No.12157958

I heard the sentence "third time's the charm". For me it was it. Second time I did it right but the third was where I really felt my soul drained from my penis tip.

>> No.12158008

you need to brutally ejaculate in her vagina for it to count

>> No.12158033

dude. DON'T.
if u cant get it up, there's a fucking reason for that.
it's not meant for you. not this way. does it honestly not feel wrong to you? it must. that's why you can't get it up. don't push it. jfc.

>> No.12158044

honestly you're less degenerate if you pound a guy's smelly ass passionatly than if you try to force yourself into pounding a girl

>> No.12158141


you just smelled whore pussy for the first time. i.e. the smell of other mens cocks and years of sexual dysfunction.

definitely doesn't mean you're a faggot imo.


this guy gets it.

you're not 16 anon. you dont need to fuck some whore in siam riep to prove yourself.

>> No.12158203

Thanks frens, my confidence is totally wrecked, haven't had the courage to take another girl tonight. I don't even want to cuck I just dont want to sleep alone.

>> No.12158214

U too thanks fren, I take expensive vacation to kiss virginity and cant even cum I might kms tonight jumping off my hotel roof

>> No.12158224

meaby try the same one, think about destroying her pussy, 2-3 hours of porn on nofap previous to fuck her.

>> No.12158259

Dont worry, it might take a few attempts till you actually start enjoying it.

Dont stress yourself too much, and try to stay sober next time

>> No.12158272

She wint see me again, she was upset when i told her u could not cum because if her pussy smelled I don't even whmnt to fuck her just hold her again

>> No.12158291

>gay guy resenting his decision to switch to smelly men after experiencing his inability to have sex with a woman onec
Have friends that had to try up to 6 times to start having proper sex with their GFs

>> No.12158322

U are the gay

>> No.12158333

fuck her in the ass next time
no pussy smell

>> No.12158343

>there are “men” who lost their virginity to whores here


>> No.12158342

Dont pay a hooker, your soul will belong to Lilith and perpetually attached to prostitution.

>> No.12158352

are you in Manila or Angeles city?
usually jungle gooks don't have bad smell.

>> No.12158361

but the pussy is 1 inch from asshole

>> No.12158366

Back in my hotel now I fucking hate myself I'm sleeping alone again I fucking hate myself so much, I'm literally crying right now

>> No.12158368

Hello favelanon, im the guy who licks big tits in Copacabana, I hope the best for you and your brother

>> No.12158369


>> No.12158371


>> No.12158372

she would have rob your wallet if she was with you anyway

>> No.12158376

expand on this? i fucked some dudes wife at 26. He wanted to watch. How fucked am ??

>> No.12158382

there was a murder in the rainbow hotel
horrible story

>> No.12158383

Yo brother, hope you are well, be carefull with STD's.
Someone sent my photos to the hospital administration and they changed my brother to another room with a better support, lol.

Everything fine?

>> No.12158388

That's what's fucking with me, the smell made me soft the second i smelled it. I don't think I'm gay because I lived touching her and looking at her I just hated that smell. If it smelled like nothing it probably would have been great

>> No.12158389

Don't be a namegfag, your soul will forever belong to plebbit and you'd be perpetually attached to attentionwhoring

>> No.12158392

a lot of that shit is nerves i think. Idk but i know what you're talking about.

>> No.12158400

pussy doenst even feel that good man. Getting sucked on is better. Next time just use her mouth.

>> No.12158401

No she was great, sweet living and caring. She held me and sang to me. I left my wallet with over 100usd in pesos and my phone out and she didn't steal.

>> No.12158414

That particular friend had a virginal GF who he was with for half a year before having sex. They are together for 10 years now, married and with children.

>> No.12158415

She may have had an sti/std. if you used a condom you will be okay. Just be happy you got laid. First time is seldom normal and enjoyable. It’s like anything in life, you gotta get better at it. But try to get a gf to enjoy it, or fuck whores. Gf is a healthier choice.

>> No.12158429

Happened to me once, never touched them again

>> No.12158430

Just relax bro, I've been banging sluts on Pattaya and Angeles for years and I'm only 26 y/o

One time, I fucked a prostitute from Romania in Paris and her vagina smelled like a dead corpse, the car was smelly even when I gave it back to the rental company.

Go to massage parlours, relax, let them touch your dick, handjob, blowjob, little and little.

Don't go straight, take your time, don't cry, you are in Angeles city, I wish i was there, I'm wagecucking right now

my line is dvx1992 if you need advices with gooks sluts

>> No.12158432

Well, lets say you have a perpetual bond with both of them from now on unless you are released from the bonds/sins (God/Christ forgiveness), also sexual bond is perpetual and any bad energy attached to it create a permanent bond with that sin, that is why its easier to become more degenerate than to stop being a degenerate.

But this just matter if you seek enlightment and a peacefull and health life, if you want to be a degenerate go on because Lucifer and Lillith and the demon hordes will be your bff's.

>> No.12158442

Dont put people into that, you fuck hoes because you like and you aitn dumb/ugly/autistic.
There are guys where who will fuck everything once they go that path.

>> No.12158446

add me on line please favela brother
dvx1992 imm a fucking degenerate but God love me, never got STDs even with cheap chicas in Colombia

>> No.12158459

you're talking about blood ties and soul bonds.

>> No.12158476

>There are guys where who will fuck everything once they go that path.
you mean doing what they biology tells them to do

>> No.12158502

That's typical namefag behaviour

>> No.12158506

I dont even know why hes namefaggin on a board with IDs

>> No.12158514
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>sex tourist
>doesn't have sex

>> No.12158535

im so fucking jelly. I wasnt even thinking about girls or sex untill mid 20's.

>> No.12158541

What u mean on line?

Well, let me say for you in a resumed way.
This world isn't where we belong, everything here derivated from the spiritual/non physical realm, got it? That is why ideas can exist before being applied.

Dont be fooled, search for knowledge.

>> No.12158550

Dont be fooled, even being from favela I have a rich gf that I took her virginity.

>> No.12158558

Only good reply ITT

>> No.12158564

Downloading the app already.

>> No.12158568

You smelled a whore's hole anon, it smelled like disease and other men's dicks.

>> No.12158586

bro ive been where you are. You have not found some hidden secret. You are just going to be reading and reading and reading and then you're 50. Cool it with that shit pls

>> No.12158605

desu if you have to pay to lose your virginity you're still mentally a virgin regardless

>> No.12158617

Lol dude, I'm a deep researcher of many things, i can assure you I'm not bullshitting.
I know from sigiles and runes evocation/invocation left hand to hidden Cult Satanism (Luceferianism, Moloch, Lilith and 66 hordes evocation/invocation/praise) and this isn't a joke dude, I dont know what you have on your mind to think so, I have already seen manifestation of many things from spirits, demoniac possession, demoniac vessel, demoniac presence, banishments and many other things that couldnt be faked by schizoprenia or mass paranoia.

This goes much lower than you can think of.

Why you think all Rich families does Moloch Cult and sacrifice childrens for that?

>> No.12158642

Shut the fuck up slum retard

>> No.12158643

my life is fucked up
I need a shaman like you for help
but i dont want to kill babies
just fuck bitches

>> No.12158656

I added you on line
my line is favelanon

>> No.12158658

>mentally a virgin
nope. try again

>> No.12158662

ur good op. perhaps try again whilst high on cocaine or something to get it out the way

Ive seen 3 escorts and a couple real life grills and im yet to make le cum inside womans axe wound. the time will come

>> No.12158674

Same thing happened to me man. Got a hooker and couldn't keep it up. Would go soft when putting it in. Was nervous as fuck and death grip + porn addiction.
Do nofap for as long as you're there and I guarantee the next time you will be fine.
Its not worth it though man, if I could go back I would've kept my virginity.

>> No.12158682

Fuck I just realized what's wrong with me. I have forgotten ti take my 400 milligram dose of 5 htp the last 3 days. Fuck no wonder i have just wanted to lay in bed in the hotel

>> No.12158685

if you are christian you're not even supposed to looking into such things. Only thing you need to read is the bible.

>> No.12158695

Sorry bro just frustrated

>> No.12158696

Theres a 100% chance that you have schizophrenia. You think that the world is revealing hidden secrets to your mundane life when in reality you're a nutter

go get a mental evaluation please so that you can take your meds

>le meds are keeping me shackled from the truth!

there's a 100% chance that you think like that

>> No.12158703

Can't come from fucking yet, but have no problems with that after a body-to-body/nuru massage with a manual finish by the girl.

>> No.12158710

I can look at anything I want, there is nothing that say to be a Christian make you blind for other knowledge type, period.
No problem, wish you get better.
Nope, I'm obcessive compulsive, I already do psychiatrician treatment because I had problems with alcohol since the death of my cousin that was like my older brother.
I'm not kidding, I dont think about mundane life or messianic deviation, I really saw shit and bypassed shit.

>> No.12158711
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angry virgin detected

>> No.12158741

It was probably the smell of your rancid dick in her vagina

>> No.12158758

if you follow jesus he tell you not to look into such things. Just have faith. holy shit you're retarded

>> No.12158759

All religion and spiritual thoughts are man-made. It's all structured on or our primitive desire to survive

Heaven and hell are fabricated concepts to keep people under control (before modern society) in addition to giving people hope that there's something better on the other side of their shit existence.

People with shit lives would be running around killing each other if they knew for sure that once they die thats it for eternity. "There has to be more. There has to be. "

Maybe there is a higher power, but if there is it'll have nothing to do with manmade literature. I could start a website right now and convince thousands of people to buy into some abstract religion or cult. Just like how joseph smith started a religion (mormons) no more than 200 years ago

But you're legit a nutter, go tell a shrink about your views and find out for yourself just how tapped you are, look at the face of the shrink as you start disclosing your most intriguing theories, see the look of horror and perplexion on their face. Maybe see them scoot back a little bit on their chair to make sure you're not going to try kill them or something.

>> No.12158777

Further, time is a very abstract concept. It seems terrifying to believe that you can die for 'eternity', but once you're dead you're written out of time. Time stops being a thing, so it's not too bad when you think of it that way

>> No.12158809

are you me op?? same thing happened.. i consider myself technically not a virgin, but kinda

>> No.12158832

Why you wanna convince me, you dont even convinced yourself, lol

>> No.12158864

>absolutely SEETHING

>> No.12158865

im not trying to convince you, nutters are never open to contradictions to their warped views, thats why their nutters

the comment was aimed at others so that they dont get scared by what youre saying. By all means, act crazy, but dont do it this publically.

Go find a facebook group or community that already believes in this stuff, and keep it with them.

>> No.12158890

David Icke forums are great for guys like him.

Enjoy your 'talking with crystals' day-by-day logs

>> No.12158900

Everything is abstract, you are showing your personal world view such as myself, I already seen and bypassed shit, like you dont believe in so.

But you cant say nothing else because you cant prove that this cant happen, as I cant prove you for sure that it can happen.

The only thing that is sure is that ITS POSSIBLE, period.

Lol, you talk like you know things but you dont even know yourself lel

>> No.12158906

Are you me, anon? My first time, I smelt a pussy it made me nauseous. Went limp as a boiled noodle, thought it must be latent gay coming out. Nope, just a rancid one. Bacterial vaginosis or some shit. Second pussy I ever saw, I licked for hours then fucked, love the taste and smell of a freshly shaved cute pussy now

>> No.12158909

Yeah I concede that it is 'possible', but the 'its possible' defence is very weak.

Its 'POSSIBLE' that when i die i turn into a giant penis that talks out of his scrotum. But it doesnt mean that I should buy into it.

>> No.12158914

>Everything is abstract
If you're detached from reality

>> No.12158920

There is no such thing as weak or strong, its all up tp you and your personal convictions,lol, I never said we can change or force you into believe in anything such I dont to say you are 100% wrong.

Yup, its possible too, you can buy anything you wanna, this is why we can choose all variables, period.

>> No.12158922


>> No.12158934

The reality derivates from the abstract plan, every Idea and project is created first on a abstract way then its applied on the "reality world".

There is no sense into trust into reality when the idea/abstract plan rule it.

>> No.12158940

that's what happens when the bacteria start to grow out of control up her snatch. it signals that she has a terrible diet and is just overall an unhealthy person. Your dick knows it shouldn't go in that thing.

>> No.12158991

implementing ideas is giving them reality, in success or failure.

>> No.12159046

OP is a faggot, eh? Wow...what a surprise...

>> No.12159079

The reality was already happened once the idea was created, if it suceed its a variable, if fails its another.

We can have multiple outcomes, what really matter is the pre existance condition

>> No.12159126

Do other people on the favela think you're a sage or something

>> No.12159198

u need to try some recreational Cialis. you'll get a hardest boner and make her cum several times.

>> No.12159208
File: 49 KB, 433x960, 1544287780124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def still a virgin, sorry bud. also i think you might be gay, and u probably got aids as well

>> No.12159225


Kek. I told you in your thread yesterday this would happen. Protip, just keep your nose away from those areas when you are about to fuck. The only girls who smell good down there are the go go girls for some reason.

I knew you'd lose your erection. So no, it doesn't count. You need a STIFF penor and you need to put it in her vagoona and fuck her until you cum. Try again OP. I mentioned in your thread last night (I think you had already left by that time though, so dunno if you read it) but it will take like 3 attempts for you to be able to get an erection, the reason being you are too nervous around women. Hang out in the go go bars beforehand, to get used to being about nude qt's.

t. Did the same thing as you did a few years ago. Best decision I ever made in my life. You are doing the right thing anon, Keep it up.

>> No.12159245


Your posts are honestly sad. He couldn't get up because he was a nervous wreck about to lose his virginity. Not because he didn't like women like you, you fucking faggot. Whores are a great thing, nothing wrong with them, but virgins are always gonna have trouble relaxing the first time. >>12157958 This guy is correct. Once you feel relaxed enough to get a good boner you are gonna have a wonderful time.

>> No.12159281

Im in pattaya right now. Just got home from ask if street. Spent like 120usd getting real drunk and watching girls at gogos. Got a blowie at a massage saloon. Tipped her 900baht which is kinda overpaying but she was doing a good job so I were in a generous mood. Also smoked 2 packs of siggs. Chugging down some water now and preparing for tomorrow.

>> No.12159289
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Got this girl from tinder tomorrow. 3000baht long time we are going to have a lot of fun.

>> No.12159333
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x2268, 20181219_013145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to get into the mentality anon. If you get soft just laugh it off and tell her that you are a bit stressed. If she is a cool whore she will understand and try to make you comfortable by acting "broish".

I always give the whores brofists, ask them what kind of memes are cool I. Thailand :D they don't know the word meme but you show them some and they are gonna get it. Afterwards she will show you some cool and cringy normie tier memes she and her gfs share on line. The whores are actually kinda cool I guess.

>> No.12159348

nigger the Thai police monitor all internet traffic
I hope your shit is encrypted. At least you aren't posting this on normiebook where they are known to conduct cyber raids

>> No.12159374


Those are big titties for a Pattaya girl. Most of the time I find the big chested sluts to be wearing padding, or they have fake tits in rare cases.

Still jelous though. I fucking love Pattaya. Greatest place on earth. I was there earlier this year, thinking of going again sometime next year. It figured there are /biz/bro's there I saw some fag walking around in an ETH shirt last time I was there. We should have a /biz/ meet up or a Link meetup there.


I'm same age as you and the only other guys my age there are Russians. Are you Russian? I've been going to Pattaya every year now pretty much.


Yes that's normal. No one likes smelly pussies. Make her soap her pussy up if it's bad. I once got a girl with a pussy so smelly I couldn't finish sex with her either. Had to make her give me a bj instead and her pussy juices seeped onto the bed sheets, made the sheets stink. Had to get hotel staff to replace it all. Smelliest pussy I've ever seen. It's normal to hate it and lose erections over it, smelly pussies are absolutely erection killers.


Anon calm the fuck down. It's your first attempt. You were guaranteed to embarrass yourself with a soft cock. You will get better. It's a learning experience. Don't listen to any of these fags trying to talk you out of fucking whores either. Fucking whores is absolute best practice to get used to fucking women and being more alpha. Then when you return home you can pick up roasties or even get a white gf like I did. Think of yourself fucking these whores as you grinding for experience. If you are over 20 and still a virgin you absolutely need to fuck whores to catch up to where everyone else is in sexual experience at your age. Don't beat yourself up just because you weren't good at first though, no one was.

>> No.12159500


so how much is 3000 baht?

>> No.12159512

was in thailand, had the same problem, its not you. you cant get aroused when it feels fake and when the girls are clearly acting.

>> No.12159537


Based anon. I like your train of thought and how to behave around the whores. Too many guys treat them like scum, but if I am travelling to another country to fuck whores, and I enjoy their service, why not at least treat them friendly and talk to them in between fucking. They are fairly alright if they can speak english well enough.

>honey lemon ice tea on the ground

A fellow ice tea drinker? I drink that stuff all the time when in Pattaya. The brands and flavors they have over there they don't have in my home country so I stockpile that stuff. Honey Lemon is pretty great but the Lychee or the ones that have jelly cubes in them are the best. Fuck I want to meet you now, I need some Pattaya bros' to pass time in between fucking whores.

>> No.12159550

Like many others have said, this is from nerves/anxiety and is common. It will get better and easier the next times, but if you want a cheat that will help you asap, pop a viagra or any dick pill an hour before seeing her. You will be rock hard and stay that way and fuck the shit out of her. God speed anon.

>> No.12159861


She's butters mate

>> No.12159987

Where can one buy viagra

>> No.12160055
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>bought at the top