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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12125971 No.12125971 [Reply] [Original]

When is /biz/ going to stop being a crypto board? Why do you keep riding the train to death?

Will we start to see good threads?

>> No.12125995

Now that the ponzi is over, hopefully soon. Delusional coiners btfo.

>> No.12126509

the bears are a roamin'. notraders btfo by bobos 6k usd daily income in the bear market. KEK. there will be even more bobos in a couple months when it hits 1k. then we will be flooded with fags talking about
green>muh bitmex, just made 2000$ in one second
will you kill yourself, desu?

>> No.12126545

Economies, stock markets are crashing on a global scale, for over 6 months now. People who sold their assets at the top this year are sitting on piles of cash. That cash aint going into the failing stock market or the failing housing market. It will go into crypto when all the hell breaks loose, aka hyperinflation.

Crypto was engineered for this very moment.

>> No.12126546

>notraders btfo
thats a yikes from me

>> No.12126556

>Will we start to see good threads?
not today apparently

>> No.12126575
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/smg/ is even worse than the crypto posts. They're all retards, especially the tripfags.
When the bear market in stocks comes we'll have better quality.

>> No.12127397
File: 411 KB, 2732x1521, 57E81F1B-FA49-493E-9FAB-59B61342140B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third time bitcoin has died (pic related). I’ve been around crypto for 2 of those times.

I gave up on it the first time around instead of accumulating btc at $200-300 like I should have been. Most of you will do that this time around, and will learn your lesson 2-3 years from now (pic related)