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File: 12 KB, 500x500, eos_cryptocurrency_what_is_eos_global_crypto_academy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12099206 No.12099206 [Reply] [Original]

EOS will hit $20K per token by EOY 2020
>But, but (insert FUD here)
EOS is the ONLY project with the amount of potential it has. Big investors. Actually usage. You are a FUCKING MORON if you think otherwise. Probably brainwashed by plebbit to regurgitate the same nonsense disproven fud theories. I love my bizbros (well, most) and want all of us (who are white male Americans) to make it. Join or forever regret it.

>> No.12099223

This will never happen because I am practically all in on eos and trail far behind the chinese and russians on eosknights.

>> No.12099296
File: 48 KB, 641x354, 2018-12-12_1255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.12099311

quick rundown on what it does? does it actually have a use case that people and institutions need?

>> No.12099319

Centralized database

>> No.12099328

EOS is extremely similar to a MySQL database

>> No.12099357

no, the negatives completely overwhelm any glimmer of goodness

>> No.12099440

i thought decentralization is what investors and institutions want? there seems to be a lot of emphasis on decentralization in the crypto world and blockchain, or am i thinking of something else?

>> No.12099464

EOS ecosystem will support the NWO.
>George Soros Open Society
>Everyone’s Open Society
>13k TPS
>3x DApp volume of ETH
>block one on boarding real businesses

Sorry mETH heads your time has come.

>> No.12099475

Throw in buzz words like ETH killer etc. and people will believe it.

>> No.12099483

Literally this

>> No.12099493
File: 41 KB, 578x566, 1510606616064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLO completely replaces eos though. why would you invest in an inferior project that is also centralized?

>> No.12099499

...brainlet here...is this good or bad

>> No.12099501

Ya the first killer apps are gambling on eos.

You know how many degenerate gamblers there are? If eos just got 1% of them it's a multi billion dollar a year industry.

>> No.12099518

The fucked thing is, people actually think this internet money will have a market cap of 20 trillion. LOL

>> No.12099533
File: 43 KB, 773x935, DA2F0E2F-A9BD-4A07-86C6-B69187C84A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You peeps are fucking DELUSIONALUS MAXIMUS

It’ll never ever break $5 ever ever again
Never ever

Jesus you shills are rediculous ....and stop sponging off the naive and get a real job

>> No.12099619

Agreed, but only if bitcoin will go to 100 million.

>> No.12099735
File: 141 KB, 800x473, eosftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



EOS is NOT more centralized. In fact, it's more decentralized than BTC, ETH, or XRP. It's FASTER too. It's more secure. And has a higher through-put potential. It's also capable of being used with EVERY SINGLE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.

Better than hokey Solidity right? Better than faggot Javascript right? The FUD is made to distract you. There are NO GOOD ARGUMENTS AGAINST EOS. I bought in early. I STILL HOLD. I believe in the project longterm. And like any other new tech, kinks need to be worked out. Remember all the bugs and such since BTC was first developed? This is no different.

I am not saying it will be a straight shot to $20,000 / EOS, there will be ups and downs. You will need to know how to secure your coins. But that PLUS AIRDROPS will guarantee you a comfy life in about 18 months.

Don't be a faggot like the rest of plebbit. Get yourself 100 of these (at least) and just forget about them for awhile.

>> No.12099808


EOS will hit about 100 max

>> No.12099823

built in ability to freeze accounts
>completely centralized
built in ability to reverse transactions
>completely centralized
built in ability to confiscate (steal) your funds
>completely centralized
token creators have built in ability to confiscate tokens from token holders
>completely centralized
block producers voting for each other en perpetuity
hey guys, none of that counts.

>> No.12099908


>> No.12099941

You left out they'll steal anything if you let it sit too long.

>> No.12099952

EOS to $1. enjoy your losses