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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12125522 No.12125522 [Reply] [Original]

how's that job hunt coming along you god damn lazy millennial?

>> No.12125537

Got a translating job, it pays ok.

>> No.12125739
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suck my cock boomerfag, keep paying taxes for my gibs

>> No.12125766

Entitled little brat!

>> No.12125774

no need for a job, I rent my properties to loser old people who never bothered to buy a house during their working life

>> No.12125789

>lazy millennial?
Shouldn't that say Zoomer?

>> No.12125826

70% of federal government revenue goes straight to boomers. Boomers aren't paying more in taxes than the gibs they get. Boomers are actually the biggest welfare queens in the history of our country.

Why do you think government debt has exploded to 20T+? That's simply a tab boomers have ran up on the taxpayer, and they still haven't finished dying off. Expect a 50T+ tab when they die off, since they still have a ways to go.

>> No.12125870

Pretty good actually, I've got myself a job where I enjoy being.
Kinda worried about the NEETS on 4chan though.

>> No.12125888

The rest of the 30% pays a government which is run by boomers anyway.
Every boomer in this country needs to hang.

>> No.12125906
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>30+ applications sent
>0 replies

>> No.12125916

"Jim, look, it's our nephew Billy! Billy how have you been? Oh yes, we talked to your dad yesterday. He mentioned how you still don't have your own house. How old are you now Billy? 23? Well, I am sure you'll grow up someday. Did you know by the time we were 23 we already had our own house and 3 kids? Gotta pull yourself up by your own bootstraps Billy. Your uncle had an 8th grade education, got a job at the factory and worked there for 27 years. Have you tried applying at the factory, Billy? You could make a lot more money...oh, the factory closed down 10 years ago? Well, that's sad. Did you know Billy, in 1960 I would give your aunt $20 for food and that was enough to last us an entire week. Kids these days just don't know how to budget their money. Inflation...what do you mean $20 was equal to $170 now? You are just being silly, Bill. Anyway, your uncle is about to gas up the RV again, off to drive around. See you later Billy, hope you make something of yourself eventually."

>> No.12125922

40 year old here and here's the problems with boomer scum....

1) Where I work we have assholes who are in their 70's and 80's working here for 30-40 fucking years and wont fuck off so some other guy can catch a break. And people of that generation abused their Union status to the point that Unions have no fucking power, all because these geriatric cocksuckers decided they were going to do as little work as possible. The Unions only exist today to protect the pensions of these old fucks who have the most "seniority" and to leave young guys holding the bad when the plant gets sent to some slave labor country.

2) They think every living person younger than them deserves entry level pay

3) They're the ones that drove up the cost of healthcare because they're the ones getting old and going to the hospital more and more while they could afford large families and it's their fucking kids and grandchildren who suck money out of healthcare.

4) They are the ones that made every possible graduate go to college and take on massive debt and never be able to pay it off because with so many college graduates a degree is now essentially worthless while about 90% of these cunts walked out of High School, most of whom didn't graduate nor even finished grade 9, into a cushy job where they were able to provide for a family on a single income, pay off a house and go on vacation twice a year.

Children of the baby boomers are the worst generation. A bunch of entitles brats who were lucky enough to be born into this civilizations most prosperous era and proceeded to suck the planet dry.


>> No.12125942
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I had a job till but lost the contract because to him clients complaining about the work done on my days off means talk to me about it. So orange hair faggot boss with the same name #2 cant grow the balls to make the women work on my days off and the client drops us and I'm laid off.
If the space force was a thing I'd just sign up for the space marine program already. I'm ready to die for the Emperor.

>> No.12125955

good riddance furfag

>> No.12125976
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Lazy millennials, always blaming your problems on others instead of doing something about it, like we did!

>> No.12125983
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>> No.12125985

I've never been unemployed for more than three days since I was 15. Your advice is shitty though, and your lack of understanding of anything beyond the bare minimum to operate your station at the assembly line is why your kids are so stupid. Did you really think the goverment was going to teach them? Did you think the goverment was trustworthy, and could handle your money you dolt? Did you think every kid was going to pop out and be 20 IQ points higher than you? Your kids are no smarter than you were, in fact statistically because of immigration from third world countries that occurred during your generation they are a little dumber.

>> No.12126000

>they are a little dumber.
No anon they are like 75 IQ barely alive potatoes.

>> No.12126015

Allow me to give you some words of immortal advice friend.

1. Every specific investment, or job route advice given by someone is inherently going to be outdated in 50 years. Census data is also outdated by at least three years.

2. Don't trust a vacuum commercial advertisement to accurately inform you of the costs, and benefits of buying there product. Don't trust a teacher to tell you the benefits of a formal education for the very same reason.

>> No.12126054

I'm not a boomer but close enough in age.
Boomers have done damage but the young generation is worse...much worse

>> No.12126063

Never ask a barber whether or not you need a haircut.

>> No.12126072

The actual number is 102 to 98 based on the best data we have at the moment. It would be impossible to bring the average down that much, you'd need either a huge wave of birth defects, or a full replacement of almost half the population with Kenyans or something. Malnutrition, abuse, and neglect can only bring it down 8 or so points on the most fringe cases. While I'd say that the prevalence of daycare, and rotating groups of strangers have increased cases of neglect, it is not enough to get anywhere close to that number.

>> No.12126090

How do you figure?
That is a better way of putting it.

>> No.12126114

fuck off cunt young country natives don't get shit when you older fucks sold us out for immigrants that suck the welfare tit dry.

>> No.12126136


>> No.12126139
File: 162 KB, 291x303, ultra_depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a joke.
but holy shit a 4 point IQ average loss just a generation.

>> No.12126157
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>> No.12127097

It has more to do with the loosening of immigration policies bringing in a whole lot of people from countries with a lower average. Its not that the people that were here lost 4 points, its that the pool has been diluted, and since these statistics just look at all citizens as opposed to specific ethnicity.

>> No.12127131
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>boomers bitch about unions
>make decent living with great benefits like boomers did back in the day