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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12125275 No.12125275 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26, she's 24. And apparently I have "no direction in life". I'm just aimlessly wandering without a path to guide me. She told me it's unattractive and off-putting that i'm in my mid twenties and I've never had a job.

I don't pay my car tickets and I don't pay my bills on time. My credit is in the shitter and I'm relying on my "Investments" to gain financial security. She thinks it's bullshit what I do and has no respect for it. She'd rather see me be a fucking starbucks barista than an investor.

She thinks it's silly and irresponsible and risky.
She basically told me she doesn't want to date someone who doesn't take care of themselves like an adult.

Keep in mind, she's actually uglier than me and works at a fucking coffee shop and does "therapy" for kids with autism part time.

I don't want to be a wage slave so I avoided it for the longest time. I have well off parents that can support me while I try to finish my degree.
I'll admit i'm a little lazy and unmotivated. But it's because I'm scared to be a normie with a shit end 9 to 5.

What do I do biz?? I'm all in chainlink btw. 210k tokens.

>> No.12125288

She is right.

>> No.12125289

She just didn't wanted to see another retard, when she returns from work to home.

>> No.12125290

i guess you could try to work as a consultant, that way you would have more free time

>> No.12125298

i think you should just give me 10k linkies

>> No.12125320


>> No.12125326

Anon, she is a short sighted thot while you are a visionary. It takes balls to invest in something risky but the pay off will be imense. Honestly if she doesnt understand that there are many paths to success that dont include wageslaving in a dead end job she isnt the one and wont make it.

>> No.12125342

We don't live together.

I'm not a total bum that's the thing. I work out a lot, have a good body. Am very atheletic. I could just be a gym trainer but I'm too unmotivated to do that.

I barely finish school and the rest of the time i'm working out, possibly reading something of interest or writing poetry. Or, working on learning HTML and Java. I haven't worked on it for a while.

But I just don't know what to do. I know computer programing is hard and they work you like dogs. I'm scared to put my focus onto one thing because I don't just want to fall into a shitty job and work for peanuts.

But she literally was like yeah idk. You're too controlling and don't give me the liberty to go out and have friends even if I socialize with other guys.

I told her it's fine as long as you don't give them your number. She agreed to that. But I just get uneasy when she's out with her co-workers doing fun stuff. Makes me upset that she doesn't want to do that shit with me. Instead she just distance herself with me and it's ridiculous. i'm getting older so I realize it's not as easy to wow a girl anymore. I guess women find sexiness in someone whose going to work everyday to do something. WHich I find retarded. I can have talent and skill in other areas that I like in my life

>> No.12125354

Literally KEK'd

>> No.12125360


>> No.12125361

if you want children your style of life is retarded
there is a slim chance you "make it" but its more probably you will end up a bum

you can invest and be a barista, its even more efficient

>What do I do biz?? I'm all in chainlink btw. 210k tokens.
oh should have read the entire post to realize you are just larping

>> No.12125387

>learning HTML.
Anon learning HTML takes 3 hours.

>> No.12125394

She's not wrong bro and neither are you.

Sit on that for a while.

>> No.12125396

Then find someone who will appreciate the things you do like doing and also values you as a person not as a wagie or as a neet.
I swear people pick the most retarded fucking women and then cant figure out why they are miserable in their relationship/marriage
Find someone who values your character and whose character you value and you'll be way better off
Or solve your current relationship or dont or dont find anyone and fuck off this is biz

>> No.12125402

Audibly kek'd

>> No.12125407

that was html 4
html5 takes 4 hours

>> No.12125426

>he thinks he's an investor because he bought some internet tokens
>hasn't worked a single day at 26
I agree, that is fucking pathetic

>> No.12125444

I made money trading futures and forex. So Yes, I took that as my job. I 5xed my money and wanted to try crypto out because some idiot friend told me to.

Now i'm down significnt amount on my invesments and need to start reeveluating myself.

I get that working is important. But if one works too much they don't have time to actualize. They are just a slave. They work to live. Not live to work.

>> No.12125445

maybe if you are slow, and I bet OP is.
But honestly HTML alone is useless.

>> No.12125447

anon is living the dream, stay mad wagie

>> No.12125451


>> No.12125461

css and js are for hipsters

>> No.12125469

I'm learning web design. So obviously i'm using css and js with html...I thought that didn't even have to go with being said lmao.

I swear, humans undermine other humans based off their own delusional ego. It's hilarious.

>> No.12125529

All I am saying is that one can learn HTML and CSS in one day. JS is another story as it's programming language.

>> No.12125553
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This is you buddy.

>> No.12125605

top comment

>> No.12125613

So be it. Women don't need to take chances. On the 0.1% chance that chainlink hits it big she can always try pic related. If OP wants to take massive financial risks that's on him and no sane girl should get with such a worthless gambler until he actually proves himself and has serious money in his pocket.

>> No.12125625

>I don't pay my car tickets and I don't pay my bills on time.

wtf is a car ticket? like a speeding ticket?

>> No.12125636


'invest' 5-10% of your income

>Keep in mind, she's actually uglier than me and works at a fucking coffee shop and does "therapy" for kids with autism part time.
kek you look down on her because she's trying and you're not.

>> No.12125638
File: 138 KB, 637x960, 1525903665571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to put yourself in perspective, im 23 and i got my 100k job 6 months ago, im debt free and have over $100k in the bank, aswell as some crypto investments

i would call you a pathetic loser, but atleast you got a girlfriend, i haven't even had a hug yet lmao

>> No.12125728

She's looking at your future and she thinks she sees a bum. She's imagining her future with you and she doesn't like what she sees. Women start thinking this way in their 20s. Who's going to be a good provider for me and my kids? Is this the lifestyle I want? You don't look like a good investment to her.

>> No.12125783


>> No.12125797

She's right, you know. You're delusional. I can imagine calling yourself an investor then losing all your shit on crypto. LMAOing @ your life right now.

>> No.12125799

>I don't want to be a wage slave so I avoided it for the longest time. I have well off parents that can support me while I try to finish my degree.
>I'll admit i'm a little lazy and unmotivated. But it's because I'm scared to be a normie with a shit end 9 to 5.

>What do I do biz?? I'm all in chainlink btw. 210k tokens.

You bought the tokens as a lottery ticket. All in. and what if you win? Do you then picture yourself avoiding responsability even into adulthood?

>> No.12125813

>"therapy" for kids with autism part time.
She got bored of coming home & still having to work

>> No.12125814

wake up you lazy self centered prick

>> No.12125828

easy. dump the stupid bitch and find someone you relate to and she relates to you. basically find another bitch that was stupid enough to invest in the same shitcoin as you and you can die of famine together.

>> No.12125852

Crypto isn't a viable income, and it makes you a basement dweller.
On the other hand, good work (preferably something you can get good at) makes you grow spiritually, and maybe also physically.

You can keep the crypto as a side gig, but for Christ's sake, get a job.

>> No.12125867
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>> No.12125933

First off, she's right you little nigger bitch. Real men work and earn a living while developing their skills, minds, and habits in order to be a better man for himself. What you're expecting is to get lucky with the market and coast your way out. Only niggers count on gambling as income. The rest of the sane population sucks it up, puts their boots on starts doing something useful for society. Now, i'm not telling you to be a faggot-ass barista, either learn programming or join a UNION trade, otherwise you're going to end up cucked. Also dump your roastie, she may be right this moment, but she sounds pathetic already.

>> No.12125940


>> No.12125943


Sounds like a gold digger, ditch her.

>> No.12125946

First of all, please don't go all in LINK. Diversify.
Remember PRL, XBY, district0x, EOS, etc...

If what you said is true, your not a looser. You said your jacked, and you are taking a lot of risks in crypto.

If she is not a high SMV girl, she might be delusionnal about her own SMV, and she devalue your own SMV.
In short: she doesn't have foresight.
She's a stupid bitch.

My advice: since nagging girls are worthless, dump her.
Continue too go in the gym, invest, and most importantly do not sell your crypto.

In five years, if you do not sell, you'll be rich, jacked, and in the top of the world.

Also, try to find a women who loves you for what you are. It can be hard but they exist.

Finally about not having a job, don't bother. If you feel guilty, push yourself harder in the gym, so you don't have a job, but today you suffered physically and mentally more than most wagies.

>> No.12125954


Fuck man, I realize it's probably a fake pic but I can totally see something like that actually happening. Almost makes me fucking puke just thinking about a low life gold digging whore like that.

>> No.12125979

>Or, working on learning HTML and Java. I haven't worked on it for a while.
Jesus fuck how much of a brainlet are you? HTML and Java are so ridiculously easy it's not even funny you're coming up with excuses to not learn it.

Kys useless retard.

>> No.12126132

>she sounds pathetic already.
She just sounds like a woman. Most of them are going to think this way.

>> No.12126148

>Also, try to find a women who loves you for what you are. It can be hard but they exist.
>they exist
He still doesn't get it.

>> No.12126250

You could insist on going with her to these functions - taking a +1 isn't that unusual to be honest.
If she says no, she's deliberately creating drama or she probably wants to fuck one of her coworkers and is lining them up for when she gets rid of you (if she isn't going behind your back because she already doesn't respect you.)

>> No.12126283

What do you do? Stop being a pathetic fucking loser who feeds the soft-genocide of white skinned people. Make a fucking baby you worthless twat. At least knock someone up and ghost but as long as you spread your seed your life won’t be totally pointless

>> No.12126312

Dude you're all in on an ERC20 token in a bear market. It'll take YEARS to break previous highs, if it ever happens. Even traditional markets are entering a bear phase this very moment.
If you wanted to make a living out of your "trading", you should've been trading Bitcoin, not sitting on your ass hoping that you'll magically 1000x your money without doing nothing.

>I get that working is important. But if one works too much they don't have time to actualize. They are just a slave. They work to live. Not live to work.
It's not so much about work but having other passions as well. You're probably looking at the charts all day waiting for the day of the inevitable moon where you'll become a millionaire, that's how everyone is on /biz/.
I imagine she's fed up with you doing absolutely nothing and betting your entire future on some /biz/ meme token, seriously man?

What is your current source of income?

>> No.12126418

What i meant by that i he can find a women who will respect a 26 years old guy who doesn't work but lift and invest in high risk/ high reward field.

And some very rare women will love you for what you are.

Maybe 1/300 but they exist.

>> No.12126419

consulting from what, he has no experience in anything

>> No.12126592

heres your problem. youre a chump. i also have no job, and im an investor learning programming. but i set up my shit so it pays out, lol. so she sees that money going into my hand. i can spoil her with some gains every blue moon. also if your funds arent growing alot, shes gonna clown your "investments". if your making profit she wont say shit. i talk to some older more successful traders on speaker, shes dazzzled by the terms and jargon. or model you stratagy on a big whiteboard. all the math and logic all sprawled out... she will get the picture.

>> No.12126614

jesus christ you act like a pathetic teenager, no shit she dumped you

>> No.12126635
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 18536473254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER had a job
Not gonna make it. The fact that you never went out and worked in your entire life and you're a grown man is fucking embarrassing. She wanted a real man, OP. And she found out it wasn't you. kek

>> No.12127043


No wonder she thinks you're a loser.

>> No.12127070

dude what is so hard about wagecucking and waiting for the singularity? most other marines are doing it. stop being fucking lazy and just wait another 6-12 months. thats all it takes.

>> No.12127117

based and redpilled

>> No.12127172

Unironically this. Normies are easily impressed by little spectacles like that.

>> No.12127342

>never had a job

>> No.12127375


>> No.12128482
