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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12146745 No.12146745 [Reply] [Original]

This month I raised 37k with this product idea, AMA


>> No.12146762

Ready to get assraped by the SEC for not using an (((approved))) JOBS act crowdfunding portal?

>> No.12146764

Invest 500$ in my aquarium business

>> No.12146768


Pretty cool, OP

Did you pay any PR agency to help you? What were the costs to produce the video and what was your budget for advertisement.

>> No.12146789


What are you talking about?


no, thanks

yes, I was cooperating with two guys that already have some experience

the video cost about 6k and I put around 7k for advertisment and influencers

>> No.12146804


Thanks for the answer. What was the biggest lesson you learned about crowdfunding and what what would you do differently?

>> No.12146842

is your supplier from alibaba?

>> No.12146846
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Well, the next time I will do a similiar campaign I would rely more on cooperation with influencers and make some cooperations with organisation related to my product in advance.

Facebook and paid advertisment is good for some site traffic, but it is actually quite useless for sales. Adwords are better, as you are helping to solve some problem people are searching for, hence is better than try to force somebody to buy a product that consumers might not need through Instagram or Facebook.

Also I was most of the backers come from KS site through algorithms, so it is better to study the way Kickstarter works than put too much money for meaningless PR.

>> No.12146858

Oh sweetie
You’re so fucked
You didn’t really think (((they))) would make it that easy, did you?

>> No.12146867
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No it isn't. We are producing in EU and the nanofiber membrane is patented by Respilon, which is Prague/London based. I have taken a great care about the quality of the product, design and the material

>> No.12146907

ok. This look simple, effective and cool.
This will sell like hotcake during winter. This might be a problem to wear in Summer like of Australia.

>> No.12146953


thanks man, I tried my best

it's as lightweight and summer-friendly as possible, so you can protect yourself while biking through heavy traffic and city, but yeah, it might be not so comfortable during really hot summers in Australia, no doubt about it

>> No.12146985


Hey OP, thanks for you replies.

So why would I should use scarf instead of masks? Would you recommend it for things like Californian fires?

>> No.12146987

I was going to call you a shill, but your product is interesting.
However, the other anon is right, it might be too much by the time it arrives here.
I will keep you bookmarked because I was considering some chink facemasks from xiaomi but yours might be a better option.
Best of luck

>> No.12147008

This month you confirmed that you are a complete faggot, congratulations.

>> No.12147027

>$15,000: New color - White
also it's cool just make sure you have logistics and supply chain figured the fuck out, have samples that work, and at some point an anal fucker is going to call you on the fact it doesn't actually filter much - so you better do a study or some shit.

>> No.12147076

This. Nice cash grab fir what it is, well done OP

>> No.12147087
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Thanks man, appreciate it

First, you don't look like an idiot with mask and masks usually have pretty shitty filters inside, that's where our nanofiber membrane is so superior. It filters particles 1000x smaller than a human hair. Think about it.

Additionally, it is super-easy to use, and if you don't need it, you just roll R-shield down around your neck instead of taking it off, which si pretty useful for biking in the city. It is washable so you can use it for a year instead of one/week use of some 3M masks.

And it simply looks cool, we also try our best to be as ecological as possible, so there is no plastic used.

Regarding Californian fires, sure, we had lots of question related to it. You can absolutely use it to get protected against smog and harmful particles, but I would recommend just for affected nearby areas, like I would not use it to extinguish fire.

But all the details are on the KS page, you can DM me also.

>> No.12147132
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This is /biz related board, so I thought it would be nice to help some of my NEET friends here. I have some magic coins too, but it is better to start your own business than rely on some PnD.

You can always choose your unique design. The white color is more for a fashion purpose and I was quite surprised how quickly we reached our goal. It's really hard to bring up some good stretch goals with a product like mine.

I have already done my research, the filter quality and technology is superior to most of the masks on the market and I have already secured logistics and production so I am ok.

Thanks man!

>> No.12147144

sauce: https://imgur.com/a/x08uK

>> No.12147206
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Based anon, I love her pics, thanks

OP here
I am going to sauna and gym, will be back in two hours.

>> No.12147209

was this your first Kickstarter project?
if not, how many have you done and how many have failed/succeded? whats the most important thing to making it work?

>> No.12147215

ah fuck srsly... 4 seconds before i made my post lol. can you just answer my question before you go? >>12147209

>> No.12147269

>hard to bring up some good stretch goals
I feel you, custom designs also sound cool. Out of curiosity are you using crowdfunding to order your first batch of product or do you already have enough to ship out?
>quality and technology is superior
I believe it, do a test though if you haven't so you can flex measurable results. Buy an air quality monitor off amazon, play around with blowing dirty air through one of your masks and measuring the results. You could probably even return the air quality monitor once you're done. It's a solid product though. Just 100% some snarky fucker will be like "couldn't I use my shirt" it would be good to btfo him with data.

>> No.12147361
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Hey man, I'm still here, but will leave any minute. Yep, it's my first campaing, but I consider to make another one next year. Kickstarter is so much better than a business as usual, beacuse you can start the production and stocking based on demand and you have the cashflow to cover it.

It's very complex to make it work and there is too many things to take care, especially for your first campaing:

1) Have a problem you want to solve
2) Make something simple and smart
3) Learn from competitors and similar campaings, but add something different to it as well (for me it was the video, which is not like some generic TV shopping ad)
4) Find people who will promote your product for free, just because you send them your samples
5) Don't panic if it doesn't go well in the beginning, don't answer to all scamy mails that you'll recieve during the campaing about PR, backerit and so on
6) Do it passionately, don't rely on agency to promote it, be smart about using IG and Facebook to build a community
7) Communication with backers is really important, they will help you a lot.
8) Try to reach out as many product related organisations as possible.

>> No.12147407

ok thanks.

when you say
> Try to reach out as many product related organisations as possible.
what do you mean by this? reach out to them for what? you mean like competitors selling the same product?

i did a few ICO's in mid 2017 when it wasnt as competitive and made a good sum. maybe its time to pivot to KS instead since its a similar sort of thing.

>> No.12147437


Thanks, OP

so how much did you invest in total and how much did you get back?

>> No.12147513
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Congrats on you ICO's

With contacting related organisations - In my case it was bike shops, cycle clubs, people with weak immumity, organisations that are concerned about air pollution and smog, blogs about urban/streetwear and so on

>> No.12147536
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Sorry for my misspelling, I'm writing in a hurry

>> No.12147626

great this sounds cool. good thread

>> No.12147648
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> feel you, custom designs also sound cool. Out of curiosity are you using crowdfunding to order your first batch of product or do you already have enough to ship out?

Actually, I had some cash (loan) aside, so I can cover first batch (early-birds) easily, but for the rest I will use withdrawn KS funds

>I believe it, do a test though if you haven't so you can flex measurable results. Buy an air quality monitor off amazon, play around with blowing dirty air through one of your masks and measuring the results. You could probably even return the air quality monitor once you're done. It's a solid product though. Just 100% some snarky fucker will be like "couldn't I use my shirt" it would be good to btfo him with data.

Great ideas, thanks! Hell yeah, I have already encountered quite a lot of these snarky fuckers, but we did our preparation and have enough data to btfo them. Like I certified our nanofiber membrane in Switzerland, Czech and the US to prove easily our filtration effectivity to all doubters

>> No.12147823
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I invested around 17k in total, so it was quite risky.


Thanks again

>> No.12148797


Awesome thread, OP! Thanks for the provided info.

>> No.12148808


Don't they tell you to fuck off? What do you offer them for collaboration? Just curious

>> No.12148831
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Pretty based, how did you cope with the stress? Also is that you in the video?