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12108379 No.12108379 [Reply] [Original]

Load the terrorism fud

>> No.12108401

KEK nice one bogs

>> No.12108425

This is stupid in so many levels. A single Bitcoin transaction can be 100% tracked. This is probably a retarded bagholder who just hit rock bottom financially and doesn't know what to do.

>> No.12108448

dude if he demands funds to a cold wallet and sells the private key there is no way to track the coins maybe they show up in africa or india good luck figuring it out how...

>> No.12108449

he could have put a bomb on a bus that explodes when it goes under 50mph and ask for 3 mil in cash, you know

>> No.12108461

now that would be awesome

>> No.12108475


Bankers getting desperate lmao

>> No.12108486

Hoo-lee-fuccckkk quick someone write a screenplay

>> No.12108504

If he just set up a new wallet with Tor on Bitadress.org I am pretty sure someone from the Darknet would have bought the private key with XMR for half the trading price. Let him handle washing it

>> No.12108508


>Fuck it just send out bomb threats to get people to talk about BTC again.

This shitcoin is going to 0.

>> No.12108517

Young keanu

>> No.12108536

he could use a mixer and also use exchanges to mix the coins, not really traceable if you do it right.

>> No.12108623

this all gave me an idea
>kidnap people (or make bomb alerts) demand ransom to be sent to cold wallet addresses then send them to a burn address.
people will figure out what's going on after a while. you are making bitcoin more scarce while driving up the demand.

>> No.12108639

That was a great movie

>> No.12108646

Mixers was a 2012-14 thing, and also the goal is to never actually broadcast a tx on the network yourself, because it could reveal your IP, only the blackmailed loads the wallet like in >>12108504 described.

>> No.12108697

thing is i have never ever seen a transaction show up with my own ip ever. it's p2p even without tor if you are a complete moron not evidently easy to find you. i think i'm gonna make a website that you can connect via https and upload signed tr-s that the site broadcasts... that will fuck with these asshats.

>> No.12108811

Doesnt matter if it doesnt reveals the IP right away. Every retail exchange that exists on the planet right now will demand if you want trade higher sums. Of course you just could hold them and do nothing with them for a couple of years but I am pretty sure there is internationa registry of wallets owned by criminals. The second a tx goes out of them law enforcment agencies know about it. The US gov reportedly spend millions of dollars already to subcontractors developing software to screening public blockchains that are currently in existence....

>> No.12108905

you forget dexes and atomic swaps and localbitcoins.
you can offload coins now without ever setting a foot in an exchange.
not to mention you can probably buy an exchange account from a pajeet for a $100 let him do the kyc he gives you the username and password and the email he regged with. i think they would do it for $20.

>> No.12108918

>The second a tx goes out of them law enforcment agencies know about it
obviously but there is nothing they can do about it

>> No.12108928

Ingenious idea to cause the dump to 1k tbqh

>> No.12108942

Not really. Cryptolocker was one of the causes of the pump.

This is going to force people to buy BTC to avoid being blown up.


>> No.12108959

He can just sell his Bitcoin for XMR on a chink exchange, then sell his XMR back for BTC or USD any way he pleases because XMR is traceless

>> No.12108967

yeah simple logic would mean demand goes up, but with a terrorist threat unlikely anyone would actually want to pay up. a public terrorist threat is guaranteed to meet with non compliance. so the game here is probably fud.

>> No.12108978

these news articles are redacting the BTC address they want you to send payment to, anyone got the address?

>> No.12108980


>> No.12109037

>not really traceable if you do it right.
Wrong. The FBI agent who stole Silkroad coins was caught. He used this technique. The only way to properly wash with minimal risk is to trade to private ledger currency. This is another reason why private ledgers currencies will get banned from exchanges in the not-too-distant future.

>t. ITSECfag

>> No.12109049

Guys stop doing this, my local city had like dozens of these and its all over the news. And everyone knows I like bitcoin and has been telling me and asking me about it today.

>> No.12109098

Seriously same issue. Today four people asked me about it at work. It was on the news in the lunchroom. I even had a back room mechanic ask wtf was going on. “Why do people want bitcoin instead of money for ransom if you can’t spend bitcoins anywhere?” I shit you not. What a retard.

>> No.12109099

not the only way nigga. cocain is illegal yet it's sold every day all over the world.

>> No.12109168
File: 63 KB, 800x522, confused-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges arent black markets... if you dont think legislation against private ledger currencies and that if it does it wont absolutely destroy the price, you're deluding yourself.

>> No.12109184

If you dont think legislation against private ledger currencies is on its way*

>> No.12109224

Which one of you JUSTd retards that bought the top thought this was a good idea for an easy pump?