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12154271 No.12154271 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who fucking hates beggars?These pieces of shit feel somehow that I must pay for their shitty life choices.

>> No.12154279

>must pay

>> No.12154293

i actually don't mind beggars. i just want the crazies and drug addicts off the streets.

>> No.12154298

I‘m paying 25k € a year in tax. Some of that tax money goes into their pockets. That is exactly what I tell every one of them if they bug me.

>> No.12154304

yeah this, so many psycho druggies wandering downtown, riding the metro, yelling at pedestrians

>> No.12154311

thanks Reagan :^)

>> No.12154317

Their life is shit. Cold, wet, maybe hungry, getting looked at like filth. They usually have mental problems or no family.

Your life may also be shitty, annoying job, no time/too tired to work on businesses to escape from the job.

Beggars, wageslaves in a civic, wageslaves in an r8 are all on the same level imo. There is financially dependent and financially independent; that’s the only distinction that matters.

“There, but by the grace of god, goes I”

>> No.12154328

california? ive lived in philly and spent plenty of time in nyc. apparently san francisco's homeless are on a completely different level of aggression.

>> No.12154332

>beggars being unproductive wanting people to pay for their stuff
>coiners wanting their coins to go up so they can be unproductive

>> No.12154345

It's Denver, Portland, Seattle, Atlanta... New York and parts of the east coast figured out a way to get rid of the homeless. I don't know how it works but I saw signs for a hotline on my last NYC trip.

>> No.12154350
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>> No.12154361

How do you know it was a shitty life choice? What if their choices were shitty, such as "continue living with abusive family" or "go homeless"?

>> No.12154503

Asian detected. Fucking soulless scumbag.

>> No.12154508

from the thumbnail i thought it was peter schiff

>> No.12154517

I dont like aggressive beggars

Plain beggars are ok

>> No.12154518

They offer them a sandwich to get on a bus, then they drive them 100 miles away to a different city and dump them.

>> No.12154611
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Natural selection artificially being held up

>> No.12154811

totally under used and not understood saying by many people. I'm with you man

>> No.12154830
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>There is financially dependent and financially independent
>He still isn't financially independently, nor has he even began to accept it as the real way out

>> No.12154833

turning them into onions for the commies

>> No.12154839

Based and redpilled

>> No.12154844

Here in Texas the homeless are far more civil. My theory is if they know they'll get shot and people are willing to fight them. They keep in line. In CA they know people are such cuck liberals they can get away with anything. An armed society is a civil society.

>> No.12154849

He could've had mental problems, edgy degenerate. You're the type who's get his ass beat then talks shit to the guy online after lololol
Chinks or Niggers, Who's more sociopathic?

>> No.12154874

Most homeless is mental health, drugs or booze. I actually worked at a homeless shelter in the uk once. Funny thing is the heroin addicts and the alcoholics hated each other and looked down on each other. Get fucking drugs out of your country if you want a nice clean society. Most of Asia has none of this shit and alcoholism is just intergrated into rhe culture. The west sucks balls.

>> No.12154890

Hate them for begging? Yes I find it annoying when they're persistent. However I still give bums water, it's hot af outside.

>> No.12154909

Goooooood, goooooood, feel the hate for your fellow poor struggling humans flow through you. Spend your time thinking about it. Pay no attention to the people actually causing the problems.

>> No.12154971

This is probabaly bait but your actually a shit human OP, walk on if you must but why degrade a man? You shouldn't be proud of yourself when you look in the mirror tonight

>> No.12155131

Just don't be mean to gypsy beggars, they can curse you. No joke.

>> No.12155166

or any of those that can put voodoo curses on you. you don't want to be that person that gets cursed uncontrollable farts like that one south african guy.

>> No.12155193

This. I pay lots of taxes in one of the countries with the most aid for homeless people in the world, but I still feel bad for them. At least in my country 99% of them have drug problems and/or are mentally ill. I rarely give them any money because I know they’ll spend it on drugs/alcohol (they get plenty of money for food+shelter from the government), but I sometimes talk to them/ try to give them some advice.

>> No.12155198

I hate beggars that have cell phones and use them while begging. Or when they waste money on smoking. Fuck that. I do have sympathy for those who are truly homeless though

>> No.12155199

fucking normies compromising my site REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Seriously tho lmao I sure hope a homeless guy doesn't get spitefully kicked tomorrow because you dumb faggots think its ok to encourage failure.

>> No.12155210

>former homeless person
Throw acid on them, they deserve it.

>> No.12155226


Meh, they're basically just NEET that didn't have a family home or some other method of staying comfy. Idgaf honestly.

>> No.12155254

Holy fuck some of these replies.

I used to feel the same sympathy for beggars and the homeless, until I slept on the streets for 2 months and met them as peers.

NEVER give money to these people, every single cent goes to the local dealer, the beggar isnt homeless or in need if the money for anything outside of drugs.
In my city, the homeless wouldnt beg because they were scared of being attacked either by junkies or passers by and when youre homeless theres nowhere to hide, so deliberately aggravating passers by is terrifying, you try and stay out of sight at all times.

I was given charity and government help to get back on my feet but it came with conditions, those were dont beg, dont break the law and if youre on drugs you must come off them.
I was given a place to stay for free, with free food, free internet etc all I had to do was not be a junkie.

>> No.12155332

I don’t feel sorry for the beggars in my city. The same 8 work the busiest intersection in town with a very long stop light. They all beg from 7-9 and the 4-6 for max volume of traffic. Then they all go back to the same hotel room where they drink and do drugs and then do it all over the next day. We have excellent missions and social services there is no reason for them to be begging, in fact it’s illegal but the cops don’t do anything about it. My city doesn’t have homeless like in OP’s pic where they sleep on the streets or in alley ways. They aren’t even mentally ill. Just lazy. All the real homeless actually try to work or go to the shelters.

>> No.12155338

>you can encourage mental illness

>> No.12156758
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San Diego's homeless are getting pretty rough too desu

>> No.12156771

>These pieces of shit feel somehow that I must pay for their shitty life choices.
this is how I feel about neets on benefits or welfare

>> No.12156795

Oh right you only hate when 4chan NEETs get on the dole but when Muhammad and Shalonda do it, it's ok

>> No.12156803

no I hate people who don't work because of meme tier mental illness or laziness, in fact annoys me more when immigrant do it

>> No.12156821

>mental illness isn't real

Fuckin hell youre an idiot

>> No.12156832

I never said that, this is the second time you've literally made up things so you can argue against something I haven't said

>> No.12156836

>be born with some mental deficit
>eventually end up homeless
>shitty life choices

Dude, you clearly aren't a genius but you literally just got luckier with genetics than they did. If you're really into the "choice" meme your IQ can't be all that high.

>> No.12156838

Can't imagine it today. I visited about 20 years ago and a bum went into the restaurant I was eating at and was just walking table to table asking people for money.

>> No.12156873

this is mostly an american and third world phenomenon

>> No.12156891

I see they have trained your slave mind well.
Be callous, cold and do not show any empathy toward others. For one day you will have bad things done to you and be treated in a similar manner.

>> No.12156897

i feel bad for the schizos on the streets, but they're a small percentage. the rest of them are mostly junkies and people who don't want to better themselves. i used to feel bad, but i don't anymore.

>> No.12156899

>Be callous, cold and do not show any empathy toward others.
not all others are equally deserving of your respect or charity, nor would all others reciprocate.

>> No.12156900

where are you from anon

>> No.12156922

>the rest of them are mostly junkies
disagree here, even in hospital at most there was a schizo who smoked weed the thing about bettering themselves is mostly true though

>> No.12156935

this is the reality, i was the anon who posted that they were homeless in the past further up the thread and was blown away by what i saw within their own circles.
i flipped 180degrees from seeing them as the victims of a sick society to seeing them for what they genuinely are, a cancer on everyone else dragging us into the dirt.

the ratio of genuinely mentally ill people to junkies who laugh at everyone else is about 1/50 and inevitably they always either commit suicide or get help, the differentiator between the two groups i saw were the mentally ill dont have the confidence/bravery to beg and the junkies who we all see everyday.
theres real homeless people out there who are victims, like the people living in their cars or the low paid workers eating rice to survive in some shared slum, they dont want the begging lifestyle even if they would be better off with it.

it doesnt fit the narrative that exists within the minds of most, everyone wants to play the benevolent superhero saving the meek and downtrodden

>> No.12156940


>> No.12156996

I Wish everyone in this thread with few exeptions one year on the streets and dick cancer. Fucking neets in hotel Mama taking Shit About rough sleepers and have absolutely No idea. Why Not shut your face neckbeards privileged scum.

>> No.12157030

I don't care about begers unless they're entitled beggars that think they own you money

>> No.12157036

Why would you hate something you could easily ignore. I worked in a city with a lot of them and seeing them sleeping on the ground in -10 F made me feel sympathy for them. You should really think about killing yourself.

>> No.12157047

We give everyone in this country a free education and they can’t even be bothered to do that and you think these people would show up for work?

Not another dime for the lazy or the druggies.
Let them die.
Hopefully before they reproduce and pass on their deadbeat lifestyle.

>> No.12157057


>> No.12157083

Still plenty of 'em here in NY. The winter is certainly a pretty good deterrent, although that's when they start sleeping on subway cars and they become unusable. When I first moved here I used to feel bad for them, then after a while you realize most of them are on the street by choice.

>> No.12157100

yeah they have such a powerful control over magic and other humans that they are hours away from dying on the street at any given time. sure.

>> No.12157950

say it with my anon and make it ring

nothing personel kid

>> No.12157969
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Did you just move to a city for the first time or something?

>> No.12158756
File: 37 KB, 418x475, according to my calculations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking SHIT that cringe quote. Who knew fedora tippers would do a complete 180 into Christianity

>> No.12158796

romanins move all the way from there country to bongland only to be poor and beg, fucking retarded to be honest if your foreign and come here to beg you would be better off in your own country with your own kin

>> No.12158856

Most of Asia eats bugs and has sweat shop slave labor with nets outside windows to artifically lower their staggering suicide rates

>> No.12159111

hope you lose all your money on shitcoins, become homeless and some patrick bateman psycho beats the fuck out of you in the alley to teach you a lesson

>> No.12159209
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>not comprehending that Jews are only 1% of the population.
100% retarded taking memes seriously

>> No.12159267

Homeless anon here. The government is obligated to give housing to people who can't afford it, the only reason those people are homeless is so they can continue fulfilling their drug addiction, or to dodge the Nationalised Health Service.

>> No.12159448
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>this thread 1/2

>> No.12159462
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>This thread 2/2

>> No.12159581
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oh fuck I never thought of this

>> No.12159600

how many pagans, buddhists, and muslims are there?

>> No.12159616

the homeless serve an important purpose: by serving as an example to scare the shit out of the tax slave wagies so they know better than to question the system or do anything that might make them lose their job

>> No.12159651

Based and redpilled

>> No.12159667


god DAMN I love my genes

>> No.12159687

if he can afford that many bowls wtf is he begging for

>> No.12159723

99.9% of people you see begging at intersections and the like are drug addicts

When I was homeless, you wouldn't have known, because I didn't want people to know. I was at the bus stop one day and literally heard a group of these people discussing the best ways, methods, and locations to get money from drivers at intersections.

There are some homeless people who need help no doubt, but the vast vast majority of the ones you see advertising their blight are scam artists.

>> No.12159751

The mayor of Baltimore called the squeegee boys here “entrepreneurs” I like to honk my horn at them and spray fluid at their face. They try to scratch cars but mines a POS anyways so it’s cool. I don’t like beggars. I never give money. Sometimes food and a couple of times I gave them a joint.

>> No.12160153

We risked something

>> No.12160524

Send them to Arizona.
Thats where the homeless go to die.
"It's just a dry heat" means you just end up as onions jerky around here.

Almost all the heat related deaths out here involve them. That, and the occasional snow bird who forgot to fly back north for the summer, or dumb cunts who left their kid locked in the car for 'just a few minutes'.
But mostly the homeless.

>> No.12161219

kek has spoken. he who cast the first stone will suffer.

>> No.12161452

i always get into arguments sometimes even grabbing away money away from friends when they try to give these slaves money

>> No.12161572

when i spent to long being a neet and ended up borderline homeless i didnt become a bitch slave that shit forced me into seeing reality for what it was and how these fuckers doesn't deserve your empathy they deserve to be what they are slaves UNLESS WERE MENTALLYILL FROM YOUNG FUCK THE REST

>> No.12161586

I don't really hate them I just think they're losers. I do hate when they make eye contact and speak to me.