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File: 64 KB, 605x403, University-Professors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1210656 No.1210656 [Reply] [Original]

Why are academics so smug and irritating? They don't really do shit compared to those of us down and dirty making deals, taking risks. I had to drop out of college because I could not stand all the smugness

>> No.1210666

try r9k

>> No.1210673

I get most of my non-news reading from http://www.aldaily.com/..

There are two things that jump out when looking at many of the articles, and once you develop a nose for them the bad ones are easy to weed out.

Many of these essays, reviews, and articles bring genuine insight to complex issues, and by extension allow someone to make better decisions and perform superior analyses while operating in the world. Some of the recent articles on falsified drug trial data, for instance, are fantastic. Those particular writers are taking serious risks, both in their thinking and in that they're critiquing some awfully powerful people. Academia is not a fundamentally empty institution.

On the other had, many of the pieces are smug and irritating. They are consumed by splitting hairs and petty infighting. I think it's Lewis that said "Picture hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement and. . .everyone has a grievance." The folks you're talking about believe that their incredibly cushy jobs depend on being smug and condescending, even if they secretly agree with an opposing arguemnt.

Give college a second try, and just find the ones that arn't dicks.

>> No.1210681

trips speak the truth

>> No.1210685
File: 180 KB, 580x542, time_to_be_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to drop out of college for (insert bullshit reason for being a pussy or not being able to afford it here)

just shut up OP

>> No.1210706

read "intellectuals in society" by thomas sowell

basically most academics are very smart in a tiny area but think that since they know so much in that tiny area they can speak broadly on other issues


>> No.1210708

Are you new here? You never trust devil trips.

>> No.1210724

they are pretty smug desu

>> No.1210741

>he doesn't sell his soul

do you even biz ?

>> No.1210745

The wealthiest people in the world were college dropouts

>> No.1210802

Tell that to carlos slim and warren buffet

>> No.1210817

>this bullshit meme
Like the northwestern airlines guy who actually had his company fail twice and was bailed out by his ultra rich family twice.

Both sides can get lucky but its statistically better to go to college as long as you do internships.

That being said most normies have trash personalities and like to pretend their lives matter, especially new money. Now get your dumb ass back into college, do some internships, work and acquire assets.

>> No.1210827

a few wealthy people were college dropouts

>> No.1210833


I wonder how quickly wealthy people can move the goalposts

>> No.1211184

Academics are perceived as being "smug" by you because they know how to make you look stupid.

>> No.1211205


I'm a phd student. Whenever I'm upset with other people I don't know, the reason is because I'm unhappy with my own recent accomplishments. When I sit for a while and do hard work (by my standards, not yours), I'm a lot more tolerant of niggers at walmart, idiots on the road, slow walkers, federal reserve workers, posters on 4chan, etc.

Maybe you aren't happy with your achievements. If you were satisfied with yourself, maybe you would be a little more smug.

>> No.1212459

The cause is the main point of contention right?

They dropped out BECAUSE they had a company to run, or an option to move into.

It's not like they thought one day "fuck it, I'll live like a NEET. Then be Kangz an sheeit"

>> No.1212466


They are smug in many cases though. OP is correct.

A lot of academics operate in fields which are not hard sciences (and some even operate in hard sciences, but have a closed mind.)

Academia is, to an extent, a large circle-jerk/echo chamber. The fact is, many academics, are as flawed as the average person with their biases. They have been BTFO time and time again by trailblazers, many of whom were laughed at by their peers.

It isn't all academia, but there is definitely an elitist culture there. Knowledge is only so useful. Correct interpretation of information and/or solving problems/viewing the world in usual ways is an extremely underrated skill.

If some academics came down off their self-crafted pedestals for a moment, they might learn a thing or two.