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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12129684 No.12129684 [Reply] [Original]

>The teen quit his job at the Walmart Grande Prairie Supercentre in Alberta, Canada, by reading a prepared speech into a store-wide intercom system, Insider reports.

>"Attention all shoppers, associates and management, I would like to say to all of you today that nobody should work here, ever," he said over the speakers. "Our managers will make promises and never keep them."


>> No.12129702

There will never be a wagie uprising. There will always be someone more pathetic and desperate to take the place of the ones that leave. Always.

>> No.12129713

This onions boy ain’t got shit on sky king
>rip my nigga sky king

>> No.12129749

link to video plox

>> No.12129775
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He had the perfect chance to be pic related

>> No.12130294



>> No.12130312

absolutely based and completely redpilled

>> No.12130469
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>my manager cora
There it is, a female manager. Women ruin everything in the workplace, and women in authority positions are absolutely horrific.

>> No.12130971

That’s why scabs got beat down.

>> No.12130983

He is screw for life. Nobody will ever give him a job.

>> No.12131013
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But that’s the rub... Only entrepreneurs are truly free. Rest of you are wage cucks.

When I was 18 I told my min wage cuck boss to go fuck himself.

Several failed startup businesses and 20 years later...

I’m glad I don’t work for corporate anymore.

PS I did go back to work for corporate because in the 90’s they didn’t have employee tracking and you could get away with this shit but I wished I got black listed earlier so I’d found my own business sooner. Fuckinf wage cucks.

>> No.12131071

You are certainly larping. No one older than 30 would waste his time here.

>> No.12131072

Imagine being a fucking useless pampered entitled wage cuck with no life skills expecting to get paid a living wage. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. If every single Walmart employee got their shit together instead of throwing wagie tantrums, saved up and got an education and a business degree, we'd at least have several million versions of competing Walmarts to shop from. But instead we get this shit.

>> No.12131090
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I’m and okd fag from 2008.

I’m waiting on my bitch to finish her goddamn make up so we can go out tonight.

I usually visit /biz/ for the tears.

But yeah...

Don’t be a wage cuck.

>> No.12131118

When did you actually started your own successful business?

Even without "employee tracking", if you tell every boss you've worked for to go fuck himself, eventually word gets around about you, especially if it's corporate. People generally don't antagonize their employers unless the workplaces are very bad. If you have a hard time dealing with your former employers, how would you be able to even deal with customers?

>> No.12131170
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Well... This is my 4th business attempt since 2006.

I was actually about to give up on this one but to my surprise it became more successful than any of the previous ones.

BTW it turned out my business users ended up being non US Citizens.

So fuck all my reputation.

Mostly Spanish speakers and eastern Euros.

I mean shit... Don’t ever think your customers have to be Americans.

>> No.12131194

that persons age alone means the way he/she/it quit was not justified, as you cannot possibly have ground yourself down endlessly in a single year max. ==> entitled zoomer fag

>> No.12131210

Not even Entrepreneurs are truly free, if you want to be successful and maintain that success

>The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life

>> No.12131223

> Only entrepreneurs are truly free. Rest of you are wage cucks.

Entepreneurs deal with lots of risks. If the company is big aenough nd it cracks, the enterpreneur can even deal with criminal charges.

There are enterpreneurs who get lucky and others that fail miserably living a life worse then a wagie. But usually they don't come here to tell the story

>> No.12131225

General strikes have happened in the past, anon, there's nothing inherently stopping them from happening in the future.

>> No.12131234
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Meh. I hardly have time to shoe these days but it’s better than working for a Corp.

Back in 2008 I saw my boss of veteran of 10 years burst out in tears when they announced they were laying off the entire department.

I shrugged and patted him on the back cause fuckit. This isn’t 1950 anymore where shareholders deserve your loyalty.

If you can’t do your own business you deserve your own slavery.

Even drug dealers have more freedom than some of you shits who worry about being found out by your coworkers on here.

>> No.12131269

No one deserves slavery. I don't take hard ethical stands on many things, but that's one line that needs to be there.

Anyway, it shouldn't be so hard to imagine a world where things are different. Where maybe people can have a say in their workplace because they are the ones who do the work.

>> No.12131277

In the not too distant future this will be a blasphemy crime.

>> No.12131322


“"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

This applies to your economic safety.

You know you can go to DC and riot at any time about your economic slavery... At least the French have balls.

>> No.12131326

slavery can be direct or indirect.

in some areas of the world, you're barely better than a serf.

i co owned one business and now own another. the property lease is fucking killing me. takes over 30% of my gross profit. since i've taken over, i've managed to double the net profit. but it's not enough. i'd have to work on tripling it to feel comfortable. making multiples more than being employed by someone else a few years ago but all i do is work now. 12 hours a day 7 days a week.

luckily, this business is fairly easy to relocate and it's the only reason i'm toughing it out for the next five years until the lease runs out. once i move to a more profitable location, i'll pretty much be giving myself a 30% or 40% due to cost reductions.

even under feudalism, landlords had certain responsibilities to the serf's wellbeing. now, small businesses just get squeezed. all i see on my street is empty units FOR LEASE.

>> No.12131331
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>Back in 2008 I saw my boss of veteran of 10 years burst out in tears when they announced they were laying off the entire department.
>I shrugged and patted him on the back cause fuckit. This isn’t 1950 anymore where shareholders deserve your loyalty.

This is why the age of staffing agencies is employment kino. Neither your employer or customer can pull off any loyalty cards and have to pay up front for any favors, and you can always negotiate a better deal than any regular employee cucks for staying around since hiring new people and training them costs a fuck ton.

>> No.12131336

>Anyway, it shouldn't be so hard to imagine a world where things are different. Where maybe people can have a say in their workplace because they are the ones who do the work.

It's very hard to imagine that because employees have their own internal politics to deal with and they're easily replaceable, especially in large companies and the job isn't skilled. Given that, there's no reason for the company to bend over backwards for one employee's opinion or concern.

However, there's absolutely nothing stopping employees of Walmart or Amazon from joining together and protesting the undesirable conditions. But humans being humans, most of them are afraid of risks and distrusting of each other. If people can't even join together to do that, what good a different system do?

>> No.12131355

Everyone already acknowledges this is wage slavery, to say this is an expression of freedom is deeply perverse.

Workers do on occasion come together and take power that is rightfully theirs. General strikes are real things that have happened. It's not for a company to bend over backward, it's for the employees to bend them over a table for a change.

>> No.12131368

>there will always be a bigger fool
if bitcoin taught me anything, is that it doesnt work forever

>> No.12131396
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Look. I’m ancap as they come but I also recognize wage slavery when supported by the state as a violation of the NAP.

The French are justified in rioting.

If you can go to DC and riot there than Godspeed.

But I doubt anyone would bother as Americans are weak these days to ever try to escape economic slavery for fear of a black mark on their employment record.

Again... Crack dealers have more freedom than wage cucks.

>> No.12131506

Capitalism exploits workers. This is a good video:


>> No.12131891

omg triggered

>> No.12131908

>Again... Crack dealers have more freedom than wage cucks.

A pointless argument. Anyone can be free if they violate the law, for a while at least.

>> No.12132003

lol, what a useless retard.
it amuses me to see /biz/ cheering this pathetic excuse of a human being, he can find another job if he wants, instead of being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.12132078

>>The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life
this is a poorfag cope.
if you "made it" and have enough money, you can literally stop working and do all those things and more, or just work a few hours a week.

>> No.12132125

I hope he has somewhere else to live. He'll never work in that town again.

>> No.12132202

This guy is crazy to think it's a good idea to criticize his former employer. I heard he landed a new job before quitting Walmart, but I bet his new employer is now wondering if he'll go on Facebook or something to trash-talk them when he becomes inevitably dissatisified with his new job.

I hated working in retail too, but I know better than to badmouth past employers. Just put in the two-week notice and don't look back.