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12151544 No.12151544 [Reply] [Original]







>> No.12151553

Nobody cares boomer take your retarded ponzi scam somewhere else we're trying to make money here buying actual assets.

>> No.12151559

Boomers litterly can't cashout

>> No.12151564


Gonna drag everything else down with it though.

>> No.12152740

>trump is gonna fix the economy
This just proves that less taxes for the rich never works

>> No.12152752

Good thing I'm in gold mining stocks.

>> No.12152758
File: 80 KB, 1259x589, federal reserver apolitical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's tanking because the economy is doing well brainlet

Fed is raising rates and people are cashing out and moving into safer investments like bonds because they can actually beat inflation now

Part of it is them intentionally trying to crash the economy with no survivors so Trump won't get reelected

>> No.12152764


>not hedging into crypto


>> No.12152765

Market down 15% from highs at the lows today. Boomers btfo

>> No.12152780

Are you stupid? Nobody paid taxes for the first 150 years of this country. Everyone should be paying little to no taxes.

How does the rich paying more taxes to the corrupt govt make the economy better lulz

>> No.12152781


Don't get me wrong, I would be very pleasantly surprised to see liquidity flow into the crypto markets as a hedge. But I think it has to stick around for another half decade before that's seen as a viable solution.

>> No.12152787
File: 93 KB, 500x500, yeah no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fed is intentionally crashing the economy because muh drumpf
Imagine actually wanting inflation.

>> No.12152788

He thinks bonds is a safe investment and not gold lol

>> No.12152792

>stock market is crashing ‘cuz Trump’s economy so good nobody wants to buy shares of companies
>Wealthiest puppet masters whose wealth is tied to stocks and bonds are destroying their own fortunes so Orange Goblin won’t be re-elected in 2 years.

My God, the brainlet faggotry! Imagine being this fucktard-pilled!

>> No.12152803

just buy gold you dumbass

>> No.12152804

How does money in stocks helping benefit the economy flowing to crypto which are just currencies benefit things?

>> No.12152805

It's crashing because buy back money ran out. Our economy has been in the shitter for the majority of the country for a bit. It's been completely propped up with buy backs. If they don't raise rates, and preferably REALLY quickly, they will have no rates to cut to spur growth during the recession.

>> No.12152809

Why doesnt Trumpy have any control over this? LOL! Sad!

>> No.12152813

>but muh rich people

Please kys, nanny state plebs deserve the rope.

>> No.12152816

gold funds are more tax inefficient

>> No.12152821


I'm talking in the context of crypto and how it would be good for it, not the economy.

>> No.12152822

Um... the economy crashing will mean deflation. Which is a good thing. Especially for those with real money. Gold

>> No.12152836

You are stupid. The entire point of buying gold is so you can "make it" when the currency crisis hits.

If you have dollars in gold stocks and a currency crisis hits you don't have the actual gold to make it.

When you invest in a stock... gold mining or other..... you are trying to make more fiat. But if you don't have the actual gold in a currency crisis then you are fucked

>> No.12152850

You're an idiot. The best asset to hold during deflation is cash.

>> No.12152859

Well if the economy is fucked beyond repair it won't do any good to have your wealth in crypto

>> No.12152868

It won't do any good to have it in gold either. At that point invest in weapons and ammo.

Believe it or not, most of us don't put all our eggs in one basket. I have some physical gold and silver. I also have tax advantaged funds where I hold (currently) gold mining stocks because it's the safest place for my money right now.

>> No.12152871

Cash - federal reserve (debt) notes aren't an asset you fucking idiot. It's just fucking paper from a tree

Gold is an asset. FRN's are worthless fucking paper

>> No.12152879

just zoom out op

>> No.12152880


It will when it eventually bounces back in a year or two while I wait on the sidelines with some nice stacks to jump in when it does crash.

>> No.12152881


Gold goes down in a deflationary recession just like any other asset. Just like how it went down in 2008, it went down about 30%.

>> No.12152885

It's impossible to lose owning gold.

You idiots don't understand there's a difference between investing and savings.

When shit is hitting the fan the priority is wealth preservation not investing necessarily

>> No.12152886

t. boomer
Some of us have actual businesses to run. We can't just sit on money all day and then drink ourselves to sleep because the grandkids won't visit.

>> No.12152897


When I can go buy a loaf of bread or pay my electric bill in gold, then the “fiat is worthless” meme has some truth.

>> No.12152899
File: 150 KB, 1675x714, MAGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the M for MAGA pattern

>> No.12152902

Deflation isn't good. Look what happened to Japan after their krach in the early 90s.

>> No.12152906

Wtf I'm going all in now.

>> No.12152911

t-bonds are certainly less volatile then gold, yes.

>> No.12152938

A gold ounce 900 years ago is that same ounce of gold today. Doesn't fucking matter if the dollar exists or not brainlet. So I don't know why the fuck you are valuing gold in terms of worthless dollars.

If the dollar vanishes from planet earth tomorrow morning. Your wealth in gold isn't affected at all! That's the entire fucking point in buying gold you idiot.

There's a reason 1 single ounce of silver buys you 4 months of food on the black market after the bolivar hyperinflates. 1 ounce of silver in American dollars is 13$. 13$ barely buys you lunch at Taco Bell but when fiat fails that silver ounce buys you a shit ton of food. Which makes sense since foremost of human history a days wage equaled a silver piece the size of a silver dime. And 1 silver dime equals 1 ounce of silver.

So you had to work 2 weeks to earn a silver ounce for most of human history. So if you worked 2 weeks straight right now and put it all into good you could easily get 3-4 months of food saved up.

Go check the cost of eggs in bolivars right now and then go check the price of 1 ounce of silver in bolivars.

>> No.12152944
File: 21 KB, 400x400, pokemon whore fac e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I just realized that as annoying as BTCfags have been over the past year, they are still far less irritating than goldbugs. Thanks. Really put it in perspective.

>> No.12152953

>I don't know why the fuck you are valuing gold in terms of worthless dollars.

Because if you sold gold before the 2008 recession and rebought you could have 30% more gold.

>> No.12152954

Gold went down in the immediate aftermath of 2008 but still climbed to double it's value by 2011.

It is possible to loose if you bought in 2011 highs.

>> No.12152957
File: 409 KB, 888x1025, schlop_cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya all these gold bugs start to stutter like idiots when you ask them how much paper gold is traded and how much it accounts for the price. Sure its a stable asset but just look at the 30 year chart


that is one ugly fucking chart beginning in 2001. Cryptofags forgot the timescales that regular assets move on so they have no idea what a bubble looks like over a long period of time. Gold will get fucking slaughtered when its time comes. And don't post wojaks when the loudest gold evangelists who doomed you into buying from them are laughing all the way to the bank.


> reeeeeeee

>> No.12152964

So you think in your Jew infected brain that without paper shit dollars it's impossible to exchange?

It isn't about buying shit in silver necessarily. It's about the fucking currency having value you fucking retarded nigger.

Why the fuck you think your invested in crypto in the first place? Because the fucking dollar is dying unironically because it isn't backed by gold

>> No.12152968

Gold's value in terms of it's exchange rate with other commodities does indeed change over time, regardless of the unit of account.

>> No.12152972



> t.guy who lost 15k when he bought silver at the peak in 2010-11ish

That was a shitty fucking lesson.

>> No.12152980

Uh I just need to say taco bell is the only fast food place who still has a real dollar menu. You can get a huge meal for $3 or $4.

>> No.12152986

Wait.. so you're really going to argue that you're buying Gold to "make it", talk about it being a safe investment, and then say that deflation will be a good thing for real money (gold) and then post some copy pasta talking about how it isn't an investment?

No shit during a currency crisis the currency loses value. If you have your money in literally ANY commodity or foreign currency you're doing just fine.

>> No.12152992

But the point is once the fucking dollar starts hyperinflating or a reset happens. If you don't have it the exact moment that happens you'll be fucked.

I mean maybe the dollar price of gold will go down to 800$ in the next year. Obviously I'd wait to buy more gold if I had a fucking crystal ball. But if a reset happens sometime next year and I don't have the gold because I was waiting for it to go lower.... then I'm fucked

>> No.12153022

Wtf are you going to do? You have 500k net worth. You have inside info that a currency crisis is coming in 3 weeks.

Your going to go out 500k into ammo and canned food? And not put any into gold? Are you really that fucked in the head and brainwashed?

Sure, nobody is saying that buying fcking preps is a bad idea but what are you going to to? Put your entire net worth in red wheat?

Commodities are perishables. Gold is money

>> No.12153041

Gold isn't money, it's a commodity.

As far as your specific scenario? I'm buying land, food, guns and ammo to defend it, and manual farming equipment.

Then I'll walk to your house and take your gold.

>> No.12153048
File: 140 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... every hear the story of the hotel bellcap in Weimar Republic Germany? Had 25 ounces of gold saved of from wage cucking. Not a ton of gold but a nice NEET amount. And after hyperinflation he was able to buy a fucking city block with a mere 25 ounces of gold.

Look at that pic related. 1,500 bolivars for a single carton of eggs.

Guess how many bolivars equals 1 ounce of gold? 300 fucking million bolivars equal an ounce of gold.

Imagine buying just 8 ounces of gold and 200 ounces of silver 6 years ago before the bolivar collapsed. Youd be sitting fucking pretty right now in Venezuela

>> No.12153065

That's the point in buying gold fuckhead. You but that land for pennies on the dollar.

What are you going to do? Buy a home and land now for 20% down.... then the currency hyperinflates and then you don't have any money to make payments.

>> No.12153074

"Gold is money, everything else is credit." (JP Morgan testimony to congress 1912 before he died.)

Why the fuck do you think people walk into coin shops and buy gold??? When you drive pass a coin shop and see someone walking into buy gold what do you think? Do you think he might as well be throwing his money down the toilet?

>> No.12153075

>after hyperinflation he was able to buy a fucking city block with a mere 25 ounces of gold.
If he was a /biz/tch he prolly bought east of the Oder

>> No.12153087


Fucking christ, a commodities paper market didn't exist that was orders of magnitude larger than the actual supply when he said that. Fuck you are dumb. You don't even get a brainlet picture, it would be wasted on you.

>> No.12153090

Because youand everyone else bought into the ultimate Jew scam that a shiny rock has value past it's industrial use. Similar to how people feel about diamonds. It's all marketing.

Actually, if hyperinflation sets and you have a fixed interest rate it's far easier to pay off your loan.

>> No.12153105

Yeah and? Fake paper market is somehow a good thing? Everything is literally about to collapse because of it.

Interest rates are supposed to be determined by SAVINGS not creation of fake moneyb credit by an illegal central bank

>> No.12153119

Then why is the dollar dying? So gold is the Jew scam? Yet the federal reserve note is the one dying?

So keep my wealth in paper dollars and not gold? Afterall it's the fucking Jews who put that gold in the earths crust right?

It's fascinating psychologically that a bunch faggots investing in shitcoins because the dollar is dying.... unironically because gold doesn't back the dollar anymore........ hate gold

>> No.12153129

Gold is fucking savings you idiot. In 1912 when JP Morgan said that a gold ounce equaled a good weekly salary.

That same gold ounce today in 2018 is still equal to a good weekly salary

>> No.12153133

It's literally all a fucking scam. The Jews also control the gold. Know who's going to make the most money if gold becomes the de facto currency? It's still the Jews.

You shouldn't keep wealth in paper dollars, you should keep it in financial instruments that will beat inflation or store the value in land.

>> No.12153147

If the dollar goes south no foreign currency will save you, they will all go down with it because no country will let their competitivity go down the drain.

>> No.12153172

So don't keep your wealth in paper dollars just in investments denominated in paper dollars. So then when the dollar collapses it won't be the dollar ls you own that collapse it'll just be the dollar value of your investments (which is all the same thing)

The funny thing is....... your literally saying keep your money in investments that can beat inflation. So you are literally saying that inflation is bad. Because you need to invest in to beat it.

But if we were on a gold standard you wouldn't NEED to invest to stay above water by beating inflation.

>> No.12153185
File: 198 KB, 674x678, smug09485603499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah but if civilization collapses I can buy entire city blocks with 1 ounce of gold

The absolute state of goldfags

>> No.12153200

It's a simple math reset

>> No.12153226

Neat, stocks fixing to go on sale

>> No.12153314

Nope dollar collapse coming

>> No.12154306

Spent the last 10 years buying gold jewelry from nigs and white trash it's been p good

>> No.12154310

Sold all my indexed funds today
feels good man

>> No.12155012

> a corporation prints the amount of money they decide on for private reasons
I'm sure it's the presidents fault though.

>> No.12155020

Economy has been dead for 10 years. It was propped up so they could play hero

>> No.12155052

> thinking the rich actually pay any taxes
> not knowing amount the myriad of legal ways to minimize or completely eliminate your tax exposure

oh you sweet, sweet summer child of innocence

>> No.12155074

>selling the bottom
Never change, /biz/

>> No.12155101

It’s not the bottom stock market going to 0 and every rich faggot is hedging with bitcoin OTC that’s why we don’t see any big price movement

>> No.12155156
File: 60 KB, 700x500, 1539944028483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If things get to SHTF scenario when the economy crashes people are only gonna care about food, water, and ammunition for their guns to kill other people for their food and water.

Please, for once in your lobotomized life try to keep at least a handful of your decaying neurons warm for 5 seconds and fucking think.

Why the fuck would anyone give a half of a dogshit about gold? For fucks sake nobodies going to give a flying fuck about some dumb soft ass metal they can't build anything with you retarded ass boomer

>> No.12155208

And what do you think happens when an economy crashes and or dollar implodes?

Do you think everything becomes free? Free food, free water and free ammunition? People with some silver and gold in Venezuela are fucking sitting pretty you fucking idiot. Venezuela has starving fucking people. So you are right people care about fucking food in a currency collapse and guess what fuckhead? If you have gold and silver you can fuckinf eat.

Go check the gold to bolivar conversion rate you faggot. 300 million bolivars for 1 single ounce of gold.

It isn't necessarily about a Shtf scenario. The world is swimming in debT. Gold getting revalued overnight to 20-30k per ounce is a real possibility to purge the debt from the system. Followed by a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. That's where gold shines

>> No.12155234




>> No.12155256

please be b8

>> No.12155262

So why the fuck so people buy gold the ?

>> No.12155265

Let's be honest for a second, if there's a worldwide collapse I'm not selling you my excess food for useless gold.

>> No.12155272

So why the fuck so people buy gold then???????

What's the fucking purpose of buying gold?

Fucking coin shops exist in every town where people go in and spend their fiat on silver and gold. So what the fuck are they doing that for?

>> No.12155278

I couldn't be more serious

>So why the fuck so people buy gold the ?
lol wut

Thank you, I was beginning to feel fucking crazy here

>> No.12155285

because they're idiots like you who fall for the pm meme. there's demand, so someone fullfills the demand.

>> No.12155287

Wtf are you going to do? Put your entire fucking net worth into canned/freeze dried food?

Let's say you are paranoid the economy will collapse or you have inside knowledge the economy will collapse. And let's say the temporary societal breakdown lasts 0-60 days. Maybe it will be as simple as a gold revaluation and things go on with a new currency immediately or you have shit going haywire for a month or two before the dust settles

Your going to put your entire net worth into perishable food? Are you fucnjng retarded?

>> No.12155292

No asshole. That's. Or a sufficient answer. When someone goes to buy a gold ounce for $1,200 why are they doing that?

>> No.12155300

I said why the fuck are people buying gold then? What's the purpose of buying gold then if it doesn't preserve your wealth for when the

>> No.12155301

Let me say it slower for you so your mongoloid brain can understand.

US Dollar biggest currency in world
US Dollar backed by gold
Countries with shit economy and currency want gold/silver so they can exchange it for US Dollars
US Dollar crashes
Precious metal backing a currency that just crashed will also crash, obviously.

>> No.12155308

The usd WAS backed by gold. And now that it isn't anymore that's literally the entire reason youbare investing in shitcoins.

The USD used to equal gold. If the USD dies gold is still fucking gold and valuable.

>> No.12155309
File: 119 KB, 1370x510, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be b8

>> No.12155318

>Your going to put your entire net worth into perishable food? Are you fucnjng retarded?
In land, buildings,real estate you absolute fucktard. Non perishable-food or equipment to make food non-perishable (salt, a boiler etc.).

In case of a societal collapse you need to invest in the bottom of Maslow Pyramid, not fucking jewels.

>> No.12155321

The fucking usd equaled gold. Without gold there was no USD to get off the ground. Gold has been money and valuable since before Christ was alive. So wtf are you even talking about. Do you have a fucking lick of logic?

The entire fucking point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam and you are worried it will hyperinflate.

>> No.12155325

I have zero stake in the economy, I dont give a fuck.

>> No.12155328

yes faggot it's tautological. precious metals bugs on tv, radio, youtube, etc manage to convince enough idiots to go buy the shiny rocks so the store that inevitably pops up in every town serves that demand.

>> No.12155335

>Currency crashes, economy implodes, everyone either loses their jobs or the money they receive for the work they do isn't enough to live off of
>Boom boom has an idea
>"I know what people who are struggling to feed themselves and their families need!"

at this point you are confirmed retarded or b8

>> No.12155340

You put it into land real estate and shut after the currency crisis and deflationary collapse. That's the entire point. So you can get land and shit for pennies on the dollar.

If I think the economy and dollar is going to collapse in 1 year why in the fuck would I put down 20% on a 300k house or whatever just to see its usd value get clobbered when the dollar dies and then not be able to afford the payments since the dollar will be worthless as fuck.

1 ounce of silver traded for bolivars right now is like 300k bolivars. Eggs are 1,500 bolivars. 1 ounce of silver buys you a shit ton of dozens of eggs in a country where people are starving.

Do you fucking get it now?

>> No.12155354

I love 4chan chicken littles.

>> No.12155355

Because Venezuela is not a self-contained system. People know they can sell their silver outside of Venezuela, so they accept payment in silver.

In case of a collapse, I'm not selling you my land food or anything for silver. I'm letting you starve.

>> No.12155356
File: 127 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how many bolivars a gold ounce will get you.

>> No.12155357

The economy is fine.

Oh, wait, are you one of those retards who think the stock market is the economy?

>> No.12155365

We are in no danger of needing ammo and guns instead of money. If you think so, you're a fucking spastic whackaloon.

>> No.12155366

Dude it's literally 8th grade math to do a reset. Fiat is failing worldwide. It's not like the dollar collapses and we live in some sort of closed loop barter system till the end of time exchanging your chickens for blowjobs.

There will be a new standard of value. China India and Russia have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for over a decade now. You think they are doing that for fun?

>> No.12155367
File: 105 KB, 1096x616, ak-47-assault-rifle-sky-news_4237669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how much time it would take looters to kill your ass and take your things after SHTF

>> No.12155371

If you have a mortgage inflation would help you retard

>> No.12155374

But again, why would I want to accept gold or silver as a payment ? I actually don't need them, and since I'm the one with food, land and security I don't need much more. You suburbanite goldbug have nothing that can interest me.

>> No.12155376

Yeah if you have gold

>> No.12155382

>It's impossible to lose owning gold.

Say what, retard? Go look at the historical charts for gold. Go look at the cliff the price went off, between 1979 and 2001.Over 2k an ounce to $400. You can never lose money? Really, you dumb faggot?

The last 10 years alone prove you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Just shut the fuck up.

If the shit hits the fan bad enough that fiat is worthless, everyone will laugh at your yellow rocks.

>> No.12155390

Go back to '79, through 2001. Gold bugs want to pretend that time frame didn't exist.

>> No.12155399

I suppose if you have all your land paid off and food you can grow forever then you'll be much better off than most people but most people aren't in that position. You'll still need other shit tho. You still need money for Shit.

It's like you can't comprehend not buying shit with paper. As if that's the only fucking means to pay for shit. Without kike paper how the fuck will I trade?

This is a business investing forum. Most of the fsggots here are poor or in endless debt despite a good job.

I'm trying to fucking make you stupid niggers understand that when the dollar implodes. You'll fucking make it with as little as 500 ounces of silver and 10 ounces of gold.

If your fucking farmer joe already then fucning great. But 2-300 ounces of silver will be able to buy you a farm when this fucking shit comes crashing down

>> No.12155406

Gold backed the currency in 1912, you ignorant mong. Completely different world then.

It's always flabbergasting how fucking ignorant you gold bugs are, and how you lie through your fucking teeth defending the most meme investment ever.

"B-but Weimar Republic!" - we don't have any conditions to recreate even 1% of 1% of what happened there.

>> No.12155415

Stop valuing real fuckinng money in terms of kike paper dollars then you'll fucking start learning.

You fucking idiots have silver staring you in the face at 13$ a coin. The most undervalued asset in planet earth. For most of human history it took 2 weeks of hard labor and even in much of the world today to earn an ounce of silver.

You could be making minimum wage right now and are able to convert your 90$/day into 7 ounces of silver. Which is the fucking bargain of the milennia.

>> No.12155418

You might want to research that, dumb faggot. The USD hasn't been backed by gold since Nixon took the US off the gold standard. You child. You think you're some kind of investor or knowledgeable about investing, when you don't know a basic fact like that?

Go back to /b kid.

>> No.12155422

Yeah and now that gold doesn't back the currency the entire fucning world is swimming in debt and on the cusp of systematic failure and income inequality up the ass

>> No.12155427

The USD is not backed by gold, you fucking moron. It hasn't been backed by gold for fifty fucking years, you ignorant spastic,

>> No.12155433

Gold is money. Not an investment. A gold ounce is just a fucking gold ounce. It doesn't go up like a stock where s company generates revenue. That gold ounce just sits there. Its savings you dumb fuck

>> No.12155438

>I suppose if you have all your land paid off
But why ? The only case where gold is useful is if paper money becomes worthless, aka hyperinflation.
But what is hyperinflation ? It's the fact that PRICES RISE. If you are the one producing things, things everyone need especially (shelter, food, security), then you litterally don't have to give a fuck about hyperinflation.
As you said earlier, the guy who had a dozen of chickens in Venezuela is now the fucking king who can pay back his house loan in a week of selling his eggs.
Money, just like gold is a medium of exchange. What matter is the assets that both can buy you.

>> No.12155439

Do you have anctual point, or did you just want to snivel "THU JOOOZ" at me?

Fuck off, retard. Come back when you have an actual point to make.

>> No.12155445

Gold is not money, not in the US, you fucking child. It's a commodity, like coffee beans or iron ore.

>> No.12155463

The point is the dollar manipulated dollar of gold doesn't mean shit. You buy gold for the fucking currency reset. That's where you make it. 21 trillion in debt and you fucking think gold is stupid to buy

>> No.12155469

ohhhhhh so the gubmint says gold isn't money so it must be true.

>> No.12155470

I don’t see how gold has any fucking value whatsoever in a SHTF economic crisis. I’ll use your gold to beat you to death so I can steal the bread you bought with ingots. I get the feeling that if you are in an area where you have the financial stability to be investing in commodities, you are also in an area where by the time those commodities become viable as currency it would also mean pure lawlessness and anarchy. I’d be just as willing to believe bottle caps could be currency in a crash, or some other industrially somewhat valuable mineral because it has intrinsic value through its use vs gold as a fashion statement/accessory for the extremely wealthy, or crypto which to the average person is literally vapor ware

>> No.12155472

>some countries have been accumulating gold for decades
>still think other countries will let themselves being outright bought by gold hoarders
Are you a retard ?

>> No.12155478

anyone exit the dow with the rest of the smart money? see you niggers at the top

>> No.12155481

Bro. It's 1,500 bolivars for a dozen eggs. Almost nobody can afford that.

If you bought 1 ounce of gold before the collapse that gold ounce can be traded for 300 million bolivars.

>> No.12155482

I'll sell this guy food for any scrap metal he can get his hands on

I'll let this guy starve and probably steal his shiny rocks

>> No.12155490

Really? Really, child? That's all you got? What, you think God declares what money is?

Are you seriously that fucking naive? How do you even work a computer, you fucking mongoloid?

>> No.12155493

>There's a reason 1 single ounce of silver buys you 4 months of food on the black market after the bolivar hyperinflate


>> No.12155505

There have been countless economic collapses throughout history and gold has never been useless you uneducated faggot.

Just because you got brainwashed in shitty public schools to worship the Jew dollar doesn't mean that when Shtf gold will be not valuable anymore.

I swear you faggot millenials must think life didn't exist before you were born

>> No.12155507
File: 191 KB, 960x849, 1535594991640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discussions are pretty good in this thread, but why do these gold fags always talk like the world is going to end?

>> No.12155519

Why is gold $1,200 right now? We are off the gold standard right? Govts de-monetized gold right? Why is it worth $1,200?

And don't tell me jewelry. Because fucking gold was 300$ not even 16 years ago and the demand for jewelry hasn't tripled in a little more than a decade.

That gold ounce is 1,200 because the dollar is worth much less today than it was 16 years ago when it was 300$

>> No.12155526


>> No.12155534

Because they fantasize about collapse. It's what makes them feel like they're doing something productive for once in their life and let's them feel superior over others. Similar to how anti gold fags exaggerate every crisis scenario as being a total famine level event that requires an arsenal of AR-15s and a decades supply of food as to somehow disprove a coin autists point about gold's consistent buying power when in reality our next financial crisis is more likely going to be just another slow decay of our standards of living as opposed to full blown SHTF chaos

>> No.12155538

Yeah but US isn't going to collapse. The dollar maybe, but US has always gotten it's shit togethre and come back stronger when it enters serious chaos.

>> No.12155539
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Good thing I own property in an super-wealthy coastal city!

>> No.12155542
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1 ounce of silver equals 3 million bolivars.

>> No.12155545

Anti gold fags think that everyone else lives in dependent third world countries that descend into complete chaos and famine every time there's a recession. It's almost as delusional as goldbugs that think they're going to be rich from holding precious metals

>> No.12155548

>Bro. It's 1,500 bolivars for a dozen eggs. Almost nobody can afford that.
Exactly. Food has inflated so much there that if a venezuelian had invested in PM in 2017 he'd be losing money compared to the one who took a credit to buy a farm.

>> No.12155559

Again, the cost of food is irrelevant. The problem with Venezuela is that there's literally a shortage of food you moron. Your silver eagle isn't going to be that much help if there's no food for sale in the first place dumb ass. I still have seen no evidence that Venezuelan precious metals holders are buying 4 months supplies of food with an oz of silver. That sounds like complete bullshit. Who in their right mind would even have 4 months of food to spare in a crisis that has been going on years at this point?

>> No.12155564

You simply haven’t explained to me where in a world with economic collapse shiny rocks are now valuable. It’s honestly about the same as fiat currency, a semi worthless object that has value not intrinsically because of its usefulness per se(certain industrial applications aside because I’m not worried about producing gold filaments for CPU’s when the economy crashes) but because what, a bunch of kikes and you told me it’s valuable? You haven’t demonstrated a case where golds value isn’t completely dependent on either A. Being held against fiat currency, again artificially creating value(Venezuela) or B. Being used prior to if not the invention but at the very least world wide acceptance of fiat currency. Of course they used gold in biblical times, monarchs thought it was cool as fuck. You know what else was currency back then? Fucking camels. But when nobody can affford your camels, you can eat them. When nobody can afford gold, it becomes worthless shiny rocks.

>> No.12155571

There literally is no food. The actual productive capacity of Venezuelans local agriculture was almost always non existent, it was a country that was almost completely dependent on imports pre oil crash

>> No.12155583

Yep, that's why the ones who invested in the meagre food supply before the crisis (the venezuelian upper class) are pretty much spared by the crisis. It's scarce, useful, therefore valuable.

>> No.12155585

Imagine actually believing there is inflation.

It's going to crash because greedy ceos gotn huge amounts of debt to do share buybacks to make their shareholders richer. Now that rates are increasing they all need to pay it back.

>> No.12155593

Dude.... 10 ounces of gold is like 10k. That's nothing now and will buy you a shit ton when the collapse happens.

Half the faggots on this board can't even form a fluid sentence when talking to a a girl....And you think they are going to buy a fucking farm and start slaughtering hogs and operating Tractors?

Get fucked dude.

>> No.12155611

Again the upper class in Venezuela are all connected government bureaucrats. Most of those morons are lazy sack of shit public sector employees with no concept of savings or precious metals collection. Maduro isn't still a big fat cow because he horded gold, he's a big fat ass because he controls the country and gets priority meals. The same goes for most of the politicians and bureaucrats of Venezuela. They absolutely aren't eating because they horded silver, they're eating because they have the political power and leverage to be prioritized over the bottom tier of society.

>> No.12155616

Yeah, I get it you buy gold because you don't know how to do anything and believe it will be a good hedge is society collapse.
Protip : I won't give you a fucking egg for your 10 ounces of gold if something really bad happens.

>> No.12155618

But only because they can trade it with the outside world. It’s not a self contained insulated bubble. It’s measured against other countries currencies, just like crypto only has value measured against other currencies. My view on it is the only way I ever see gold becoming valuable as a currency on a global scale is if we’re already so deep down the shitter nobody will give a fuck about gold. And even if you do make out like a bandit that just makes you a target

>> No.12155619

Tell me when gold has been worthless. I mean it should be worthless now right? How many Americans actually own 1 single ounce of gold? Maybe a half of 1 percent of the population?

30 years ago it was sound economic advice from money managers to hold 10% of your wealth in physical gold. Today despite being 21 trillion in debt you don't even hear money managers telling you to put even 1% in physical gold.

So tell me why is it $1,200 per ounce

>> No.12155626

That's because your stupid. Wtf you think happens when the dollar dies? Trading ceases to exist?

It's only fucking physically possible to trade in paper? It's impossible to trade in actual real money?

>> No.12155629

Not every crisis is a famine you moron

>> No.12155640

For one ounce of gold today I can buy one acre of good farmland instead.

Maybe I'm stupid but I'll be the one with the food, and you'll be the one with inedible shiny rocks.

>> No.12155641

Because in modern society it has several uses that all go out the window when times are hard, I.e. jewelry and electronics. Especially electronics. Next question

>> No.12155649

>not thinking of food as ultimate priority when preparing for the future
Thankfully you’ll be a light corpse when i drag your starved body off of your gold stash

>> No.12155654

Gold has been money for thousands of years. Yet nobody ever ate it stupid. Wtf does not being able to eat gold have to do with anything you idiot.

You can go on YouTube right now and see video of starving African niggers panning for gold in river beds and when they accumulate .01 gram of gold you can see them exchanging it for a loaf of bread

>> No.12155657

Imagine not knowing how to make money in a volatile market..

You should all be singing praises right now.

>> No.12155659


You’re a shill

>> No.12155661

See >>12155618

>> No.12155663

Electronics and bullshit like that has nothing to do with gold going from 300$ to 1900$ in 8 years from 2003 to 2011

>> No.12155682

Gold is both currency and money. We won't go back to using it as a currency but it is more importantly money that has to back a currency. Fiat is failing all over a new currency will have to be introduced backed by real money. The issue is debt as a result of fiat currecies. It can't continue

>> No.12155683

That can be explained by inflation of the currencies you buy the fucking Gold with, since as you pointed out, we are no longer on the gold standard. Next question

>> No.12155687

>Strawman argument

Again, in the event of a soft crisis food is not really going to be a massive commodity to be traded. Were people trading beans in 2008? Did finance magically start dealing in chicken legs during the great depression of the 1930s? In fact, famine was not a common cause of death during the great depression, in fact life expectancy actually increased for many people. Gold on the other hand remained a valuable asset and stored wealth better than the stocks and real estate a lot of urban America was dependent on as assets.

Except I literally never said that. In fact I was making the complete opposite argument to the guy claiming that people were buying 4 month supplies of food with a single silver ounce. Strawman again

>> No.12155690

Let me break it down for you you absolute mongoloïd
>Buy gold
>nothing happens, gold price rise slowly matcing inflation
>recession happens, deflation, gold loses value
>recession and hyperinflation happen, gold rise fast, but everything is expensive, gold keeps the same value
>shit hit the fan, gold buys you nothing

>Buy land
>nothing happens, you rent out your land or farm it yourself, make money
>recession happens, land and commodities are a safe hedge, your land increase in value
>recession and hyperinflation happen, produts of your land become very profitable to sell
>shit hit the fan, you can still plant potatoes

>> No.12155703

Shit hits the fan, noone to enforce your property rights

>> No.12155709

Same goes for goldfags, or everything else really.

>> No.12155753
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>> No.12155763

except crypto, can't steal a brain wallet

>> No.12155776

I can just hide gold up my ass and take a boat someone not fucked up.
Good luck packing up your land and leaving

>> No.12155780

If shit hits the fan, the first thing to go will be internet, and the second would be power.

>> No.12155782

goldfags are beyond help

>> No.12156687

What if you live in the country around a bunch of /k/konas?

>> No.12156691
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>not taking the fucktard pill

>> No.12156725
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A question: why is the 30 year JPY-gold price more stable lately than the other currencies? Did the yen strengthen globally since 2013? Thanks buddeh.

>> No.12156735

>deflation is a good thing
this board has reached peak retardation

>> No.12156911

give a lock box to my kids tell them to open it on there kids 18th birthday
leave a note saying to add to the box and pass on love grandpa
100 years pass and ai has mined and used all available silver on the planet
use silver to build robot family to live in extreme environments and in outer space
if my kids not a crack head we should be able to buy a ticket to get away from the devo bezian wagecagers
lock box filled with silver bitcoin,ripple and gorrila munch
store wealth raise good children

>> No.12156976

you incels preparing for the end of the world are actually the funniest thing i've seen lately. would gladly give 1000 Links just to take a look at you in real life