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File: 185 KB, 1500x900, 1_3hyWN8UhcrL7P0Opbu7IQg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120131 No.12120131 [Reply] [Original]

want to do some crypto development for learning purposes.
any ideas on what i can build? build dapp? any ideas for dapps? on which platform? stratis?

>> No.12120355

Shut the fuck up dumbaas

>> No.12120392

Let me tell you something anon. Non of these faggots, including myself know what the fuck blockchains actually are. No one here will give you a direct answer because we are all a bunch of brainletts wanting to get rich off a ponzi so that we may never wagecuck again.

>> No.12120534

Giving away another one of my multi million dollar business ideas because I can't code and most devs are pretentious pieces of shit who think they don't need a partner for anything:

A social platform for findoms to accept crypto direct in exchange for mentions or a private chat etc etc. Build on top of Request Network (unironically) so that eventually it can be a FIAT->crypto of choice. Support privacy coins at first. Charge a monthly fee to the subs, dom accounts are free.

>> No.12120558

kill yourself and learn a real language like c++

crypto development in anything but c++ is like building a car out of anything but metal (wood, plastic, paper...)

>> No.12120565

Try NEO development. NEO's smart contract virtual machine is built on top of C# and Microsoft's intermediate assembly language that C# produces.

>> No.12120602


This is such a painfully obvious larp. Trying to generate hype for your shitty platform or whatever it is. Fuck off you failure.

> c# full stack developer

That means absolutely nothing. That's why I know you're full of shit. Let me guess, this shitty platform only supports c#.

Stop, you're bad at this.

>> No.12120606

Neo repositories:
neon-js will allow your front-end client to connect directly to the blockchain and execute smart contract functions.
You will basically write and deploy a smart contract to NEO (I think they are cheap or free for non-profit hobbyist developers coding for non-commercial use)
Then you will deploy the public address to your smart contract in your front-end code and pass it to neon-js for all your remote calls.

>> No.12120614


jesus christ...

>> No.12120668

This is news to me, but it looks like you can also use the neo-local repository to stand up a development blockchain totally local for testing your smart contract before deploying it to the public blockchain. This will be free and you will be able to simulate addresses with any amount of NEO balances.

>> No.12120761

Ignore everyone here:

You're a C# developer, are you married to the language? because it would be better to program in an open source language because you know... We don't like the big guys

>> No.12120803

A language cannot be open or closed source.
Compile C# in mono, which is open source.
Compile C/C++ in gcc, which is open source.
And so-on.

Do what you want, OP. Nothing wrong with any language - like all answers to all programming questions: the optimal answer depends on the problem domain.

>> No.12120922

I see you're a man of IT as well.

but a language that isn't closed source might as well be spyware of some sorts. Remember, Microsoft is very hungry for money.

While a language can perfectly be open source like Python, C, C++, Java...

P.S.: decentralised means no central authority, Microsoft made the compiler for C#

>> No.12120939

My apologies, a language that is closed source can be spyware*

>> No.12121042

>i'm a c# full stack developer

No, you're not, because no developer says their "X programming language" developer. Also, c#? Who the fuck uses that for anything they are forced to for?

>> No.12121086

Build my Bobo Platformer Dapp with built in pyramid scheme. Think Spiro the dragon but with Bobo.

>> No.12121090

Yeah, I share the sentiment, but my point is that a language is nothing but a specification for a formal grammar.
The COMPILER is what's open or closed source.
Microsoft built a closed source compiler for C#.
There is another compiler for C# called Mono, that is open source.

>> No.12121105

>Who the fuck uses that for anything they are forced to for?
By virtue of the definition of "forced", everyone forced to use it for anything uses it for that.
>having logic this poor and trying to speak with authority on programming.

>> No.12121138

>being this autistic

Obviously I meant aren't forced to

>> No.12121162

>Denouncing an entire programming language because muh opinions
Top tier logicians will tell you that the solution depends on the problem. You haven't heard the problem, so you are in no place to suggest a solution.
C# has its place, just like any other language, technology, or framework has its place.

>> No.12121199


Do you still use java and perl too? Would a programmer that still used perl in 2018 all himself a "perl developer," lmao. No, he would try to hide that as best he could.

>> No.12121225

We are looking for C# developers to help rewrite our core software. Stop by and see if you like it. chat.turtlecoin.lol

>> No.12121296

Stratis, it's your literal dream coin

>> No.12121318
File: 31 KB, 575x300, get_ready_its_coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just proves how much of a darkhore stratis is. It is bitcoin literally written in c# with.more functionality than eth.

Screen cap this, it will be top 10 in 2019

>> No.12121336

Make plugin for Novusphere that allows people to post with ETH rather than just eos.