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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12133296 No.12133296 [Reply] [Original]

Affiliate Marketing General

Discuss all types of affiliate marketing.

I personally do paid traffic affiliate marketing, mainly mobile popups and banner ads.

>pic related
My earnings so far today.

I love it because I can earn money wherever I am, all I need is a laptop to manage the ads for 1-2 hours a day max, other than that it just runs itself unless I want to launch new campaigns, etc.

>> No.12133318

350k visits

150 dollar profit

Wow youre bad

>> No.12133337

Lmao do you know what PPV/popups even are? Large volumes of traffic for cheap prices. Check the ROI. My average day is $250-$300 profit, it's currently mid-day where I am and those stats are from today so far. I'd be genuinely surprised if you could even get a popup campaign in the green.

Let's see your stats bro.

>> No.12133372

Imagine what you could make if you actually had to offer what These visitors want

>> No.12133401
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The fact is that 90% of people just close popups as soon as they open. What do you do when you get a popup? What I've actually created recently is a "back-button" javascript script which redirects the visitor to a different relevant offer depending on their device/ISP/country and a number of other factors. This essentially monetizes traffic that would otherwise be lost. Pic related is stats from conversions from just the backbutton script in the last week. Without the script, this traffic would have earned me $0.

>> No.12133403
File: 49 KB, 647x519, hhhhbj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please greentext a lil step by step guide of how to do this

>> No.12133414

Cost: 0

Nice faggot

>> No.12133431

God you're a fucking moron, as if you can't understand what I'm saying - are you 12? I'm done trying to explain my strategy. Enjoy being poor, dickweed.

>> No.12133445

Fuck off

>> No.12133452

how do I get started on this kind of thing? is there some noob guide anyone can point me to?

>> No.12133466

Invest a Lot of money in shit nobody needs

>> No.12133478

You need a decent budget to get started, I suggest starting with at least $1000 USD and keep in mind you have to lose money at the start to gather sufficient data to figure out what placements are profitable and which aren't.

Take a look at affiliatefix forum and they have a getting started section with quite a lot of useful information. After that read some threads and tutorials and get started.

>> No.12133483

I sense jealousy. It's not my fault you're a poor cunt and you don't have the brainpower to learn new things. Do the world a favour and off yourself, we have enough braindead leeches around already.

>> No.12133492

I actually sell something usable so the people come at their free will

>> No.12133497

Pretty mint. Nice stuff anon. Makes me wanna at least attempt to learn JS

>> No.12133513

Dear OP. How do I get into this? Any books/articles introducing the stuff?

>> No.12133515

I get about 3k visitors a day and still can't make good money.

I have adsense and clickbank which convert ok. But still, how much should you be making of 1k visitors on average?

>> No.12133524


>> No.12133529

I wouldn't know desu mate, I just do paid traffic affiliate marketing like buying popups and banner ads on other people's sites.


>> No.12133547

Ah ok. Thanks

>> No.12133552

3% of 1k = 30$

So about 90$ a day. How the fuck will you ever reach that, need new ways to monetize. Adsense revenue is shit: 2€ for 1900 pageviews. Bounce rate is shit though (80%+)

And clickbank is also shit, 97$ for 65000 visitors.

>> No.12133558

What do you recommend if someone has a landing page with a free offer which gives users value? There aren't any ads currently on the landing page , just a couple sections of information and a questionnaire which gets users data.
The autoresponder will then send them an email with a free ebook. How would you monetize this?
Would you advise sending millions of emails to get people to come to your website ? Thanks anon.

>> No.12133565

Depends on what the ebook is. Try to find some affiliate offers related to the same niche and then email the list of subscribers with a spiel about the offer followed by your affiliate link.

>> No.12133607

Its a ebook which will help people gain financial independence. The ebook contains all of the information including affiliate links. Is there any other ways to monetize? Currently have like 2-3 affiliate offers inside.

>> No.12133629

The way a lot of marketers are making money is by selling webinars which they charge access to and usually promise that if you buy it you will learn how to make a shitload of money. you could do that but obviously it'll take a fair amount of effort but if you have a large enough audience it'll be worth it. Other than that just find more/better affiliate offers to flog to your subscribers. For the niche of financial independence there are a lot of high-paying offers for sites like binary options and stock trading sites that have payouts of $500+ and all the user needs to do is deposit $100 and then you get paid out $500 which is pretty amazing. Also there's a lot of crypto offers which have similar payouts.

>> No.12133644

Or just do something productive and help the society instead

>> No.12133653

Wow you're still here? How's your failed dropshipping site going?

>> No.12133669
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>> No.12133687


what software is this?

>> No.12133705

It's a tracker which is essential for managing all your ad campaigns. The one that I use is called BeMob and I pay $150 a month for it which is pretty decent. The most popular tracker is Voluum but for the same plan I'm paying for BeMob it would cost me $450 a month for Voluum.

>> No.12133724
File: 23 KB, 572x381, tracker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Ngo recommends this tracker but it seems your option is cheaper

BTW as a newbie my plan was to start as an amazon afilliate and use facebook ads to buy traffic, however amazon requires you to have a website which is something I dont have.
Are there any easier options for a noob?

>> No.12133741

I used to use Thrive tracker a couple of years ago but (at least when I used it) it was self-hosted which means they just gave you the software and you'd need to buy a server or hosting to host it yourself. It ended up being way more expensive because the server fees cost a lot due to the shitloads of traffic I was sending to it. Also you will need a "website" of sorts for any type of affiliate marketing. I just have hundreds of landing pages that I either ripped from other affiliates using spy-tools or created for all the different types of offers I run (like free iphone x landing pages, etc.) all hosted on Amazon AWS cloudfront (incredibly fast loading times worldwide).

>> No.12134618

Which affiliate network is good to acquire offers ? Good ones (ClickDeals etc.) are incredibly selective for newbies ?

>> No.12134625

im a copywriter and always wonder why you affilifaggots dont run your own offers. If I knew how to do traffic I would be filthy rich instead I just make my clients rich and get a cut. feels bad man. but you affilifags are even worse cucks IMO

>> No.12134627

Are there any people here pulling big numbers (at least $1k/day revenue) on native traffic?

>> No.12134637

Would you share some of the offers you wrote copy for? Could be on e-mail if you do not want here

>> No.12134657

how much hours per day you spend to get results like this?

>> No.12134821


What sdk do you use for mobile ads?

>> No.12134827

id rather not. but Ive written offers in the financial and crypto space that made millions for my clients.

>> No.12135370

I've run close to $2M in revenue to various affiliate offers. Why don't you try to create your own offer? I'll gladly help you generate traffic.

>> No.12135395

OP here. Because wtf am I gonna do with thousands of people's personal info? I'd rather get paid $2-4 a lead than just get people's name, address, phone and email address. If you can tell me how the offer owners make money from those leads then I would gladly make my own offers.

>> No.12135406

At the moment less than 1 hour a day. When I'm actively searching for new offers and launching/optimising campaigns then I can spend anywhere from 4-8 hours a day.

>> No.12135409

Clickdealer, Mobidea, Mundomedia, Peerfly.

>> No.12135435


OP I'm a NEET with reasonable intelligence and I need to make some money. Would you consider mentoring me? It's just my word alone, but if you could mentor me for a month or two, encouraging me and showing me how to do things and if I start earning some cash close to what you're earning, I'd be able to occupy difference niches but also provide you with tips that I discover along the way. Two minds are always better than one, and I'm pretty honest and straightforward. Not a pajeet.

>> No.12135454

Yes I could mentor you but it would have to be for an upfront hourly fee, sorry. You can't imagine how many people have made that proposition to me for me to mentor them for a cut of their earnings. It's just not worth my time to do something for free on the offchance that the person actually keeps their word and pays me a portion of their earnings on a consistent basis. Also you have to put in a lot of time and money before you start seeing positive results and the large majority of people give up before they ever hit profits. Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from.

>> No.12135467


Alright, fair enough. What rate would you charge and how many hours do you think I'd need before earning say $50 a day?

>> No.12135480

Seriously just go to blackhatworld and start looking for threads from people who are sharing their journey. Read about it 24/7 and finally start doing yourself. Don't pay this guy

>> No.12135485

Also, you'll probably fail with your first website, hell maybe your first three attempts will be utter failures but you must keep going, remember that

>> No.12135493


Thanks for your advice. Do you do this yourself? Would you share how much you make and how long you've been doing it?

>> No.12135510

>Why don't you try to create your own offer?
I did create my own offers in the past and they sold very well but I could never really figure out the traffic part, I hate dealing with ad networks and looking at numbers and shit like that

>wtf am I gonna do with thousands of people's personal info?
you sell them shit they want, its not rocket science dude. heck you could probably just rip off the offers youre running traffic for and build your own clone version of it.

>> No.12135574

I'd charge a flat fee to set you up with and install a tracker, ultra-fast CDN SSL landing page hosting, get you approved with all the affiliate networks I use, all the traffic sources I use, teach you how to find high-converting offers, teach you how to setup a campaign on your tracker and traffic source, how to optimise your campaigns to only target the variables that convert, walk you through a campaign from scratch to maximum profits, etc. Or of course you could learn yourself. I would expect you would need to spend a month or 2 of launching campaigns everyday and losing money on finding converting placements before you get your first profitable campaigns. I was down roughly $2500 before I started being profitable and it took me probably 3-4 weeks too.

>> No.12135586

>you sell them shit they want, its not rocket science dude. heck you could probably just rip off the offers youre running traffic for and build your own clone version of it.
Ok so the people that own the offers like "Win a free iPhone X" or "Win a free Amazon Gift card" use the leads they get from people promoting their offer just to sell them stuff and it's worth them paying affiliates $2-4 or more per lead for their emails and phones? What sort of stuff do they sell them? I honestly though offer owners just packaged all the personal info up and sold it to companies for a higher price than the attained them for.

>> No.12135596


What would your flat fee be? You want me to pay that first? How would I pay? Paypal?

>> No.12135610

i did this

>> No.12135615

Yeah bro, I'd say $350 is fair considering all the money it'll save you from not knowing what you're doing initially. PayPal works.

>> No.12135643


Would you email me? I don't think I can do anything for at least a month because I'm having major money issues, but in January I'd probably be able to start. bizanon3922@protonmail.com

>> No.12135657

Just sent ya an email mate. It's from j*n***z@hotmail.com

>> No.12135674


Thanks, received and responded to. Props mate.

>> No.12135719

The lesson here is that "teaching" noobs for $$$ is where the real money is in CPA affiliate marketing.
>t. person who did affiliate marketing full time for 2 years and knew Charles Ngo before he was well known.

>> No.12135733

I think my fee is more than fair enough. I've never actually sold a course or my help before, I make enough through my own affiliate marketing (roughly $250-$350 a day, sometimes more). I've also got many more campaigns I'm almost ready to launch which should push my profits even higher. My aim is to reach consistent $500/day by the end of January and consistent $1000/day by July 2019. It's definitely achievable

>> No.12135748

Although it has given me an idea. I think I'm going to make my own website/blog like Charles Ngo's where I post case-studies, guides and tips/tricks on Affiliate Marketing and add my affiliate links for various trackers, affiliate networks and AM tools to supplement my income. Do you think that's a good idea?

>> No.12135839

Obviously. Most importantly you need to grow an email list. If i could travel back in time and give myself advice when I started doing affiliate stuff, that would be the #1 thing. There is money in the list.

But consistent daily profits don't really exist in the type of paid traffic you are talking about. I remember hitting $500/day, and then $2500/day, and then the week after I lost money. So you can't really hit a certain level and then expect to stay there, because campaigns die, you get kicked off for poor quality leads, or you get outbid on your placements.. who knows. It's not uncommon for 90% of your profit for the whole year to come from one big campaign, so don't fall into the trap of trying to extrapolate what your annual income might look like based on what you're making today.

>> No.12135844

im a webdev cuck where do i jump in

>> No.12135894

Yeah I would definitely have an email list and would send out emails every week containing a summary of the posts from that week along with maybe 1 or 2 useful products or programs with my affiliate link for them.

Also in terms of consistency for my paid traffic; my 3 best performing campaigns have been running for over 2 months now with no sign of slowing down. I'm in constant contact with my affiliate manager and my quality has already been verified as good by the advertisers on each of those offers. When I first started I had an issue with getting kicked off a few offers due to poor quality which were mainly adult offers that I was promoting through pop traffic. I now know that most adult offers need to be promoted through banner advertisements to maintain acceptable levels of quality and now I stick to using pop traffic only for offers like sweepstakes, CPI and leadgen. However I know offers can suddenly die and they won't last forever which is why I try to launch at least 3-4 new campaigns each week in a variety of different GEOs.

I'm also a webdev which helps when it comes to creating high-converting, unique landing pages.

>> No.12135928

From one former pop-up fag to another - you will without question get raped by the FTC eventually. Enjoy your ex-parte restraining order. It will come from Chicago. You will be fucked. Mark my words.

>> No.12135951

oh also, these are rookie numbers... pure trash. I make more in CASH BACK from my advertising spend than you are making on your likely completely illegal scamware advertisements. I'm generating on average about $400K a month in revenue, and none of it comes from sketchy pop traffic. You 100% will get sued for everything you own eventually (I did)

>> No.12135960

My old company did over $1000 daily just on email revenue in the senior care niche. Qualifying leads for assisted living facilities, in-home care, hospice care, etc.

>> No.12135977

Lmao alright buddy. Nothing I'm doing here is illegal, they're all legitimate offers and my landing pages and creatives have all be checked and approved by my affiliate managers. So please explain why the FTC would give a single shit about what I'm doing, especially considering I don't even live in the US.

Bullshit. No one as ignorant and with as little knowledge as yourself would be doing anywhere near those numbers.

>> No.12136103

As an aspiring business owner, it may be wise to heed >>12135951
Not because you're possibly operating in the wrong, more because getting sued is almost inevitable. It's one of the few pieces of advice I've gotten more than once. Make sure to protect yourself, op

>> No.12136117

*... business owner owner, I might advise that it may...

>> No.12136351
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can someone explain how this works?

>> No.12136436

I’m doing this full time but having trouble cutting placements and optimizing.

When do you cut placements, how many impressions and no converts, how many LP CTR and no conversiosn, etc

>> No.12136874

Are you still into space? Did you sell your company or what happened? I would be interested in running traffic for you if you still have something going...Niche really does not matter for me

>> No.12136893

>"Win a free iPhone X" or "Win a free Amazon Gift card"
ok I actually cant talk about these kinda offers, I consider them absolute bottom-of-the-barrel scams and have no idea how they work and how the owners make money. I write copy mostly for information products

>> No.12136947

I could try to run some traffic to your older offers. Are you up?

>> No.12137489

any tips on monetizing an instagram? I have almost 5k followers (real ones) on my personal fitness gram. I'm a bodybuilder. Only thing i've managed to get are these stupid ambassador deals - promote x product for x % cut, which is dogshit crap unless you're famous. My profile is always between 3-4k visits/week

>> No.12137650

Find product.

Check if they pay you a commission for helping them sell it.

Make a bunch of shitty websites to shill and sell it.

Get less than wagecuck money.

>> No.12137742

This sounds like science fiction.
How can they guarantee you a payment?
In my country, they would just jew you out and tell you helped them sell xx products while you have lead to xxxxx sales in reality.

>> No.12137847

Hey - for those if you running successful (re:profitable at any level) affiliate sites/programs, I want to partner with you. I understand affiliate marketing and SEO but I really specialize in building scaleable process and management solutions. Essentially what I would bring to the table is taking your (or eventually our) affiliate ideas and making them run completely hands off so we could scale out continuously and earn more revenue, eventually setting up something where we’d have established a business with a large amount of truly passive income (save for maybe a few executive management decisions every week) or something worth selling for multiple millions of dollars.

This is not a bullshit offer, and I don’t want to leech off of you. I’ve been looking for a partner for this for a while and didn’t honestly expect to find people on biz doing this. I don’t care if you’re only making like $100/week right now, we can work on growing together. I will solve for any time issues and open up the ability to continuously build.

I get paid 6 figures for scaling operations for a living but I’m tired of working for someone else and I’ve recently been doing some business development work and realize I could easily build an affiliate empire with a partner who understands how to monetize through affiliate networks well.

Anyone interested? I can drop an email if so.

>> No.12137855

sorry guys but I dont know anyone in their right mind that would start a business relationship with some random faggot he met on /biz/

>> No.12137857

You literal fucking boomer. Online products and items.

>> No.12137879

I think this tends to be the case although I know there are some smart people here so figured it’s worth a shot. If it doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen, I’ll likely wind up exploring it on my own and hope this general thread stays alive. I always prefer working with a partner and I honestly don’t know anyone in my social circles who would be a good fit for this. I’d probably get along better with someone on biz than anyone I’d meet at a networking event so..

>> No.12137888

>there are some smart people here
were all just larping retards anon

>> No.12137909

Also, if anyone is willing simply to mentor me / humor my questions and ideas on affiliate that’d be cool, happy to exchange some of my knowledge in kind. I’m just going to drop this email here and anyone can reach out to me if interested in either proposal:


>> No.12137921

Hah I don’t think so. I’ve offered as much honest useful advice based on my knowledge as I have had fun larping. I’ve seen some good threads here. There are definitely plenty of people who know what they’re doing in their respective industries.

>> No.12137922

Yes nigger I'm talking about online products. How do you know you have led to sale. Inb4 muh identifier in url or cookie. Merchant won't let you look into their books and might downplay his sales. So Im asking whether is this jewproof.

>> No.12137965

you must be from a third world country
in developed, white nations we understand that we can gain more by cooperating instead of fucking each other over to make a quick buck. its called long term thinking. there is also quite a lot of fuckery going on in the affiliate space its a pretty shady industry

>> No.12138011

well then go fuck yourself and keep writing copy for pennies fucking moron

>> No.12138177

I'm White from 95% White nation.
I fully understand developmental thinking.
However 44+2% of your nation doesn't. Hence the question.
So it seems it doesn't operate in trustless manner. I just don't believe they give you your actual share and ask how is this secured.

>> No.12138204

I get paid $10k USD for a sales page + 3% of the gross sales. my copy runs on lists of several hundred thousand people, you do the math.
good luck with your future business ventures and trying to recruit partnerships off /biz/ lmao

>> No.12138244

smart product owners take care of their affiliates as the entire industry is very small and at the top levels everybody knows everybody. it makes no sense to screw over an affiliate when he can make you a lot more money in the long run and once you burned your reputation youre done. on the lower levels (see anon who shills "free iphone" offers) I guess everything goes and there is a lot of shady shit going on for sure. but at the end of the day affiliates are like salesmen and as long as they bring you sales and new customers why would you screw them over, economically it makes no sense.

>> No.12138247
File: 76 KB, 2240x420, Screenshot_20181217-073052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here with another update. It's 7:30am here and it's looking like I might have a $1000 profit day today at this rate.

>> No.12138373 [DELETED] 

Send me an email to prorat@mail.bg regarding your set-up offer

>> No.12138388

Send me an email with your set-up offer at ivanovvv123@mail.bg

>> No.12138504

Sent mate :)

>> No.12138688

I've been looking into this. I want to start a site mainly using Amazon in the beginning. I plan on doing it completely white hat and let it be a slow/long term play, I'm not looking for instant results. I plan on targeting long trail keywords in smaller niches in the beginning as they are easier to rank for and will give me more room for error early on. It will be a fresh domain with a non keyword address that can be a "brand" giving me more freedom later on and being easier to throw up informational pages to be less spammy. I know to get a email list going asap even if i don't get many signups early. I'm thinking of growing an Instagram account as well. Should I focus on other social media accounts? Rate my plan please.

>> No.12138744

If anyone else is interested in waking up to profit like this >>12138504 each morning, post your email addresses here and I'll contact you. It's a great source of passive income once you get a few consistent campaigns running.

To be honest I wouldn't use the Amazon affiliate system, there are much better choices for beginners. But if you're dead set on using it because it fits your niche/setup then go ahead.

>> No.12138749

he's not 12 he's 13

>> No.12138767

Profit like this >>12138247 **

>> No.12138835

im interested:


>> No.12138940

Sounds like this

>> No.12138953


>> No.12139413

Sent guys!

>> No.12139570

sure why not thepoonfer@gmail.com

>> No.12139672

pls teach me your ways senpai

>> No.12140197

Btw guys I'm not offering my services for free, just so you know. Read these posts I linked:

I will email you now

>> No.12140454

noob here, what platform's dashboard is that?

>> No.12140620

I Will never ever go back to a site that tríes to do that kind of fagottry hope You get the aids

>> No.12140902

>everyone uses Brave browser

Wattcha gonna do then?

>> No.12141019

Sign me up anon

>> No.12141237

im glad this is still up!

>> No.12141289

Wow OP, you’re as bad as the pajeet shitcoin shills. If anyone here buys into this they deserve to be poor forever.

Here is your classic “guru”, he fails at doing so instead falsely pretends like he knows a thing or two so he can sling eBooks and courses full of useless info and affiliate links to paid services to newbies. Pathetic. But even more pathetic are the ones buying into this shit.

Stay retarded /biz/

>> No.12141320

I honestly couldn't give a fuck if you believe me or not. Do you think that I'm just making it all up? I don't understand why some people don't believe that it's possible to make decent money online in 2018. Stay poor.

>> No.12141330

Also if you read the thread you'd see that I wasn't trying to sell anyone anything, a poster actually asked me if I could teach them how to do it so I said that I guess I could and then heaps of other people chimed in saying they'd also like to learn. I'm not one to deny free money.

>> No.12141976
File: 3.99 MB, 451x505, 484EEC6F-498E-4118-BF45-9F31E5CFB135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the FUCK can I get started, I will pour every single bit of focus and enthusiasm into this if someone shows me some good resources to learn, for real niggas guide me in the right direction so I can learn everything I can about this

>> No.12142004

>yfw OP is taking your emails to sell to spamware companies

>> No.12142017


>> No.12142027

Only offers real advice if you pay

>> No.12142213


>> No.12142948

Time is money my friend

Sent an email to ya both :)

>> No.12143223



please use a code which you also you in the reply in this thread, so i can verify.

>> No.12144294



>> No.12144298
