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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12094428 No.12094428 [Reply] [Original]

>Your weekly pay.
>How many hours you work.
>Do you have a gf.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.

>> No.12094437

just say no to data mining frens

>> No.12094442

market research thread

>> No.12094447

>no degree
>works some shitty half manual state job
>19usd after tax

>> No.12094454
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Diploma in Pathology, Microbiologist Laboratory Assistant.
$800 AUD
38 hours - Minus 30minutes spent a day in the bathroom.
Protip: I want to die also

>> No.12094482
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Up since 3 am dreading work. Thanks fren

>> No.12094498

dual: history, foreign language
founded software company
80-100 hours/week
hell no

pro tip: look up “crabs in a bucket”
pro tip: get the fuck out of the bucket

>> No.12094617
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High school/NEET

I did gud with crypto though. I am pretty sure I made about a lifetime in part-time wagie pay thanks to BTC and IOTA. Had the chance to get married a few years ago but didn't because the thot didn't love me, she was just looking for a meal ticket.

>> No.12095004

>Chef at Wendy's
>75k a year
>10/10 wife
Yes she makes 120k

>> No.12095026

do you work for Sonic Healthcare by chance

>> No.12095141

tfw no degree and earn significantly more

>> No.12095148


>> No.12095183

>mechanical engineer
>$70,000 per year salary ($1350 / week + vacation)
>37.5 - 40 hours

My job is easy, my life is comfortable, i have several good friends and i still want to die fucking hell

>> No.12095212

>4channel janitor
>10 LINK
>half an hour every week
>lol no

>> No.12095219
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highschool dropout/NEET

all in chainlink

>> No.12095229


>> No.12095237

Third worlder here, so take that into account
>about $180
>no, she makes about a third of what i make

>> No.12095801

More info pls

>> No.12096231

>mechanical engineer
>mwd with Halliburton
>get paid in 2 week cycles
>$5k after taxes
>work 12 hour days on site
>no gf

>> No.12096282

>CompSci/programmer in finance sector
>45hr weeks

>> No.12096289

software dev
900usd/week after tax and benefits and retirement matching
20-50hrs depending on how busy it is and if I can find convenient excuses to explain why things are taking a longer time, paid the same regardless
no gf anymore, ex-gif makes less than half

>> No.12096298

None I‘m NEET
>Your weekly pay.
I collect NEETbucks, around 100 per week
>How many hours you work.
>Do you have a gf.

>> No.12096350

>Life off investments
>98k a year
>0, but dedicate 30-60 hours of hobby time a week, treat it like job
>No, 43k

>> No.12096363

Nuclear Engineer
About 2k every week
38 hours this past week
GF is in med school

>> No.12096378

Also make 70k doing an ez job. Lifes good bro. Enjoy it

>> No.12096405

>wfh software crap, easily fired
>between 5 and 60 depending on deteriorating mindset
>yes but she's a career woman who blows her salary on city life rent and her cat

>> No.12096422

maintenance supervisor
>Your weekly pay.
$1000 gross, $780 net
>How many hours you work.
>Do you have a gf.
Sorta. Met a girl on christianmingle about a month ago. She's coming for a visit this weekend. Our first time meeting. I feel very strongly about her. She is truly wonderful.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.
about the same, a little less

>> No.12096466
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im an ex NEET; been a NEET for 2 years and i can tell you it gets old to wake up at 12 o clock on mondays and eat junk food, while playing vidya and jacking it to anime. You will feel like a weak worthless cuck and no amount of nihilism and hate for society will prevent those feelings in the long run.

>> No.12096641

Good luck with your date m8

>> No.12096701

>B.S. in Chemistry/Sr. IT Specialist
>$1400 gross, 1020 after taxes (something like that)
>32, they won't give me overtime so I just say i come in earlier than I really do each day. Company is all women who don't show up till 9am so they haven't noticed this for months.

>> No.12096759

working 40 hours a week for barely more then a neet in a dead end job makes you feel like a worthless cuck too anon

>> No.12096891

MS in comp sci, software eng
salary, but comes to $3000 per week ish
40-50, but a fair amount of fucking around on 4chan
two gfs
no, less

you just have to know what you want, and then figure out what you need to do to get it

>> No.12096916

yeah, i just want 3000€ a month with no work. How do i get started?

>> No.12096939

>Finance Degree - But Work as a Software Engineer
>$4500/month after taxes + $1000/month from rent
> 40 hours a week, no more no less
> Yes
> No

>> No.12096950

>public advisor in large city
>about 700 euro
>40 officially but in practice more like 20
>got a gf who does same job same pay same place

life is good

>> No.12096956

>no degree/plumber
>25-35 hours
>wife is stay at home mom.

>> No.12096965

>I’m an EU parasite, life is good

>> No.12096985

there are dividend funds that yield 6% with little risk. sounds like you need around $750,000 in one for your early retirement plan.

now go figure out what you need to do to accumulate that. it may not be easy.

if you don't want to do that, well, that's what we call "revealed preference"

>> No.12096991

its either that or work to death bro as the migrants flood the job market. i also get 2.5 months paid vacation each year btw

>> No.12097001

Thanks for proving my point. Vote Macron.

>> No.12097010

I used to do this at an old job until they forced us to swipe IDs to clock in and out.

Long live timesheets.

>> No.12097034

>$7k/month after taxes

>> No.12098064

>EE working on embedded SW
>125,000 USD/year
>40-50, 60 when its rough
> Married
>Yes, she is a doctor

>> No.12098078

>Comp sci/part time data entry
>$240 per week
>20 hours or less per week
>Yes, she is on a salary of $30k per year

>> No.12098082

I don't actually have the degree yet. I'm still in school, which is why I don't have a better job.

>> No.12098093

>that pic


>> No.12098097

Software Engineer 2 years
35 a week
Yes, she earns 5k more but works more.

>> No.12098176


>> No.12098917

> Software Engineer at small startup
> €38k
> 40 a week
> yes
> Slightly less than me

>> No.12098983

>BSc Econ, MSc Finance and Risk
>Work for large energy company in treasury and risk team
>£35k + bonus
>Work about 35-40 hours a week
>Yes, £46k

Its a graduate scheme. Not too bad. Im 1.25 years in. Expecting to go to £40k in September.

>> No.12099057

>Dropped out after one year, no degree. I do have an AWS certification though. Software Engineer & Developer Operations
>Weekly pay after taxes is $1,750
>Salaried, but average is 40 hours per week
>No, I'm a faggot but also not interested in finding a romantic partner at the time and most guys aren't my type anyways so I almost never date. Most gays are only interested in sex and also extremely bluepilled which are major dealbreakers

>> No.12099154

2. About 50k a year if you include subsidized insurance, EBT etc.
3. Online gf that's 5 years younger that masturbates for me on skype

no incentives for me to work because no job is going to surpass my NEET bux.

>> No.12099457

English Lit
4K AUD a week
Yes - she works at Google

>> No.12099851

Variable but always over 2k

>> No.12099869

>CS honors, intermediate software developer
>90k yearly
>She makes 60k

>> No.12099885

how tf u make 75k as a wendys chef

>> No.12099993

>Studying for int'l relations degree
>Study very little, cruise through everything with good grades
Will probably be able to get a good job in the security sector dealing with counter terrorism, just hoping my linkies get nice and high

>> No.12100041


lol, do you suck dicks to make that much with a meme degree?

>> No.12100110

>>Cert iii
>>$1200 after tax
>>yes gf
>>she makes fuck all

I want to get out and study, seems like a bad idea

>> No.12100183

poli sci
$600 post tax lol
40 hrs week
yes gf
yes shes makes double as a physicians assistant

>> No.12100208

What country anon?

>> No.12100585

Dropout/IT/Cloud engineer
>>Your weekly pay.
$2400 before taxes
>>How many hours you work.
>>Do you have a gf.
>>If yes, does she earn more than you.
Nope. She's gonna quit her job and raise our kid in the coming months.

>> No.12101281

finance major, currently doing amazon fba
>Your weekly pay.
>How many hours you work.
around 3-4 per week
>Do you have a gf.
no but i have a rotation of 4-5 tinder roasties on call

>> No.12101476

Double major in Economics & Religious Studies
Data Scientist
>>weekly pay
Approximately $2,600 per week, after taxes
>>how many hours per week
45-60 depending on workload
>>do you have a gf
>>if yes, does she earn more than you
nope, earns about half as much

>> No.12101542

>BS Math
>family business
>$8.25/hr - minimum wage in the next county over, 5 mins away is $10/hr
>no gf, havent talked to a girl in 4 years, khv
At least I dont have any bills. I save $15K a year and am executive assistant to my dad. I could easily get a job for $20-25/hr but I would have to commute an hour to the city, pay for gas, parking, and have to exert 5x the effort for maybe 2x the pay. While working in the family business, half the time im browsing 4chan or taking online CS courses. Its pretty comfy.

>> No.12102314

found the newfag

>> No.12102351

>$700-800 on average
>24-28 hours
>No, broke up with her last month

>> No.12102503
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>BS in Electrical Engineering, Minor in Mathematics / Electrical Engineer
>roughly $1k per week (after tax) plus an annual bonus
>I work probably 50 hours +/- 5 per week
>No gf, never had one

I'm starting to realize that I shouldn't have squandered my math talent by going into engineering. This whole field is a fucking meme and most people I work with are complete morons. It's definitely lucrative, but I find it to be very unsatisfying work. I could've gone off to do research at a prestigious school but instead I went to the a state school nearby so I could keep living at home.

>> No.12102602

Steel shteet bending and cutting line for refrigerator doors operator/setter in a slavic shithole

Around 180$

I've hear i can make 35k doing the same thing in a normal country
Where do i move boys

>> No.12102633

head chef at wendys
300k a year

>> No.12102648

>30-80 (changes seasonally)
>Dumped her because I'm not paying for her lib arts degree and her SJW bullshit. (had nice titties though)
>If a high school counselor makes more than me at any point in life I will jump off the tallest building in my state.

>> No.12102715

I make a little over twice as much as you. Comfy life and some good friends but I want to kms too.

>> No.12102836

>3.2k every two weeks, not sure what pay is before taxes and shit but I know gubment is stealing a huge chunk
>sort of have gf I dumped, sort of have gf I'm trying to lockdown
>one is on disability, other is making <30k/yr

>> No.12102844

Neet who dropped out of high school and college
>Your weekly pay.
>How many hours you work.
>Do you have a gf.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.
She earns nothing

>> No.12102846

Degree : no.
Job : railroad
Weekly pay : about 2k gross + benefits
Hours : 25-40 work time, 40-80 given to the company/ limbo time
GF : yes
Makes more: no
With qualifications in a few different fields and a few trips around the block, I can say my experience has been that no matter the degree or level of learning required, you always give something up to make more money. There's always a trade-off. That said, I dislike my current job and the requirements it has of me and my time. I was happiest in the construction industry making 1/2 - 3/4 the money with a far better quality of life. With less money and arguably a less impressive job title, but most importantly a far better attitude towards life, women clearly found me more attractive during this time as well.

>> No.12102862

>Applied Physics/Software/PM
>$3,500 per week plus another $1,200 a month into my 401k
>Eh, 35-45 hours a week
>She makes almost identical doing software (dev)

>> No.12102872
File: 22 KB, 478x358, pavaoritto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Degree/ Work in Medical Device Factory. Run the injection mold machines/measurment lab
>40hrs a week $13.25 an hr
>Kiss less Virgin with no out in site
>Bitches wish they mad as much as me

>> No.12102874
File: 333 KB, 931x554, programmer pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in uni, going for CS degree w/ business minor
run small software business
>Your weekly pay.
with current subscribers, just over $700 a week
>How many hours you work.
every waking moment with which I'm not doing schoolwork, working out, at an event for my fraternity, with my girlfriend, or getting blackout drunk
>Do you have a gf.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.

>> No.12102937

bus mgmt / aerospace technician
>Your weekly pay.
~$1,200 plus unlimited OT (time and a half) available
>How many hours you work.
40-45 hrs/wk
>Do you have a gf.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.
yes ~75k/yr

>> No.12102938

story of my life. fuck engineering. worst part is that i realized how much it sucked after undergrad but i doubled down and went to grad school.

>> No.12103008

>liberal arts
>$90k, take home about $5k per month after uncle Sam's cut
>About 40 he's, but commute ~1.5 hrs per day
>Wife makes about $80k. Would give a shit if she made more tho

The money is nice but retail makes me want to die.

>> No.12103235

>Your weekly pay.
>How many hours you work.
40-ish (usually like 36 cuz idgaf and leave early lol)
>Do you have a gf.
>If yes, does she earn more than you.
Not even close

>> No.12103240

23 y/o software engineer

>> No.12103796

HR at IBM in Eastern Europe.

191$ a week, East Europe is poor as you all know.

40-41 hours a week.


She translates from Japan as a freelancer. She can definatly make a lot more than me... she just works to get enough for needs.

>> No.12103854

>Process engineer, designing onshore fish farms.
>1600 USD. But who the fuck uses weekly pay?
>37 hours
>Yup. And a daughter.
>Nope, she's an elementary school teacher.

>> No.12103867

Holy shit, fortune 500 companies pay 10k a year for a salaried HR position? What country do you live in?

>> No.12104004

Neet, wife makes more than me and she’s 6 months pregnant

>> No.12104100

>No, but I have two wives
>One of them does

>> No.12104462

Is getting out of the bucket ignoring everyone or accepting that people can be better than you

>> No.12104567

>Philosophy/Ceo of startup (crabs in a bucket people)
>my net worth in cryptocurrency is greater than all of your yearly salaries combined
>I really don't, sometimes I give lectures of the same presentation for ridiculous sums
>I'm an incel, but only because I gained so much weight since last January.
>If she'll find a viable solution for the oracle problem, maybe.

>> No.12104636


Masters in CS.
200euros from my main job 120 from my secondary one.
I work 2 jobs so about 40+12 bringing it to 52 in total.

Man just glancing through this thread i wanna die, slave labor market is really a joke here.

I spend next to nothing thanks to living with parents etc and it will still take years to have a shot at having a big enough capital to actually invest with(fucking around on kraken with 500euros rn).

>> No.12105661

why do software cucks get paid so much in murica but nothing in europe REEE

>> No.12105668

Why not work in finance?

>> No.12105677

underwater welding
>Your weekly pay.
9.6k starting
>How many hours you work.
>Do you have a gf.
live-in braphog
>If yes, does she earn more than you.

>> No.12105678
File: 45 KB, 600x450, sarah2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No degree/Sales
Director of HR for large company, makes 40k more than me.

>> No.12105732
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I also wanted to post this so I could look at it at work.

>> No.12105796
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>Music Tech Degree / Stage Hand
>varies but £12k~ a year
>varies wildly but anywhere from 10hr week when it's quiet to 80hr week when very busy
>she almost certainly would if she existed

>> No.12105800

> cs
> about 2k
> aprox 40h week remote from a 3rd world country for a 1st world country
> no
> my dates don't earn even close

>> No.12105804

Get a job son

>> No.12105810


>> No.12105816

I really like her face but I was disappointed when I saw her nudes. Her body is so rectangular.

>> No.12105826
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Yeah it is. Would still annihilate.

>> No.12105828

>HS Droupout, IT and programming for small biz handling Gov contracts
>$900 a week
>Yes, with her for almost ten years
>No, she earns about 35% less than I do

>> No.12105838


>> No.12105839

How do neets get the shit they need/want? I literally don't understand.

>> No.12105841
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>> No.12105847


>> No.12105866

>€100 from parents
>should be working 70, actually working maybe 30 kek