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File: 609 KB, 1125x851, BC2E9E4A-3774-45D8-8315-984C096765CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12089654 No.12089654 [Reply] [Original]

I was the one who connected everything and got plenty of people to believe Chainlink is a scam and is some sort of Israeli tool to enforce cube/Saturn worship.

Now that you see the destruction that I can manifest, I would like to offer the LINK spammers a chance to pay me for my services.

Instead of destruction, I will blow LINK up unlike ever before. I am a clever shill, admittedly, and I used to work for Lenocinium which lied about working for LINK which also damaged the Chainlink brand.

This is the final chance to take advantage of my skills and end all FUD. With my shill skills, I can work towards Chainlink being $2-$4 by mid-January.

Ignore my requests and prepare for the biggest /x/-tier FUD imaginable. I have connections to YouTubers who will truly expose this shitcoin and the deeper connections that are within.

My email is jpacer@protonmail.com

I want to hear your offers. I assure you that I would be the most valuable LINK shill you could ever imagine.

As mentioned, if I receive no offers, I will work towards getting this thing blacklisted through various forms of effective FUD you never thought possible.

Hope to hear from you soon.


>> No.12089666

You clever fucker

>> No.12089674

Lolllllllllllllll...haha sorry. Loollllllllllllllll

>> No.12089675


No one cares namefag fuck off to reddit

>> No.12089689

I’m prepared to release several pre-ops tracing MaplesFS to Israeli banks, all of which are of course publicly available.

>> No.12089692

Nobody cares we are all psyops. Stop playing yourself.

>> No.12089694
File: 248 KB, 793x892, 1543437257566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you're doing gods work, keep Fudding I still didn't finish ccuulatin tx fren

>> No.12089700

Nice get

>> No.12089702

Lol I hope this is true. It makes me feel better about myself if there really are people as dumb as op in the world

>> No.12089706

is everyone on 4chan schizophrenic kek

>> No.12089709
File: 49 KB, 396x756, 1543543802734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, faggot

>> No.12089718

Thanks for helping me accumulate, fren

>> No.12089723

glad I haven't brought into link yet
serious question: why not take a loan, buy link, pump it with your shill skillz, and then sell, pay back, and make a profit?

>> No.12089728

Kys. You have no effect on price. Even if you did, no one who is all-in LINK cares about short term price movements.

>> No.12089737


No one cares about you and your gang of trannies m8.

>> No.12089777

just megafud it

>> No.12089780


>> No.12089791

trannies ruin everything, even LINK

>> No.12089792

man is this board full of losers

>> No.12090570

no u

>> No.12090622


>> No.12090646

What's working at the SEC like? Also kill yourself faggot

>> No.12090692

ETH or other more widely accepted tokens are at an advantage because you don't have to buy a network-specific token to buy services.

>> No.12090695

Is this idiot really posting screenshots that consist of a PICTURE of a computer screen? LMAO!! are you some third world retard?

>> No.12090704
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181211231745_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not disrespect him

>> No.12090746

Guys we’ve had this analysed and it looks legit. Better pay the man

>> No.12090757

do it then.

>> No.12091983


>> No.12093056
File: 21 KB, 530x298, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think we care? it doesnt matter we WILL KEEP ACCUMULATING. we are the LINKMARINES AND WE ARE NOT SELLING

>> No.12093324
File: 1017 KB, 2998x1778, SwingLow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]