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12116190 No.12116190 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fall for the next marketing trick, or is it all true?

>> No.12116232

Both. Known Owen Cook a long time, he's a good guy and means to help people. He's also an incredible marketer, and will sell you on hype to get you invested.

Most neets and pajeets need magic pill solutions in order to get motivated to help themselves, and he plays off basic psychology in this way a lot.

But pls sir buy Sanjay's Vision coin pls very many moons are coming sir buy now

>> No.12116307

Why do red heads have such great beards?

>> No.12116604
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Most of the things he says are right, just dont fall for the meme marketing stuff

>> No.12116619

The only guy with real skill that really work and no motivationnal videos is ex-RSD Todd Valentine.

Check him out. I got quite a lot of girls thanks to him. Lot's of his content in the torrents.

>> No.12116646

I worked for Todd back in 2012, complete fraud shill. Owen had to send his ass to Thailand for near 2 years just to get his game up from an abysmal place. Absolute rubbish instructor.

>> No.12116658

He has good advice and you can learn his general way of thinking by watching the thousands of hours of free content he has online. Im beyond terrible with girls but I do like how he thinks and have at least been talking to girls automatically since listening to his shit. Now I can't shut up around women that I like. Still can't get laid and I'm still an awkward virgin but it's a big improvement from where I was a few years ago. Your mileage may vary but just watch his shit in your free time and see what angle he's coming from

I don't think I'd ever buy any of his stuff personally but if he held a free event close to where I live and it was easy for me to go there's a chance I could go. I'd say he's definitely an expert in hooking up with girls and in any field whether it's the world of business, science, selling crack, any field you could think of you should be trying to listen to the top level people in their field and learning what they think and how they think. Owen already has all that shit out for free no need to fall for marketing tricks.

>> No.12116756

Look into Corey Wayne I like his stuff more.

>> No.12116982
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Well, lets evaluate his life.

Every time you look at this guy he seems more and more sad. Almost 40 years old, traveling the country with his daughter while preaching about how he's a master of fucking random sluts he meets at bars to rooms full of painfully desperate 20 to 60 year old losers.

News Flash for all you autists who don't realize why he has such a high success rate of getting laid: He goes to bars sober by himself with the sole intent of talking to as many women as possible. Let me break it down while you think about how terrifyingly autistic and creepy that is. He doesn't drink, introduces himself with a fake name, and doesn't go there to socialize, have fun, etc. (what normal people do at bars). He goes there to stalk down and fuck drunk women while he's sober. Obviously he's going to run into a desperate girl if he bounces from girl to girl in a crowded bar, and as long as you don't look like Shrek you can have a sloppy one night stand.

Conclusion: Immature 40 year old neet who has a young daughter yet lives his life teaching creepy guys how to go bars sober and alone to hunt down vulnerable drunk women to pump and dump. A true self-fulfilling prophecy if I've ever seen one, as we all know what will happen to his daughter when she's in college.

So yes, you fell for a marketing trick. And one of the lowest level ones at that, shame on you Rahjeev.

>> No.12117028


guessing this balding manlet is one of those 'alpha males' i've heard so much about...

>> No.12117141


Fuck off boomer

>> No.12117160

>watches videos by creepy balding old dude for social skills advice
>thinks he is going to make it


>> No.12117181

I saw this guy in Vegas at the wynn casino at like 2 a.m. He was just walking around with his buddy with these two absolute bombshells one under each of his arms. The kind of stunning beauty that makes you just admire in awe. I think he is the real deal and you can learn a thing or million from him but you also can't deny he shills his products all the time.

>> No.12117210

shut up kid. either your brain hasn't developed yet or you'll be retarded for the rest of your life

>> No.12117258

get off /biz/ Owen

>> No.12117466

where exactly is his hollywood hills mansion? i saw it in a video but unable to locate. guy must be loaded af

>> No.12117491


>> No.12117538

fuck, that was real.

>> No.12117738

but he doesn't have a daughter

>> No.12117807

He hires actresses for his gay ass videos and seminars, preying on gullible ugly retards who he will forever tell "it takes time" so they will buy his next "blueprint".

The definition of a snakeoilsalesman. Look at who incites actual sexual lust in women and bag high numbers in HS and college - HANDSOME good looking athletic guys.

A handsome face is EVERYTHING. This is coming from a former puatard who was finally broken out of the retarded PUA-shill effect after going out with some new guy friends (who were handsome and got all chicks despite not spitting "game").

most pussyslayers are complete mr nice guys who happen to be HANDSOME.

>> No.12118005


the real redpill is that /r/redpill and the likes are cancerous and full of larpers and conmen like that quasimodo look-a-like in OP's pic

>> No.12118011

Based and red pilled

>> No.12118014

I agree. The thing about women is that they all have basically one type: tall, dark, handsome. So if you happen to fit those criteria, congratulations you win.

>> No.12118030

The whole post is bullshit.

Nevertheless, after watching him for a bit. one can safely conclude that he knows his shit thoroughly. Always get something informative and inspirational from his videos. Still, he seems to tailor the content to fit his message that he tries to convey, with half-truths thrown to make a point, which isn't bad by itself.

Like the thing he says that you have to give a lot of lectures to as good as him at public speaking. At one of his videos, he explicitly discloses that he was good at it from the get go, and he was surprised at his talent at talking incessantly about random topics in public.

Another thing is that both Own and Jeff seem to rely on their own talents a bit too much to be relatable. Owen having this crazy intellect of his and an autistic perseverance. Jeff has incredible verbal intelligence and other positive hallmarks of the jewish stereotype, as well as some of the negatives - getting angered quickly if he feels threatened, by a question he doesn't know the answer to for example.

Own is the male version of Hillary Clinton. He is very generous with providing wealth of useful things to you. That's fine when you don't get anything from him personally ot for money, but when not it seems to 'sap your soul' out of you. When you see how he interacts with some of his employees in some videos, like with Jeff and Luke.

>> No.12118049

>most pussyslayers are complete mr nice guys who happen to be HANDSOME.
Utter bullshit. A handsome man who doesn't have a Chad personality will get crushed by the typical woman due to being seen as a dangerous oddity.

>> No.12118263


>muh chad personality

the 'chad personality' is presented by these PUA/'manosphere' clowns as being 'cold and mysterious/dark triad' which is utter bollocks. good luck forming and holding a meaningful relationship with a quality women (yes, increasingly rare to find, but they do exist) for a significant amount of time with that.

>> No.12118428

>holding a meaningful relationship
Being able to re-seduce your significant other will improve the quality of the woman you'd be able to maintain a relationship with. Raw seduction of women you don't know will increase the quality of women you'll be able to have a relationship with.
In short, your post is:

>> No.12118475

Your videos and courses are laughable cringe trash. Gtfo /biz/ you knobhead

>> No.12118476
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ok sir i'm sure this balding goblins ebook's on 'raw seduction' are great

>> No.12118495


>be unattractive bald ginger goblin
>sell courses on attracting women

you honestly cant make this shit up

>> No.12118498

Watch a free tour on YouTube lol, his shit is solid.

>> No.12118516

Its honestly a testament to his advice, he pulls pretty fucking hard for being a goblin.

>> No.12118519

imagine if used bald ginger tactics and were fit wow ur dumb

literally can’t make up how retarded u r

>> No.12118534

What do you mean you "worked" for him? What did you do? Did he pay you?

>> No.12118556
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Even if he doesn't have a daughter, this post is 100% accurate. The man is living a sad life and nothing to aspire to.

I posted this in the last "Social Dynamics" thread: It's so much more admirable to only sleep with pretty, well adjusted girls and then settle down with one than to fuck a bunch of random sluts.

>> No.12118559

RSD paid me to work for Todd when he came crawling to Owen to be the instructor for Boston, when Papa still lived here. I would help him travel, tech support for events, and instruct infield on the very very rare times he could ever book a bootcamp.

Business wise it was so abyssmal that Owen sent him to Thailand to improve his confidence for over a year, to "get him back in the game".

>> No.12118576

His game/logistics were so bad that he would frequently take commuter rail trains 45-1.5hrs out of the city to sleep with some girl living with her parents, as he couldn't get ANYONE in the CITY OF BOSTON to actually fuck him.

>> No.12118595

Also reminder we're the college capital of the US and have a plethora of girls from 18-24 here. There is no shortage of opportunities, but he could not find a buyer for his dick services.

>> No.12118652


>> No.12118793

>Watch a free tour on YouTube lol, his shit is solid.

same way grant cardone's free youtube 'shit is solid' - half of GC's 'cold calls' are with people he already has relationships with and the other half are working off a script. this balding goblin is hitting on models he's hired for the day because, surprise surprise, he's not selling himself to them he's selling himself to YOU. the whole point of the videos is to sell a lifestyle to the viewer. "if this bald manlet goblin can pull a 11/10 thot you can too with the 10 simple tricks you learn in the pdf course for only $399".

2018 and people are still falling for this gutter-tier marketing. honestly laughable.


i really don't need to use some e-marketers 'tactics' to sleep with women, thanks.

>> No.12118898

In their defense, game/pickup does actually work, it's just not worth paying any money for. Everything you need to know is already out there for free already. True losers really just want to do everything on easy mode (surprise) and are willing to pay someone to tell them EXACTLY what they're supposed to be doing, as if that's actually worth it.

>> No.12118962

people who do this PUA shit are so retarded

a girl will spot you a mile away and tell that somethings 'up' and you are trying to manipulate her, its creepy and autistic as other anons have said

>> No.12118995

Disinformation artist. He will teach you how to interact with women (i.e. teaches you common sense), but won't teach you the fundamentals of a healthy life. His way of life is very destructive, going to fucking every female hole in hollywood and beyond. Muh "don't drink alcohol but drink green juice" and the same time "believe in this new age bullshit and MY political way of thinking".
Massive propaganda artist.
Nothing wrong with being good at marketing either and making money (we're on biz after all), but he poisons you massively in other areas of life.

>> No.12119004

its true, i am not autistic to approach random girls on the street, but i am pretty outgoing since i started to practice it

(also read power of now)

once you realise that you are a good person you wont feel like a girl does a favor by talking to you, and everything changes

have a gf for 1.5 years, last one was 8 months, this one seems more serious

also if u go clubbing dont try to pick up girls, just dance like a retard, if u keep doing it they will start approaching you

godspeed boys

>> No.12119033

>True losers really just want to do everything on easy mode (surprise) and are willing to pay someone to tell them EXACTLY what they're supposed to be doing, as if that's actually worth it.
>Being tutored is for losers
It's technically true, yet so utterly stupid.

>> No.12119043

>also if u go clubbing dont try to pick up girls, just dance like a retard, if u keep doing it they will start approaching you
What to do when they start approaching you. Don;t know how to dance with other people. Just how to dance like a destructive retard on my own.

>> No.12119058

well i have that problem too, i still have no idea how to dance with girls, i just dance in front of them, but less hyper, they giggle and shit and i can just talk if i want or keep dancing while she dances too and we have fun lol

>> No.12119066

Nice, thanks.

>> No.12119138
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high test

>> No.12119357

Owen brags about being well endowed in one of his older videos.

>> No.12119703

What you say might be true, or you might have a grudge over Todd. Maybe he seriously improved in the 2012-2016 era?

In a RSD video on youtube, we see him literally fucking a girl on cam from afar. Also in his infield videos, he seem to make out with quite a lot of girls.
What are your opinion on these videos, are they fakes? Prostitutes?

>> No.12119728

what the fuck happened in that bed and why is there a pizza box next to it

>> No.12119742

His advice has a level of crispness unmatched in any instructor in RSD.

>> No.12119772

Why are you frustrated that you have to pay?

Are you frustrated because for the last avengers movie you have to pay?

Because you know, bittorent also works for RSD vids...

>> No.12119782


Thinking anything but looks matter to women. You guys need handsome friends to go out with..to see the truth for yourselves. Women treat hot guys like the most beta simp treats women. Handsome men are gods to women.

Good luck watching shit content from a bald ginger who pays actresses and hookers to act interested on cam for gullible dumbasses to suck up. Good job going out there and embarassing yourselves even more.. People hate when ugly guys act out of line and incongruently with their looks.. women talk behind your back and none of them will fuck you for your autist behaviours.. Instead she goes home to fuck the Chad she barely caught the name of in their 2 second conversation that she initiated because he was hot and gave her pussy tingles on sight.

>> No.12119798

I don't buy into PUA either but literally who cares if some whore you barely know talks about you behind your back?

>> No.12119816


Slap her ass and call her a naughty little bitch. Works only if believe it will.

>> No.12119823

>Handsome men are gods to women.
Enjoy being shit-tested with the fury of a thousand suns.

>> No.12119847


I'm literally handsome as fuck and ripped and girls literally shit-test me until the sun comes up.

When I deal with the tests correct me, she will literally worship me.

>> No.12119865
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Just because you can be an asshole doesn't mean you should be. Pure manipulators.

>> No.12119877

Congratulations. Your ability to shrug off shit-tests is more important than your looks by far.

>> No.12119952

Studied this guy like I was obsessed back in 2010-2012.
Went out and talked to thousands of girls and went from total autist to intellectual chad (getting fit helps too)

Met my wife 4 years ago, at an airport. fucked after 4 hours.
Turned out she’s an heiress to a sizeable real estate company

Thanks Owen, listening to you was the best investment I ever made.

>> No.12119985

>drinking the kool-aid this hard
I remember when I mentioned "shit tests" to my first girlfriend she was dumbfounded by the level of autism it took to come up with such an immature concept that you think somehow applies to all 4 billion females on the planet.

>> No.12120052

>I trust my gf blindly
Enjoy being cucked

>> No.12120087

Technical fags always gave up halfways & didn’t realize that the true goal was always to achieve natural game.

It’s all muscle memory & auto responses, learnt by failing thousands of times. If you think "this is a shit test" you’ve already failed.

All you remember in the end is the core concepts, everything else is auto pilot.

>always escalate & close
>mirror energy
>change her mood not her mind

>> No.12120145
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lmao do you fucking faggots think growing a reddit beard, dressing like a fag, and "peacocking" is going to get you laid? lmao...just lmao

there are 6'5 gigachads who have the monopoly on tinder etc. The most you will get is a 5 second pity talk from some 4/10 before shes snatched away by her friends away from the creepy guy with the beard

the only way to meet girls is through luck, believing in god, literally looksmaxing and not being an autismal "mancave gaymer" faggot

or be born/raised an alpha male

inb4 basedrage

>> No.12120154

Finally a post, if true, of someone who actually TRYED pua before saying it's bullshit and go back watching porn.

>> No.12120163

Sorry, but those three points are just a level of abstraction below 'be urself', even if they are correct. 'be urself' is also correct, but not useful.

>> No.12120193
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also.. if you believe any woman could gaze into this dyel balding ginger manlets hideous visage as he mounts her... you have got to be delusional

>> No.12120219

>or be born/raised an alpha male

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

Nofap, bodybuilding and MMA can turn any young man without any physical disabilities into a chad.

Of course you'll have to go everyday at the gym/BJJ class, sweat, bleed.

Just go back playing video games and masturbating to porn looser.

>> No.12120260

I'd agree with MMA, but not bodybuilding. Gymcelling is a thing for a reason.

>> No.12120261

They are abstractions, but abstractions is all you remember in the end.

Theres thousands of small tactical choices being made, but those become intuitive from experience

Specific stuff like "always focus on her friend first", "if you can touch her hand or face you can kiss her", have to be learned, trained, and then they’re made intuitive without thinking about it. That’s natural game

>> No.12120283

>Nofap, bodybuilding and MMA

onions latte drinking retards and 99.9% of males will never do this

even if you do all that, without being raised correctly you will have a disturbed and deformed mind that is incapable of performing socially

>> No.12120299

These guys tell you to park a van around the corner from sleazy nightclubs in order to lure sluts into them to fuck them. Are these really kind of people you want to emulate? Check out (((Jeff Allen's))) pro tips on how to act like a good goy and waste your life being a psycho casual sex-fiend:


Remember: never start a family and procreate and instill in them sound values, you silly goy! Live for pleasure! Having sex with loose women in a shitty van is the good life!

>> No.12120302

Fucking weakling. Blame all your shit on external circumstances - and claim it to be true as the sun that rises.

>beta fag who is afraid of rejection and never got laid before.

>> No.12120305

Agreed. To get to the level of mastery you described one has to first be shown where to thread. The technicalities you derided are immensely helpful for that. They flesh out the abstractions into something concrete and actionable.
I agree that some people dwell on the too much, but this doesn't make the useless.

>> No.12120306

Women dont love, so who cares

>> No.12120318

Did you read my entire post? I said everything you need to know is out there for free already.
>mentioned "shit tests" to my first girlfriend
Sorry but expecting a woman to understand shit tests is a non-starter. They don't even realize they do it.
>the only way to meet girls is through luck
This is definitely bullshit. You have to put in some effort.

>> No.12120350

I was telling the 3 together of course.

>> No.12120396

>even if you do all that, without being raised correctly you will have a disturbed and deformed mind that is incapable of performing socially

Bullshit. I have a disturbed and deformed mind.
I'm doing this.
I'm halfway there.

>> No.12120403

True, techniques are very powerful, and everyone has to start somewhere :)

>> No.12120408

I believe it is possible to crush the looser inside me.

>> No.12120440

If you are capable, one could argue it wasn't deformed in a way that prevents you from achieving competence with women.

Owen often states that he came from a horrible home, etc. It discards the fact that he was suspiciously well monied in his early twenties, has an immense intellect, had an almost unbroken chain of positive reference experiences regarding possibility of self-achievement and an autistic self-perseverance.

Other instructors are similar in this manner.

>> No.12120480

I agree that some people are broken beyond repair.
But most complaining here in /biz everyday are just winy, lazy bitches.
They are not particularly broken for the most of them, they are just making excuses.

>> No.12120502

If you’re on 4chan, it’s too late.

You have to go back.

>> No.12120526


>> No.12120555

All you guys spazzing out are fucking retarded. This shit works. Just torrent some of his shit and try it. It's not a instafix pill so it does take a lot of effort on your part to go out a ton and fail a ton. But if you put enough time uand effort in you will see results, unless youre fucking hideous.

And obviously it helps to be handsome but a handsome guy with game will destroy a handsome guy without game. Just like an ugly guy with game would destroy an ugly guy without game.

>> No.12120571

Why would you want it to work? It's a sad and ugly existence. No dignity. No self-respect. No legacy. Just base pleasure. But hey man, go buy a van if that's all you think life is worth.

>> No.12120603

PUA is 90% marketing bullshit, but there is some truth to it. with that being said, spending any significant amount of time on women is a mistake. work on yourself or you'll be miserable, just like owen.

>> No.12120625

Why would you want to do it? To get better with girls, to get laid more, to help you find a good gf and not just settle, etc. You don't have to be a loser who just tries to slay as many girls as possible, you can still be whoever you wanna be, this shit just helps a ton in social situations with girls.

>> No.12120648

No. Your intentions don't matter. You are what you do.

>> No.12120695

You stupid or what?

In order to one day meet and seduce a pretty, quality women, you'll have to practise on sluts and post wall women.

If you have solid PUA skill, you can always land a LTR quality women and keep her. It'll take a lot of time and perseverance, but you can do it with PUA.

>> No.12120703

OK and you can do whatever you want, you'll just be better with girls and in social situations.

>> No.12120724

I dunno, the game stuff never really worked for me. I think that thinking about and practicing this stuff can seriously backfire as you're micromanaging your social interactions.
However his Truth about Success videos were really damn good.

>> No.12120727


anyone have a video of tyler getting MOGGED

>> No.12120736

Probably just a grudge seeing as Todd was kicked out of RSD and started his own shit.

>> No.12120740

The kind of man you choose to be determines what kind of woman you will have. That's the kernel of truth that you're looking for, not all this other stuff.

>> No.12120791

The reason you're not getting any pussy is because you haven't discovered The System™. By paying for my content, you will learn wonderful tricks like asking permission to use a girl's bathroom.

You see getting pussy is very much like tron legacy (the discs are the condoms). For more information check out the trailer here:


>> No.12120826

That's true.

However, if you go for the number game, you will most likely find a few good women even if you approach them PUA style.

Some women will even love you and be good one even if you're a POS pick up artist.

I agree most girls i hook up with are trash but i repeat, once in a while, you can find a good one with PUA methods.

Hell even sluts are humans, in the end, you'll appreciate them. They are just not LTR material.

Anyway, i think i am a good guy, but i hate normies parties.

How am i supposed to meet girls? Online dating? it's even way worse than PUA.

>> No.12120843

Todd is that really you?

>> No.12120863

RSD will make you think there's a trick to getting women, when in fact they're so easy that you just need to shut up and respond 1:3 (for every 3 things she says, you say 1).

>> No.12120903

It's surprising to me that here of all places people believe looks are the only way to catch the attention of women.

>> No.12120999

no i'm the real todd

>> No.12121073

looks aren't the only way, but they're the best and most reliable way.

>> No.12121459

No, they teach you the mindsets and social behaviors that are valuable and attractive to females. Social skills, female psychology, helpful things conducive to learning.

RSD is fucking amazing, they teach you real shit, even all their free stuff on youtube is gold. Sure you might not want to model their lifestyle choices, that's up to you what you want in life, but the knowledge and skills they teach is really fucking great. You can use it to find a wife or gf and settle down or you can become a manslut living in hedonistic excess. But the skills are real.

>> No.12121478
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>How am i supposed to meet girls? Online dating? it's even way worse than PUA.
There's PUA material for online dating.

>> No.12121516

Took a bootcamp with Owen in LA back in 2011. Dude's a legit sociopath. He's not lying about his skills though.

>> No.12121561

how did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.12121564
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That's good to know I was watching that fucks videos kek

>> No.12121629
File: 57 KB, 700x742, 1543605197481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSD changed my life. I am forever grateful. These days my Newbie Guide would be this:

– Mystery Method. I prefer the seminar where he teaches it over the PDF eBook of it because I like Mystery’s passion for what he’s teaching, all the vids were on YouTube at some point but now there’s just scraps, here’s one of them to get you started:


I believe that’s from the Mystery Method 5 DVD set which you should be able to torrent easy.

Magic Bullets is an eBook that’s a more brief streamlined explanation of MM if you’re tight for time

– “The Tyler Digest”, google it and read it all

– watch Liam Mcrae’s Rapid Escalation video on YouTube

– watch Richard LaRuina Formula For Night Game on YouTube (specifically 27:00 to 50:00)

– RSDJulien’s SHIFT (internal game/mindsets/beliefs about women, yourself and getting this area handled, torrent it)

– and RSDJulien’s PIMP (external game aka actual technical shit to execute infield, torrent it)

– and if you just want overall social skills building rapport/comfort with people in general (which you can apply with girls or just socializing with everyone you meet and becoming that guy that people immediately feel like they’ve known for years) then check out the Juggler Method PDF

– and at some point give Practical Female Psychology a read, and the free PDF over at Manhood 101 as well, they cover just general over-arching male/female psychology stuff that you’ll want to know for life in general, VS just getting your dick wet ASAP lol

>> No.12121677

same questions i ask myself every friday night v_v

>> No.12121775

>Juggler Method PDF
>The method is not to worry so much about getting deep but to get wide rapport (a feeling like you can talk about anything). Again the key is including and amplifying a girl's response, no matter the response.

Very interesting, thanks.

>> No.12121804
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My cousin is a sociopath and the only person I've met who reminds me of Owen. Both are extremely charismatic in groups but have really disconcerting 1-on-1 eye contact.

Beyond that, the stuff Owen does requires an almost complete lack of fear. On my bootcamp he walked up to a Turkish girl in front of her boyfriend and started dancing and grinding on her and grabbing her ass. I could tell by the dudes face it never happened before. The thing is he never said a word to her, and she fuckin melted right without him saying anything. I know it's cliche but it looked like magic to me. I suspect sociopathy would greatly enable you to do that.

Lmao, another time he did the same thing to an Armenian girl much taller than him and her big ass Armenian boyfriend came up behind Owen and put him in a sleeper hold kek. He was kind of joking but then he started to squeeze and choke Owen before Owen said "No violence man, no violence" and he let go lol.

>> No.12121832


"Masculine Polarity" by swinggcat is the best PUA course I've ever done. And I've done a lot. Almost all of them are shit, but this one is worth its weight in gold.


>> No.12121833

>Practical Female Psychology

This one is a must.

>> No.12121839

Owen admitted to having aspergers/autism in one of his later videos.

>> No.12121874

Mystery method and these other faggy "tactics" PUAs are complete shit compared to RSD.

The basics like Owen's Foundations and Blueprint programs (old stuff) will teach you a million times more valuable skills and mindsets than mystery or neil strauss types.

Owen is unironically a genius. He's crazy analytical, his work ethic is insane, and his results speak for themselves. Short, bald, weird ginger guy and he still pulls like mad. That defies all the conventional wisdom.

Learn from him and some of the other RSD guys and I guarantee it will change your life. He puts 100s of hours of free content on youtube, and his DVD programs can be torrented, so you don't even have to pay for all his stuff.

The way he makes money is he because he knows real life programs and bootcamps are so much more potent and transformative than online content can ever be, and the learning curve is exponentially quicker when you have literal instructors forcing and handholding you through every interaction in real time.

>> No.12121922

Mystery Method is obsolete. current RSD stuff is good. learn the process of seduction and then practice a lot, not just for pickup but conversation skills. the guy that said it takes is lol clueless. helped me get my 9/10 waifu and I'm pretty happy.

>> No.12121933

it's a scam. he's a bald manlet with a high voice. like c'mon.

>> No.12121963

Hi Julien

>> No.12122017


You need to be savvi enough to be under that radar. Which means you need to be able to pick up on it yourself and gauge when someone else is posturing or attempting to reframe a situation. Honestly could prolly learn most of it from sales

>> No.12122051

I believe this wholeheartedly. “No violence” was a huge meme a few years ago

>> No.12122102


That's interesting. I'm way too territorial for that shit, would hip toss the fucker. But surprised that someone would try it and that someone would let it happen.

>> No.12122210

Damn, I didn't know biz was so into PUA. But it makes sense for risk takers to seek alternate methods to optimize returns.

>> No.12122237

This is great and mostly an accurate reflection of him. However his advice on getting women and improving yourself in general is completely fantastic. He's also self-admitted to being a bit autistic, and he picks up girls regardless of whether or not they are drunk, he can do it anywhere, he only chooses to do it mostly at parties or clubs is because of the high volumes of women. His ideas about social dynamics are accurate, true and they work.

I recommend anyone struggling with social issues and struggling to get laid to go watch him. He's a genius.

But yeah he can seem creepy because of his autism, which his son also has.

>> No.12123061

>watch Richard LaRuina Formula For Night Game on YouTube
Damn, that's a throwback. Another good one.

>> No.12123114

Is it just me, or is it fucking cringe to read through some of these comments promoting this. PUA is an ideology.

>> No.12123249

>PUA is an ideology.
Not really, man. A lot of it is hit or miss at this point. Some of these guys are interesting and some of them are totally cringeworthy, but if you can picture what it was like 10-15 years ago you can appreciate how much more interesting/taboo some of this knowledge was.

>> No.12123696

>Nofap, bodybuilding and MMA
as if this was the pinnacle of achievement
make something out of your life instead of raging like a hamster on a wheel
now if you said nofap, bodybuilding, mma and entrepreneurship i'd tip my fedora to you.

>> No.12123814

>making scammers rich
>believing samefags
>thinking there's a magic trick to getting laid


thanks for this guys, really

>> No.12123852

>>thinking there's a magic trick to getting laid
If you're not a natural with women you need all the help you can get. Game works. Paying for it is stupid though.

>> No.12123888

Yeah he does look like shit. I'm sure he does have to spam approach to get anywhere.

>> No.12123889

Just watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opUT4lSM2dc before going out.
And Julien has a lot of good content you can find for free was well. But other than that it's mostly mental masturbation and you don't need to watch that many videos. Just go out a lot.

>> No.12123917

This. I remember watching the Blueprint in college and being in a weird narcissistic phase of trying to have the upper hand in every interaction.

>> No.12123921

take her hand and twirl her around, bitches love it and it displays dominance

>> No.12123946


>> No.12124116

there is one magic trick to getting laid, it's called "interact with women"

>> No.12124848

So basically 80% of the thread gives positive responses while just 20% gives negative
I'll take that as "it's all true"

>> No.12124925

Take dancing classes. Salsa, ballroom, zouk, whatever. Method does not matter, the point is to get practice moving with another person. It's charming as all hell when you can effortlessly move a girl around by her hips or with her arms.

>> No.12125840

Yeah PUA is true.

I consider myself as a small time chad (about 6 girls a year).

However it is not easy.

It's like asking: does brazilian jiu jitsu work as a combat sport?

The answer is definitely yes, but it'll take you hundreds of hours of sweat and effort to be average, and thousands to be proficient.

Same for lifting. You don't get jacked after 3 months in the gym.

So back to PUA, it'll take you hundreds of approaches to become just an intermediate level PUA, and thousands to become advanced.

>> No.12125864

Noted, thanks

>> No.12125917

6'5" Swedish gigachad here. I'd just like to confirm this man is a pussy. His sad indie guy beard makes me want to break him.

>> No.12125935

Succinct advice, thanks.

>> No.12125947

it's mccafee's room after last months crypto cruise

>> No.12126108

THIS. Height, face, frame is all that matters

>> No.12126151
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all cope.

>> No.12126202
File: 444 KB, 517x530, bone pilll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12126232

All this PUA shit is wayyyy outdated

Read The Rational Male and Illimitable Men blogs. Thank me later.

>> No.12126315

>Read The Rational Male and Illimitable Men blogs. Thank me later.

So you're suggesting to read pseudo scientific bullshit written by an angry old man who couldn't get laid and still can't - instead he advises to completely disregard women in the hope that one day you might get laid if you become irresistible by going your own way?

Yeah no.

>> No.12126363
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fucking incels are killing me

i see it with my eyes every xmas when i have family gatherings. my 15 year old 6'3'' chad cousin gets tons of girls, PRIME GIRLS on whatsapp and shit, he doesnt even care about studying or anything else, just plays football, smokes, and is having the time of his life partying and fucking tight fucking prime girls while my hs experience was hell and fucked me up for life because im fucking deformed chest subhuman and im balding now too and i fucking 5'8'' with tiny wrists its fucking OVER

>> No.12126474

Is there anything wrong with picking up drunk girls?

>> No.12126500

Pseudo scientific bullshit? This guy is giving golden advice in a lot of areas but yeah looks like you're in love with your girlfriend and would do everything for her you slave