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12088631 No.12088631 [Reply] [Original]


wat do?

>> No.12088638

Take control of your life

>> No.12088643

prego shit kids out and toss them at me tho

i need help

>> No.12088665

so fucking satisfying when she starts crying lol

>> No.12088678

iz u sociopath

>> No.12088698

what a fucking bitch. women in 2018 are really whiny entitled annoying whores.
He should beat her to the fucking pulp (but hide the kids before).

>> No.12088714

no you fucking incel. whiny entitled bitches are whiny and entitled. proper women are still proper and baka their head when they see whiny bitches.

>> No.12088722

>gayming streamer manchild
>has wife
kek, even when my gf is at home, I don't play vidya like a betafag

>> No.12088733

>t. 40BMI /v/irgins

>> No.12088734

>fucking gaymers lmao
>I'm an ADULT alpha male so I dont do such things when my womyn is present


>> No.12088745

>muh incel
>t. CNN npc

>> No.12088769


oh god, I can hear all the SJWs and feminists coming out of the woodwork for this...

... and they'll accomplish nothing, accept more ad revenue from their blog rants.

>> No.12088779

if you get a roastie gf and you are still a pathetic GAYmur fag that yells at mum when she tells it's dinner, you fail at life nigger


>> No.12088816

If that's his principal form of income and it pays the bills and keeps food on the table then regardless of how people feel about it, he's at work. I work from home on occasion, and my wife understands if I'm working I'm not available.

If that's a side gig? Fuck off mate. Just get off the computer.

Either way, it's not acceptable to hit your wife, period. She can keep throwing stuff, and I would have let her pick up my monitor and break it. Then I would have walked right to the police station and filed a report and for a divorce.

>> No.12088824

literally me and dota. no other game has ever done that except dota. love/hate relationship with that stupid game.

>> No.12088828


This video didn’t make me angry or even laugh it just made me really sad


>> No.12088846

You'd be right, except he is a streamer so this is literally his family's livelihood.
There he sits doing his job, trying to put bread on the table, and his wife comes and throws shit at him, not understanding what he is doing for her? Assaulting him, damaging his streaming property? All could have been avoided if she had just said "oh, out in a minute? ok, can we get ice cream after? :D" and NOT felt a strong psychological need to cause and continuously fuel conflict intentionally. I have been with this exact type of woman.
That's what tips the scales on his side for me.

>> No.12088852

Can't that fucking cunt see he is playin fornight! How many kids has she shate out already btw

At least his '/biz/' is going to fail now...imagine that CV...A quick search of the interwebs and he might not be able to get a McJob...She will leave him & get child support + alimony...He won't pay & get slapped around by Trone...Life can be a bitch, Trones bitch

>> No.12088860

what a cuck!

>> No.12088862

I'm married you fucking faggot. I lived with more than a few women that were exactly like this. If they don't get thier way they start throwing shit at you. When you have nowhere else to go you have to handle business.

>> No.12088867

you are me

>> No.12088876

you have to go through a separation process, kid.
you'd get laughed out of the police station, and get recommended counselling.
i don't think any judge would see that as grounds for divorce - she threw some stuff one time and broke your shit.

>> No.12088897

so much this

>> No.12088903

>making streaming a job
absolutely pathetic

marrying to a pillow doesn't count.

>> No.12088904

He's a network implementation engineer at Telstra. This is a side gig.

>> No.12088919

>projecting this hard

yeah, watching Netflix and Game of Thrones is a lot more fucking "grown up" aint it. Being an adult is about doing whatever fucking makes you happy, if you're too busy worrying about conforming to social standards instead of being happy then you're just a sad cunt mate

>> No.12088931

fucking faggot. Women these days can be complete entitled CUNTS but you dont beat up on a pregnant women. Its no worse then beating up a dog.

>> No.12088932

>This is a side gig
But her wife is a main cunt :3

>> No.12088936

You're right, clearly what he did is working out well for him. He's going to lose his job, his streaming side gig, and be paying child care and alimony to a dead beat wife for the rest of his life.

Domestic violence is easily grounds for divorce, especially when caught on camera. I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened. She would have continued to escalate if he didn't respond. She was trying to provoke him.

>> No.12088937
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>marry manchild with no impulse control
>bitch and moan when he is being irresponsible
>throw shit at him
>get shit thrown back

I feel so bad for the kids, they are going to suffer a lot and it's none of their fault

>> No.12088938

The dude gets like 5 viewers, he is not providing shit.

Imagine if you made dinner and told your wife to come down for dinner and she kept saying “Just 10 more mins” every couple mins while camehoring herself to 5 viewers.

>> No.12088948

I beat pregnant women in priority. And i focus on the belly. Get to my level faggot

>> No.12088951

If that's the case, it puts me on the fence 50/50 instead of slightly on his side.
In that case, the remaining issue on her part is still intent - The compulsive need to start and fuel conflict.
Both are shitty, and he could have avoided it by just giving up his vidya for the night. But still. It's very clear who the instigator was and where the fuel came from. He wanted to be left alone, and she was the aggressor.

>> No.12088961

You sound really fucking stupid. My suggestion is to kill yourself and save the world the trouble of being infested with any more of your offspring.

>> No.12088960
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lmao, you do know fortnite is for 7 year olds? That's how old you are mentally?

>> No.12088967

>I feel so bad for the kids, they are going to suffer a lot and it's none of their fault
this. the true victims of this thot and manbabby

>> No.12088989

They're both shit human beings. She instigated and he escalated.

Sad but true. People like this shitting out kids like this is why Idiocracy will end up being true.

>> No.12088999

Good point. Much easier to just go to jail for domestic abuse.

>> No.12089007

>anyone who disagrees with me is a manbaby
>all gamers play fortnite and minecraft

keep strawmanning, fucking top-tier argument you got there

>> No.12089010

>"steve irwin, i need you to take care of <thing> for the kids"
>"yeah, i'll be out soon"
>3 hours pass
>"are you going to do the <thing> i asked you to?"
>"i''ll be out soon, literally 10 minutes"
>"oh, out in 10 minutes? ok, can we get ice cream after, like in permavirgin's fantasy on /biz/? :D i don't really need you to take care of shit in this house, i can do everything on my own"

>> No.12089021

trips confirm jail > marriage.
2019 will be the year of inflated prison cell property value

>> No.12089028

all gamers above the age of 19 are essentially man children how refuse to grow up and face the real world, so they rather waste their time in a virtual one.
at least get into chess or something. A game where you can be social with other people.

>> No.12089059

First off, see

Second, at the time of writing that post, I thought his primary income was the streaming.
In that case, he is LITERALLY taking care of his homestead by streaming. He is IN THE PROCESS of and ON THE CLOCK for providing for all of them while this was happening.

However, I was corrected later, so that was not the case.
But if the predicate that streaming is his primary income was given to be the case, my logic though unsound, was valid, and yours is and continues to be invalid.

>> No.12089074

Chess is a game as well, your point is that something is childish simply because it doesn't exist in the physical world? By that logic, movies or even books arn't acceptable either. Not everything in life has to be judged based on a productivity metric, there's value in enjoyment as well.

>> No.12089087

To be fair, even if we assume it was his primary source of income we don't have any other context. What if he and his wife have an agreement that sets his streaming / work hours? In that situation it could easily be that he's cutting into agreed upon family time with "work" and would be a common argument between a husband and wife even in a traditional work environment.

>> No.12089095

he gave her what she was asking for, maybe she didnt want the slap (maybe she did?) but she wanted the fight. as much as that is shitty for the kids, shes clearly mental and hes an impulsive retard.
she will be pressured and embarrassed on social media into leaving him but she wont want to, if she does leave theyll all be living together again in a years time, as thats just what women do.

a guy i know online writes erotic short stories under a female pen name, hes been a bestseller in a few catergories and all of his best reviews have come from women reading anything violent, involving rape or just beatings.
these are not rational creatures.

>> No.12089109

my granpa unironically play mario at 90. He is millionaire, was a successful entrepreneur with 100+ employees, had 7 kids and was married with my grandma for 60 years until she died.

Your opinion is worthless.

>> No.12089140
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absolute state of white men

>> No.12089145

>he wanted to be left alone
from what we heard he was left alone for hours already to play his little games while she took care of the kids
yeah, he has his priorities straightened out alright

>> No.12089169

pick one

>the ultimate plebbitor white knight cuck

>> No.12089181

any zoomers around... is fortnite that captivating / addicting?

>> No.12089200

lmao, he fell for her bait.

I looked this up yesterday tho, theres another clip like
>2 year old says 'daddy!'
>he keeps talking to his fortnite bros
>2 year old says 'daddy!!' again
>he yells like 'shut up you cunt'
>returns to entertaining his 10 viewers

>> No.12089219

>white knight cuck
it's called being a responsible adult
maybe, just maybe, some day you too will become one, instead of being an incel faggot that thinks playing games for 8 hours straight is a real job

>> No.12089235

If it pays the bills it's a real job. But it isn't this guys job, so it's a moot point.

>> No.12089241

Agree. Every gamer I know except my brother in law is a total manchild. I am too. That’s why I know better than to play video games when my gf is home, she doesn’t need it rubbed in her face that she’s living with a beta

~lifelong video game addict, 32 years old

>> No.12089254

That's just sad desu

>> No.12089255

>comparing chess to fortnite
Wanna know how I know you’re 12 years old?

>> No.12089269

Now this is one beta post.

>> No.12089274

This. (is the point I'm trying to get across)

>> No.12089295

I was talking about games in general. Fortnite and Minecraft are childish games because that's their target audience, saying that games are childish because of Fortnite is like saying that movies are childish because of Shrek and Lionheart.

>> No.12089317

here you go where he calls his daughter a cunt

>> No.12089326

The fact that these people are not sterilised on time is a fucking tragedy, lads.

>> No.12089354

Oh god all the fake screaming, all the "no more videogames" shit, damn psychopath... It's too late for that dude, no way she will let him have a life after that.

>> No.12089360


>> No.12089382

this is funny though his tone is so polite

>> No.12089388


>> No.12089426
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>> No.12089433
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It’s garbage but zoomers have no taste in anything, and also no patience or creative ability or competitive drive or attention span, so it’s the perfect game for them because it ticks all the boxes.

They get to run away and hide from everything, a popular strategy which makes them feel like they are skilled and winning

They get to “build” structures, which makes them feel creative and accomplished because of their youth wasted playing minecraft so this component makes them feel like they really had to put in some hard work

They get to call dozens of people at a time liberals and rosties and SJWs and all the other popular insults little kids use

They get to stream it to a wide audience, making them feel like theyre successful entrapenuers like the trap artists they listen to

When not hiding, the main skill of the game combat is eleminating enemies who aren’t even looking at you, basically sucker punching people, this is perfect for two reasons because firstly if someone does it to them then it’s fake and gay and doesn’t count and that player is a fag who is bad at the game, so it gives a failsafe to losing, but if they do it to someone else then they get the achievement of intellectually out strategising someone (by shooting them in the back from a distance)

It is a scrubs dream game because you can basically just do a bunch of nothing which makes you feel important, blame all your losses on something not being your fault, and if you win by being a bigger pussy than all the other players it makes you feel like you’re a world champion at something important

>> No.12089734

>They get to call dozens of people at a time liberals and rosties and SJWs and all the other popular insults little kids use
>implying liberals and SJWs are a little kid insult and not a real serious fucking problem
Come to California and say that shit again you fucking goblin.

>> No.12089748

He'll be out soon.

>> No.12089788
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>literally cucking yourself because you're afraid to seem like a cuck

>> No.12089813

Conservatives and right wing SJWs are the real problem

The markets aren’t manipulated by trannies