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12106673 No.12106673 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12106695

>keeping crypto on your phone

Dumbest shit ever, S10s will be a huge target for thefts. Thief niggas will be like "He got an s10? THat nigga got a treasure chest in he phone, I steal dat sheeit!"

>> No.12106700


>> No.12106701


>> No.12106703

Sadly no one is gonna care.
Except for us nerds that have some crypto.
Thanks for the heads up on my next phone tho.

>> No.12106713

Fuck off samsung is the biggest competitor to apple are you dumb

>> No.12106722
File: 36 KB, 599x337, 1439316246698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying niggers even know crypto exists

>> No.12106733

who cares, they make shitty products, won't buy

>> No.12106736
File: 140 KB, 912x960, 1543729223260-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related?

>> No.12106745

Apple fan boi

>> No.12106747

>"treasure chest on he phone"
top kek

>> No.12106750

You only keep a few sats on the phone to pay for your groceries and coffee. That's pretty based by samsung IMO, fuck having your data tracked by wechat or applepay or paypal. Copypasta just became real

>> No.12106752

>cold wallet
>on a literal networked device

>> No.12106765

My guess is their gonna have seamless noob-friendly apps and you won't even need to know what crypto you're using

>> No.12106779

>Implying Arthur isn't just fleecing neets for their life savings like it is their lunch money
>Implying Ian isn't currently being investigated for promoting and tax evasion
>Implying The Hodge Twins aren't massive memes
>Implying Craig and Trevon aren't also being investigated for tax fraud and evasion along with promoting a ponzi scheme
>Implying TBC isn't mostly blacks

You are seriously mistaken. There are A LOT of them in crypto.

>> No.12106795

I trust in Samsung with all my heart.
Its just that shit like coinbase already exists and that is still too complicated for some, if not most people.

>> No.12106808

First of all, John MacAfee.

Second, Samsung.

Do I need to continue?

>> No.12106859


>> No.12106963

Yes please continue. I would like to know exactly what your getting on about here

>> No.12107016

John Cuckafee is a fucking faggot who thinks he's some know it all just because he made a mediocre company. And Samsung is fucking stupid and can't even make a phone withoit it blowing up

>> No.12107088

You mean Samsung actually pushes boundaries and tries new shit unlike Apple who just repackages the same shit over and over and fucking morons buy it because Apple

>> No.12107101

Fuck off the news is all over the media and second you’re a cheap apple fan boi

>> No.12107110

the only thing exploding in these devices will be the batteries, not our shitcoins

>> No.12107142
File: 357 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181213-133720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards are really gullible.

Those bags are getting pretty heavy eh?

>> No.12107199


>Adnan Farooqui, the senior executive editor at SamMobile, wrote:

>“After hearing about the trademarks for Samsung’s blockchain and cryptocurrency software, we decided to dig around a little deeper. We can confirm that the company is indeed developing one and that it may be launched with the Galaxy S10.”

This article is from today idiot

>> No.12107244

That's actually pretty interesting.

>> No.12107268

After hearing about the trademarks for Samsung’s blockchain and cryptocurrency software, we decided to dig around a little deeper. We can confirm that the company is indeed developing one and that it may be launched with the Galaxy S10.

Samsung’s cryptocurrency service will essentially have two parts. A cold wallet for saving cryptocurrency, public and private keys as well as signing private keys for cryptocurrency transactions and a crypto wallet for transfers, viewing account information and transaction history. Names for Samsung’s cold wallet and crypto wallet have not yet been finalized.

Samsung’s cold wallet app will enable users to import their existing wallets from third-party services like Metamask or TrustWallet. They will also be able to create a new one in the app itself. The cryptocurrencies and tokens supported initially may include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum-derived token ERC20 and Bitcoin Cash.

Accounts created using the app are stored on the blockchain network with complete anonymity. Samsung won’t have access to the data. The only way for users to access it would be through the recovery phrase. The 12-24 word phrase is a standard recovery method for all wallet services. Therefore, the user is responsible for storing this phrase safely because their cryptocurrency account cannot be restored without it.

>> No.12107324


>> No.12107349

i thought that was spongebob larping as batman

>> No.12107428

>implying any of these people are niggers

>> No.12107456

Buy new phone, restore wallet from secret phrase

What’s the problem?

>> No.12107633

>implying niggers haven’t been in bitcoin since 2011 for Silk Road drugs

>> No.12107652

I see it kek

>> No.12108100


>> No.12108111

The absolute state of biz.

>> No.12108163

Taking into account Japanese is a syllabic language that would be like you forming a word taking the first letter from different american companies.

You can literally combine any word with that.