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12127534 No.12127534 [Reply] [Original]

I woke up. I browsed the internet on my phone. I read a fiction book for about 70 pages. I felt like a consumercuck. I still had no motivation in life. I drank some coffee and browsed the internet and read an article about a guy who had lots of money and used it to make more money.

I threw out the coffee in my house but I'm not sure if it was the right choice. I went outside. I had a small amount of junk food and I'm currently drinking a Starbucks coffee. I have no motivation to do anything between now and going to the gym in the evening.

I am a 28 year old ugly autist nofriends beta male with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, and I've never been to a pub, club, or party, even through university.

I'm jealous that I'm not in some rewarding job with high pay like all the cool people I read about on the internet. I worry that only IQ matters for success, at least by the age of 30. I waste so much money on junk food and coffee and don't do anything in my free time and I worry that this is a symptom of bad genetics. When I read about some accomplished person, it seems like they'd have found it extremely difficult to do nothing.

On the other hand, the majority of people glide through institutions that reward them for their normieness. But that's only a reason to stop worrying about IQ and start worrying about all the other factors, like looks and personality. We live in a services economy where personality, networking, and looks matter more than anything else, whether people apply for McDonalds or to be Prime Minister.

I am so low energy. I wasted my 20s. I've never been to a music festival. I didn't go to my school prom. I will never work in one of those trendy modern workplaces with glass walls and everybody becomes a millionaire or executive after two years. I don't believe in hard work. Other people aren't working hard, they're just lucky enough to enjoy what they do and they pretend to work longer than 9-5.

>> No.12127672

Bro, stop worrying so much about what other people are doing. And make your life what you want it to be.

Find something that makes you happy. A passion in life is important. Do anything that makes you feel better about yourself. Set small goals and knock them down one at a time and move on to bigger things it's like a snowball effect. It might be scary at first but that's part of the fun. You'll realize that you're capable of more than you ever imagined.

>> No.12127676


You think too much. Just do it. Just go out and do those things you never have done and stop over thinking it.

IQ has nothingto do with success. It's a mixture of being at the right place at the right time and luck. That's really how people get rich.

Start living your life with a "who gives a fuck" attitude like a chad, and soon you will accomplish all your dreams.

Good luck. Man up.

>> No.12127726

>throws out coffee at home
>buys starbucks later
you know how i know you're gay?

>> No.12127781

>I worry that only IQ matters for success, at least by the age of 30. I waste so much money on junk food and coffee and don't do anything in my free time and I worry that this is a symptom of bad genetics.
I feel you (somewhat). At the age of 20 I had no motivation for anything (wagecucking job killed it for me), and one day a terrible thought crackled in my head: I am stupid, and my brain slowly deteriorates. immediately burst into tears and cried into pillow.
Now, when I feel dumb, it does not upset me: instead I keep trying to accomplish things. It's not so bad, there are people way dumber, but way more successful.
You should focus on self-improvement, not on self-pity.

>> No.12127805

IQ doesn't matter as much as persistence, however you seem to have the attention span of a 3 year old so you're probably doomed to accomplish nothing anyway.