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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 626x626, apple-logo_318-40184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12090830 No.12090830 [Reply] [Original]

Apple sales are seriously on the decline and there is no innovative products in the works. The current iphones are all selling poorly and many customers are switching to android according to inhouse analytics. Short for free money, it seriously dose not look good, im afraid ill get laid off so im searching for a new job as we speak

>> No.12090846
File: 1.33 MB, 498x280, tenor (38).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insider here

>> No.12090850

Well their aggressive price cuts on hardware would seem to agree.

>> No.12090853

This has been “news” for a month now

>> No.12090858

How did you get a job if you don't even know english?

>> No.12090869


Old news. Who the fuck still uses Apple? Been years since anyone under the age of 40 bought some iShit

>> No.12090892


>> No.12090902

>I’m afraid I’ll get laid

Why would you be scared of this?

>> No.12090908

npcs still buy it. risky IMO

>> No.12090911
File: 386 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20181211-191724_WeChat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just got worse

The chinese government just sent back our shipments and they banned iphones from being sold in china

>> No.12090912

2017 iMac here, 5k Retina display. Maximum comfy desu. Windows just feels clunky and broken by comparison. Like a third-world operating system

>> No.12090921

>wintoddler thinks he’s not an NPC
Oh that’s rich. Or should I say poor

>> No.12090929

the entire smartphone industry is shaking and I couldn't care less

>> No.12090930

blocking import of apple products? aren't they all made their anyways?

>> No.12090939

Redpill me on Qualcomm and why they were the ones to push this pls

>> No.12090950

id rather by this than some chinese shit with ads in it

>> No.12090951

> claims to be insider despite being bad at English
> “leaks” publicly known information
At least make your larp interesting.

>> No.12090970

Tbh I'd buy Apple shit if I wasn't a poorfag

>> No.12090984

He probably works at a supplier factory

>> No.12090989

they should have just bought out their stock

it makes no sense for large companies to be public anymore

>> No.12091162

He claimed that “there are no innovative projects in the works”. Only an Apple employee would know this.

>> No.12091447
File: 2 KB, 225x225, alphacentardasstickets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this happening not only after jobs died
but how they monopolized the latest headphones
they are showing their desperation
its not longer about apples "genius marketing"
the people will not be fooled any longer

>> No.12091462

No fucking shit

Tell me one thing that the current XS distinguishes to the 6 year old iPhone 6 model.
There is just anything groundbraking. muh FaceID and better photos is just laughable

>> No.12091476
File: 434 KB, 1632x787, 1544489242981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever met a girl that doesn't own an iPhone?

>> No.12091528


everyone got a smart phone now. nothing new and amazing coming out annually. obviously gonna slow down.

>> No.12091583

>Apple is sales are seriously


>> No.12091596

yeah lots of android girls in east st louis

>> No.12091609

Who is this?

>> No.12091617

never understood the cleat chaser mentality

>> No.12091625

I only go for gym girls so I can see where she's coming from.

>> No.12091638

fuck off

>> No.12091686

They need to buy tesla

>> No.12091713

i want android money
>apple marketing vs samsung marketing
who is more global tho, id say apple is winning the female market however i dont watch tv and i dont have youtube ads, have also not seen any movies lately so i couldnt gauge their product placements but id assume apple has that on lock based on them being american

>> No.12091729

they probably want a monopoly on chipset making in china I assume

>> No.12091740
File: 1.07 MB, 930x764, received_315364455683464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have enough money to last a generation

>> No.12091929

another day another apple is doomed thread on /bizg/
never going to happen, whitest af company future proofed with talented programmers. Microsoft will be long dead before Apple.

>> No.12091946

A whore

>> No.12092062

t. samsung shill

>> No.12092080

>there is no innovative products in the works.
they are going to try to design their own chips.

>> No.12092092

dont they already make the ships for the majority of the things they sell? i thought they made the cpus in their i-devices already

>> No.12092125

>early 2000's
>We at apple have been creating music player icons, we have several iconic products
>Late 2000's
>Huh, This iphone thing is pretty neat, lets sacrifice all of our other products and ram this iphone thing into the limelight eclipsing our other products.
>early 2010's
>Well our iphones are selling like hotcakes! Lets ignore ipod, mac, ipad and anything else that we can think of and just ride the phone gravy train!
>Late 2010's
>Fuck we destroyed our entire catalog of products in the eyes of the public and now that our one trick pony isn't pulling our weight I guess we just collapse and die then.

Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.12092568


it's probably retaliation for Huawei and/or tariffs

>> No.12092590

A bunch of stupid business school assholes who were the exact type of people that chased Steve Jobs out originally. Only time these morons create anything is when they boot out actual innovators and they go on to grow Pixar and shit like that. Apple has failed. America has failed. It's over; economically and culturally.

>> No.12092596
File: 283 KB, 500x476, sarada4534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we had a good run at least.

>> No.12092615

I have plenty of bad shit to say about Jobs but he knew how to sell an identity. This just furthers my realization of what we must do. We must kill all bean counters and pencil pushers or else our nation will be cucked and fucked by the chinese who will never give a shit. Fuck every single budgetter who tight fists the pearls of their business you need talent in order to create products to sell and somehow shekelmongers didn't get the fucking memo.

>> No.12092626

get the fuck out

>> No.12093045

I will say 1 more thing. Apple foolishly spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching about apple cars and self driving technologies but due to poor leadership and mismanagement, all the time and resources were for nothing. Another flop is the safari browser that apple spent that apple also spent hundreds of millions of dollars on, the safari browser shrinks in market share everyday

>> No.12093071

this isn't /v/, its biz, we dont play video games and we're not poor (unless you bought chainlink).

>> No.12093081

They spent money on Safari? Safari is a piece of shit.

>> No.12094131

What I could see Apple doing is pulling out of china completely and moving to Mexico and US mixed. Boosting the economy of North America, sure they'll spend more but sometimes you gotta spend money to make money. I'm also sure Apple knows the smart phone market is stagnating and since there was talk of an apple car rumor maybe they're waiting for musk to fuck Tesla up so they can buy low

>> No.12094138

>random thread FUDing google earlier today
>now random thread FUDing apple


>> No.12094141

>use last gen tech
>$5000 for a laptop

wonder why

>> No.12094144

for countries or communities that can't afford real Ad warfare, they shitpost

>fucking pajeets

>> No.12094152

Qualcomm is an American company you fucking retard

>> No.12094161

I can't wait for Apple to fuck itself and die.

>> No.12094169

Why specifically?

>> No.12094172
File: 63 KB, 702x467, 1516492802431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought an iphone xr this year after only ever using android. Having iMessage and being able to properly group chat with my friends is worth more than any android feature I ever used.

>> No.12094173

they're extremely overpriced but I will still miss them. a few adjustments and they could easily be the greatest computer manufacturer to exist

>> No.12094179

too bad you can't download an mp3

>> No.12094184

warren buffet bought the top... hes a fucking moron

>> No.12094187

dont underestimate apple, they have shit tonnes of reserve cash. Apple is basically buffet's coca cola 2.0

>> No.12094190

Anyone with a brain knew this as soon as Jobs died. The watch was the only thing left in the pipeline.

>> No.12094194

OP is right tho, apple a shit lately. No one wants a $1500 xs when their 2015 iphone 6 still works fine

Ipads need macOS and goddamn usb drives

Imacs need more usb ports

>> No.12094195

they literally have a trillion dollars iirc

>> No.12094207
File: 109 KB, 717x642, 1529714455226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being an iFag and thinking anyone who calls you out uses Windows. Stop pretending that most soiboys, homosexuals, dindus, and roasties aren't using iCraps.
They decline because the 1 trillion mark was a bubble. They aren't even worth 500 billion. They will stay a powerhouse though because they are literally the only fashion company that makes smartphones and tablets. They also dominate the Starbucks customer market with their fagbooks. If Gucci or Armani started making decent quality smartphones, only then would crApple see a real hit.

>> No.12094210

Touche my good man

>> No.12094223

Shit nigga speak for yourself, I sure as hell play vidya pretty much everyday. It's the only thing that keeps me happy.
Mind you, I've been doing TA for years now.
Making money while looking at graphs for a living, and I still hop on Skyrim, Sims 3, Halo Custom Edition, OW, and Runescape. Mother fucking Runescape nigga.
Shit, and I been lurking /biz/ since I was in high school.
Fuck outta here pussuboi.

>> No.12094237

you would think charging $5000 for a macbook pro with decent specs, they could add a GTX 1070 or an i9

they are literally using last generation's tech, last generation processor, weak graphics cards. and they charge literally triple the price of what the ram and harddrive would cost anywhere else

>> No.12094254

Even the Chinese are moving production to India. Obviously poo phones aren't acceptable for the high end but the point is China is becoming more expensive.

>> No.12094272

not everybody here is a full time manchild though. besides, like i said, this is biz, if you can't afford apple why the hell are you even here.