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12084783 No.12084783 [Reply] [Original]

Previous bread>>12068746

Are negros victims of nature or nurture? Should they be exposed to Western standards in nutrition, education, environment, without the negative impact of the black family atmosphere, would differences between whites/asians and blacks in terms of intelligence disappear or just decrease to some extent?
Discuss in light of the expected swarming should the globalist cucks remain in charge of Europe. How much will this cost us Europeans?

>> No.12084798

It'll collapse our economies and lead to a slow death of private property rights IMO.

We'll be 3rd world countries within 50 years.

>> No.12084811

Take into account the un Compact fir migration states you cannot deny them wellfare or services, even if they come illegally. The Promise of a free house and increased gibs with every kid will be too much for the Africans to give up.

>> No.12084826
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Look , white boi. You'll just get reassimilated. You're not a distinct race. You're just albinos who migrated from India. Ironic considering how much you talk about niggers and shit skins. Also...
Don't try to lump us all together. I don't associate with snowniggers.

>> No.12084829
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>> No.12084843
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>> No.12084948

Retarded logic.

>> No.12084961

You are wrong. Come this spring and at the European elections, Orban, Salvini and the likes will win by landslide and the pushback will start.
We have to.
Also, except long lost britbongs who hate themselves and "continentals" too I feel a strong comraderie with other Europeans.

>> No.12084978
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Every race with an iq under 110 should be genocided

>> No.12084985

You do realize all races hate blacks but are generally "meh" towards each other. The fact that you have to use Indians to prove a black mans point is quite telling.

>> No.12085002


This desu.

Industrial civilization is maintained by industrious people with a certain IQ distribution that is required to run an advanced, technical society with the supporting legal and economic framework.

Low IQs will generally bring the society down, and thus the advanced economies will shrink as their populations dwindle and are replaced with idle populations of subhumans.

>> No.12085008


Every non-white race should be genocided.

>> No.12085009


>High IQ
>Has never been to China

lol, the IQs there are lower than Middle America.

>> No.12085017

>A world with no niggers and Jews means a world where Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans, Maoris, Europeans, Inuits live in peace.

Can only dream.

>> No.12085019

actually China has the second highest IQ score in the world.

>> No.12085035

Yeah, China is famous for integrity and ethics and would never do anything to inflate their average national IQ.

One visit to a China hate thread and you will see African-tier IQs at work in their populace.

>> No.12085060

European socialism incentivises low IQ genetic trash to have children. Humanity is basically devolving. Successful genetically superior people have far less children. We just import humans of every background then pay the worst of them to stay at home and procreate

>> No.12085061

So you point out that IQ scores of countries aren't accurate? Wow. That's bold.

>> No.12085090

I think intelligence is somewhat variable/situational as well as subjective, and can't really be quantifiably measured by a standardized test.

>> No.12085119

That's one thing, other is that IQ test is tied to education, so it's unreliable measurement.
And the third thing is, as you pointed out, country can easily cheat - I am sure China's results are rigged.

>> No.12085140

there are IQ tests that correct for education (utilizing only patterns, shapes, and numbers for instance), but I still don't trust them to make an accurate picture of something as nebulous as intelligence.

>> No.12085184

No there aren't the relationship between IQ test (these are regular IQ tests) is too goddamn high. If you search it up you'll see.
And exactly, there is relationship between IQ test results and intelligence, but it's not really accurate, so what's the point.

>> No.12085189

kek, I meant relationship between IQ tests and education, mb

>> No.12085223

I lived in China for a year and I can't believe either their scores. Stupid, zombie, NPC, money crazy insectoid droids with zero creativity and own initiative.

>> No.12085233

Africans aka blacks, should live in Africa. They have nothing to do in Europe.

I don't hate blacks, i even have some compassion for them, but they have to go back to AFRICA. Same for arabs.

I dream of a white only city, somewhere in the world, with genetic tests for citizenship.

It would be nice, secure, technological, peaceful.

Non whites want to leave WITH the whites. To benefit from white technology, welfare, organization.

It is an absolute right for some whites to desire to live among themselves.

>> No.12085239

This is just how it goes. Responsibility means seeing what others ignore(out of lazyness or ignorance) and work to fix the issues. Working to fix issues means stress and not having time for other activities, the bigger the issues the more they are treated in abstractions so you also lose touch with everyday NPC life. Irresponsible and ignorant people don't see issues and don't put effort to improve them. More time on their hands, less stress and less awareness of the consequences of their actions.
It's just like in that pic that gets reposted here every time with cyclical history and good times that allow weakness and degeneracy to spread, in a way that allows for worse times and more industrious(willingly didn't use smarter) people to start prospering again. You are suffering from being aware of how the world works and how it effectively rewards ignorance in the short term.

>> No.12085268

>actually China has the second highest IQ score in the world.

That's a ridiculous claim because there never was a census of the 1.2 billion Chinks that exist.

You think the communist government went to every rice paddy and IQ tested toothless and illiterate farmers which make of 70% of the population?

Get the fuck out of here you dumb faggot.

>> No.12085277

You would definitely enjoy china hate threads.

checked and agreed. I generally find Africans (not black Americans) likeable, but I still don't want them present in white societies. I wouldn't mind a few on business or student visas, but that's about it. no permanent residencies. They can do the same to whites in their countries as well.

>> No.12085291

so you are telling, other countries tested 100% of their population, only China didn't?
You are being ridiculous and clearly haven't read other replies. Just came here to spread hate.

>> No.12085301

Africans were moved from Africa to America where they were introduced to European genetics when the the slavholders got lonely and later western standards of nutrition.
Their IQ is now 85 as opposed to low 70s/mid 60s.

>> No.12085313



"Most of the PISA results come from a sampling of scores from countries as a whole. China has a special arrangement with the OECD that allows the country to administer the test in select regions, but only allow the results from Shanghai, a financial hub which spends four times the national average on student funding, to be published. Most Chinese students live in rural areas and do not have the thousands of dollars that those in Shanghai have to pay for extra tutoring."

The Chinese have their thumb on the scale. If you only allow the elite to be tested and presented as a sample of your nation, why, you'll get really high scores.

>> No.12085354

Wow. I am just amazed how retarded biz is. >Talked how we both think that Chinese scored are rigged.
>Replies to retard ironically.
>stop. Here's the proof.
I am done.

>> No.12085356

So blacks should go back in a hell we created by exploiting every inch of land? While we live in the nations with the best weather/less natural catastrophies? It's easy for you

>> No.12085425

Is English your first language?

>>12085291 in reply to >>12085268 makes it seem like you are arguing that China is not cheating by pointing out no nation samples 100% of your populace which is silly because no country does. If I misunderstood your point my apologies.

>> No.12085445

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/196331014