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12157171 No.12157171 [Reply] [Original]

Global Peace Index 2018 just got released

If you're not living in the top 15 you're doing something wrong and you are never going to make it.
1 Iceland
2 New Zealand
3 Austria
4 Portugal
5 Denmark
6 Canada
7 Czech Republic
8 Singapore
9 Japan
10 Ireland
11 Slovenia
12 Switzerland
13 Australia
14 Sweden
15 Finland

>> No.12157183 [DELETED] 

Dane here. I wouldn’t feel safe living in Sweden.

>> No.12157198

Dane here. I wouldn’t feel safe living in Sweden.

>> No.12157204

Burgers at 121.

>> No.12157208

Finfag here and I feel the same

>> No.12157219

>lets create an index where we can make the US look bad, and also put countries like Cuba or Venezuela at the top

>> No.12157225

how is switzerland and germany that far behind austria? I was under the impression that they should be essentially equal in that regard, or maybe austria should be worse as it's farther to the east.

>> No.12157273

The US is a great country, but you can’t argue that the US as a whole is safer/ more peaceful than (most of) the countries on this list. Look at the crime rates in the US in comparison to the countries at the top of this list.

>> No.12157291 [DELETED] 
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How many niggers these countries got, combined?

>> No.12157320


I guess Little Mogadishu has improved lately, right?

>> No.12157346

Why did they list Australia twice?

>> No.12157365

cuba an venezuela are not at the top
the difference between a 1 ranking position is not fucking equal you dimwit. they are also far behind the most peaceful.
also the us is literally a war zone next to peaceful countries. not even in fucking africa parents get their kids to school and go to work thinking their kids might get fucking killed by a nutjob.

>> No.12157378
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Canadian reporting in - surprised it isn’t higher to be completely honest.

>> No.12157397

AUSTRIA (as in Europe)
AUSTRALIA (as in down under)
God this board is DUMB!
Mutt detected

>> No.12157399

Fake news.
How come there are Muslim countries on that list?
All those Swedish and their alluh akbar shit immolation ?

>> No.12157404

i'm living in thailand making 10gs a month passive online (tax free cause thailand) and banging thicc asians every day. Tell me how I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.12157411

> tfw. fell for the shit-tier-poo-in-the-loo level bait.

>> No.12157415

I want of residence in New Zebraland
ned helps

>> No.12157515

>get glassed by a volcano
Yeah no thanks

>> No.12158211

>boasting about whores
>making it

>> No.12158246

>implying this means shit
It puts pussy ass governments with no military and with no legal guns at the top

Kys commie.

>> No.12158293
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>> No.12158438

ragie low iq burger triggered. enjoy your daily cop killings, gang banging and school shootings you pleb.

>> No.12158526

How do you make 10gs

>> No.12158539

Come and fuck with us, we dare you. 300million guns and effectively the largest standing army as a result.

>> No.12158543

a centrifuge

>> No.12158553

oh look! its all those white countries that went into other countries and took all their resources and killed all those people.

>> No.12158567

you're doing well enough fucking yourselves, no need for an intervention

>> No.12158579


>"white countries"

>> No.12158804

Because we can!

>> No.12159149

Kek. Underrated post

>> No.12159160
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>tfw no holo gf

>> No.12159165


Literally was in Lisbon a month ago - everyone is half nigger and rude as fuck, place is falling apart - total shithole. How can you be peaceful when every person is an aggro'd fucking NPC?

>> No.12159254
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>> No.12159305
File: 97 KB, 512x512, yare yare chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your list is fucking retarded. The USA is far safer than every country above it because you can actually defend yourself.

>> No.12159312

and yet it's less safe because you actually NEED to defend yourself

>> No.12159326


>> No.12159330

This. Everyone needs to have an assault rifle at home. If you aren't actively defending your home you aren't free.

>> No.12159332

>be me
>be american
>see someone breaking into my property
>grab shotgun
>shoot the fucker
better to be safe than sorry and having to wait for the pigs

>> No.12159361

>Not even able to greentext properly.
Idiots defending idiotic standpoints cuz that could be them in the future...biz/4chan will never change I see :^S

>> No.12159362
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>jewnited states is only yellow
>russia is red

>> No.12159425

>be me
>people don't try to brake into my property
also not only are our schools free but we get to survive them, something you can't say with certainty.

>> No.12159499

Must be nice to live in a whiter country. Also rights=/=needs and quite honestly I could care less if a school full of spics and jews got shot up

>> No.12159599
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>> No.12159996
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>all vassal states of the US

>> No.12160018


i have opposite problem in my dreams. I commit a lot of murders in my dream-time with my bare hands. It's actually rather disturbing.

>> No.12160038

Ukraine here. Reporting from the oblast under the martial law, not in the zone of conflict though.
Gotta tell, life is getting pretty stressful though. No hot water for 5 months now. Also the heating was delayed, when it was already below zero outside. I had back pain for a long time because of sleeping in cold...