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12138564 No.12138564 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I am an overworked literal wageslave at an accountancy firm.

One of the narcissistic micromanaging fucks of a manager took on a new client who made around a mill in crypto profits in the bullrun and now wants to declare it in the most tax efficient way. He asked me about it and I took one look at it and said fuck off.

Now he has delegated out making a bunch of fake shell companies, fake invocies between client and his wife and other shit to dress it up as an artificial structure for tax advantages.

Can I report this cunt to the tax authorities and fuck him up? I hate him.

>> No.12138589

>Now he has delegated out making a bunch of fake shell companies, fake invocies between client and his wife

Is this typical behavior for accountancy firms?

>> No.12138616


No that fuck is under pressure to makes sales and hit budget.

He is charging the poor crypto-cuck thousands of dollars for the sake of some fudge job pile of shit which would collapse the second it was ever audited.

>> No.12138638

Quit and find a government accountancy job.

>t. former CPA cuck that quit his cucked CPA position and makes the same amount of money working for the government 40 hours a week basically just shitposting with great vacation and benefits

CPA accounting is probably the most cucked career path in the U.S. desu I would have killed myself.

>> No.12138740


What I an asking is - will I get fucked up for whistleblowing?

I know we have a duty to report fraud. In a way I feel bad for the crypto faggot - he should have been smart enough not to trade to fiat, he literally pulled out to fiat EVERY fucking trade like an absolute retard.

Now he is being taken advantage of by a scum accountant for fee money despite the advice being dogshit and potentially landing cryptocuck in jail.

>> No.12138811

no bro don't fuck a fellow crypto investor..
tell him to cash it all out to btc, convert to monero via changedly, convert back to btc, say he invested back in 2012-2013 and lost his old wallets and only has the most updated one
the IRS won't be able to prove this shit unless his binance or whatever exchange he uses gets audited which is unlikely..

>> No.12138866


Dude you dont understand - this faggot's trades are logged into his bank statement because he pulled out to fiat after every trade.

He even sold on LocalBitcoins too. Despite making a shitload in the bullrun he is a fucking brainlet when it comes to not making a paper trail.

>> No.12138873
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wagie get back in your cagie!!

launder the money you gave me when I dumped on you

>> No.12138889

>accountant / CPA
Better have good health insurance when stress is gonna kill you

>> No.12138894

>claim to be overworked
>attempts to generate more work for himself by dealing with whistleblowing shit
Let it go

>> No.12138901


Also to add to this, his bank froze his account for a while so probably wrote up a suspicious activity report to tax authority anyway.

Whistleblowing would be the icing on the cake for them to have this case open and closed. My boss will get fired - sadly the crypto fuck is collateral damage.

Crypto-cuck, you sound like a dude that possibly browses here - if you are reading this, record every fucking meeting, phone call and email you had with this faggot and claim you were pressured into going along with it.

>> No.12138944
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Here's how I would approach it.

First, let go of all the jealousy and hate. Seriously, you need to let this go or you'll be making an emotional decision.

Approach this rationally and ask yourself if you'll get into any legal trouble by trying to cover up this guy's tax returns. It doesn't matter if it's "unethical," what matters is the legality.

If, by your professional opinion, you believe this is illegal (illegal and unethical are two separate things) and they keep pushing you, then it's time you whistleblow anonymously. If you decide to whistleblow, be very careful that you're not in the crosshairs. Raising this to HR won't do anything in my opinion because if your company engages in this type of behavior, then they aren't looking out for your best interest.

Also you need to take a 50,000ft view of the situation and ask yourself, do you really need this job? What's the worst that can happen if you leave. I can sympathize with your situation, I understand what it feels like, I was in a dead-end job with a creepy micro-manager and the moment I left it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, but I did have an exit plan. So right now, you need to start to make an exit plan (maybe go to grad school, military, etc.) and use that as a hedge in case SHTF.

>> No.12138982

>Can I report this cunt to the tax authorities and fuck him up?

Regardless if you hate him or not, if you feel pitty or not: report it, if you know it.

Otherwise you ane likely in for knowing and not telling. It would hurt your reputation way more than not telling and getting caught in it with your pants down.

>> No.12139010

>ill I get fucked up for whistleblowing?
yes, youll never work in public accounting again. that being said, switch to private, like another anon suggested. at least its a solid 9-5 and you get to live like a human being.