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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12091267 No.12091267 [Reply] [Original]

How does he do it?

>> No.12091330

Superior jew genes

Just a reminder
Jews > Whites > Asians > Hispanics > Blacks

If Hitler started from right to left he wouldn't be too bad

>> No.12091335

>not riddled with genetic defects

>> No.12091351

is he jewish?

>> No.12091356


>> No.12091366
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big brains

>> No.12091390

What? Create an over valued company based on nothing but speculation? What is Amazon's profit margins compared to earnings? aren't they literally barely breaking even on their retail department?

>> No.12091406

Amazon has things like AWS (amazon web services), you know

>> No.12092459


>TFW you saw this dork in the mid 1990s
>Yea Ok, a website to sell Books LOL (kek) people like to go to book shops to ask people out Jeff.

could of been sitting on an easy 8 figures right now


>> No.12093540

Hispanic isn't a race dumbass

>> No.12093590


coming from a rich and well-connected family. His mom literally gave him $300k to start Amazon

>> No.12093613

He worked for an Investment bank

Americucks thinking you can build a Monopoly with 300k lol

>> No.12094771

Sold his soul for the right to sell other people's souls as long as they sign to be locked in a cage

>> No.12095206

He got in early on the internet and wasnt an idiot when it crashed in 2001. A couple of times he almost went bust during the crash but he was better at it than others. Plus he had money from being an investment banker with a princeton degree.

>> No.12095380

he was ready a high achiever prior to amazon. Without it he would've went on to create something else and strike big regardless

>> No.12095505

It basically is, at least south america and USA are all goblinos

>> No.12095723

>be baller quant/investment banker
>create the biggest online retail company in the world
>Create the most successful cloud computing platform in the world
Where does the awesomeness ends with this man?

>> No.12096207

He just got lucky, anyone could have came up with his idea , he was just in the right time period. Nothing special really, he really doesn't need 150B.