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12116236 No.12116236 [Reply] [Original]

1. When Bitcoin was initially mined, everyone who mined it got Bitcoins
2. When Gold was initially mined, only lucky people got Bitcoins.
3. When people mine for anything physical they are never guaranteed to get what they're after, if anything.
4. When people mine for Bitcoin they are absolutely guaranteed to get what they're after. There is no risk.
5. The proof of work in physical mining is the mined object, that shows luck. Scarcity by the very nature that luck prohibits most physical miners from finding anything.
6. The proof of work in Bitcoin mining is the Bitcoin, that shows processing power directed to get a Bitcoin. No scarcity, just power.
7. Many physical miners will never find anything - they will become insolvent or bankrupt.
8. All bitcoin miners will eventually find a Bitcoin.
9. The risk/reward is different. The scarcity is different.
10. Bitcoin is neither a currency, nor an asset like gold.
11. Its only value therefore is scarcity.
12. Bitcoin is not scarce as it can be divided infinitely into satoshis, then millisatoshis, then further when need be.
13. Bitcoin has no value outsde of speculation.


>> No.12116248
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>> No.12116265
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, This+is+outrageous+_0a429b98fd021ca07d1a733803f9fbce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. When Gold was initially mined, only lucky people got Bitcoins.

>> No.12116282

yeah a typo, shit happens, like you buying magic beans probably

>> No.12116310

Bitcoin and gold have at least one thing in common: they both attract cranks who defy all logic and reason.

>> No.12116323

>there is no risk


>> No.12116343

What is the risk and how is it comparable with gold?

>Bitcoin: Have electricity and software. Guaranteed to find a Bitcoin
>Gold: Have mining equipment, have land, have labor, have luck - Not guaranteed to find anything

>> No.12116361

>All bitcoin miners will eventually find a bitcoin
No they won't. That's why mining pools are a thing. If everyone teams up together and one person finds a bitcoin, you split it between all people who took part depending on how much they contributed. If you solomine, you may never find shit.

>> No.12116379

Yes you will it'll just take longer.

And you're ignoring the early miners, where 99% of bitcoins were mined. You can't just focus on the market today.

Were early gold miners all finding gold automatically? Everyone who dug earth struck gold?

>> No.12116517

Buy Signal: The Thread

>> No.12116521

Not an argument

>> No.12116532

>that moment that everything is a buy signal to cryptards

>> No.12116571

t. got all his facts about how bitcoin mining works by talking to his carpet

>> No.12116596

Not an argument


>I mined about 200btc with a pentium 4 pc in a couple of days.
>I mined 100 BTC in a few days in late 2009 using two or three computers (the same one built both blocks) I was previously using for SETI@home. I don't remember their specs, but they weren't anything special. I actually stopped because they were using significant amounts of power to generate something that didn't seem to have any purpose or value, and went back to SETI@home.
>I mined 9 blocks with 2 laptops' CPUs from June to Sept 2010.


>> No.12116606

>Bitcoin: Have electricity and software. Guaranteed to find a Bitcoin
It's not guaranteed you get it...

>> No.12116622

It is with time. When most Bitcoins were mined everyone was guaranteed Bitcoins.

When were all gold miners guaranteed to strike gold? Never

>> No.12117183

No, you're not guaranteed to get a Bitcoin, if you're mining it. You can get unlucky. In fact, if you're just on your own mining, you'd probably never find anything. Many miners go bankrupt already because they don't find bitcoins. But if you're part of a pool, that would be the equivalent of being part of a gold mining company, or owning gold mining stocks. So you don't seem to understand.

>> No.12117198

Again you're ignoring the historical mining of Bitcoins. That'd be akin to saying because hardly anybody finds new gold today that nobody ever found tonnes of gold.

>> No.12117236

Retard alert.

>> No.12117316

Not an argument

>> No.12117328
File: 20 KB, 598x554, 1540520790350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bitcoin is not scarce as it can be divided infinitely into satoshis, then millisatoshis, then further when need be.

>> No.12117332

Good thread anon, lots of fucktards in here. We are far from bottom

>> No.12117336


Thats true. Are you denying it? hahaha.

>> No.12117347
File: 16 KB, 388x319, Brainlet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can divide gold into atoms too bro, doesn't mean it's not scarce.

>> No.12117370

Try and take possession of an atom of physical gold. Impossible.

Try and take possession of a denomination of a bitcoin - possible/done every second.

>> No.12117391

Gold can be divided infinitely.
Gold was luck based 100 years ago, now you can analyze mining spot beforehead.

>> No.12117433


Crypto is an inherently flawed system, and everyone who goes all in will lose in the end.


>> No.12117437

>Gold can be divided infinitely.
No. Physical limits. Nobody is trading invisible atoms.

Scarce based on prohibtions of cost, labor, luck, transport, security. To attain Gold, historically, required so many steps of value.

To attain Bitcoin meant running an application using electricity and waiting for Bitcoins to come out. No luck, no labor, no transport, no security, no risk.

The value comparison is invalid. This is an oft-overlooked (or rather, intentionally ignored) component of what makes anything mined valuable.

>> No.12117528
File: 376 KB, 544x392, STINKYWINKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is actually retarded Holy shit topkek.

>> No.12117546

Not an argument

>> No.12117598

It’s entirely possible to solo mine and never find a thing.

>> No.12117610

If there is no risk in bitcoin mining then why are the miners all going broke?

>> No.12117662


Not when Bitcoin was released, and when most Bitcoins were mined. There was no risk. Today there is a prohibition, but that is relatively immaterial as most Bitcoins were mined without risk on the miners side. The majority were mined without risk.

>> No.12117666

Except it's NOT guaranteed you absolute brainlet. You don't even understand the fundamentals of crypto mining.

>> No.12117681

Ok this thread has got to be bait. You can't unironically believe there's no risk for crypto miners.

>> No.12117701

You are competing with other miners to get the next block of bitcoins which right now its 12.5 btc per block. The issue is that only mining farms/pools are actually going to unlock that block because they have way more hash power. If you try to mine alone for years without joining a pool where they rape uou in fees you will likely get zero bitcoins.

>> No.12117711

>everyone who mined it got BTC
That's wrong you brain damaged fuck. Unless you find a pool, you're on your own. A pool of gold miners could not have existed because trust is an issue but with BTC you can't cheat the system.

>> No.12117720
File: 154 KB, 898x448, BAAA8CD5-06E5-49B9-84C5-93D6AC2EF51C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why BTC is the better gold

>> No.12117739

>1. When Bitcoin was initially mined, everyone who mined it got Bitcoins
>2. When Gold was initially mined, only lucky people got Bitcoins.
lol i stopped right there. only lucky people get bitcoins when mining, too, you mongoloid. that's why people create mining pools; this is directly analgous to a "gold mining company" because even if Joe finds a huge nugget, he's gotta share with Tom, Dick, and Harry at the company (pool). The kicker? Joe can't run off with the nugget, it's handled automagically, and we don't need to spend precious, limited time and break our backs to do it.
fuck off OP, you're gay.

>> No.12117745

It was guaranteed for 90%+ of bitcoin mining. It had no risk. Do you deny this?

>> No.12117746

Gold was much easier to find in the past. That's a fact. The only reason miners had it easy back in 2009-2010 is because noone had a mining pool. Everyone was using their computer and there weren't many people competing. There was a steep learning curve to mining. You basicly had to know some stuff about programming to start.

>> No.12117753

99% of bitcoins were mined, yet there are a bit less than 4 million left to be mined out of the total amount of 21 million. Nice maths!

>Bitcoin can be divided infinitely and it's a bad thing

INFINITE KEK if everyone would use gold people would literally have micrograms of it. Transactions would be in fucking molecules. Even the poorest bum in the universe could own 1 trillionth of a bitcoin HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Gold ain't worth shit if people wouldn't invest in it. 50% is being used for jewelry cuz ur monkey brain says shiny=pretty. It has so little use outside of speculation.

Nice bait retard, got what you wanted,?

>> No.12117762


Stop treating the current mining process as how almost all Bitcoins were mined.

Over 90% were mined as guarantees just by running a program using electricity. The difficulty increased with time, but that's only relevant for the remainder - in other words, not relevant.

>> No.12117773

Gold was easier to find.

In no time of history did every single gold miner find gold. The sale price of gold will always include the cost of failure/risk thats required to make it profitable when mined.

The cost of failure/risk of Bitcoin was 0, 0%, $0, all you needed was electricity and an application.

>> No.12117786

Can you summarise an argument in that gibberish?

>> No.12117796

>All bitcoin miners will eventually find a Bitcoin.
point and laugh at this retard

>> No.12117802

True. Altho most gold trading is not done by actually transfering the gold. Most is done in where it stays in a safe where you buy ownership, even partial ownership is possible. It is just entry in a table.

You could not get your physical gold out this way, but it does not matter for its purpose.

Consequently gold trading is *mostly* abstracted into changing a numbers in a table (from the safe of the bank). Bitcorn just leaves the theoretical physical gold transfer out and stays at changing numbers in a table.

>> No.12117818

I don't get your point. Who cares if btc is way more scarce now thsn it was in 2009. Miners process transactions for people using the network and in return miners get financisl incentives to keep mining with block rewards.

>> No.12117823

This is true but the caveat is if people were unable to take possession of gold they would not value it at any price (or perhaps nowhere near its current or historical price).

You can buy units of gold, but not atoms, and nothing that cant be physically transported.

>> No.12117825

>The cost of failure/risk of Bitcoin was 0, 0%, $0, all you needed was electricity and an application.

And what if bitcoin never gained any value and you'd get hit by the electricity bill?

>> No.12117831

There is gold everywhere. Everyone has thr ability yo find small smounts of gold anywhere in the wotld. There are people whose job is to dig up dirt in the city and sift for tiny pebbles of golf.

>> No.12117834


Asks the brainlet

>> No.12117839

The point is that the comparison between gold and bitcoin fails here.

It fails because the price of Gold will always be [Tangible value + Cost of Risk]

What was the Cost of Risk for Bitcoin? 0 for 90%+ of its mining.

This creates a severe price disparity - forever. You will never bring them into a value alignment as Gold was never 90% risk-free. The value of risk needs to be included into the asset price.

>> No.12117843

Then you own something valueless and any bill is irrelevant. You could try and sell it but as you said its valueless so no buyers and doesnt matter whether you price it infinity or 0.

>> No.12117854

This is wrong and false

>> No.12118088

Certainly shut them faggots up

>> No.12118116

>Try and take possession of an atom of physical gold. Impossible.

That's precisely why bitcoins are better, you stupid fucking brainlet.

>> No.12118144

So its not gold, then. So its not a valuable asset, then. And its not a currency. So what is it? Oh its a speculators widget.

>> No.12118544

uh, your assertion is completely irrelevant but okay sweaty. go buy your shiny rocks which we'll be mining on asteroids in 10-20 yrs.

>> No.12118551

>The cost of failure/risk of Bitcoin was 0, 0%, $0
>all you needed was electricity
PICK ONE FAGGOT. or can you show me the land of free electricity?
Your mother probably bathed you frequently in Johnson & Johnson products, huh?

>> No.12118565

I'm 95% down on initial, and believe it or not, I'm super excited and can't wait to buy more.

>> No.12118569
File: 36 KB, 450x333, two-beautiful-girls-laughing-pointing-450w-53857132[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open a multi terrahash operation for zero risk!
the federal reserve hates him!
>he actually thinks spending thousands on electricity monthly and 5-6 figures on hardware which may not hold its value is "risk-free"

>> No.12118584

>So its not gold, then. So its not a valuable asset, then.
wow, solid argument! thanks just bought 3 kilos of gold that I will never be able to reasonably transfer or sell at a moments notice

>> No.12118695

Electricity isnt a risk you fucking moron its a cost

Risk = 0 means everyone who mined coins got coins

>> No.12118706


For 90% of Bitcoins mined it had 0 risk. You can't just ignore that and focus on the current situation.

>> No.12118714

So you admit its not gold, and its not a currency (or its a very very poor one), what are you trying to say Bitcoin is?

>> No.12118805

Anyone who isn't retarded can ascertain the implication on the price floor from having a zero risk 'mined' asset with no other tangible value beyond being an asset thats alleged to be a store of value

If you don't get it you'll never get it

>> No.12118917

>12. Bitcoin is not scarce as it can be divided infinitely into satoshis, then millisatoshis, then further when need be.
Guys I chainsawed my gold, this means gold was never scarce.