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12137226 No.12137226 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me not to blow a quarter of today's paycheck on junk food. Working in a retailcuck job feels so pathetic and demoralising. The uniform is cuckworthy. Seeing Chads and Staceys is demoralising. The work is braindead.

I even start a graduate job next year, at the age of 28, but I still feel pathetic as fuck. Everyone else is ahead of me in life. Why am I not one of the ubermotivated Silicon Valley types who start new companies every day?

I honestly thought I would take more hours, because it's only a temporary job, but I couldn't bear to take all the hours. I can't even bear to work for 54 hours a week for two weeks.

People are fucking lying when they say that 9 hours of work doesn't steal your entire day. It does. I woke up, browsed the internet, went to the gym, ate food, and then went to work and my day is now over. I'm posting this on my break.

I have huge inferiority and superiority complexes over everyone. I'm an ugly beta male autist 28 year old male with a completely wasted youth.

21 year olds are making £70k in investment banking. All success depends on social skills and networking. My fate will be decided on by committees of normies who think I'm not normie enough.

I have wasted immense amounts of money on junk food and coffee over the past 6 years. I still do it. Yesterday I had two McDonalds large meals, plus another burger, plus a mcflurry

>> No.12137235

Buy the junk food from the dollar store :^)

>> No.12137252

Drugs are a better and healthier source of dopamine than junk food.

>> No.12137253

Nice blog post m9. Didn't read a word of it

>> No.12137262


Make your own junk food at least if you’re gonna eat it. McDonald’s isn’t really cheap, you can easily spend $10 for a meal. If you have to eat there order off the dollar menu.

>> No.12137284


>> No.12137290

Not reading that.

Today I am

>> No.12137303
File: 207 KB, 600x483, fuggoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you're not motivated, I bet you view porn and jack off all the time and also smoke weed.

>> No.12137318

I recognized a pattern:
is in all your sentences. Youre an ego whore. Who lives in the past and future, but never the present. Whi obsesses over ideas of social status, but just that, ideas. Doesnt actually carry them out. Who is clearly very depressed but continues to engage in self pity and self destructive behavior. Actually try to change your thoughts and behavior or just kill yourself

>> No.12137345

do meal prep like a bodybuilder, it's way cheaper, tastes better, and will make you feel better. you can still eat junk food if you get the urge, just try to replace most of your meals with simple homemade recipes. a very easy one:

buy a bag of frozen chicken breasts. buy a bag of sweet potatoes. cook all the chicken, and all of the sweet potatoes. you don't have to do anything fancy for this part.

divide them into meals and store them in tupperware. they should keep for the next few days. you can freeze and microwave but that's not as good.

>> No.12137601

You are a retard and your perception of how everyone else is "making it" and successful is impossibly skewed from reality. I think the only way this will ever stop for you is suicide. Sorry about your luck.

>> No.12137655
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>improve yourself, sort yourself out (like Jordan Peterson says, but don't stop at individualism)
>lower your living standards, become more self-reliant, avoid debt as much as possible (like Varg says, but don't hide away from the world)
>ideally find / create your own work where you cannot be fired for your politics
>find a good white woman to start a family with, avoiding degenerates and scams (like MGTOW says, but don't be paranoid and avoid women altogether; you can't reproduce that way)
>make lots of white babies - you will be able to afford it if you live a simpler life and avoid the modern lifestyle consumerism trap
>make time to practice debating, learn to identify and counter fallacies, memorize stats on immigration, crime, economic impact etc and their sources (and use good sources)
>speak openly in public about the issues facing the West, in a sensible and polite and respectable manner (this is where being debt-free and economically self-reliant are critical so you can't be fired)
>get fit and be prepared and train to use violence, but only do so if absolutely necessary (like the Golden One says; this also ties closely to speaking in public around leftist scum)
>network with like minded families in person and locally, cover each other's backs, do business together: form a strong network so nobody in it can be isolated by left wing harassment
>vote for nationalist candidates, and if you feel up to it, run as a nationalist candidate yourself; it can be in small local elections or bigger ones
>create culture as an alternative to the leftist establishment: whatever your talents are, make music, artwork, online cartoons, games, write books, comics, etc
>boycott left wing globalist companies (ties into being more self reliant, entrepreneurial and doing business with other likeminded people; buy food from your farming friend, not McDonalds)

>> No.12137661

This. Just have a cup of coffee and a cigarette.

>> No.12138046

Junk food makes you fat as fuck and eventually gives you diabetus. Smoking weed occasionally has no long term negative effects. I know some people will say it does, but whatever they are it isn't as bad as being a fat fuck with diabetus.

>> No.12138298


junk food only makes you fat if you don't lift or exercise, or if you eat too much of it

>> No.12138306
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>good white woman
stopped reading there

>> No.12138319

>eat junk food for years while working shitty dead end job
>Start real career this year
>Can't accumulate because I have to spend $10k fixing my fucking teeth
Don't be like me anon. Do drugs instead.

>> No.12138330
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based depressed london bro. reading your threads always gives a feeling of comfyness because I can relate

>> No.12138337

based duckerino

>> No.12138345

lmao this

>> No.12138353

>hating on the women of your own race

I'm not white but stop doing this. stop rewarding their shit/slutty behavior a la instagram likes/comments and they will change their behavior

>> No.12138361

I'm highly successful in my personal relationships and career. I rarely waste money on junk food. Is there a correlation?

>> No.12138378

Drugs are a huge drain on your brains balance of neurotransmitters though. Think of how how you got the first time you smoked weed of drank coffee. The decrease in highs is remarkable over time. Junk food is unnatural but more natural than strong drugs, and can be countered with exercise

>> No.12138390

That's only if you abuse them. Weed in particular is harmless unless you are at risk for schizophrenia.

>> No.12138396


>> No.12138406

What is abuse when it comes to the potent weed people amoke these days? Id say more than once ever 6 months. Prove me wrong, kid

>> No.12138412

If I didnt have weed, I would have kms'd long ago

>> No.12138432

any evidence on this claim? sounds like the junk food is making you more retarded than drugs every could, you will never make it

>> No.12138451

drugs can improve performance

>> No.12138452

I already gave my common sense proof you faggot. The human brain isnt designed to take drugs, especially powerful ones.

>> No.12138475

Yeah there is nothing as powerful as the oh so evil marijuana. Seriously you are more retarded than I thought if you think your pseudoscience is legitimate proof.

>> No.12138479

Are you the anon who goes to Starbucks every day and stares pensively?

>> No.12138510

Marijuana is very strong, if you remember the first time you smoked. Which you probably dont, thus proving my point.

>> No.12138512

For every man willing to disregard and rebuke these degenerate thots, there's FIFTY (50) more willing to reward them with cash money and form ranks to defend them. The struggle is hopeless, we should all just kill ourselves right now.

>> No.12138516

I know these feels all too well fren. Depressed, hating the world, jealous of others, and the only thing that temporarily heals the pain, even for a few minutes, is junk food or McDonalds.

I can't tell you what is going to get you out of your funk. I just know those feels and it is brutal. Somewhere deep down, we were hurt and made to feel shitty about ourselves - probably parents or others. Self worth and belief was not instilled at an early age when beliefs were forming, so it then you're stuck in this belief that you are less than others. And it is depressing, very depressing.

In your free time start reading about beliefs and how they work, how they are formed, etc. Somewhere along the way, you might find the reason for your original wound and why you medicate yourself with junk food to numb your pain. A lot of times it was something missing from your parents when you needed them most early on.

If you can figure that out, it will take the pressure off a little and little by little, the anger will subdue. And it obviously goes without saying that junk food is contributing to your anger and depression. Don't underestimate just how much of a massive impact diet has on your mental health and wellbeing.

>> No.12138536

I do remember my first time it was in kolding, or smoking atleast I had tried edibles before which was in Esbjerg. I dont however remember the first time I ate mcdonalds, so what does this mean for your point ?

>> No.12138574

It's impossible to overdose on marijuana and its long-term effects can be mitigated by exercise.

>> No.12138583

you already know all the things you need to do to fix this
you can either do them or not
your choice

>> No.12138610

No, they cant. The body has no natural migitation for strong drugs.

>> No.12138885

Druggies BTFO.

>> No.12138907

nobody will bother arguing with someone telling themselves the same lies and ignoring all rebuttals

>> No.12138922

>Convince me not to blow a quarter of today's paycheck on junk food.
....why would I do that?

>> No.12138941

hang in there brother. doesnt matter how old you are, keep moving forward. i dont know what you think of gary vee, but i think hes right about the fact that you need to keep perspective. anyone before 35 is young as fuck. keep tugging away at your job, but move forward slowly. youre not in a race with others, but mostly, keep perspective, youre still richer that 90% of the planet.


26 jobless for 2 years but i still find ways of pushing forward. please dont give up.

>> No.12138986

The bodies response to druguse is to downregulate the receptors, aka make your body produce less neurotransmitters. Flooding your brain with more neurotransmitters than ot woukd ever produce on its own is obviously bad as well.

>> No.12138996
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duuuude coffee,
i once figured shit out on offe

>> No.12139930

Druggies BTFO. Gas the stoners, drug war now.

>> No.12140151

cashier for 12 years, because union jobs are investments with sick returns.
Your job is literally to socialize with people in small doses to make them forget they're spending money. The button pressing is the bare minimum.
If I wanted to go anywhere the fuck else right now I could literally ask a customer to get me a job and I'd have it.
Autistic just means that you don't have the baseline everyone else does. Just fucking build some coping skills: Break eye contact for one second, hold it for 3-4, repeat. Get a bunch of low-level trivia about as many subjects as you can, so when you find out what people are interested in, you can say a little, ask them for a little, and surprise you're their new favorite person.
This shit is easier than losing your money longing Bitcoin, brainlet.

>> No.12140269


This. Good advice really.

>> No.12140318
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Try joining a Church instead of masturbating in your basement. Oh look, decent tradwife material everywhere instead of Tinder thots, so surprising.

>> No.12141232

How can 88% of black women marry their own race when only 75% of men of their race are available?

>> No.12141268

Divorce then marry again, while the man doesn't remarry?

>> No.12141385

So 21% of Asian men are married to an Asian woman who previously divorced?

>> No.12142603
File: 1.75 MB, 1599x2302, 20181211_052219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave dude it's the best thing you can do

Take your English skills overseas

You have no idea how easy it is to make a living using basic burger skills

Shrimp stew with rice $1.50

>> No.12142911

Go to bagel bake in east london.

>> No.12142937

Where do you live anon? Is that some SEA place?

>> No.12142956
