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12086779 No.12086779 [Reply] [Original]

>One study found personality disorders as described by the DSM overall to correlate modestly with I, N, T, and P, although the associations varied significantly by disorder. The only two disorders with significant correlations of all four MBTI dimensions were schizotypal (INTP) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (ISTJ).[39]
INTP/J=mental illness
link=only held by the insane, the suicidal and the deluded=nobody cares

opposite of INTJ=ESFP, INTP=ESFJ
INTJ=2%, INTP=3% -- ESFP=9%, ESFJ=12% (=more money invested=bigger snowball effect)
>Performers are tactical entertainers, concrete in speech and utilitarian in action. In social situations, they are informative and expressive.[2] The most fun-loving of all the types, Performers excel at delighting others with their artistry and humor. Performers dislike being alone, which is seldom a problem because they naturally attract the attention of other people. They live in the fast lane, keeping abreast of the latest trends. They are drawn to sensory pleasure, sometimes without thought for the consequences. Incurable optimists, they are generous to a fault. They live in the moment and trust that tomorrow will take care of itself. [1]
> Providers are the most sociable of the Guardians and they strive to provide friendly social service. They spend a lot of their energy making sure social functions are successful, traditions are upheld, and the needs of others are met. Providers are often attracted to the sales and service occupations. They are usually good sales representatives as they are visibly and honestly interested in the customer’s welfare. Providers may be the most sympathetic of the role variants as they are highly sensitive to the feelings of others.
the most fun loving, friendly, successful normies=all in XRP & hype-friendly social media coins=guaranteed success

>> No.12086801

whatever dude

>> No.12086811

successful normies
pick one phaggot

>> No.12086813
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>> No.12086823
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Schizoid personality ENTP here, all in link. Though I think I really am INTP, I would be extroverted around people but have very little interest as I don't feel much nor do I relate to normies these days.
Pic related is basically me.

>> No.12086885

shizotypal doesnt hurt anyone. its not a personality disorder.

>> No.12086924

> Not being a good goy is personality disorder
Fucking surprise there Anon

>> No.12086961

Weak FUD

>> No.12087024

What a Jewish way of describing an individuated 20-50 year old dude. Look anon, it’s alright to be aloof, eccentric, and sensitive to your environment. If you’re intelligent that’s bound to be the case in our insane fucking reality. With that being said men wary of Jewish psychological study and prognosis. It’s perfectly fucking normal to detach from reality and wanting hot chicks to look at your dick. God damn it I hate the fucming iews so fucming much BUY LINK AND DESTROY THE JUDEN

>> No.12087079


>> No.12087196
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Just cut your dick off and you will be officially considered a normal person.

>> No.12087241

I study psychology and I totally agree. Good goy = Mental health

>> No.12087309

ISTP autistic reporting in