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12090656 No.12090656 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12090661

Stopped reading at manchild

>> No.12090666
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But youre a wagie.

>> No.12090676

Girlfriends are obsolete
we only have 2d now

>> No.12090679

join a dating site and message girls.
make sure to set up a chad account aswell to slut-test them

>> No.12090687
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>> No.12090713

Same. I'm not ugly, a manlet, a minority, fat, or poor. Yet there are people I know who have all those characteristics and yet still get more pussy than me. Someone must be rigging the game

>> No.12091444

Even worse than all of that combined, you browse /biz/ making /adv/ threads.

>> No.12091881

That was the end of the post. You stopped reading at the end. Retards.

>> No.12091894


>> No.12091896
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I cant seem to carry a conversation online. In person its easier, but online I always hit a dead end tho I'd like to blame it on the roasties for giving me short answers and not being interested in me so I try to force the convo further.

>> No.12092114

ah yes it must be someone else instead of you lmao. fuck off. bunch of incels in denial in this thread lmfaooo

>> No.12092126

Are you gay? I can't stand a women right after I cum even if she is smoking hot

>> No.12092165

im a video addicted manchild and i have a gf xd

>> No.12092185
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>jews are the reason I can't get a girlfriend

>> No.12092198

how many women have you actually spoken to ?
if its zero then you only have yourself to blame, git gud.

>> No.12092214

Are you stupid or what?

Approach girls, fail. repeat, fail. Again, again, again, etc... success.

There: you have your girlfriend.

You can thank me later.

>> No.12092267

what does pusy smell like bros

>> No.12092381

Like really really expired tuna

>> No.12092389

like salty milk and coins

>> No.12092714
File: 131 KB, 1207x1241, Screenshot_20181211-200928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is biz's opinion of this situation?

> Be me
> Finally get an okay looking girls number on pof
> Only had 1 pic
> Ask her if she is a catfish so I can get some pics
> Eventually says I have trust issues wtf
> Try another way and get pics none look like they were taken right then but rather ones that were likely stored on the phone for some time (what's up with that behavior or sending a screenshot of their freaking pic with some website in the background?)
> Decide to give her a call
> No point of wasting my time since I'm not gonna take a plane to meet her
> I just want to confirm I'm capable of getting a girls number and this means making sure is who she says she is or at least a female
> Call her no pickup, its a google voice number very sketchy
> Text her
> Says her phone is "call restricted"
> Sounds like bs since I'm using an app rather than using my actual phone number and it works with wifi
> None of her pics were found on tineye

>> No.12092751

It's not worth it. If you ever manage to get one, you'll be sick of her in 6 months at the most, and she will have weaseled her way so far into your life that you'll keep her around for another few months just because it will be such a hassle to break up with her. Spare yourself anon

>> No.12092776

Like a sand dune on the Oregon coast.

>> No.12092788

so true..

>> No.12092811
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>Be me
>Can lock down any girl I happen to be fucking
>Never lock down any girl because why buy the cow when etc etc

>> No.12092850

Love and popularity are games that you can only win by not playing. It doesn't matter how handsome or fit you are, if you reek of desperation then people will he repulsed by it. If you have confidence, or at least fake it, and at least act like you're secure with yourself and not looking for a partner, people will tend to key into that and look to you to help with their own personal insecurities, be it friendship or romantic coupling.

>> No.12092976

You're about to get fucked over with. Abort mission, anon.

>> No.12092985

You look like a forty year old faggot begging for compliments on a board full of fucking autists teens

>> No.12092988


>> No.12092992

Trips of truth

>> No.12092995

Obviously there's something wrong with you guys. Be honest with yourselves and say what it is.

>> No.12093014

Not a whole lot unlike when you wipe your finger on the area between your balls and your leg after not showering for 8 hours or so.

>> No.12093038

You're posting on 4chan OP, you're a manchild by default

>> No.12093042

yes you are, or you'd have one.

you probably think "but these other guys look like me and have gfs" and you're right, but those other guys aren't beta males like yourself and have other things going on.

>> No.12093048
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>Never experienced this to begin with

jokes on you heh

>> No.12093055


It's all about the way you project your emotional energy. Someday we'll figure it out and women will feel embarrassed we can see right through them.

>> No.12093124

If you played video games you could actually find a cute girl with common interests.

>> No.12093149

Quit acting like you are owed anything. Start taking to women, and be generally interested in them to see if you would like them as a gf and find out if it is reciprocal. If you just want pussy, then treat em like dirt and they will tend to stick like mud.

>> No.12093191


>> No.12093193

im obese and ugly an dI have a gf. I wonder you should be an obese ugly and a video game addicted manchild to get a gf sorry m8

>> No.12093301

I kinda Unironically like that smell desu, probably cause its my own scent. Do biz like the scent of the girl you are with?

>> No.12093316

You sound like a sub

Sub 'men' are only getting the fattest and agressive deathmetal dominas.


>> No.12093510

Cease this autistic and pointless pursuit and talk to a real girl with your words nigga.

>> No.12093555

Watch 5mins(not more for your own sake) of that catfish show and you'll realise you're deluding yourself. It's so obvious from the 3rd perspective. Take that perspective and apply it to your situation.

>> No.12093580

Why? You don't need a girlfriend. If you're lonely just pay a hooker.

>> No.12093586

It's because you're autistic anon. I'm similar, I'm not ugly, I'm white, tall, pretty smart, in decent shape, etc. Definitely not a prize or anything but decent enough. But I'm too autistic to make friends. I don't really ralk to anyone, I just keep to myself, unless they speak to me first then I try to be friendly. When I was in university (small classes of 8-15 people) every disliked me for whatever reason.

Eventually I did make one friend who confirmed that most people assumed I was very conceited and mean, including her, even though they'd never talked to me. It's something to do with body language or being awkward or I don't even fuckin know. I started a new program a little while ago and I had a hot girl always talking to me for the first couple weeks then idk what I did and she just ignored me now. I can't think of anything rude or weird I said. I've just accepted I'll be alone forever. If 4chan ever dies I'll probably just kill myself with it

>> No.12093617 [DELETED] 
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Yeah I suspected but it has gone on for too long, was just trying to see if I could attract a girl. Which is ridiculous since I've attracted girls in real life before. Kept randomly talking to her since I wanted to confirm she was really who she claims to be.

Should I:
Cease communication
Troll "her" (Make ridiculous pic requests? Suggestions?)

>> No.12093676

Don't kill yourself. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting in the New Testament. Jesus Christ is the door to salvation.

>> No.12093820
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Christ this is pathetic and only vaguely realistic. What you learn even if you have experienced this, is that it was naive and mostly a waste of attention that could have gone to productive pursuits. Young relationships like this only eventuate because of curiosity and an unformed identity. If these relationships end as a net neutral experience you're lucky, because typically young relationships end on a negative. It is entirely possible to be fucking miserable even if you have a girl. The best way to crush these feelings is discipline and a goal bigger than yourself. When you do find a girl, they will admire you and that will be more fulfilling than any token-like affection from young love. Also put all your energy into making smart financial decisions.

t. Guy who went there and did that as a youngin

>> No.12094281

i am but still got a gf

>> No.12094336

The trick is to give them short answers and make them struggle to keep the convo going further. Girls like a challenge. If they see your easy and too interested, its beta for them. If they see your a bit removed thats alpha and they like to chase. Girls love a chalenge.