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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 317x348, handinabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12096265 No.12096265 [Reply] [Original]

How much money a year will I have to earn to get a girl like this?

>> No.12096271

A personality is all you need for that. Make sure you qrent an ugly beta either (you are, sorry)

>> No.12096276

Is that Olivia Munn?

>> No.12096283

I sense you're struggling with this op. I'll give you a tip to help you achieve.

Lie/pose. You're probably thinking she'll find out so it won't work. But you'll fuck the money hungry whole atleast a couple of times then tell her to fuck off so it won't matter if she does. You'd be surprised with the level of woman you'll bang.

>> No.12096293

This virgin incel post

>> No.12096309

Women don't care how much you make, they care if you are not an asshole.
Whores on the other hand....

>> No.12096320

This is good advice, people today are shallow and greed is the best way to take advantage of people like that.

>> No.12096324

Nah not struggling, just broke up with a girl last month because I couldn't see a future with me and her.

Jane Douglas, youtube girl

>> No.12096325

That's ironic. "Nothing ever works" that's the real incel attitude, I can feel your despair.

I've lied to so many women on Tinder about my job who probably wouldn't have met me otherwise. But that's all made up I guess.

>> No.12096346

Yep, I'm an honest guy in any other case but when it comes to dating you really have to play the game.

>> No.12096397
File: 24 KB, 178x314, JaneD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12096431

not much at all. she would easily settle with a 40-60k guy, especially once she hits the wall in a couple years

>> No.12096556

That's a decent wage. How much do you make?

>> No.12096572

I'd say about tree fiddy.
Fr though, that girl is a fucking qt3.14. Would do many a sexually degrading act to that face.

>> No.12096616
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>> No.12096624
File: 50 KB, 1034x571, janeandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i be andy bros....

>> No.12096679

A prostitute like that will cost you prolly $100/hour at least where I live, so not much really.

>> No.12096706

Who is she???

>> No.12096716

Nvm saw above thx OP.

>> No.12096718
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>> No.12096753

I'm going to fuck she!

>> No.12096770


>> No.12096778

You just killed it

>> No.12096783
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>> No.12096798
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Awwww I remember her from when I used to visit Gamespot.

>> No.12096809
File: 48 KB, 575x580, Gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming out of the closet in a thread like this?

>> No.12096869

What a fucking geek. Just like us.

>> No.12097498


>breed with chink femoid
>give birth to hapa daughter
>dump chink and marry daughter

>> No.12097521
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>> No.12097780

Some girls in mexico look like that because of asian race mixing

>> No.12097925
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>> No.12098129

I condone this behavior. Screw 'em. Literally. They're so easy to lie to, and they don't ask for details on what you're saying because they don't really care deep down. They just want the dick but are too embarrassed to admit it.

>> No.12098138

So is she asian? No white girl this good looking could legitimately be a nerd.

>> No.12098140

Btw she's ugly.

>> No.12098151

what girl can I afford with a 250-350 USD a month?

>> No.12098155

Half white, half Mexican is my wild guess.

>> No.12098187

im so fucking lonely bros

>> No.12098213

IQ seems too high.

>> No.12098229

This. Source: I'm Mexican know my fair share if girls that look like this

>> No.12098232

pathetic highschool tier thread

>> No.12098249

>Lusting after beady eyed anglo chicks

>> No.12098293

Fuck, my wife's asian. My daughter is going to be hot af. What am I going to do?

>> No.12098323

She looks average so I guess average.

>> No.12098336

You just don't understand England anon.

>> No.12098356

decided to research out of curiosity. saw a post on Instagram that seems to indicate her mother is Malaysian and father British. No wonder she's so ugly. Mexican would have been better.

>> No.12098515


>be Woody Allen
>marry your hapa daughter

Chinks love old white cocks

>> No.12098607

That's Jackie Chan.

>> No.12098627
File: 50 KB, 785x757, 1466675479816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shut your whore mouth!