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12119307 No.12119307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>holes are so overvalued that a literal evolutionary reject/dead end can find a mate, but the average 5/10 male has trouble
How does this make you feel?

>> No.12119333

What are you trying yo say?
Is this the bottom or will it tank further?

>> No.12119352
File: 93 KB, 409x409, chefNEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw blackpilled and MGTOWpilled
>tfw making money and fucking escorts
>tfw laughing at betas and paypigs

feels ok man

>> No.12119354

There's a guy at my work, he's completely normal. Like your average dude. He's not overly attractive, he's not ugly. He has social skills, he's fun and he knows how to joke around.
He started dating a girl at my work who has fucking FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME and is MENTALLY RETARDED.

>> No.12119365

>paying women to get the chance to make them feel good
>not a paypig

>> No.12119366

>womens sexual organs are more in demand than my penis!!!
Did you just figure this out? Are you 10? Do you maybe want to go back to /r9k/?

>> No.12119377

Maybe she has nice tits and sucks a mean dick.

>> No.12119383

>won't leave the house
>won't take up a seat
>can't physically abuse you
>you can roll her into the closet, if she gets too annoying
>unlocks handicap parking
>can be used for sympathy

m8, that's not an evolutionary dead end. It's the peak.

>> No.12119391

>it's normal for above average men to have to fight over 3/10 used goods

>> No.12119393

>>paying women to get the chance to make them feel good
Do you think guys pay escorts so they can try to get them off or something?

>> No.12119396


you're no better than an incel

>> No.12119402

No. She's really hideous, obviously, and has no tits.

>> No.12119404


The only people who care about incels are roasties and nu-males

>> No.12119412

Women are never evolutionary dead ends so long as their womb is functional and can produce children, incel.

>> No.12119457

>wanting someone without half the use of her body to be the mother of your children

If you like having double the work then I guess go ahead.

My point is a man in that position would never ever be looked upon favorably again

>> No.12119459

Yes, it is.

Are you under the impression men and women are the same or something?

>> No.12119461

incels btfo

>> No.12119481

Back in the day before women were empowered and it was the men who chose their partners and not the other way around, 3s went with 3s and 7s went with 7s. Now the 7s want 7s but the 3s want 7s too. So Chad gets a piece of every female while everyone else gets almost nothing

>> No.12119482

>My point is a man in that position would never ever be looked upon favorably again
All a woman wants is someone who can support her. If you've got the means to take care of her, her child and are capable of taking care of yourself then what's going to be her problem?

>> No.12119494

based and wheelpilled

>> No.12119501

I’d put her on a hoist over my bed with a remote to make her go up and down.

>> No.12119524


>> No.12119526

The men still choose their partners. Those who can choose a lot, have a lot. Those who can't settle for the scraps.

Anyway you seem to be mixing up relationships with casual sex. Mr 5/10 can still get his 5/10 wife. The fact she has had a few chad dicks in her 20's is quite seperate.

>> No.12119554

the pussy bubble will burst

>> No.12119760

"Demand" is such a strange word, anon, for surely your utmost genuine gynephilia wouldn't be aimed at her sexual organs, but mostly at you bringing out her otherworldly self... often displayed in form of her moe. And it is surprising, to be quite honest, for them to not want your gynephilic self inside their pants... or to even reject it... the sentiment of you making your constantly revirginating 2d waifus feel like absolute princesses... for them to blush and experience (physical and psychological) pleasure letting them cry even tears of bliss. Luckily there is no feminism in the 2d world, either. Hence why they won't question your advances and appreciate the sentiment behind your acts of most sincere appreciation. Mmm... it's not about vaginas, anon. That's not what's in demand. It's her (virgin) moe that is demand. Her moe!

>> No.12119770


>> No.12119771

how do i short holes

>> No.12119789
File: 61 KB, 962x641, 1518033548968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon is correct
just stop being repulsive OP

>> No.12119826

this. it's unironically a mass media caused bubble.

>> No.12120186


>> No.12120209


it's about control

>> No.12120415

wise anon

>> No.12120437
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Shouldnt we circumcise women?
Do we really want women to enjoy sex?

>> No.12120449


Time to sell